Books of the Bible.

By John C. Hill.

Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine, 1912

In the section "Outlines for God's Workmen" Gathered by Richard S. Beal


The Bible is one book, not many. It has one subject Redemption — and everything in the book is more or less related to this grand fundamental idea.

Old Testament

Genesis. The beginning. The necessity arising from man's failure, 3:23-24; redemption is promised through blood, 3:15, 21; 4:4.

Exodus. A picture of redemption, 12:13. It is the work of God, 14:13

Leviticus. The method of redemption, 16:15-21.

Numbers. The journey and welfare of the redeemed. God dealing with them as with sons, 1:18 ante to go forth to war."

Deuteronomy. Remember your redemption, 7:7-8.

Joshua. The welfare and the victory of the redeemed secured by Jehovah, 1:2, 5, 9. Words of cheer.

Judges. The failures of the redeemed and the Lord's continual interposition. "I will guide thee." "I will never leave thee." 2:11-16.

Ruth. A picture of a redeemed family. The social life of the redeemed, 2:4, 5, 14-16, 18.

Samuel, Kings, Chronicles. The type of the kingdom. The throne of David, 2 Sam. 7:13.

Ezra. The return of the redeemed from chastening bondage and separation from the world, 10:11.

Nehemiah. The necessity for constant activity and repairing of losses, on the part of the redeemed. "Let us rise up and build," 1:3, 10; 2:18; 3:28-30; 4:6. The use of the written word, 8:3, 5, 7.

Esther. God's secret purposes toward the redeemed, 3:13; 8:8.

Job. The experiences of a redeemed man, 1:21; 2:10; 42:10, 12.

Psalms. Songs for the redeemed. Prophetic praises for the final glory of the Redeemer and His Kingdom. The first Psalm is a preface. The second is the contents, 2:6.

Proverbs. Wisdom for the redeemed for life in this world, 1:5.

Ecclesiastes. The experiences of a redeemed man who has served the world and finds that all that does not relate to redemption is vanity, 12:13-14.

Song of Solomon. The mutual love of the Redeemer and the redeemed, 2:16.

Isaiah. A prophetic view of the Redeemer in humiliation and glory, and the ultimate universality of His Kingdom, 2:2; 9:16-7; 53:11.

Jeremiah. Judgment on the redeemed. A view covenant with them,

Lamentations. An appendix to Jeremiah. The prophets grief for the desolation of the city and the temple of the Redeemer. The Lord's' chastening of the redeemed.

Ezekiel. The old and the new dispensations, the disolution of the old and the granduer of the new, 37:11, 12.

Daniel. The coming Redeemer the King of Kings. The time of redemption, 9:26.

Hosea. Call to the back-slider to return, 14:1-4.

Joel. The promise of redemption to all, 2:32.

Amos. Judgment and restoration, 5:4.

Obadiah. Judgment on the enemies of the redeemed, 1:10.

Jonah. The redeemed among the gentiles, God's grace, 1:2; 2:10.

Micah. Paralled with Isaiah, 4:2.

Nahum. Appendix to Jonah. Execution of judgments on the redeemed, 1:10.

Habakkuk. Woes on the evil, 2:12. 1:12.

Haggai. Encouragement to those waiting for the Redeemer, 2:4, 7, 9.

Zechariah. Preparation for the coming Redeemer. The beginning of the last days, 14:7; 13:1; 14:20.

Malachi. The messenger of the Redeemer, 3:1. Gods last word to Israel before the Redeemer comes.

New Testament

Matt. Mark. Luke. John. The Redeemer in person seen in four pictures as the fulfiller of prophecy, as the Servant of Jehovah, as the Son of man, and is God manifest m the flesh. The Redeemer pays the price of redemption and completes the bargain. John 19:30.

Acts. The power of the story of redemption, 2:36-37

Romans. The doctrines of redemption systamatized, 1:16.

1st. and 2nd. Corinthians. The redeemed associated in the church, 1:10.

Galatians. The liberty of the redeemed as sons, 4:1-7.

Ephesians. The redeemed walking together in heavenly places together with Christ, 2:10.

Philippians. The perfecting of God's work in the redeemed, 2:13.

Colossians. The union of the redeemed with the Redeemer, Christ in you, 1:27.

1st. and 2nd. Thessalonians. The second coming of the Redeemer for the redeemed, I Thessalonians. 3:13.

1st. and 2nd. Timothy. Pastoral instructions to the ministry of redemption, 2 Tim. 2:1.

Titus. Qualifications of, and advice to, the ministry, 1:7; 2-15.

Philemon. Brotherly joy among the ministers of Christ v. 20.

Hebrews. The better thing of the new covenant, 11:40.

James. The good things that accompany redemption, 2:17

1st. and 2nd. Peter. The precious things of redemption, 1:19'

1 John. The assurance of redemption, 5:13.

2 John. Warnings to the redeemed against false doctrine,7. ^

3 John. Hospitality among the redeemed,5:6.

Jude. Warning of the apostasy in the last days, 17, 18.

Revelation. God's last written word to us through His Spirit, informing us of the great event that is to end this age, to which we are to look and for which we are to pray — the glorious appearing of the Redeemer to establish His Kingdom on earth and consummate redemption, 22:20.

—John C. Hill.