¶ 211. A supernumerary
preacher is a member of an annual conference whose efficiency is temporarily
impaired, and whose relation as a supernumerary is fixed by a vote of his
conference on recommendation of the stationing committee. In no case shall
he have any claim on the superannuated fund. His quarterly conference relation
shall be determined by the stationing committee.
¶ 212. A superannuated
preacher is one who is so disqualified by physical disability or old age
that he cannot take charge of a circuit or occupy any position in the church
which will afford him sufficient income for his support. The question as
to his disability shall be determined by his conference, on the recommendation
of the committee on claimants and claims. His quarterly conference relation
shall be fixed by the stationing committee.
If, in the interval of conference, a supernumerary
or a superannuated preacher moves where attendance at the quarterly conference
in which his relation was fixed is inconvenient, upon his request he may
be transferred to any convenient quarterly conference by its district elder,
with the consent of that quarterly conference.