¶ 221. 1. Exhorters
are a class of laymen licensed by the official board of a circuit or station
to conduct religious services of a more or less informal character, and
to exercise their gifts in hortatory discourse, or in laboring otherwise
to promote revivals and to advance the interests of the kingdom of God.
They are expected to be the pastor’s helpers, and hence should make it
their special study to qualify themselves for rendering aid in the work
of the charge, as also for general efficiency in various departments of
Christian work.
2. No person shall be licensed as an exhorter
unless he gives evidence of knowing God experientially, is of good reputation
among those by whom he is well known, exhibits the marks of fair intelligence,
and shows himself an apt learner in the school of Christ. It is hoped that
those who serve God and the church in this relation may grow in knowledge,
grace and efficiency, so that the church may feel warranted in calling
them into its higher ministries.
3. Nor shall any person be licensed as an
exhorter among us until he shall have been duly recommended by the society
of which he is a member, after having lived among them a sufficient time
to enable them to know that his religious experience, the spirit he manifests,
his general deportment, and his gifts, are such as to commend him to Christian
people generally.