Philip Nave's Topics
1. Brother of Herod and husband of Herodias Mat_14:3; Mar_6:17; Luk_3:19 2. Tetrarch of Iturea Luk_3:1 3. One of the seven deacons: General references Act_6:5 Successfully preaches in Samaria Act_8:4-14 Expounds the scriptures to the Ethiopian eunuch whom he baptizes Act_8:27-38 Caught away by the Spirit to Azotus, preaches in the cities, and goes to Caesarea Act_8:39-40 Abides at Caesarea, and entertains Paul Act_21:8 Has four daughters, prophetesses Act_21:9-10 4. One of the twelve apostles: General references Mat_10:3; Mar_3:18; Luk_6:14; Act_1:13 Call of Joh_1:43 Brings Nathanael to Jesus Joh_1:45-50 Assists in caring for the multitude whom Jesus miraculously feeds Joh_6:5-7 Brings certain Greeks to Jesus who desire to see Him Joh_12:20-22 Asks Jesus to show the Father Joh_14:8-13 |
Taken from: Nave's Topics were originally produced by Orville J. Nave (1841-1917) |