Cambyses (Old Persian Kambujiya): second king of the
ancient Achaemenid empire (ruled 530-522). In 525,
he conquered Egypt. This is the first of two
articles. Early
Cambyses was the oldest son of Cyrus the Great, the
first king of the Achaemenid empire (559-530). The
name of Cambyses' mother is not known. The Greek
researcher Herodotus of Halicarnassus calls her
Cassandane, but Ctesias of Cnidus states she was
Amytis, the daughter of the last king of independent
Media, Astyages.

Cambyses and the
(From G. Posener, La premičre
domination Perse en Egypte,
Cyrus' career was dazzling. In 559, he became king
of Persia; in 550, he subdued his overlord, Astyages
the Mede. Three years later, he conquered Lydia
(western Turkey) and in 539, he added Babylonia to
his empire. Babylonia
was an ancient kingdom, and its king played an
important role in the religious and cultural life of
the ancient Near East. If Cyrus were to rule
Babylonia, he ought to act as a Babylonian king. In
his official propaganda (the Cyrus cylinder) he did
indeed present himself as the one chosen by the
Babylonian supreme god Marduk.
However, the great king was not in the position to
be present when the Babylonians celebrated the Akitu
festival. This was a problem, because the last king
of independent Babylonia, Nabonidus, had lost much
credit by not attending the festival for several
years. To prevent similar troubles, Cyrus appointed
his son Cambyses as king of Babylon, and in this
quality, Cambyses was present during the ceremonies.
A contemporary source, the Chronicle of Nabonidus,
When, on the fourth day [27
March 538] Cambyses, son of Cyrus, went to the
temple of [unintelligible], the priest of Nabū
who [lacuna]the bull [lacuna] They came and made
the weaving by means of the handles and when he
led the image of Nabū [lacuna]spears and leather
quivers, from [lacuna] Nabū returned to Esagila,
sheep offerings in front of Bźl and the god
The lacunas in the text make it hard to understand
what happened exactly, but it seems that there was
an incident because Cambyses was incorrectly
dressed: he and his men were armed, which was
forbidden. Fortunately, the error was corrected and
the statue of the god Nabū was brought to the
Esagila temple according to the ritual regulations.
Cambyses' reign in Babylon lasted for only one year.
It is not known why he resigned or what forced him
to resign. The incident during the New Year's
festival may have played a role. We simply do not
know. It is possible that Cambyses was now made
satrap of Bactria; in the next two generations,
every crown prince served in that region. However,
this is nothing but speculation.
Cyrus fell in a battle against the Massagetes in the
last weeks of 530; the last letter that is dated to
his reign was written in November. Before he left,
he had appointed Cambyses as his successor. The
first letter dated to the reign of Cambyses was
written on 31 August 530.
Every Persian king needed to secure the support of
the nobility. One of the means to achieve this, was
a dynastic marriage. Herodotus tells us that
Cambyses married Phaedymia, the daughter of Otanes.
This Otanes may have been the brother of Cassandane,
who was, still according to Herodotus, Cambyses'
mother. If Herodotus is right, Cambyses' queen was
also his cousin. However, Herodotus makes at least
one mistake in his description of the family tree
(he calls Otanes' father Pharnaspes instead of
Thukra), so we must be skeptical.
Two other marriages were concluded with his sisters.
One of them was -according to Ctesias- called
Roxane; the other was called Atossa and was later to
marry Cambyses' successor Darius. Herodotus thinks
that these marriages are an example of Cambyses'
madness, but if we assume that the Persian king was
a Zoroastrian, there is nothing strange about it.
The conquest of Egypt
The most important event during Cambyses' reign was
the conquest of Egypt. This meant that the king was
away from Persia for some time. The Histories of
Herodotus, our most important source, and the
Persian Behistun inscription agree that Cambyses
ordered, as a kind of safety measure, Cambyses
ordered his brother to be executed (section 10);
Herodotus calls this brother Smerdis, the Behistun
inscription calls him Bardiya, which is more or less
the same name. The two sources disagree about the
moment of the murder: the Greek researcher dates it
during the Egyptian campaign, the inscription states
that it happened before Cambyses left Persia.
A son of Cyrus, named Cambyses, one of our
dynasty, was king here [...]. That Cambyses had
a brother, Smerdis by name, of the same mother
and the same father as Cambyses. Afterwards,
Cambyses slew this Smerdis. When Cambyses slew
Smerdis, it was not known unto the people that
Smerdis was slain. Thereupon Cambyses went to
Probably, the inscription is correct. As we will see
below, Herodotus has constructed a part of his
Egyptian narrative as a catalogue of crimes and may
well have postdated the fratricide. (The colorful
narrative of Ctesias of Cnidus about the killing can
be ignored as historical source. It is full of
errors: for example, he calls Cambyses' victim
Tanyoxarkes and wants us to believe that bull's
blood is a deadly poison.)
Egypt was well-prepared for the war. Its pharaoh
Amasis (Egyptian name Khnemibre Ahmose-si-Neit) had
enlisted Carian and Greek mercenaries and had allied
himself with Polycrates of Samos, who owned a large
navy. This could be a great help, because marines
could easily perform actions against the Persians
when they were marching from Gaza to Pelusium, a
vulnerable desert road along the coast. Shortly
before the war broke out, Polycrates switched sides.
Herodotus writes:
Without the knowledge of the
Samians, Polycrates sent an envoy to Cambyses
the son of Cyrus (who was gathering an army to
attack Egypt) and asked him to send a messenger
to him in Samos to ask for an armed force. When
Cambyses heard this, he sent an envoy to the
Samians and requested a naval force to join him
in the war against Egypt. So Polycrates selected
those of the citizens whom he most suspected of
desiring to rise against him, and sent them away
in forty warships, charging Cambyses not to send
them back.
[Herodotus, Histories 3.44]
It is not clear whether these people ever joined
Cambyses' Phoenician navy, but in any case, Amasis
could not count on their support.
We happen to possess the autobiography of the
admiral of the Egyptian fleet, Wedjahor-Resne. It is
written on a small statue now in the Vatican Museums
in Rome. One element is curiously absent from this
text: Wedjahor-Resne does not mention a naval
battle. Herodotus does not mention fighting at sea
either. It is possible that the Persians had bribed
the Egyptian admiral and offered him an important
function, because after the conquest, Wedjahor-Resne
was Cambyses' right-hand man. Ctesias of Cnidus, who
is not known for his reliability, explicitly
mentions a traitor, although he calls him Combaphis
(Persica, §10).
Amasis died during the preparations of the war,
probably in November 526, and was succeeded by his
son Psammetichus III (Ankhkaenre Psamtik). Six
months later, the Persian invaders and their Arabian
allies reached Pelusium. The Egyptians were defeated
and Cambyses' men continued to the Egyptian capital
Memphis, which they took after a long siege.
Psammetichus was captured alive and received a
honorable treatment.
Cambyses was recognized as the new pharaoh.
Wedjahor-Resne tells:
The great king of all foreign countries Cambyses
came to Egypt, taking the foreigners of every
foreign country with him. When he had taken
possession of the entire country, they settled
themselves down therein, and he was made great
sovereign of Egypt and great king of all foreign
countries. His Majesty appointed me his chief
physician and caused me to stay with him in my
quality of companion and director of the palace, and
ordered me to compose his titulary, his name as king
of Upper and Lower Egypt, Mesuti-Ra [born of Re].
Stated differently, Wedjahor-Resne helped Cambyses
behave like a true Egyptian king. (Cyrus had done
his best to behave himself as a native king when he
had conquered Babylon; his son followed his example
in the ancient kingdom along the Nile.) For example,
Wedjahor-Resne persuaded Cambyses to direct the
Persian garrison in the holy city of Sais to another
camp, making sure that the sanctuary of Neit, the
mother of the supreme god Re, and the shrine of
Osiris were purified. His autobiography also makes
it clear that the conquest of Egypt was accompanied
with great misery.
I am the benefactor of my
city. I have saved its inhabitants from the very
large troubles which had come over the whole
country and which had not yet existed before in
this country. I defended the meek against the
powerful; I saved those who were afraid after an
accident had happened to them; I gave them all
useful things when they were unable to take care
of themselves.
Human suffering must have been immense. Probably,
every soldier in the Persian army was rewarded with
an Egyptian slave. This can be illustrated with a
contract from Babylon: on 31 December 524, the
veteran soldier Idin-Nabū sold his Egyptian slave
with her baby, who was three months old. (The
conclusion that Idin-Nabū sold his own child seems
A very late source, Iamblichus (c.245-c.330), tells
us that among the slaves was the Greek philosopher
Pythagoras, who was forced to spend twelve years in
Babylon before he was allowed to return his own
country. This may well be true.
Having conquered Lower Egypt, Cambyses sent out a
small expeditionary force against the oases in the
western desert. According to Herodotus, it reached
the beautiful Bahariya oasis. But when the soldiers
marched to Siwa, they were overtaken by the simoon
storm and killed.
Cambyses and a part of his army went to the south
(524/523). The capital of Upper Egypt, Thebes, was
occupied and the army continued along the Nile until
it reached the first cataract, where a garrison was
posted. (The soldiers were Jews who had a temple of
their own.) When Cambyses had reached the second
cataract, he founded a town called 'market of
Cambyses'. It may have been a fortified trading
place where the Persians, Egyptians and Kushites
(Nubian) could exchange commodities.
According to Herodotus, Cambyses intended to conquer
Kush, but this is not very likely. Egypt was not
completely pacified and it would have been foolish
to leave the country before it was a safe possession
of the Achaemenid empire. It is perhaps better to
see the campaign to the border zone from an Egyptian
point of view: the pharaoh had to go there at least
once in his life to show himself as the true king.
A Persian embassy was
sent to the Kushite capital, and the Kushites
started to pay tribute (or continued an earlier
trade). They are portrayed in Persepolis, bringing
incense, ivory and an okapi for the great king's
Disquieting news forced Cambyses to return to Lower
Egypt (Autumn 523). Psammetichus had organized a
revolt against the new overlord. The Persian army
could easily suppress the revolt, but its revenge
was bloody and destructive. The Greek geographer
Strabo of Amasia visited Thebes in 24 BCE and saw
the ruins of several temples that had been
destroyed. Perhaps this story was made up by the
Egyptian priests, who had good reasons to hate
Pharaoh Amasis had offered great gifts to the
temples, but Cambyses considered this outrageous. He
may have tried to 'defend the meek against the
powerful' by remitting the taxes that the Egyptians
had to pay to the temples. A papyrus (now in the
French Bibliothčque nationale) gives a summary of
Cambyses' instructions:
Of the cattle that once were
given by the people to the temples of the gods,
let they give only half of it. [...] Regarding
the poultry, do not give it to them any more.
The priests are perfectly capable of rearing
their own geese.
So the priests, who now had to breed their own
geese, had good reason to hate the Persian king.
The madness of Cambyses
Although Cambyses had reduced the temple taxes, he
did his best to behave as an Egyptian pharaoh. This
is proven by the autobiography of Wedjahor-Resne,
one of the few contemporary documents. He also made
a wise decision when he appointed Aryandes as satrap
of Egypt. This man ruled the country for more than
twenty years, and possible almost thirty.
The Greek researcher Herodotus, living almost a
century after the conquest of Egypt, offers a
completely different picture. In his view, Cambyses'
behavior is almost criminal. He gives a complete
catalogue of evildoings. In Sais, he had violated
the corpse of Amasis:
When Cambyses had entered the
palace of Amasis, he gave command to take the
corpse of Amasis out of his burial-place. When
this had been done, he ordered [his courtiers]
to scourge it and pluck out the hair and stab
it, and to dishonor it in every other possible
way. When they had done this too, they were
wearied out, for the corpse was embalmed and
held out against the violence and did not fall
to pieces. Cambyses gave command to consume it
with fire, a thing that was not permitted by his
own religion. The Persians hold fire to be a god
and to consume corpses with fire is by no means
according to the Persian or Egyptian custom.
[Herodotus, Histories 3.16]
According to Herodotus, this happened almost
immediately after the conquest of Egypt, in the
summer of 525. A new sacrilege was committed after
the expedition to Upper Egypt: Cambyses killed the
Apis bull. This was a manifestation of the god Ptah
and therefore a sacred animal. After the death of
the Apis bull, the priests started to search for a
new Apis, and when they had found it, every Egyptian
joined the celebrations.
When Cambyses arrived at
Memphis, Apis appeared to the Egyptians [...]
and they began to wear their fairest garments
and organized festivities. Cambyses saw the
Egyptians doing thus and supposed that they were
rejoicing because he had fared ill. Therefore,
he called for the officers who had charge of
Memphis, and when they had arrived, he asked
them why the Egyptians had done nothing of this
kind when he was at Memphis on the former
occasion, but were now, when he came there after
losing a large part of his army, very glad. They
said that a god had appeared to them [...] and
that whenever he appeared, they all rejoiced and
kept festival. Hearing this Cambyses said that
they were lying, and as liars he condemned them
to death.
[Herodotus, Histories 3.27]
After the execution, Cambyses called the priests and
the sacred bull into his presence.
When the priests brought
Apis, Cambyses -being somewhat affected with
madness- drew his sword, and aiming at the belly
of Apis, struck his thigh. Then he laughed [...]
and ordered those whose duty it was to do such
things, to scourge the priests without mercy,
and to put to death any one of the other
Egyptians whom they should find keeping the
festival. Thus the festival of the Egyptians was
brought to an end, the priests were chastised,
and Apis [...] lay dying in the temple. When he
had died because of the wound, the priests
buried him without the knowledge of Cambyses.
[Herodotus, Histories 3.27]
Egyptologists have refuted Herodotus' story. It is a
fact that an Apis bull died in September 524, but he
received a normal burial in the Serapeum at Saqqara
(near Memphis). The funeral monument shows Cambyses
worshipping the divine bull.
The next crime on Herodotus' list is the killing of
his brother Smerdis. We have already seen above that
this happened before Cambyses went to Egypt.
Herodotus' claims that Cambyses' next victim was the
son of one of his courtiers, Prexaspes. Twelve
Persian noblemen were buried alive, courtiers were
executed, statues of Egyptian gods were ridiculed.
Herodotus concludes with a remark that this last
crime shows that Cambyses was completely out of his
mind, because only a madman would mock the ancient
laws and customs of a foreign country (text).
This conclusion tells a lot about Herodotus, who had
great respect for foreign cultures. The question is
what its says about Cambyses, and the answer is:
nothing. Herodotus is interested in the moral aspect
of his story and did not check his spokesmen, the
Egyptian priests who had, as we have already seen
above, every reason to hate the Persian king.
However, it is too easy to conclude that Cambyses'
behavior was completely normal and Herodotus is
simply mistaken. The Apis was buried comparatively
late, which may suggest that something unusual had
happened. Many inscriptions mentioning Amasis were
damaged, and although we do not know why and when,
it certainly makes sense if we assume that Cambyses
wanted to eradicate Amasis' reign. We simply do and
can not know what happened in Egypt between 525 and
The revolt of Gaumāta
Herodotus and the Behistun inscription agree that
Cambyses' stay in Egypt was interrupted in the
spring of 522 by the news that a Magian named
Gaumāta had seized power in the Achaemenid empire,
claiming to be Smerdis. (Gaumāta could do this,
because the real Smerdis had been killed secretly.)
According to the Behistun inscription:
When Cambyses had departed
into Egypt, the people became hostile, and the
lie multiplied in the land, even in Persia and
Media, and in the other provinces. Afterwards,
there was a certain man, a Magian, Gaumāta by
name, who raised a rebellion in Paishiyāuvādā,
in a mountain called Arakadriš. On the
fourteenth day of the month Viyaxana[11 March
522] did he rebel. He lied to the people,
saying: 'I am Smerdis, the son of Cyrus, the
brother of Cambyses.' Then were all the people
in revolt, and from Cambyses they went over unto
him, both Persia and Media, and the other
provinces. He seized the kingdom; on the ninth
day of the month Garmapada [1 July 522] he
seized the kingdom. Afterwards, Cambyses died
The word uvamaršiyuš means 'his own death'. Nobody
knows how to understand this: some scholars have
argued that Cambyses died of natural causes, others
maintain that it means suicide. The second
alternative seems more plausible, because otherwise
'he died' would have been sufficient.
Herodotus offers no real help. He tells that
Cambyses, on hearing the news of the rebellion,
rushed back to Persia. But when he jumped into the
saddle of his horse, the cap fell of the sheath of
his sword and exposed the blade, which pierced his
thigh. The Greek historian does not fail to stress
that this was just the spot where Cambyses had
wounded the Apis. According to Herodotus, the
Persian king died not much later. The idea that
Cambyses died by his own sword may or may not
corroborate the interpretation that uvamaršiyuš
means suicide. The last
letter that is dated to Cambyses' reign was written
on 18 April 522. It was found in Babylon, and it
merely proves that Gaumāta was recognized as king in
April or May. Cambyses probably was still alive. He
may have died in July. The court official with the
title of arštibara, "lance carrier", must have
replaced him as commander. His name was Darius son
of Hystaspes.
According to both Herodotus and the Behistun
inscription, Darius and six noblemen killed the
Magian Gaumāta on 29 September 522. The first regnal
year of the new king saw nineteen battles in an
intense civil war, but at the end of that long but
single year, Darius was victorious and was
recognized as the true successor of Cyrus the Great
and Cambyses. |