The Name of Jesus

By Geo. C. Needham

Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1912


The peerless name Jesus, contains millions of ideas, millions of blessings, millions of wonders. Barnard has well said: "It is honey in the mouth, melody in the ear, and a jubilee in the heart" We often sing —

"How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds In a Believers ear,"

because we know, experimentally, somewhat of its preciousness. The very enunciation of that name should thrill our souls with holy delight, and fill our hearts with unspeakable gladness. Our Divine Lord wears many titles as well as many crowns. To Him also a mu4titude of names, more precious than the grapes of Eschol — "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." What child born, what son given, could win from heaven such appellations but He alone, who is God manifest in the flesh, and whose one name Jesus embraces all.

As an aid in our study, I will briefly outline one phase of this precious subject, the name Jesus.

1. It is a personal human name. Matt. 1:21.

2. What it expresses. "He shall save." Matt. 1:21.

3. Who Jesus is. Matt. 1:23; Isa. 7:14. Name stands for character or quality. Vanderbilt or Rothchild means wealth; Washington, patriotism; Lincoln, goodness. This that may be easily amplified and illustrated, Prov. 22:1; Eccl. 7:1; Prov. 10:7. Jesus means wealth, and goodness and power and love; in a word salvation.

4. Observe how wise men worshipped Him, Matt. 2. How angels announced Him, Luke 2. How Simeon proclaimed Him, Luke 2.

5. Plow his work of deliverance was typified by another Jesus. Joshua is the Hebrew and Jesus the Greek forms of the same name. Joshua's victory. Acts 7:45. Joshua's incomplete work, Heb. 4:8. Compare Matt. 11;28-29. I will give you rest," "ye shall find rest."

6. The name Jesus is power, Acts 4:12.

7. It is life, John 20:31.

8. It speaks forgiveness. Acts 10:43.

9. Devils are subject to it, Luke 10:17.

10. The perfume of the name. Songs of Sol. 1:3.

11. It means Lordship and universal dominion, Phil 2:10 (Here is a fine opportunity for profitable teaching.)

12. Prevailing prayer is offered in His name, John 14:13; 26:23-24.

13. Thanksgiving arises as incense when offered in His name, Eph. 5:20; Heb. 13:12:15.

14. Every true act of Christian service to be performed in that name, Col. 3:17.

Blessed be God, "His name shall endure forever."

— Geo. C. Needham.