Doctrines and Discipline of the Free Methodist Church of North America - 1939 Edition




     For examination:

     ¶ 378. 1. Free Methodist Discipline

     2. Wesley’s Plain Account

     3. World-Wide Missions, by Glover

     4. Steele’s Bible Study

     Collateral reading—in English:

     1. Fishers of Men. Roberts

     2. The Class Meeting. Hogue

     3. Chinese Characteristics

     4. Jubilee Story of the China Inland Mission, pages 1 to 212

     Collateral reading—in Chinese:

     1. Matthew and John

     2. Old Testament History

     To be memorized:

     Lord’s prayer, John 3: 16, Acts 4: 12; Romans 1: 16, all in Chinese


     For examination:

     ¶ 379. 1. Ralston’s Divinity, Part I, Books 1, 2 and 3

      2. Rogue’s Homiletics, Part I

      3. Hurlburt’s Biblical Geography.

     Collateral reading—in English:

     1. Stevens’ History of Methodism, Volume I

     2. Clara Leffingwell, Sellew

     3. Jubilee Story of the China Inland Mission, pages 213 to the end

     4. Three religions of China, Soothill

     Collateral reading—in Chinese:

      1. Pilgrim’s Progress

      2. Acts to Hebrews

     To be memorized:

     Matthew 11: 28-30; 28:20; John 14:1-3; John 15: 4, 5, all in Chinese

     Conduct morning prayers or other service before examiner, giving eight to ten minutes’ address in Chinese.


     For examination:

     ¶ 380. 1. Ralston’s Divinity, Part I, Books 4 and 5, and Part II

     2. History of China. Hawkes-Pott, pages 1-108

     3. Rogue’s Homiletics, Part II

     Collateral reading—in English:

     1. Stevens’ History of Methodism, Volume II

     2. Wood’s Perfect Love

     3. The Foreign Missionary. Brown

     4. Rogue’s History of the Free Methodist Church, Volume I

     Collateral reading—in Chinese:

     1. Genesis; Exodus, Ch. 1-20; Lev., Ch. 1-8; Judges to 1 Samuel; Psalm 1-41

     To be memorized:

     Psalm 1 in Chinese

     Give a gospel address or Scripture discourse in Chinese of not less than twenty minutes.


     For examination:

     ¶ 381. 1. Ralston’s Divinity, Parts III and IV

     2. History of China, Part II

     3. Fisher’s Church History

     Collateral reading—in English:

     1. Stevens’ History of Methodism, Volume III

     2. New Acts of the Apostles

     3. Lowery: Possibilities of Grace

     4. Fisher’s History of the Reformation

     Collateral reading—in Chinese:

     1. Psalms 42 to 150

     2. Isaiah, Ch. 36 to 66, Joel, Malachi

     3. James to Jude. Wenli

     4. Hogue’s History of the Free Methodist Church, Volume II

     Conduct a Chinese Sunday service


1 This course of study to apply to all missionaries Zn China who are candidates for ordination.