Doctrines and Discipline of the Free Methodist Church of North America - 1939 Edition



     ¶ 176. 1. An official meeting, composed of the pastors, local preachers, exhorters, evangelists, deaconesses, stewards, class leaders, Sunday-school superintendents who are members of our church and belong on the circuit, the superintendent of the local Y. P. M. S., and trustees of church property when such trustees are members of our church on the circuit where the church property is located, shall be held on each circuit once a month whenever practicable.

     2. The preacher in charge shall be chairman of the official meeting, except as provided for in Paragraph 208(6), and in his absence a chairman shall be elected.

     3. A secretary and treasurer shall be elected by the official board. The secretary shall keep in a suit able book, provided for that purpose, faithful minutes of the proceedings of the official board, and also of the meetings of the circuit and shall properly record all marriages and baptisms. The treasurer shall keep a record of all money raised on the circuit for religious purposes, and of the manner in which the same was expended, and give a full report of the same at the annual circuit meeting.

     4. The official board shall look after the spiritual and temporal interests of the circuit.

     5. It is recommended that a budget or finance committee be elected by the official board, who shall be members of the church, of whom the treasurer and pastor shall be members, to make an estimate of all moneys needed for the support of the preacher and the running expenses of the church, which estimate shall be subject to the approval of the official board.

     6. The members of the finance committee shall see •that each member of the society is solicited for the support of the local work and recommend that each individual give according to his means for its support regularly, either weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Order of Business for Official Meeting

     ¶ 177. 1. Devotional exercises.

     2. Election of a secretary.

     3. Calling of the roll.

     4. Reading of the minutes of the previous meet ing.

     5. Election of a treasurer.

     6. Election of an auditor.

     7. Election of a committee on charities.

     8. Inquire (1) Are there any sick?

     (2) What is the status of membership?

          a. Rave any been received on probation?

          b. Are there any whose probation has expired?

          c. Have any been received into full connection?

          d. Have any died?

          e. Have any been otherwise removed?

     (3) Are there any violating our rules of church membership and who will not be reproved?

     (4) Are there any recommendations from the society for exhorter’s license? (No person should be licensed to exhort without a recommendation from the society of which he is a member.)

     (5) Are there any exhorters’ licenses to be renewed?

     (6) Are there any exhorters to he recommended for local preachers’ license?

     (7) Have any been married or baptized?

     (8) Treasurer’s Report:

          a. Amount raised as ordered by the conference.

          b. Amount raised for pastoral support.

          c. Amount raised for district elder’s claim.

          d. Report of other money received and disbursed..

          e. Balance in the treasury.

     (9) Are there any claims to be presented?

     (10) Is there any unfinished business, or are there any committees to report?

     (11) Is there any new business, or are there any committees to be appointed?

     (12) Reports of department heads:

          a. Report of the Sunday-school superintendent.

          b. Report of the president of the W. M. S.

          c. Report of the superintendent of the Y.P.M. S.

     (13) Are there any vacancies in the board of trustees?

     (14) Is the title of the church property secure?

     (15) Are the legal documents for this circuit de posited for safe keeping; and, if so, where?

     (16) Is the church property insured?

     (17) Are the advices and requirements regarding the cultivation of vocal music found in Paragraph 81 being observed?

     9. Reading the minutes.

     10. Adjournment.

     This order of business is suggestive but not mandatory.