In the issue of this Review for October, 1919, there was
given a collection of the words used in the Koran for Lord
and God. In the numbers for January and July, 1920, were
given collections of the names and designations of God in the Apocryphal and
Pseudepigraphical Literature of the
Jews, and in the Old Testament. In the present article appear the lists and
enumerations of the names and designations of the Deity as they are found in
the New Testament.
It is hoped that this collection will not merely throw further
light upon the uses of the names for God in the Old Testament; but, also, that
it will serve many useful purposes in the scientific discussion of the New
In the first part of this article (A), will be found a table giving enumerations
of the times that the more common names for God and the Persons of the Trinity occur in the
New Testament books. In B are listed various designations
of God, mostly composite; in C are given the various designations of the
Persons of the Trinity with the places that they occur; in D, the occurrences of God, Lord, and Father,
in the Gospels and Acts according to chapter and verse; and in E, all the
designations of the Deity as they are found in the different books. Finally, in F there is a short discussion of some of
the titles of God in the New Testament; first, as showing the uniqueness of
Christianity in distinction from Judaism and Islam, and secondly, as showing that the
conception of God in the New Testament is distinct from the philosophical and religious conceptions
of the Deity as presented to us in the contemporaneous literature of the first
century A.D. This discussion might be elaborated and extended into a volume. But, we think that
enough has been said to convince anyone that the Christian
doctrine of God is a development and culmination of the
doctrine of the Old Testament; that Islam is a revolt against, and a degradation
of, this doctrine; that the Zeitgeist, or spirit of the times, cannot account
for the New
Testament conception of the Deity; and that the Trinitarian doctrine of God
— the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit — is the essential feature of New Testament Christianity. Accept it we may
not, but we cannot deny, that a belief in the baptismal formula of Matthew xxviii. 19 was
and is the inevitable test of a disciple of the New Testament Christ.
The More Common
Designation of God
and of the
Persons of the

B. Various Sporadic Titles of God
(For A, see chart above)
1. Almighty,
Rev. i. 8.
2. Almighty God, |
Rev. xix. 15.
3. God Almighty, |
Rev. xvi. 14.
4. Lord Almighty, |
2 Cor. vi. 18.
5. Lord God Almighty (omnipotent),
Rev. iv. 8, xi. 17, xv. 3, xvi.
7. xix. 6, xxi. 22. |
6. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob,
Matt. xxii. 32, Mk. xii. 26, Lk. xx. 37.
7. God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, God of our fathers.
Acts, iii. 13.
8. God of Israel, |
Matt. xv. 31.
9. God of Jacob, |
Acts vii. 46.
10. God my (our, etc.) Saviour,2
Lk. i. 47,
1 Tim. i. 1, ii. 3, Titus i. 3, ii. 10(?), iii. 4, Jude 25.
11. God of our (my) fathers.
Acts v. 30, xxiv. 14.
12. God of thy fathers, the
God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,
Acts vii. 32.
13. God of Glory, |
Acts vii. 2.
14. God of Peace, |
Phil. iv. 9, Heb. xiii. 20.
15. God of Heaven,
Rev. xi. 13, xvi. 11.
16. God the Judge of all,
Heb. xii. 23.
17. Highest, or Most High,
Lk. i. 32, 35, 76, vi. 35, Acts vii. 48.
18. Most High God, |
Mk. v. 7, Lk. viii. 28, Acts xvi. 17, Heb. vii.
1. |
19. Living God, |
Matt. xxvi. 63, Rom. ix. 26, 2 Cor. vi. 16,
1 Tim. iii. 15, iv. 10, vi. 17, Heb. iii. 12, ix. 14, x. 31, xii. 22, Rev. vii. 2.
Living and true God,
1 Thess. i. 9.
21. Savior of all men, specially of those
that believe,
1 Tim. iv. 10.
22. Lord (δεσπότης)
Lk. ii. 29, Acts iv. 24.
23. Only Lord (δεσπότης) God,
Jude 4 |
24. Lord (δεσπότης), holy and true.
Rev. vi. 10(?).
25. Lord of peace,
2 Thess. iii. 16.
26. Lord of Sabaoth,
Rom. ix. 29, James v.
27. Lord of heaven and earth.
Matt. xi. 25, Acts xvii. 24.
28. Lord God,
Matt. iv. 7, 10, xxii. 37, Mk. xii. 29, 30, Lk. i. 16, 32,
iv. 8, 12, x. 27, Acts ii. 39, iii. 22, vii. 37, 1 Pet. iii. 15, Jude 4, Rev.
xviii. 8, xix. 1, xxii. 5, 6.
29. Lord God of Israel,
Lk. i. 68.
30. Blessed God,
1 Tim. i. 11.
31. The blessed and only Potentate, King of kings
and Lord of lords,
1 Tim. vi. 15.
32. Everlasting God, |
Rom. xvi. 26.
33. Great God,
Titus ii. 13, Rev. xix. 17.
34. Invisible God,
Col. i. 15.
35. True God, |
1 John v. 20.
36. Only true God,
Jn. xvii. 3.
37. Only wise God,
1 Tim. i. 17.
38. Uncorruptible God,
Rom. i. 23.
39. Unknown God, |
Acts xvii. 23.
40. Creator,
Rom. i. 25.
41. Faithful Creator,
1 Pet. iv. 19.
42. King, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God.
1 Tim. i. 17. |
43. Heaven, |
Luke xv. 18, 21.
44. Majesty, |
Heb. i. 3, viii. i.
C. Designations of the Persons of the Trinity
I. Of the Father
1. Father, |
Matt. v. 16, 45, 48, vi. i, 4, 6bis, 8, 9, 15, i8bis, 32, vii. ii,
21, X. 20, 29, 32, 33, xi. 25, 26, 27ter, xii. 50, xiii. 43, xv. 13, xvi. 17,
27, xviii. 10, 14, 19, 35, xx. 23, xxiii. 9, xxiv. 36, xxv. 34, xxvi. 29, 39, 42,
53, xxviii. 9, Mark viii. 38, xi. 25, 26, xiii. 32, xiv. 36, Luke ii. 49,
vi. 36, ix. 26, x. 21bis, 22ter, xi. 2, xii. 30, 32, xxii. 29, 42, xxiii. 34,
46, xxiv. 49, Jn. i. 14, 18, ii. 16, iii. 35, iv. 21, 23bis, v. 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23bis, 26, 30, 36bis, 37, 43, 45, vi. 32, 37, 39, 44, 45,
46bis, 47bis, viii. 16,
18, 19ter, 27, 28, 29, 38, 41, 54, x. 15bis, 17, 18, 25, 26bis, 30, 32, 36,
37, 38, xi. 41, xii. 26, 27, 28, 49, 50, xiii. i, 3, xiv. 2, 6, 7, 8,
10bis, 11bis, 12, 13, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24,
26, 28bis, 31bis, xv. 1, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16,
23, 24, 26bis, xvi. 3, 10, 15, 16, 17, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28bis, 32, xvii. i, 5,
21, 24, 25, xviii. 11, xx. 17ter, 21, Acts i. 4, 7, ii. 33, Rom. vi. 4, viii.
15, 2 Cor. vi. 18, Gal. iv. 6, Eph. ii. 18, Col. i. 12, ii. 2, Heb. i. 5, 1 Pet.
i. 17, 1 Jn. i. 2, 3, ii. 1, 13, I5, 16, 22, 23, 24, iii. ii, iv. 14, v. 7 (?),
2 Jn. vss. 3, 4, 9, Rev. ii. 27, iii. 5, 21, xiv. 1.
2. Abba, Father, |
Mk. xiv. 36,
Rom. viii. is. Gal. iv. 6. |
3. God, the Father, |
John vi. 27, 1 Cor. viii. 6, xv. 24, Gal. i.
1, 3, Eph. vi.
23, Col. iii. 17, 1 Thess. i. 1, 2 Tim. i. 2, Titus i. 4, 1 Pet. i. 2, 2 Pet. i.
17, 2 John 3, Jude 1. |
4. God our Father,
Rom. i. 7, 1 Cor. i. 3, 2 Cor. i. 2, Eph. i. 2, Phil,
i. 2, Col. i. 2, 1 Thess. i. 1, 2 Thess. i. 1, 2, 1 Tim. i. 2, Philem. 3.
5. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Eph. iii. 14.
6. God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Col. i. 3.
7. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Eph. i. 3, 1 Pet.
i. 3. |
8. God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,
Eph. vi. 23.
9. God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,
Eph. i. 17.
10. God and the Father,
Eph. v. 20, James i. 27, iii. 9, Rev. i. 6.
11. God and our Father,
Gal. i. 4, Eph. iv. 20, Phil. iv. 20, 1
Thess. i. 3, iii. 13, 2 Thess. ii. 16.
12. God himself and our Father,
1 Thess. iii.
13. God and Father of all,
Eph. iv. 6.
14. Father of spirits,
Heb. xii. 9.
15. Holy Father, |
John xvii. ii.
16. Righteous Father, |
John xvii. 25.
17. Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
2 Cor. i. 3.
18. Father of lights, |
James i. 17.
19. Father of glory,
Eph. i. 17.
20. Father which is in heaven.
Matt. v. 16, 45,
48, vi. i, 9, vii. 11, x. 32, 33, xii. 50, xvi. 17, xviii. 10, 14, 19, Mark xi.
25, 26, Luke xi. 2.
21. Heavenly Father,
Matt. vi. 14, 26, Lk. xi. 13.
Father, Lord of heaven and earth.
Matt. xi. 25, Lk. x. 21.
23. Father, Son and
Holy Ghost, |
Matt, xxviii. 19.
II. Of the Son
1. Son,
Matt. ii. is(?), xi. 27ter, xxviii. 19, Mark xiii. 32, Luke
x. 22ter, John iii. 17, 35, 36bis, v. 19bis, 20, 21, 22, 23bis, 26, vi. 40,
viii. 35, 36, xiv. 13, Rom. v. 10, viii. 3, 29, 32, 1 Cor. xv. 28, Gal. i. 16,
iv. 4, Col. 13, 1 Thess. i. 10, Heb. i. 2, 5bis, 8, iii. 6, v. 5,
8, vii. 28, 1 John ii. 22, 23bis, 24, iv. 14, v. 12bis, 2 John 9.
2. The Son of man.
Matt., viii. 29, ix. 6, x. 23, xi. 19, xii. 8, 32, 40,
xiii. 37, 41, xvi. 13, xvii. 9, 22, xx. 18, xxiv. 27, 30, 37, 39,
44, xxv. 31, xxvi. 2, 24, 45, Mark, ii. 10, 28, viii. 31, 38, ix. 9, 12, 31, x.
33, 45, xiii. 26, 34(?), xiv. 21bis, 41, Luke, v. 24, vi. 5, 22, vii. 34, ix. 22, 26, 44, 56,
58, xi. 30, xii. 8, 10, 40, xvii. 22, 24, 26, 30, xviii. 8, 31, xix. 10, xxi.
27, 36, xxii. 22, 48, 59, xxiv. 7, John, i. 51, iii. 13, 14, v. 27, vi. 27, 53, 62,
viii. 28, xii. 23, 34, xiii. 31, Acts, vii. 56, Rev. i. 13(?), xiv.
14(?). |
3. The Son of God, |
Matt., iv. 3, 6, viii. 29, xiv. 33, xxvii. 41, 43, 54, Mark,
iii. ii, xv. 39, Luke, i. 35, iii. 38(?), iv. 3, 9, 41, viii. 28, xxii. 70,
John, i. 34, 49, iii. 18, v. 25, ix. 35, x. 36, xi. 4, xix. 7, Acts, viii. 37,
ix. 20, Rom. i. 4, 2 Cor. i. 19, Gal. ii. 20, Eph. iv. 13, Heb., vi. 6, vii. 3,
x. 29, 1 John, iii. 8, iv. 15, v. 5, 10, 12, 13bis, 20, Rev. ii. 18.
4. Son of the Father, |
2 John 9.
5. Son of the Highest,
Lk. i. 32.
6. Jesus, son of the Most High God,
Mk., v. 7, Lk., viii. 28.
7. Son Jesus, |
Acts iii. 12, 26.
8. Jesus, |
670 times.
9. Christ, |
285 times.
10. Jesus Christ, |
91 times.
11. Christ Jesus, |
50 times.
12. Son Jesus Christ, |
1 John i. 3, iii. 23, v. 20.
13. Jesus the Son of God,
Heb. iv. 14.
14. Jesus Christ the Son of God,
Mk. i. 1.
15. Jesus Christ His Son,
1 John i. 7.
16. Son of God Jesus Christ,
2 Cor. i.
19. |
17. Jesus the Son of the Most High God,
Mk. v. 7, Luke viii. 28.
18. Christ the Son of God,
Matt. xxvi. 63, Lk. iv. 41, John xi. 27,
xx. 31. |
19. Christ the Son of the Blessed,
Mk. xiv. 61.
20. Christ the Son of the living God,
Matt. xvi. 16, John vi. 69.
21. His (God’s) Son Jesus Christ our Lord,
Rom. i. 3,
1 Cor. i. 9.
22. Lord
Jesus Christ the Son of the Father,
2 John 3.
23. Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of
James ii. 1.
24. Beloved Son,
Matt. iii. 17, xvii. 5, Mk. i. 11, ix. 7, Lk. iii. 22,
ix. 25, 2 Pet. i. 17.
25. Only begotten,
Heb. xi. 17.
26. Only begotten of the
John i. 14.
27. Only begotten Son,
John iii. 16, 1 John iv. 9.
28. Only begotten Son, which is in the
bosom of the Father,
John i. 18.
29. Only begotten Son of God,
John iii. 18.
30. Son of David, |
Matt. ix.
27, xii. 23, xxi. 9, xxii. 42, Mk. x. 48, Luke xviii. 29. |
31. Jesus, son of David,
Mk. x. 47, Luke xviii. 38.
32. Jesus, the son of Joseph,
John vi. 42.
33. Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph,
John i. 45.
34. Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews,
John xix. 19.
35. Lord, son of David,
Matt. xv. 22, xx. 30, 31.
36. Lord (of Christ), |
368 times.
37. Jesus our Lord,
Rom. iv. 24, 2 Pet. i. 2.
38. Jesus Christ, Lord,
Rom. v.
21, vi. ii, 23(?), vii. 25, 1 Cor. i. 2, 9, ix. 1.
39. Lord Jesus, |
33 times.
40. Christ the Lord,
Lk. ii.
41. Christ Jesus our Lord,
Rom. viii. 39, 1 Cor.
xv. 31, 1 Tim. i. 12, 2 Tim. i. 2.
42. Lord’s Christ,
Lk. ii. 26.
43. Lord
Christ, |
Col. iii. 24, Rom. xvi. 18(?).
44. Lord Jesus Christ,
83 times.
45. Christ, chosen of God,
Lk. xxiii. 35.
46. Christ of God,
Lk. ix. 20.
Christ who is over all God blessed for ever,
Rom. ix. 5.
48. Lord (δεσπότης),
holy and true. |
Rev. vi. 10(?).
49. Lord, the righteous Judge,
2 Tim. iv. 8.
50. Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior,
Titus i. 4.
51. Lord of lords and King of kings.
Rev. xvii. 14.
52. Lord and
God, |
John xx. 28.
53. The man Christ Jesus,
1 Tim. ii. 5.
54. Alpha and Omega,
Rev. i. 8, n, xxi.
6, xxii. 13.
55. The Amen,
Rev. iii. 14.
56. Lord of Glory,
1 Cor. ii. 8.
Lord of peace,
2 Thess. iii. 16.
58. The Logos (or Word),
John i. 1ter, 14.
The Word of life,
1 John i. 1.
60. The Word of God,
Rev. xix. 13.
61. Holy One
of God,
Mk. i. 24, Lk. iv. 34, 1 John ii. 20.
62. Holy One and Just,
Acts iii.
63. Lamb (ἀμνὼν),
Rev. v. 6, 8, 12, 13, vi.
1, 16, vii. 9, 10, 14, 17, xii. 11, xiii. 8, xiv. i, 4bis, l0, xv. 3, xvii.
14bis, xix. 7, 9, xxi. 9, 14,
22, 23, 27, xxii. 1, 3.
64. Lamb (ἀμνός) of God,
John i. 29, 36.
65. God manifest
in the flesh,
1 Tim. iii. 16.
66. Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the
righteous, |
1 John ii. 1.
67. Messias, |
John i. 41, iv. 25.
68. Prince of life.
Acts, iii. 15.
69. Priest, |
Heb. vii. 17, 21.
70. High Priest, |
x. 21.
71. God and Savior, Jesus Christ,
2 Pet. i. 1.
72. Savior which is Christ the
Lk. ii. 11.
73. God, my (our) Savior,
Lk. i. 47(?), 1 Tim. i. 1(?), ii.
3(?), Titus i. 3, ii. 10, iii. 4, Jude 25.
74. Christ the Savior of the world,
John iv. 42.
75. Prince and Savior,
Acts v.
31. |
76. Savior, Jesus, |
Acts xiii. 23.
77. Savior, Jesus Christ,
2 Tim. i. 10.
78. Savior, Lord Jesus Christ,
iii. 20. |
79. Savior of all men,
1 Tim. iv. 10.
80. Savior of the world,
John iv. 14.
81. Jesus Christ our Savior,
Titus iii. 6.
82. Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
Pet. i. 11, ii. 20, iii. 18.
83. Lord and Savior,
2 Pet. iii. 2.
84. God and
Savior Jesus Christ,
2 Pet. i. 1.
85. Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ,
Titus ii. 13.
86. King,
Matt. xxi. 5, xxv. 34, 40, Lk. xix. 28, John xii. 15.
87. King of kings and Lord of lords.
Rev. xix. 16.
88. King of Israel,
xxvii. 42, John i. 49, xii. 13.
89. Christ, the King of Israel,
Mark xv. 32.
90. King of the Jews,
Matt. ii. 2, xxvii. 11, 37, Mark xv. 2, 9, 12,
18, 26, Luke xxiii. 3, 37, 38, John xviii. 39, xix. 3, 19, 21.
91. Great King, |
Matt. v. 35.
92. King of saints. |
Rev. xv. 3.
93. Master (Rabbi),
Matt, xxiii. 7, 8, xxvi. 25, 49, Mark ix. 5, xi.
21, xiv. 45bis, John i. 38(39). 49(50), iii. 2, 26, iv. 31, vi. 25, ix. 2, xi. 8.
94. Master (Rabboni), |
Mark x. 51, John xx. 16.
95. Master (δεσπότης),
2 Tim. ii. 21, 2 Pet. ii.
1, Rev. vi. 10. |
96. Master (ἐπιστάτης),
Luke v. 5, viii. 24bis, 45, ix. 33, 49, xvii. 13.
97. Master (διδάσκαλος),
Matt. viii. 19, ix. 11, xii. 38, xvii. 24, xix.
16, xxii. 16, 24, 36, xxvi. 18, Mark iv. 38, v. 35, ix. 17, 38, x. 17, 20, 35,
xii. 14, 19, 32, xiii. 1, xiv. 14, Luke iii. 12, vii. 40, viii. 49, ix. 38, x.
25, xi. 45, xii. 13, xviii. 18, xix. 39, xx. 21, 28, 39, xxi. 7, xxii.11, John i.
38 (39), viii. 4, xi. 28, xiii. 13, 14, xx. 16.
98. Master (καθηγήτης),
xxiii. 8, 10.
99. Master (κύριος),
Eph. vi. 9, Col. iv. i.
III. Of the Spirit
1. Spirit,
Matt. iv. i, xxii. 43, Mk. i. 10, 12, Lk. ii. 27, iv. i, 14, Jn.
i. 32, 33. 35, vi. 34, vii. 39, xiv. 17, xv. 26, xvi. 13, Acts ii. 4, 17, 18,
vi. 10, viii. 29, X. 19, xi. 12, 28, xvi. 7, xviii. 5, 25, xix. 21, xx. 22, xxi.
4, Rom. viii. i, 4, 5bis, 6, 9, 10, 11bis, 13, 15, 16, 23, 26bis, 27, xii. ii,
xv. 30, 1 Cor. ii. 4, l0bis, xii. 4, 7, 8bis, 9bis, ii, 13bis, xiv. 2, 2 Cor.
i. 22, iii. 6bis, 8, 17, v. 5, Gal. iii. 2, 3, 5, 14, iv. 29, v. 5, 16,
17bis, 18, 22, 25bis, vi. 8bis, Eph. ii, 18, 22, iii. 5, 16, iv. 3, 4, v. 9, 18, vi.
17, 18, Phil. ii. 1, Col. i. 8, ii. 5, 1 Th. v. 19, 2 Th. ii. 13, 1 Tim. iii.
16, iv. 1, 1 Pet. i. 2, 22, iii. 18, iv. 6, 1 Jn. iii. 24, iv. 13, v. 6bis, Jude vs. 19,
Rev. i. 10, ii. 7, 11, 17, 29, iii. 6, 13, 22, iv. 2, xi.
11, xiv. 13, xvii. 3, xxi.
10, xxii. 17. |
2. Holy Spirit,
Matt. i. 18, 20, iii. ii, xii. 32, xxviii. 19, Mark i. 8,
iii. 29, xii. 36, xiii. 11, Luke i. 15, 35, 41, 67, ii. 25, 26, iii. 16, 22, iv.
i, xi. 13, xii. 10, 12, Jn. i. 33, vii. 39, xiv. 26, xx. 22, Acts i. 2, 5, 8,
16, ii. 4, 33, 38, iv. 8, 31, v. 3, 32. vi. 3, 5, vii. 51, 55, viii. 15, 17, 18, 19,
ix. 17, 31, X. 38, 44, 45, 47, xi. 15, 16, 24, xiii. 2, 4, 9, 52, xv. 2, 28,
xvi. 6, xix. 2bis, 6, xx. 23, 28, xxi. ii, xxviii. 25, Rom. v. 5, ix. 1, xiv.
17, xv. 13, 16, 1 Cor. ii. 13, vi. 17, xii. 3, 2 Cor. vi. 6, xiii. 14, Eph. i. 13, iv.
30, 1 Th. i. 5, 6, iv. 8, 2 Th. i. 14, Titus iii. 5, Heb. ii. 4, iii. 7, vi. 4,
ix. 8, x. 15, 1 Pet. i. 12, 2 Pet. i. 21, 1 Jn. v. 7, Jude vs. 20.
3. The Spirit of God,
Matt. iii. 16, xii. 28, Rom. viii. 9, 14, xv. 19,
1 Cor. ii. 11, 14, iii. 16, vi. 11, vii. 40, xii. 3, 1 John iv. 2.
4. Spirit of the living God,
2 Cor. iii. 3.
5. The Holy Spirit of God,
Eph. iv. 30.
6. The Spirit of glory and of God,
1 Pet. iv. 14.
7. The Spirit of the Lord,
Lk. iv. 18, Acts v. 9, viii. 39, 2 Cor. iii. 17, 18.
8. The Spirit of your Father,
Matt. x. 20.
9. The Spirit of Christ,
Rom. viii. 9, 1 Pet i. 11.
10. The Spirit of Jesus Christ,
Phil. i. 19.
11. The Spirit of His Son,
Gal. iv. 6.
12. The eternal Spirit,
Heb. ix. 14.
13. The Spirit of truth,
John xiv. 17, xv. 26, xvi. 13.
14. The Spirit of holiness,
Rom. i. 4.
15. The Spirit of faith,
2 Cor. iv. 13.
16. The Spirit of life,
Rom. viii. 2, Rev. xi. 11.
17. The Spirit of adoption,
Rom. viii. 15.
18. The Holy Spirit of promise,
Eph. i. 13.
19. The Spirit of wisdom,
Eph. i. 17.
20. The Spirit of grace,
Heb. x. 29.
D. The Occurrences of God, Lord and Father in the Gospels and the Acts
(arranged according to chapter and verse)
1. God, |
i. 23, ii. 13, 19, iii. 9, iv. 4, v. 8, 9, 34,
2. Lord (of God), |
i. 20, 24, ii. 15, iv. 7, 10, v. 33, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
i. 22, iii. 3, |
4. Father, |
v. 16, 45, 48, |
1. God, |
vi. 23, 30, 33,
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
vii. 21bis, 22bis,
4. Father, |
vi. 1, 4, 6bis, 8, 9, 15, 18bis, 32, vii. 11, 21,
1. God, |
ix. 8,
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
viii. 2, 6, 8, 21, 25, ix. 28, 38,
4. Father, |
x. 20, 29, 32, 63, xi. 25, 26, 27ter,
1. God, |
xii. 4, 28, xv. 3, 4, 6, xvi. 23,
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xii. 8, xiv. 28, 30, xv. 25, 27, xvi. 22, xvii. 4, 15,
4. Father, |
xii. 50, xiii. 43, xv. 13, xvi. 17, 27, |
1. God, |
xix. 6, 17, 24, 26, xxi.
12, 31, 43,
2. Lord (of God), |
xxi. 9, 42, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xviii. 21, xx. 33, xxi. 3, |
4. Father, |
xviii. 10, 14, 19, 35, xx. 23,
1. God, |
xxii. 16, 21bis, 29, 30, 31, 32bis, xxiii. 22,
2. Lord (of God), |
xxii. 44, xxiii. 39. |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xxii. 43, 44, 45, xxiv. 42,
4. Father, |
xxiii. 9, xxiv. 36. |
1. God, |
xxvi. 61, xxvii. 43, 46bis,
36 |
2. Lord (of God), |
xxvii. 10, xxviii. 2. |
13 |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xxv. 37, 44, xxvi. 22, xxviii. 6. |
33 |
4. Father, |
xxv. 34, xxvii. 29, 39, 42, 53, xxviii. 9. |
42 |
1. God, |
i. 14, 15, ii. 7, 12, 26, iii. 35, iv.
22, 26, 30, v. 1, |
2. Lord (of God), |
i. 3,
v. 19, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
ii. 28. |
4. Father, |
1. God, |
vii. 8, 9, 13, viii. 33, ix. 1, 47,
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
vii. 28, ix. 24. |
4. Father, |
viii. 38,
1. God, |
x. 6, 9, 14, 15, 18,
23, 24, 25, 27bis, xi. 22. |
2. Lord (of God), |
xi. 9, 10,
3. Lord (of Christ),
xi. 3. |
4. Father, |
xi. 25, 26,
1. God, |
xii. 14, 17bis,
24, 26, 27bis, 32, 34, xiii. 19, xiv. 25. |
2. Lord (of God), |
xii. 11, 36, xiii. 20.
3. Lord (of Christ),
xii. 36, 37,
4. Father, |
xiii. 32, xiv. 36,
1. God, |
xv. 34bis, 43, xvi.19. |
42 |
2. Lord (of God), |
7 |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xvi. 19, 20. |
8 |
4. Father, |
5 |
1. God, |
i. 6, 8, 19, 26, 30, 37, 78, ii.13, 14, 20, 28, 40, 52,
2. Lord (of God), |
i. 6, 9, 11, 15, 17, 25, 28, 38, 45, 46, 58, 66, 76,
ii. 9bis, 15, 22, 23bis 24, 38, 39,
3. Lord (of Christ),
i. 43. |
4. Father, |
ii, 49, |
1. God, |
iii. 2, 6, 8, 38, iv. 4, 43, v. 1, 21, 25, 26, vi. 4, 12, 20,
2. Lord (of God), |
iv. 19, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
iii. 4, v. 8, 12, 17(?), vi.5, 46bis,
4. Father, |
vi. 36, |
1. God, |
vii. 16bis, 28, 29, 30, viii. 1, 10, ii, 21, 39, ix.2, ii, 27, 43, 60, 62,
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
vii. 6, 13, 31, ix.54, 57, 59, 61,
4. Father, |
ix. 26. |
1. God, |
x. 9, 11, xi. 20bis, 28, 42, 49, xii. 6, 8, 9, 20, 21, 24, 28, 31,
2. Lord (of God), |
x. 2(?), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
x. 1, 17, 40, xi. 1, 39, xii. 41, 42,
4. Father, |
x. 21bis, 22ter, xi.2, xii. 30, 32,
1. God, |
xiii. 13, 18, 20, 28, 29, xiv.15, xv. 10, xvi.13, 15bis, 16,
2. Lord (of God), |
xiii. 35, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xiii. 15(?), 23, 25bis,
4. Father, |
1. God, |
xvii. 15, 18, 20bis, 21, xviii. 2, 4, 7, ii, 13, 16, 17, 19, 24, 25, 27,
29, 43bis, |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xvii. 5, 6, 37, xviii. 6, 41,
4. Father, |
1. God, |
xix. 11, 37, xx.21, 25bis, 36, 38, xxi. 4, 31,
2. Lord (of God), |
xix. 38, xx. 37, 42, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xix. 8bis, 31, 34, xx. 42, 44,
4. Father, |
1. God, |
xxii. 16, 18, 69, xxiii. 40, 47, 51,
xxiv.19, 53, |
104 |
2. Lord (of God), |
28 |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xxii. 31, 33, 38,
49, 61bis, xxiii. 42, xxiv. 34. |
45 |
4. Father, |
xxii. 29, 42, xxiii.34, 46, xxiv.
49. |
17 |
1. God, |
1bis, 2, 6, 12, 13, 18, 51, |
2. Lord (of God), |
23. |
3. Lord (of Christ),
4. Father, |
i. 14, 18, ii.
16. |
1. God, |
2bis, 3, 5, 16, 17, 21, 33, 34ter, 36,
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
4. Father, |
35, |
1. God, |
10, 24, |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
1, ii, 15, 19, 49, |
4. Father, |
21, 23bis, |
1. God, |
11bis, 42, 44, |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
4. Father, |
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23bis, 26, 30, 36bis, 37,
43, 45, |
1. God, |
28, 29, 33, 45, 46, vii. 17. |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
23, 34, 68, |
4. Father, |
32, 37, 39, 44, 45, 46bis, 57bis,
1. God, |
40, 41, 42bis, 47bis, 54, |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
4. Father, |
16, 18, 19ter, 27, 28, 29, 38, 41, 54,
1. God, |
3, 16, 24, 29, 31, 33, |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
ix. 36, 38, |
4. Father, |
1. God, |
x. 33, 35,
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
4. Father, |
15bis, 17,
18, 25, 29bis,
30, 32, 37, 38, |
1. God, |
xi. 4, 22bis, 40, 52,
xii. 43. |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
2, 3, 12, 21, 27, 32, 34, 39, |
4. Father, |
41, xii. 26, 27, 28, 49, 50, |
1. God, |
3bis, 31, 32bis,
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
6, 9, 13, 14, 25, 36, 37, |
4. Father, |
1, 3. |
1. God, |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
5, 8, 22, |
4. Father, |
xiv. 2, 6, 7, 8, 9bis,
12, 13, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28bis, 31bis,
1. God, |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
4. Father, |
1, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 23, 24, 26bis,
1. God, |
2, 27, 30, |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
4. Father, |
3, 10, 15, 16, 17, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28bis, 32,
1. God, |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
4. Father, |
1, 5, ii, 21, 24, 25, xviii. 11. |
1. God, |
17bis, 28, xxi. 9, |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
2, 13, 18, 20, 25, 28, xxi. 17bis, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21,
4. Father, |
17bis, 21, |
1. God, |
66 |
2. Lord (of God), |
4 |
3. Lord (of Christ),
44 |
4. Father, |
117 |
1. God, |
i. 3, ii.
11, 17, 22bis, 23, 24, 30, 32, 33, 36, 47, iii. 8, 9, 15, 18, 21,
25, 26. |
2. Lord (of God), |
i. 24, ii.
20, 21, 25, 27bis, iii. 19, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
i. 6, ii. 36, 47(?).
4. Father, |
i. 4, 7, ii. 33.
1. God, |
10, 19bis, 21, 24bis, 31, v. 4, 29, 31, 32, 33, vi. 2, 7,
11, |
2. Lord (of God), |
26, 29, v.19, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
33, v. 14, |
4. Father, |
1. God, |
6, 7, 9, 17, 20, 25, 35, 42, 45, 46, 55bis, 56, viii. 10, 12, 14, 20,
21, 22, |
2. Lord (of God), |
30, 31, 33, 49, viii. 24, 26, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
60, viii. 25, |
4. Father, |
1. God, |
2bis, 3, 4, 15, 22, 28, 31, 33bis, 34, 38bis, 40, 41, 42, 46,
2. Lord (of God), |
31, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
1, 5bis, 10bis, ii, 15, 27, 35, 42, x. 4, 14, 36, 48,
4. Father, |
1. God, |
1, 9, 17bis, 18bis, 19, xii. 5, 24,
2. Lord (of God), |
7, 11, 17(?), 23, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
8, 16, 21bis, 23, 24, |
4. Father, |
1. God, |
5, 7, 16, 17, 21, 23, 26, 30, 33, 36, 37, 43, 46, xiv. 15, 22,
26, 27, |
2. Lord (of God), |
10, 11, 12, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
2, 12, 47, 48, 49, xiv. 3, 23, |
4. Father, |
1. God, |
xv. 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 19, 40, xvi. 14, 25, 34, xvii. 3, 24, 29, 30,
2. Lord (of God), |
17bis, xvii. 27, |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xv. 35, 36, xvi.
10, 14, 15, 32, |
4. Father, |
1. God, |
xviii. 7,
11, 13, 21, 26, xix. 8, 11, xx. 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 32, xxi. 9,
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xviii. 8, 25bis, xix. 5, 10, xx. 19, xxi. 14, 20,
4. Father, |
1. God, |
xxii. 3, 14, xxiii.
1, 3, 4, xxiv. 15, 16, |
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xxii. 8,
10bis, 16, 19, xxiii. 4, |
4. Father, |
1. God, |
xxvi. 6, 8, 18, 20, 22, 29, xxvii. 23, 24, 25, 35,
2. Lord (of God), |
3. Lord (of Christ),
xxvi. 15,
4. Father, |
1. God, |
23, 28, 31, |
148 |
2. Lord (of God), |
27 |
3. Lord (of Christ),
55 |
4. Father, |
3 |
E. The Titles for God and the Trinity as they Appear in the Books of the New Testament
I. |
1. God,
36 times.
Lord (of God), |
13 times.
II. |
1. Father,
42 times.
Heavenly Father, |
vi. 14, 26.
Father who is in heaven, |
16, 45, 48, vi. 1, 9, vii. 11, x. 32, 33, xii. 50, xvi. 17, xviii.
10, 14, 19, |
III. |
1. Son,
15(?), xi. 27ter, xxviii. 19. |
Son of Man, |
32 times.
Son of God, |
iv. 3, 6, xiv. 33, xxvii. 40, 43, 54.
Jesus son of God, |
viii. 29.
Christ Son of God, |
xxvi. 63.
Christ the Son of the living God, |
16. |
Christ the Son of the Highest, |
16. |
Beloved Son, |
xxx. 17.
Son of David, |
ix. 27, xii. 23, xxi. 9, xxii. 42.
Lord Son of David, |
xv. 22, xx. 30, 31.
11. Jesus,
171 times.
Christ, |
16, 17, ii. 4, xi. 2, xxii. 42, xxiii. 8, 10, xxiv. 5, 23, xxvi. 63, 68.
Jesus Christ, |
1, 18. |
Jesus the Christ, |
xvi. 20.
Jesus which is called Christ, |
xxvii. 17,
22. |
Lord (of Christ), |
33 times.
King, |
xxi. 5, xxv. 34, 40.
King of
Israel, |
xxvii. 42.
King of the Jews, |
ii. 2, xxvii.
11, 37. |
Great King, |
v. 35.
Master (Rabbi), |
xxiii. 7, 8, xxvi. 25, 49.
Master (διδάσκαλος), |
viii. 19, ix.
xii. 38, xvii. 24, xix. 16, xxii. 16, 24, 36, xxvi. 18.
Master (καθηγητὴς), |
xxiii. 8, 10.
IV. |
The Spirit, |
1, xii. 18, 31, xxii. 43. |
Holy Spirit, |
18, 20, iii. 11, xii. 32, xxviii. 19. |
Spirit of God, |
16, xii. 28. |
Spirit of your Father, |
I. |
1. God, |
42 times.
2. Lord (of
God), |
7 times.
II. |
Father, |
5 times.
Abba, Father, |
Father which is in heaven, |
xi. 25, 26.
III. |
Son, |
xiii. 32.
Son of Man, |
14 times.
Son of
Mary, |
vi. 3.
4. Son of God,
11, xv. 39. |
Beloved Son (of God), |
11, ix. 7. |
Son of the Most High God, |
v. 7.
Jesus Christ the Son of God, |
1. |
Christ, the
son of the Blessed, |
xiv. 61.
Son of David, |
x. 48, xii. 35.
Jesus, son of David, |
47. |
Jesus, |
93 times.
Christ, |
viii. 29, ix. 41, xii. 21, 35, xiii. 21.
Jesus Christ, |
1. |
Christ, the king of Israel, |
xv. 32.
Holy One of God, |
i. 24.
Lord (of Christ), |
8 times.
The King of the Jews, |
xv. 2, 9, 12, 18, 26.
Master (Rabbi), |
ix. 5, xi. 21,
xiv. 4bis. |
Master (Rabboni), |
x. 51.
Master (διδάσκαλος), |
iv. 38, v. 35, ix. 17, 38, x. 17, 20, 35, xii. 14,
19, 32, xiii. 1, xiv. 14. |
IV. |
Spirit, |
10, 12. |
Holy Spirit,
i. 8, iii. 29, xii. 36, xiii.
11. |
I. |
1. God,
104 times.
2. God my Savior,
i. 47. |
3. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of
Jacob, |
xx. 37. |
4. Most High God,
viii. 28.
5. Lord (of
God), |
28 times.
6. Lord God,
i. 16,
32, iv. 8, 12, x. 27. |
7. Lord God of Israel,
i. 68. |
8. Highest,
i. 35, 76, vi. 35.
9. Heaven,
xv. 18, 21.
II. |
Father, |
16 times.
Father Lord of heaven and earth, |
x. 21.
Father, |
xv. 33.
Father which is in heaven, |
xi. 2.
III. |
Son, |
x. 22ter.
Son of Man, |
times. |
Son of Joseph, |
iii. 23, iv. 22(?).
Son of God, |
i. 35, iv. 3, 9, xxii. 70.
Son of the Highest, |
i. 32.
Jesus, Son of God,
Most High, |
viii. 28.
Christ the Son of God, |
iv. 41.
Beloved Son, |
iii. 22, ix. 35.
Son of David, |
xviii. 39, xx. 41(?).
Jesus Son of David, |
xviii. 38.
Christ, the son of David, |
xx. 41.
Jesus, |
98 times. |
Christ, |
15, iv. 41, xxiii. 67, xxiii. 2, 30, xxiv. 26, 46. |
Jesus, Master (ἑκηιστότιι), |
ix. 33 |
Jesus of Nazareth, |
iv. 34, xviii. 37, xxiv. 19.
Jesus, Lord, |
xxiii. 42.
Lord (δεσπότης), |
ii. 29.
Lord Jesus, |
xxiv. 3.
Lord’s Christ, |
ii. 26.
Christ the Lord, |
11. |
of God, |
ix. 20.
Holy One of God, |
iv. 34.
Christ chosen of God, |
xxiii. 35.
King, |
xix. 28.
King of the Jews, |
xxiii. 3, 37, 38.
Master (ἐπιστάτης), |
v. 5,
45, ix. 33, 49, xvii. 13. |
Master (διδάσκαλος), |
14 times.
IV. |
Spirit, |
ii. 27, iv. l, 14.
Holy Spirit, |
i. 15, 35, 41, 67, ii. 25, 26, iii.
16, 22, iv. 1, xi. 13, xii. 10, 12.
Spirit of the Lord, |
18. |
I. |
1. God,
66 times.
2. Only God,
xvii. 3.
3. Lord (of
God), |
4 times.
II. |
1. Father,
117 times.
2. God
Father, |
vi. 27. |
3. Holy Father,
xvii. 11.
4. Righteous Father,
xvii. 25.
III. |
1. Son,
16 times.
2. Son of man,
11 times.
Son of God, |
i. 34, 49,
v. 25, ix. 35, x. 36, xi. 4, xix. 7. |
Christ the Son of the Living God, |
vi. 69.
Christ the Son of God, |
xi. 27, xx. 31.
Only begotten Son, |
16. |
The only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the
Father, |
18. |
Only begotten Son of God, |
18. |
Only begotten of the Father, |
i. 14.
Jesus, |
252 times.
Jesus the son of Joseph, |
vi. 42.
Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of
Joseph, |
i. 45.
Christ, |
i. 20, 25, 41, iii. 28, iv. 25, 29, 42, vi. 69, vii. 26, ix. 22,
x. 24, xi. 27, xii. 34, xx. 31. |
Jesus Christ, |
i. 17, xvii. 3.
Lamb of God, |
i. 29, 36.
and God, |
xx. 28.
The Logos, |
1ter, 18. |
Messias, |
i. 6, iv. 25.
King, |
xii. 15.
of Israel, |
i. 49, xii. 13.
King of the Jews, |
xviii.39, xix. 3, 19, 21.
Jesus of
Nazareth, the King of the Jews, |
xix. 19.
IV. |
Spirit, |
i. 32, 33, iii. 5, 6, 8, 34, iv. 24, vi. 63, vii. 39.
Holy Spirit, |
i. 33,
vii. 39, xiv. 26, xx. 22. |
Spirit of truth, |
xiv. 17, xv. 26, xvi. 13.
I. |
God, |
148 times.
God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, God of our Fathers,
13 |
God of Jacob, |
vii. 46.
God of our fathers, |
v. 30, xxiv. 14.
God of glory, |
vii. 2. |
Lord (of God), |
27 times.
Lord God, |
ii. 39, iii. 22, vii. 37.
Highest, |
vii. 48.
Most High God, |
xvi. 17.
Lord of heaven and earth, |
xvii. 24.
Unknown God, |
xvii. 23.
II. |
Father, |
i. 4, 7, ii. 33.
III. |
Son of man, |
vii. 56.
Son of God, |
viii. 37, ix. 20.
Lord (δεσπότης). |
ii. 29.
Lord Jesus, |
i. 21, iv. 33, vii. 59, viii.
16, ix. 17, 29, xi. 20, xix. 13, 17,
xx. 24, 35, xxi. 13. |
Lord Jesus Christ, |
xi.17, xv.
11, 26, xvi. 31, xx. 21, xxviii. 31. |
His (God’s) Son, Jesus, |
iii. 13, 26.
7. (God’s)
holy child Jesus, |
iv. 30.
Jesus, |
1, 11, 14, 16, ii. 32, 36, iv. 2, 13, 18, v. 30, 40, vii. 55, viii. 35, ix.
5, 27, xiii. 33, xvii. 3, 7, 18, xviii. 28, xix. 4(?), 13, 15,
xxv. 19, xxvi. 15,
xxviii. 23. |
Christ, |
xviii. 5(?), 28.
Jesus Christ, |
ii. 28, iii. 20, v. 42, viii. 12, 37, ix. 34, x. 36, xvi.
xviii. 5(?). |
Christ Jesus, |
xix. 4(?).
Jesus of Nazareth, |
ii. 22, vi. 14, x. 38, xxii. 8, xxvi. 9.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, |
iii. 6, iv.
10. |
Savior, Jesus, |
xiii. 23.
Prince and Savior, |
v. 31.
16. The Holy One and the Just,
iii. 14.
Prince of life, |
iii. 15.
IV. |
Spirit, |
ii. 4, 17, 18, vi.
10, viii. 29, x. 19, xi. 12, 28, xvi. 7, xviii. 5, 25,
xix. 21, xx. 22, xx. 14. |
Holy Spirit, |
i. 2, 5, 8, 16, ii. 4, 33, 38, iv. 8, 31, v. 3, 32, vi. 3,
5, vii. 51,
55. viii. 15, 17, 18, 19, ix. 17, 31, x. 38, 44, 45, 47. xi. 15, 16, 24, xiii. 2, 4, 9, 52,
xv. 8, 28, xvi. 6, xix. 2bis, 6, xx. 23, 28, xxi. 11, xxviii. 25.
Spirit of the Lord, |
v. 9, viii. 39.
I. |
God, |
144 times.
Living God, |
ix. 26.
Everlasting God, |
xvi. 26.
Uncorruptible God, |
i. 23.
Lord (of God), |
iv. 8, ix. 28, x.12, 13, 16, xi. 3, 34, xii. 19, xiv.
11, xv. 11. |
Lord of Sabaoth, |
ix. 29.
Creator, |
i. 25.
II. |
Father, |
vi. 4, viii. 15.
Abba, Father, |
viii. 15.
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, |
xv. 6
God our father, |
i. 7.
III. |
1. Son,
v. 10, viii. 3, 29, 32.
2. Son of God,
i. 4. |
3. His Son Jesus Christ our Lord,
i. 3. |
4. Jesus,
iii.26, viii. 11.
Christ, |
16, v. 6, 8, vi. 4, 8, 9, vii. 4, viii. 1, 10, 11,
17, 34, 35, ix. 1, 3, 6, x. 4, 6, 7, xii. 5, xiv. 9, 10, 15, 18, xv. 3, 7, 18,
19, 20, 29, xvi. 5, 7, 9, 10, 16.
6. Lord (of Christ),
xii. 11, xiv. 6quat, 8ter,
xvi.2, 8, 11, 12bis, 13. |
7. Jesus Christ,
i. 1, 6, 8, ii. 16, iii. 22, v. 15, 17, vi. 3,
xv. 8, 16, 17, xvi. 25, 27. |
8. Christ Jesus,
iii. 24, viii. 1, 2, xv. 5, xvi. 3.
9. Christ
who is over all God blessed for ever, |
ix. 5. |
10. Lord Jesus,
x. 9, xiv. 14, xvi.
18. |
Lord Christ, |
18(?). |
12. Lord Jesus Christ,
i. 7, v. 1, 11, xiii. 14, xv. 6, 30, xvi.
18(?), 20, 24. |
13. Jesus
Christ Lord, |
v. 21, vi. 11, 23(?), vii. 25.
14. Jesus our Lord,
iv. 24. |
Christ Jesus our
Lord, |
viii. 39.
IV. |
1. Spirit,
viii. 1, 4, 5bis, 6, 9, l0,
11bis, 13, 16, 23, 26bis, 27, xii. 11, xv. 30.
2. Holy Spirit,
v. 5, ix. 1, xiv. 17, xv. 13, 16.
3. Spirit of God,
viii. 9, 14, xv. 19.
4. Spirit of Christ,
viii. 9.
5. Spirit of holiness,
i. 4. |
6. Spirit of adoption,
viii. 15.
Spirit of life, |
viii. 2.
1 Corinthians
I. |
1. God,
97 times.
Lord (of God), |
i. 31(?), iii. 20, x. 26, 28, xiv. 21, xvi. 7(?).
II. |
1. God the (our)
Father, |
i. 3, viii. 6, xv. 24.
III. |
1. Son,
xv. 28. |
2. (God’s) Son Jesus Christ
our Lord, |
i. 9. |
3. Jesus,
xii. 3bis.
Christ, |
i. 6, 12, 13,
17bis, 23, 24, ii. 16, iii. 1, 23bis, iv. 1, 10bis,
15, 17, v. 7, vi. 15bis, vii. 22, viii. 11, 12, ix.
12, 18, 21, x. 4, 9, 16bis,
xi. 1, 3bis, xii. 12, 27, xv. 3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 22, 23bis. |
5. Lord (of
Christ), |
43 times.
6. Lord Jesus,
v. 4bis, 5(?), vi.
xi. 23. |
7. Lord Jesus Christ,
i. 3, 7, 8, 10, v. 4bis, vi. 2,
11(?), viii. 6, xv. 57,
xvi. 22(?), 23. |
8. Jesus Christ Lord,
i. 2, 9, ix. 1.
9. Christ Jesus our Lord,
xv. 31. |
Lord of Glory, |
ii. 8.
IV. |
Spirit, |
ii. 4,
10bis, xii. 4, 7, 8bis, 9bis, 11, 13bis, xiv. 2.
Spirit of God, |
11, 14, iii. 16, vii. 40, xii. 3. |
Holy Spirit, |
ii. 13, vi. 17, xii. 3.
Spirit which is of God, |
ii. 12.
Spirit of our God, |
11. |
2 Corinthians
I |
God, |
73 times.
Living God, |
16. |
Lord (of God), |
vi. 17 (?).
Lord Almighty, |
18. |
II. |
Father, |
18. |
God our Father, |
i. 2.
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, |
xi. 31.
God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of
mercies and the God of all comfort,
i. 3.
III. |
Son of God, Jesus Christ, |
i. 19. |
Jesus, |
5, 11bis, xi. 4. |
Christ, |
5bis, 21, ii. 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, iii. 3, 4, 14, iv. 4, v.
10, 14, 16, 17, 19 20bis, vi. 15, viii. 23, ix. 13, x.
1, 5, 7ter, 14, xi. 2, 3, 10, 13, 23, xii. 2, 9, 10, 19, xiii. 3.
Jesus Christ, |
1, iv. 6, v. 18, xiii. 5. |
Lord (of Christ), |
21 times.
Lord Jesus, |
i. 14, iv.
10, 14. |
Lord Jesus Christ, |
i. 2, 3, viii. 9, xi. 31, xiii. 14.
Christ Jesus Lord(?), |
iv. 5. |
IV. |
Spirit, |
i. 22, iii. 6bis, 8, 17, v.5.
Holy Spirit, |
vi. 6, xiii. 14.
Spirit of the Lord, |
iii. 17, 18.
Spirit of the Living God, |
iii. 3.
Spirit of faith, |
iv. 13.
I |
God, |
27 times.
Lord (of God), |
not found. |
II. |
Abba, Father, |
iv. 6.
God the Father, |
1, 3. |
III. |
Son, |
16, iv. 4. |
Son of God, |
ii. 20.
Lord (of Christ), |
i. 19.
Jesus, |
not found.
Christ, |
i. 6, 7, 10, 22, ii.
16, 17bis, 20bis, 21, iii. 13, 16, 17, 24, 27bis,
29, iv. 7, 19, v. 1, 2, 4, 24, vi. 2, 12. |
Jesus Christ, |
1, 12, ii. 16bis, iii. 1, 14, 22, v. 6.
Lord Jesus, |
vi. 17.
Christ Jesus, |
ii. 4, iii. 26, 28, iv. 14, vi.
15. |
Lord Jesus Christ, |
i. 3, vi. 14, 18.
IV. |
Spirit, |
iii. 2, 3, 5, 14, iv. 29, v. 5, 16,
17bis, 18, 22, 25bis, vi. 8bis.
Spirit of his (God’s) Son,
iv. 6.
I. |
1. God,
25 times.
Lord (of God), |
not found.
II. |
1. Father,
ii. 18. |
2. God the Father,
vi. 23. |
3. God our Father,
i. 2. |
4. God and Father of
all, |
iv. 6. |
5. God and the Father,
v. 20. |
6. Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
iii. 14.
7. God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
i. 3. |
8. God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Father of glory, |
i. 17. |
III. |
1. Son of God,
iv. 13. |
2. Jesus,
iv. 21. |
3. Jesus Christ,
i. 1, 5,
ii. 20, iii. 1, 9. |
4. Christ,
i. 3, 10, 12, 20, ii. 5, 12, 13, iii. 4, 6, 8, 17, 19, 32,
iv. 7, 12, 13. 15. 20, 32, v. 2, 5, 14, 23, 24, 25, 32, vi. 5, 6. |
5. Christ Jesus,
i. 1,
ii. 6, 7, 10, 13, iii. 21. |
6. Lord (of
Christ), |
17 times.
7. Lord Jesus,
i. 15. |
8. Lord
Jesus Christ, |
i. 2, 3, 17, iii. 14, v. 20, vi. 23, 24.
9. Christ Jesus our Lord,
iii. 11.
Master, (Κύριος), |
IV. |
1. Spirit,
ii. 18, 22, iii. 5, 16, iv. 3, 4, v. 9, 18, vi. 17, 18.
2. Holy Spirit of God,
iv. 30. |
3. Holy Spirit of promise,
i. 13. |
4. Spirit of wisdom,
i. 17. |
Spirit of Jesus
Christ, |
i. 19.
I. |
God, |
20 times.
God of peace, |
iv. 9.
Lord (of God), |
not found.
II. |
1. God the Father,
11. |
God our Father, |
i. 2.
God and our Father, |
iv. 20.
III. |
Jesus, |
ii. 10. |
Christ, |
10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 27, 29, ii. 1,
16, 30, iii. 7, 8, 9, 18, iv. 13. |
Jesus Christ |
1, 6, 8, ii, 26, ii. 11, 21. |
Christ Jesus, |
1, ii.5, iii. 3. 12, 14, iv. 7, 19, 21. |
Lord (of Christ), |
9 times.
Lord Jesus, |
ii. 19.
Lord Jesus Christ, |
i. 2, iv. 23.
8. Christ Jesus my Lord,
iii. 8. |
Savior Lord Jesus Christ, |
iii. 20.
IV. |
1. Spirit,
ii. 1, iii. 3.
Spirit of Jesus Christ, |
i. 19.
I. |
1. God,
21 times.
2. Lord (of
God), |
not found.
3. The invisible God,
i. 15.
II. |
1. Father,
i. 12, ii. 2.
2. God the Father,
iii. 17.
3. God our Father,
i. 2. |
4. God the Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ, |
i. 3. |
III. |
1. (God’s) dear Son,
i. 13. |
Christ, |
i. 2, 7, 24, 27,
ii. 2, 5, 8, 11, 17, 20, iii. 1bis, 3, 4, 11, 13, 16, iv. 3, 12.
3. Jesus Christ,
i. 1. |
4. Christ Jesus,
i. 4, 28.
5. Lord (of
Christ), |
times. |
6. Lord Jesus,
iii. 17.
7. Lord Christ,
iii. 24.
8. Lord Jesus Christ,
i. 2, 3.
Christ Jesus Lord, |
ii. 6. |
Master (Κύριος),
1. |
IV. |
Spirit, |
i. 8, ii.
5. |
I Thessalonians
I. |
1. God,
33 times.
2. Lord (of
God), |
not found.
3. Living and true God,
i. 9. |
II. |
1. God the
Father, |
i. 1. |
2. God our Father,
i. 1. |
3. God and Father,
i. 3. |
4. God even our Father,
iii. 13.
5. God himself and our Father,
iii. 11.
III. |
1. Son,
i. 10. |
2. Jesus,
i. 10, iv. 14bis.
3. Christ,
ii. 6, iii. 2, iv. 16.
4. Christ Jesus
ii. 14, v. 18.
5. Lord (of Christ),
12 times.
6. Lord Jesus,
ii. 15, iv. 1, 2.
7. Lord Jesus Christ,
i. ibis, 3, ii.19, iii.
13, v. 9, 23, 28. |
IV. |
1. Spirit,
v. 19. |
Holy Spirit, |
5, 6, iv. 8. |
2 Thessalonians
I. |
God, |
16 times.
Lord (of God), |
found. |
II. |
God our Father, |
i. 1, 2.
God even our Father, |
16. |
III. |
Christ, |
ii. 2, iii. 5.
Lord (of Christ), |
times. |
Lord Jesus, |
i. 7.
Lord Jesus Christ, |
1, 2, 8, 12bis, ii. 1, 14, 16, iii. 6, 12, 18.
Lord of peace, |
iii. 16.
IV. |
Spirit, |
ii. 13.
I Timothy
I. |
1. God,
15 times.
2. God our Savior,
i. 1, ii. 3.
3. Blessed God,
i. 11. |
4. Lord (of God),
not found.
5. Living God,
iii. 15, iv. 10, vi. 17.
6. The King eternal, immortal, invisible,
the only wise God, |
i. 17. |
7. The Savior of all men, specially of those that believe,
iv. 10. |
The blessed and only Potentate, King of kings, and Lord of
lords, |
15. |
II. |
1. God our Father,
i. 2. |
III. |
1. Christ,
ii. 7, v. 11.
2. Jesus Christ,
i. 1, 16,
iv. 6. |
3. Jesus Christ our Lord,
i. 2. |
4. The man Christ Jesus,
ii. 5. |
5. Christ Jesus,
i. 14, 15, iii. 13, vi.
13 |
6. Lord (of Christ),
i. 14. |
7. Lord Jesus Christ,
i. 1, v. 21,
vi. 3, 14. |
8. Christ Jesus our Lord,
i. 12. |
God manifest in the flesh, |
16. |
IV. |
Spirit, |
16, iv. l. |
2 Timothy
I. |
1. God,
11 times.
2. Lord (of God),
not found.
II. |
1. God the Father,
i. 2. |
III. |
Lord (of Christ),
times. |
2. Christ,
ii. 19. |
3. Jesus Christ,
i. 1, ii. 3, 8.
4. Lord Jesus Christ,
iv. 1, 22.
5. Christ
Jesus, |
i. 1, 9, 13, ii. 2, 10, iii. 12, 15.
6. Christ Jesus our Lord,
i. 2. |
7. Savior,
Jesus Christ, |
i. 10. |
8. Lord righteous judge,
iv. 8. |
IV. |
Holy Spirit, |
i. 14.
I. |
1. God,
8 times.
2. Great God,
ii. 13. |
3. God our Savior,
i. 3, ii. 10, iii. 4.
II. |
1. God the
Father, |
i. 4. |
III. |
1. Jesus Christ,
i. 1. |
2. Jesus Christ our Savior,
iii. 6. |
3. Lord Jesus
Christ Savior, |
i. 4. |
4. Great God and our(?)
Savior, Jesus Christ, |
ii. 13. |
IV. |
1. Holy
Spirit, |
iii. 5. |
I. |
1. God,
once. |
2. Lord (of God),
not found.
II. |
1. God the Father,
vs. 3. |
III. |
1. Christ,
vs. 8. |
2. Jesus
Christ, |
vss. 1, 9.
3. Christ Jesus,
vss. 6, 23.
4. Lord (of Christ),
vss. 16, 20bis.
5. Lord
Jesus, |
vs.5. |
6. Lord Jesus Christ,
vss. 3, 25.
I. |
1. God,
63 times.
2. Lord (of God),
14 times.
3. God, the judge of all,
xii. 23.
4. Most
High God, |
vii. 1. |
5. Living God,
iii. 12, ix. 14, x. 31, xii. 22.
6. Majesty,
i. 3, viii. 1.
7. God of peace,
xiii. 20.
II. |
1. Father,
i. 5. |
2. Father of spirits,
xii. 9. |
III. |
1. Son,
i. 2, 5bis, 8,
ii. 6, v. 5, 8, vii. 28. |
2. Son of God,
vi. 6, vii. 3, x. 29.
3. Jesus, the Son of God,
iv. 14. |
4. Only Begotten,
xi. 7. |
5. Jesus,
ii. 9, vi. 20, vii. 22,
x. 19, xii. 2, 24,
xiii. 12. |
6. Christ,
iii. 6, 14, v. 5, vi.
1, ix. 11, 14, 24, 28, xi. 26. |
7. Jesus Christ,
x. 10, xiii. 8, 21.
8. Lord (of Christ),
ii. 3, vii. 14.
9. Lord Jesus,
xiii. 20.
10. Priest,
vii. 17, 21.
11. High Priest,
x. 21. |
12. Apostle and High Priest of our profession Christ
Jesus, |
iii. 1. |
IV. |
1. Holy Spirit,
ii. 4, iii. 7, vi. 4, ix. 8, x. 15.
2. Eternal Spirit,
ix. 14. |
Spirit of grace, |
x. 29.
I. |
God, |
17 times.
Lord (of God), |
10(?). |
II. |
Father of lights, |
i. 17.
God and Father, |
i. 27, iii. 9. |
Lord of Sahaoth, |
v. 4.
III. |
Lord (of Christ), |
i. 7, 12, iv.
10, 15, v. 7, 8, 11bis, 14, 15. |
Lord Jesus Christ, |
1, ii. 1. |
Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of glory, |
1. |
1 Peter
I. |
God, |
times. |
Lord (of God), |
i. 25(?).
Lord God, |
iii. 15.
God of all grace, |
10. |
Faithful Creator, |
iv. 19.
II. |
Father, |
i. 17.
God the Father, |
i. 2.
God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
i. 3.
III. |
Christ, |
11, 19, ii. 21, iii. 16, 18, iv. 1, 13, 14, v. 1.
Christ Jesus, |
10, 14(?). |
Jesus Christ, |
1, 2, 3, 7, 13, ii. 5, iii. 21, iv. 11. |
Lord (of Christ), |
ii. 3, 13,
iii. 12bis. |
Shepherd and bishop of your souls, |
ii. 25. |
6. Chief Shepherd,
v. 4. |
IV. |
Spirit, |
i. 2, 22, iii.
18, iv. 6. |
Holy Spirit, |
12. |
Spirit of Christ, |
11. |
Spirit of glory and of God, |
iv. 14.
2 Peter
I. |
God, |
times. |
Lord (of God), |
iii. 8(?).
II. |
God the Father, |
i. 17.
III. |
God and our Savior Jesus Christ, |
1. |
Beloved Son, |
i. 17.
Lord (of Christ), |
ii. 9,
11, iii. 9, 10, 15. |
Jesus Christ, |
1. |
Jesus our Lord, |
i. 2.
Lord Jesus Christ, |
i. 8, 14, 16.
Lord and Savior, |
iii. 2.
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, |
11, ii. 20, iii. 18. |
Master (δεσπότης), |
1. |
IV. |
Holy Spirit, |
i. 21.
1 John
I. |
God, |
times. |
2. Lord (of God),
not found.
3. Holy One,
ii. 20. |
4. True God,
v. 20. |
II. |
Father, |
i. 2, 3, ii.
13, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, iii. 1, iv. 14, v. 7(?). |
III. |
1. Son,
ii. 22, 23, 24, iv. 10, 14,
v. 9, 10, 11, 12. |
2. Son of God,
iii. 8, iv. 15, v. 5,
10, 12, 13bis, 20. |
3. His (God’s)
Son, Jesus Christ, |
i. 3, iii. 23, v. 20.
4. Jesus
Christ, His Son, |
i. 7. |
5. His only begotten Son,
iv. 9. |
6. Jesus,
ii. 22, iv. 15, v. 1, 5.
7. Christ,
ii. 22, v. 1.
8. Jesus Christ,
iv. 2, 3, v. 6.
9. Jesus Christ, the righteous,
ii. 1. |
10. Word,
v. 7(?).
11. Word of life,
i. 1. |
12. Savior of the world,
iv. 14. |
13. Advocate with
the Father, |
ii. 1. |
IV. |
iii. 24, iv. 13, v. 6bis, 8(?).
Holy Spirit, |
v. 7(?).
Spirit of God, |
iv. 2.
2 John
I. |
1. God,
vs. 9. |
II. |
1. The Father,
vs. 4, 9.
2. God the Father,
vs. 3. |
III. |
1. Son of the Father,
vs. 9. |
2. Son,
vs. 9. |
3. Christ,
vs. 1bis.
4. Jesus Christ,
vs. 7. |
Lord Jesus Christ Son of the
Father, |
3. |
I. |
1. God,
twice. |
2. Lord (of God),
vss. 5, 9, 14.
3. Only wise God, our Savior,
vs. 25. |
4. God
the Savior, |
vs. 25. |
5. Lord God,
vs. 4. |
II. |
1. God the Father,
vs. 1. |
III. |
1. Lord (of Christ),
not found.
2. Jesus Christ,
vs. 1bis.
3. Lord Jesus Christ,
vss. 4, 17, 21.
IV. |
19. |
Holy Spirit, |
20. |
I. |
God, |
times. |
Lord (of God), |
not found. |
Almighty, |
i. 8.
God Almighty, |
xvi. 14.
Almighty God, |
xix. 15.
Great God, |
xix. 17.
Living God, |
vii. 2. |
God of heaven,
xi. 13, xvi.
11. |
Lord God, |
xviii. 8, xxii. 5, 6.
Lord God Almighty, |
iv. 8, xi. 17, xv. 3,
xvi. 7, xix. 6, xxi. 22. |
Love, holy and true. |
10(?). |
II. |
Father, |
ii. 27, iii. 5, 21, xiv.
1. |
God and Father, |
i. 6.
III. |
Son of God, |
18. |
Son of man(?), |
i. 13, xiv. 14.
3. Jesus, |
xiv. 12, xvii.
6, xix. 10bis, xx. 4, xxii. 16. |
Christ, |
xi. 15, xii.
10, xx. 4, 6. |
Jesus Christ, |
1, 2, 5, 9bis, xii.17. |
Lord (of Christ), |
i. 8, iv.
11, xi. 8, 15, xiv. 13, xv. 4, xvi. 5 |
Lord of lords and King of kings, |
xvii. 14.
Lord Jesus, |
xxii. 20.
Lord Jesus Christ, |
xxii. 21.
The Word of God, |
xix. 13.
King of kings and Lord of lords, |
16. |
King of saints, |
xv. 3.
Master (δεσπότης), |
10. |
Alpha and Omega, |
i. 8, 11, xxi. 6, xxii. 13. |
The Amen, |
iii. 14.
16. Lamb,
28 times.
IV. |
Spirit, |
10, ii. 7, 11, 17, 29,
iii. 6, 13, 22, iv. 2, xiv. 13, xvii. 3, xxi. 10, xxii. 17. |
Spirit of life, |
F. Remarks
Considering the names and titles of God in the New
Testament as a whole, in comparison with the use of like names and titles in the
Koran, the Old Testament, and the apocryphal and pseudepigraphical literature of the Jews,
the most striking phenomenon is the uniqueness of the more
frequent New Testament designations. Thus, Father, Son,
Spirit, Holy Spirit, Son of Man, Son of God, Savior (especially, if we take
Jesus as having this meaning), Christ (Messiah), Master (Teacher), are entirely alien to the
usage of the Koran and the religion of Islam, and are
scarcely ever found in Jewish literature, including the Old
Testament, up to the year 200 A.D., when the last of the
Jewish works investigated in my preceding article was finished. That the
fundamental difference between Christianity on the one hand and Judaism and
Islam on the other can be illustrated and confirmed by the names and titles
which they employ to denote the Deity, will appear from a comparison of the
designations of the Deity in the New Testament with those employed in the Old Testament, in the apocryphal and
pseudepigraphic literature, in Josephus and Philo, and in the Koran, is shown clearly in the following table.
God |
Lord (of God)
Father |
Spirit and Holy Spirit
Almighty |
Most High |
Old Testament |
1604 |
6898 |
63 |
42 |
47 |
25 |
Apocalyptic and Pseudepigraphic literature |
(1) before A.D. 1 |
776 |
832 |
13 |
4 |
38 |
133 |
(2) after A.D. 1 |
266 |
427 |
11 |
9 |
48 |
126 |
Philo4 |
4000 |
40 |
75 |
11 |
2 |
8 |
Josephus |
500 |
93 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
0 |
New Testament |
1136 |
435 |
215 |
201 |
10 |
8 |
Koran |
2610 |
965 |
0 |
0 |
15 |
06 |
1. It will be seen that in the Old Testament the names
for God (Elohim, Eloah, and El) are employed 1604 times,
in the apocalyptic and pseudepigraphic writings, 1002 times,
about 4000 times in Philo, almost exclusively in Josephus,7
2610 times in the Koran, and 1136 times in the New Testament. All of these
works and the religions they illustrate are, therefore, intensely monotheistic.
2. We notice, however, that the Old Testament denotes
God by Lord (Jehovah and Adonay) 6898 times and the
extra-biblical Jewish works 1259 times, whereas Philo has
this appelation but 40 times,8 Josephus only a few9 and the
New Testament but 43 times.
The Koran employs Rab, “Lord” 965 times. In some
Suras it is the only term used, except in the opening verse, to denote the
Deity. In 21 Suras, it is not found at all. In others, it is found in all
possible variations with the word Allah.
The term Rahman, “the Merciful” as a designation of
the Deity is unique in the Koran, not being found as a noun in any of the other
works investigated. The use of Rab for God is not found in the Old Testament, nor elsewhere in Hebrew;
neither does it occur in Aramaic, including Syriac and the Samaritan. In the
Arabic version of the Pentateuch by Saadya, and in the Arabic of Chronicles,
Allah is used for Jehovah as well as for Elohim, and Allah
alone occurs for Jehovah Elohim. The modern translation
by Van Dyck uses Yahwah for Jehovah; the Catholic version uses Rah, following
the Arabic versions of the historical books as given in Walton. The Peshitto
uses Moryo for Lord. The Palestinian Aramaic employs
Moryo for Jehovah, but the A text uses More for
Kurios when it denotes Jesus. Thus it
looks as if Muhammed was the first Semite to use Rab for the Deity. Perhaps,
this was for him but a choice between introducing a foreign word from
Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek, and employing some Arabic
term. Rab seems preferable as a designation of the Deity
to Sahib, which ordinarily means “companion,” or to Sayyed, which is used for
“husband” in Sura xii. 25 and for “chief” in iii. 34. Maula, another synonym for Lord
is used for God in Sura viii. 41bis, ii. 286, ix. 51, iii. 143,
vi. 62, x. 31, xxii. 78bis, xix. 5, lxvi. 2, 4; but in ii. 143,
iv. 37, and xxxiii. 5, it means “kinsfolk” or “clients”; in xvi. 78 it is used
for a master of slaves, and in xxii. 13, of a bad lord, and in Ivii. 14, of fire. So that Rab is the best
word in Arabic to express the idea of Kurios or Moryo.
3. It will be remarked that the New Testament varies
from the Old Testament and the Koran, and agrees with
the contemporary works of Philo and Josephus in scarcely ever using Lord as a
designation of God. Perhaps, this is due, in part at least, to the fact that the
Roman emperors from Augustus down were called Theos and Kurios.10 The
Pirke Aboth use for Jehovah, but only in citations; and no word for Lord occurs
in the Zadokite Fragments and no word meaning God except
El. All other Jewish writers from A.D. 1 to 135 (except the Martyrdom of Isaiah,
which uses Lord 3 times to 6 for God) predominantly use Lord instead of God.11
The New Testament writers, however, while not often
using Lord for God, frequently use it as a title of Jesus. In Acts,
1 Cor., i
and 2 Thess., 2 Tim., Philemon, 2 Peter, Jude, The Revelation, and especially in James, this is the
most usual designation of Jesus. In fact, in most of the
writings of the New Testament, Kurios is never used except for the Second
person of the Trinity and implied that he was the same as Jehovah. The acknowledgment of
Jesus Christ as Lord thus became the test of a Christian.
In some of the epistles Lord as a designation of Jesus is used more frequently
than the word God.12
To sum up: The writers of the New Testament nearly
always use Lord to denote the man Christ Jesus; whereas
the Old Testament uses Lord as the name of God, and the
Koran, The Lord, as the equivalent of Allah; and among
contemporary writers, Philo and Josephus scarcely ever use Lord, simply or in
combination, to denote the Deity, the Zadokite Fragments never use Lord at all, the Pirke Aboth
use it in the abbreviation ” only in citations from the Old
Testament and always of God, and the Assumption of
Moses, the Martyrdom of Isaiah, Adam and Eve, the Secrets of Enoch, 2 and 3
Baruch, 4 Ezra, and the Prayer of Manasseh use it always, or nearly always, for God.13 The
difference between Christianity on the one hand and Judaism, as found in the
Old Testament, and Islam on the other hand, is thus apparent in the use of this word Lord. That
Christianity was not due to the Zeitgeist, or spirit of the
times, is equally apparent when we contrast the use of Lord
in the New Testament with its use, or non-use, in the contemporary literature
of the Jews.
4. The uniqueness and independence of the New Testament appears, also, in its
use of the word Father as an appellation of God. In the Koran this term, simply
or in composition, is never applied to God; in fact, the father (the noun with
the article) never occurs. On the contrary, Sura cxii., called the “Chapter of Unity,” reads, “Say: He
is God alone, God the eternal! He begetteth not and He is not begotten! And
there is none like unto Him.” In the Old Testament, there are six verses which refer to God as Father14 but no one of
them uses the term the Father, and it is always, perhaps, used metaphorically.
In Josephus i. 24, 25, the Lord, speaking of the children
of Israel, says to Moses: “I will be their father and they
shall be my children, and they shall be called children of the
living God and every angel and every spirit shall know that
these are my children and that I am their father in uprightness and
righteousness.” In verse 28, he adds: “All shall know that I am the God of
Israel and the Father of all the children of Jacob and King on Mount Zion for all eternity.”
The Third Book of the Sibylline Oracles, line 296, has
the sentence, “I besought the Great Father to ease me from
my spell.” In line 278, the Sibyl announces the coming
destruction of Israel because she “did not fear the immortal
Father of gods and all men.” In line 550, Hellas is exhorted to “reverence the
Father of all.” In line 604, it is said that the Eternal will impose on all men
retribution “because they would not honor in holiness the eternal Father
of all men.” In line 926, it is said that all the sons of the
great God will “gladden with hymns God our Father.”
In 3 Maccabees, ii. 21 we are told that God is the Overseer of
all and holy ancestor (προπατωρ) among saints, etc.; and in vi. 4, 8 Eliazar in his prayer
addresses God as Father.
The author of Wisdom xiv. 3 thus addresses God: “O
Father! thy foresight pilots (us) for thou has made a path even in the sea, a
safe path in its waves.”
The Odes of Solomon, in the use of this word, show the
influence of Christianity. They address God as Father in
viii. 1, xix. 2; Father of truth, xli. 1; Holy Father, xxxi. i
; Most High Father, xxiii. i; God the Father, ix.
1, x. 1; and the Fulness of the Ages and the Father of them, vii.
1. It mentions in ix. 1
“the Son of the Father.”
Josephus speaks of God as the Father and Lord of all things (Antiq., Pref. 4);
of the Father and Lord of the Hebrew people (id. V. i. 25)
; of the Father and Parent of
the Universe (VII., xiv. 10); and of the Father of the
whole race of mankind (IV., viii. 24).
Philo uses Father alone 30 times; Father of the Universe
9 times; Father and Creator of the Universe 19 times;
Father and Ruler of the Universe, iii. 182; Father of that
which is the father of time, iv. 190; Father and Creator
and Governor of all this system, iii. 183; Father and Creator and Maker of all
things, iv. 191; Father of all, iii. 178, 503, 504; Father and Creator of all men and things, iii. 465
; Father of all rational understanding, iv. 223; Father of all visible things, iv.
249; Father and Governor of the world, iii. 156; Creator and Father of all, i. 2; Creator and Father,
i. 22; Father and Creator, i. 5, ii. 133; Father and Ruler of
all things, i. 40; Ruler and Father of the Universe, ii. 247;
Father and Sovereign of the Universe, ii. 307; Creator and
Father, i. 5, 22,
From the compounds with Father it is evident that Josephus and Philo used the
term in the same sense as Plato, that is, as the equivalent of Creator. In fact, in iv. 24,
Philo quotes the Timaeus as stating that the Creator of the
gods was the father and creator and maker of every thing
and that the world was his offspring.15
It will thus be seen that there are five views of the Fatherhood of God: one,
that of Islam, that there is no sense in which God can be said to be a Father;
the second, that of Plato, followed by the Sibylline books, Philo, and Josephus,
that God may be called the Father of the Universe; the
third, that of the Old Testament that He is the Father of
the Jewish people; the fourth, found in Wisdom and 3
Maccabees, that he is Father of the saints and even of individuals; and the
fifth, that of the New Testament, that he is the Father of all men and especially of those who believe, and in a more
particular sense still, of Jesus the Son of God.
5. The Son of God. The idea of the phrase Son of God
is closely bound up with that of Father, and its use in the
New Testament is in striking contrast with its use elsewhere. The Koran in
Sura ix. 30 denies expressly that the Messiah is the Son of God, and says (v. 19, 76) that they
misbelieve who say that God is the Messiah, the son of
Mary; and it repeatedly speaks of the “son of Mary” as in
xxiii. 52, xliii. 57, or of Jesus as the Son of Mary, ii. 81,
254, iii. 40, iv. 156, 169, v. 50, 79, 82, 109, 112, 114, xix.
35, xxxiii. 7, lvii. 27, xxi. 6, 14, or of the Messiah the Son
of Mary as in ix. 31. In v. 116 God is said to have asked
Jesus son of Mary if he said to men, “take me and my
mother for two gods beside God”; to which Jesus responded: “What ails me that
I should have said what I have no right to?”
The Old Testament in Ex. iv. 22 represents the Lord as
saying, “Israel is my son, my firstborn”; and in Hos. xi. 1 says, “When Israel
was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt.” It is used,
also, of the theocratic king as in 2 Sam. vii. 14; “I will be his father, and he
shall be my son” (compare also Ps. ixxxix. 27-30). Again
God’s son is interpreted as meaning the Messiah as in Ps.
ii. 7: “Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee,” or in Ps.
lxxxix. 27,
28: “He shall call me my Father art thou, my God and the rock of my salvation.
And I will make thee my firstborn, the Most High and the king of the
The last chapter of the book of Enoch (date uncertain)
represents the Lord as testifying to the children of the
earth: “I and my son will be united with them for ever in the paths of
uprightness in their lives and ye shall have peace.” The book of 4 Ezra, finished about 135 A.D., has
“my Son Messiah” in the Syriac and Latin versions of vii. 28, 29; “son” in xiii.
52, and xiv. 9.
The Odes of Solomon use the term “son” in iii.
1, vii. 1, xix.
1, xxiii. 1; the “Son of the Father” in ix. 1; “Son of God” in xlii.
1; “Son of the Most High” in xli. 1; and “Son of truth” in xxiii.
Since Philo and Josephus do not use the terms “Son”
or “Son of God,” and the Koran denounces them, and the apocrypha and pseudepigrapha seem not to have either of
them except in passages written under Christian influence,
it is safe to say that, while the seeds of the New Testament
usage are found in the Old Testament passages above referred to, it is, as a
denotation of the Messiah and as a claim of a unique relation to God the Father, a peculiarly
Christian term.
6. The Son of Man. No title of the Lord illustrates better the independence of
the New Testament than the phrase “The Son of Man.” In Ezekiel, to be sure, we find that
Ezekiel is addressed about ninety times as ben Adam)16 “Son
of Adam,” or man, and in Daniel vii. 13 bar’ Enosh “son of
man” is used. Elsewhere in the Old Testament, ben Adam
occurs only in Ps. viii. 7. Enoch, also, in imitation of
Daniel uses the phrase in lxii. 5, 7, 9, 14; lxiii. 11, lxix. 26,
27, 29bis, lxx. 1, lxxi. 13, 14, 15, 17. If these passages were in the original
Enoch and if this part of Enoch was written before the coming of Christ, the use of the phrase
by the Lord may have been influenced by Enoch. However,
Psalm viii. 7 and Dan. vii. 13 are enough to have made the
phrase familiar to the Lord and his hearers. From these
slender hints the Lord appropriated for himself a designation which is used in
the gospels eighty-four times, and always of himself and by himself. Others called him the
Son of God; he called himself the Son of Man.17 The only
other person who is stated to have called him by this title
is Stephen (Acts vii. 56) when he says that he saw the
Son of Man standing on the right hand of God.18
7. The Holy Spirit. The frequency of the use of words
to denote the Spirit of God in the various works from which
the designations of the Deity have been collected may be
illustrated by the following table.19
Spirit |
Holy Spirit |
Spirit of God |
Spirit of the Lord |
Old Testament |
30 |
2 |
15 |
26 |
Other Jewish Literature B.C |
0 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
Literature from 1 to 135 A.D |
0 |
620 |
221 |
322 |
Philo |
1 |
2 |
5 |
0 |
Josephus |
123 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
New Testament |
120 |
91 |
15 |
5 |
Koran |
13 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
The New Testament doctrine of the Spirit is clearly a development of that of the
Old Testament. It retains all that the Old Testament teaches and adds what
relates to Jesus Christ and emphasizes and clarifies the doctrines of
the personality and deity of the Spirit.24 The tables show
that the New Testament refers to the Spirit about three
times as often as the Old Testament, although it is only
about one-third as large. Especially noteworthy is the use
of the phrase Holy Spirit 91 times to 2. The New Testament writers avoid in
general the phrase Spirit of the Lord (on account probably of the ambiguity of Lord), but sometimes use other phrases
such as Spirit of Christ in its place.25
It is surprising that the Jewish literature of the period
under consideration scarcely ever uses the term. The Sibyl
(iii. 701) speaks of the Spirit of God in connection with its prophecy; and the
XII Patriarchs (Benj. viii. 2) of the purity of heart of him upon whom the Spirit of God resteth. The use of Holy
Spirit in verse 36 of Bel and the Dragon is found only in the Syriac version. As it stands, it says
that the angel took Habakkuk by the hair of the head and
put him in Babylon above the den by the power of the Holy
Spirit. In Pirke Aboth iii. 14, Rabbi Harrina ben Dosa of
the first century A.D. is represented as saying; “Every one
with whom the spirit of mankind is pleased, the Spirit of
God (literally, of the Place) is pleased with him; and every one with whom the
spirit of mankind is not pleased, the Spirit of God is not pleased with him.” In the Zadokite
Fragments (of about 40 A.D.), ii. 10, we read: “Through
His Messiah He shall make them know His Holy Spirit;
and He is true.”
Josephus refers to the Spirit of God only two or three
times and in a purely Old Testament sense.
Philo uses Spirit, Spirit of God,
Divine Spirit and Holy Spirit about twenty times in all. In all these cases Philo is commenting on Old
Testament passages where the Spirit is mentioned. Thus, in the chapter “On Fugitives,” xxxiii.,
he speaks of the seventy elders “to whom the divine and
prophetic Spirit was vouchsafed.” In the chapter “On the
Giants,” v., he quotes Gen. i. 2: “The Spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters” and says that “the Spirit of
God is spoken of as being air flowing upon the earth.” In
the same section he quotes in full Ex. xxxi. 1, saying that
Bezaleel was filled with the Holy Spirit; and in vi. he cites Num. xi, 17: “I
will take of my Spirit, etc.” In v. he cites Gen. vi. 3: “Thy Spirit shall not remain among men
forever,” and bases on it the assertion of vii. that “it is possible that the
Spirit of God may remain in the soul”; and adds that “because they are flesh the Spirit of God cannot abide in them.”
In vi., he defines the Spirit which was upon Moses as “the wise, the divine, the indivisible, the
undistributable, the good Spirit which fills the Universe.”
Again, he says in v. that the Spirit of God is very definitely
described in the words of Exodus xxxi. 3, “God filled Bezaleel with the Holy
Spirit and with wisdom and understanding and knowledge to be able to devise
every work.” In his “Allegories on the Sacred Laws,” Philo discusses Gen. i. 2,
using the ordinary translation of ruah Elohim and referring
to it twice as Spirit. In his chapter on “Those who offer
Sacrifice,” xi, in discussing Deut. xiii. 1, he speaks of the
prophet as being inspired and possessed by the Holy Spirit.
In the chapter “On Nobility,” v., he says that Abraham was
possessed of the Holy Spirit and that “the Holy Spirit, being breathed into him
from above, took up his lodging in his soul, clothing his body with
extraordinary beauty and investing him with persuasiveness at the same time that it endowed his hearers
with understanding.”
Finally in the chapter “On the Giants,” xi, xii, he refers
three times to the Divine Spirit as abiding in men who
desist from doing wrong. Thus Moses “became an heirophant and a teacher of
divine things and the Divine Spirit was always standing by him conducting him in
the right way.” This statement is based on Num. xi. 17, where Jehovah says: “I will take of my spirit which is upon thee
and I will pour it upon the seventy elders.”
Although the Koran uses the word
Spirit seventeen times, the commentators interpret it as referring to the angel Gabriel, as it
certainly does in xvi. 104, xix. 17, xxi. 91, xxvi. 193, xl. 15, xl.
11, 12, lxvi. 12, lxx. 4, cxvii. 4. In the other passages, however, it seems difficult to believe that Muhammed meant any other
than a Holy Spirit which was specifically Jesus. Thus in ii. 81, and 254, he
says, “we gave Jesus the son of Mary manifest signs and aided him
('ayyadnāhu) with the Holy Spirit”; and in v. 109, “God
said: O Jesus, son of Mary, remember my favors towards
thee and towards thy mother, when I aided them with the
Holy Spirit, to speak of men in the cradle and when grown
up.” In iv. 109 it is possible that he designates Jesus himself as a spirit,
for he says: “The Messiah Jesus the son of Mary is but the apostle of God and His Word which he
cast into Mary, and a spirit from Him.”26
8. Messiah-Christ. The difference between the New
Testament and the other literature of the Jews is strikingly
evident, also, in the use of the word Messiah, or Christ. In
the Old Testament the word Messiah as a title of the Lord
is employed only in Ps. ii. 7 and Dan. ix. 24-26. In the
apocryphal works it is not found, but it occurs in the Psalms
of Solomon xvii. 36, xviii. 6, 8 (about 50 B.C.); in the
Zadokite Fragments (40 A.D.), ii. 10, ix. 10; in the Odes
of Solomon (50 A.D.), ix. 1, xxiv. 1, xli. bis., (Lord Messiah xvii.
1, xxxix.
1, Lord’s Messiah xxix. 1); in 2 Baruch (90 A.D.), xxiv. 3, XXX. 7, xxxix. 7, xl.
1, Ixx. 9, Ixxii. 2; and in 3 Baruch (125 A.D.) in the phrase Jesus Christ the
Immanuel iv. 15. Josephus (Antiq., XVIII. iii. 3) speaks
of Jesus as Christ, though the passage is said not to be
genuine.27 The Koran calls Jesus the son of Mary the
Messiah in iii. 40, iv. 169, 170, v. 19bis, 76bis, 79 (where he
says, “The Messiah, the son of Mary is only a prophet),
ix. 30 where he says, “the Christians say that the Messiah
is the son of God, God fight them, how they lie,” iv. 156,
where he calls him Jesus the son of Mary the apostle of
God,” and ix. 31 where he says, that the Christians take
them “monks for lords rather than God and the Messiah the son of Mary.”28 The
uniqueness of the New Testament writings is apparent when we consider that as a designation
of Jesus the word Christ occurs in it six hundred times.
It is remarkable, also, that it is the only designation of the
Savior, except Jesus, that is found in every book of the
New Testament.
9. Again, the difference between the designations of God
in the New Testament and in the other literature collated is manifest in the
titles that the other works use frequently and the New Testament writers omit, or use but seldom. This
difference can be made clear in part by a table.
Most High |
Almighty |
Sabaoth |
Old Testament |
25 |
41 |
284 |
New Testament |
929 |
10 |
230 |
Jewish Literature before Christ |
128 |
40 |
1 |
Jewish Literature after
Christ |
12731 |
5232 |
1 |
10. This difference appears, also, in the fact that Philo
employs the word Creator 124 times, the Sibylline Oracles
3, Jubilees ii, 2 Maccabees 2; whereas in the New Testament it is found only in
Rom. i. 25 and 1 Peter iv. 19.33
11. Lastly, a study of the collations of designations as employed in the
different works and by the different authors of the New Testament will confirm many opinions already
formed and probably originate others which have not so far
been broached or fully appreciated. This study will also
raise anew certain questions that have not been adequately
answered. For example, why should the use of the term
Father be confined almost exclusively to John and Matthew? Why should Matthew
and Luke use “Son of man” so often and Paul but seldom and James not at all? Moreover, it
is noteworthy that Acts is the work characterized by “Holy
Spirit” and Galatians by the Spirit. Lord Jesus is used more frequently than
elsewhere in Acts; Lord Jesus Christ in I and II Thessalonians; Lord, in James;
I and II Thess., II Tim. and Rev.; Christ, in I Peter, Hebrews, Rom. I and
II Cor., Gal., Eph., and Col.; and Jesus almost entirely in the Gospels and
We leave it to our readers to investigate the bearing of
the collection of the designations of the Deity on matters
of the age and authorship of the different works and on the
doctrinal predilections of their authors. Also, we omit for
the present the consideration of the bearing of the use of
the particular and various names upon matters concerning
the integrity and composition of the books. It will be observed, however, that
in the collection of titles thus far published, the way has been prepared for an intelligent discussion of the
names and titles of God in the Hexateuch and other parts of the Old Testament as well as in the
New Testament, Philo and other works of the Jews. In a
future article, it is the intention of the writer to discuss the use of the
titles of God as it affects the composition of the Pentateuch. As a side issue, though not the less important
one, we have prepared lists of the titles of the Messiah in Jewish and New
Testament literature. When this has been published, we shall have completed this contribution to the
objective criticism of the Scriptures.
R. D. Wilson. |