Doctrines & Theology
   God (Theology)
     Jesus God the Son (Christology)
       General Information
         The Pre-eminence of the Lord Jesus Christ By Arno Clement Gaebelein
         The Pre-eminence of Christ By Philip S. Moxom
         Jesus Christ: Messiah and Savior By John F. Walvoord
         The Son - from the Free Methodist Book of Discipline
         100 Truths About Jesus
         Jesus, Christians & Humans Compared
         Does the Religion of Mithra Prove that Christianity is False? From CARM
         Jesus and the Resurrection By L. P. Hickok
         The New Testament View of Christ as Bearing Sin By William Henry Cobb
         The Messianic Views of Christ’s Contemporaries By George H. Schodde
         The Science of the Virgin Birth By B. T. Stafford
         Christ in the Four Gospels By Edward P. Gardner
         The Moral Glory of the Lord Jesus By Alfred E. Bouter
         The Testimony of Josephus Concerning Jesus By Herbert W. Magoun
         The Reason and Nature of Christ’s Sufferings By Samuel W. Howland
         The Historical Christ of St. Paul By G. Matheson
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 1a
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 1b
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 1c
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 1d
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 2a
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 2b
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 2c
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 3
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 4
bullet The Historical Christ of St. Paul Part 5
         The Worship of Christ By T. M. Home
         The Blood of Christ By Edward Dennett
         The Blood of Christ: Its Great Value By Leslie M. Grant
         The Three Raisings of the Dead By Edward Dennett
         Christ's Prophecies of His Own Death By R. H. Hutton
         The Prayer Life of Jesus By L. J. Fowler
         The Teachings of Jesus and the Teachings of the Jews in the Time of Christ Respecting the Messiah and His Kingdom By Professor Hugh M. Scott
         The Loveliness of Christ By Dr. C. I. Scofield - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1912
         The Sonship of Christ By H. H. Savage - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1912
         The Great Doctrines of the Bible - Jesus Christ - By Rev. William Evans
         The Work of Christ By Arno Clement Gaebelein
         Christian Theology - Christ by Adam Clarke
         What Think Ye of Christ? Part 1 from Studies in Christian Essentials By Harry Edward Jessop
         What Think Ye of Christ? Part 2 from Studies in Christian Essentials By Harry Edward Jessop
         Redeeming Passion  from Studies in Christian Essentials By Harry Edward Jessop
         Essential Christian Beliefs by Stephen Solomon White
         Remember Jesus Christ By Charles R Erdman
       Pre-Existence & Eternality of Jesus
         The Pre-existence of Christ - By James White
         The Preexistence of Christ - By Elmer Towns
         The Preexistence of Jesus Christ as God  - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
         Major Bible Themes - God the Son: His Pre-existence By Lewis Sperry Chafer
         Trinity-Pre-existence of Christ. From Theological Institutes By By Richard Watson
         Series in Christology By John F. Walvoord
                The Pre-incarnate Son of God - Chapter 1
                The Pre-incarnate Son of God - Chapter 2
                The Pre-incarnate Son of God - Chapter 3
                The Pre-incarnate Son of God - Chapter 4
       Christ in the Old Testament
           See Old Testament Prophecies Answered By Jesus
         The Old Testament Ministry of Jesus Christ  - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
         Jewish Sacrifices, With Particular Reference to the Sacrifice of Christ By Anonymous
         The New Testament Doctrine of the Relation of Christ’s Death to the Old Testament Sacrificial System By William Hayes Ward
         Christ in the Old Testament; or, the Development of the Messianic Idea By Henry T. Sell
         Christ in the Old Testament; or, the Development of the Messianic Idea By Henry T. Sell
         Gethsemane: The Fulfillment of a Prophecy By G. Baldwin
         Peace - And The Prince Of Peace By Alfred E. Bouter
         The Various Kinds of Messianic Prophecy Part 1 By A. B. Davidson
         The Various Kinds of Messianic Prophecy Part 2 By A. B. Davidson
         The Foreshadowing of the Christ By George S. Goodspeed
bullet The Foreshadowing of the Christ 1 of 6
bullet The Foreshadowing of the Christ 2 of 6
bullet The Foreshadowing of the Christ 3 of 6
bullet The Foreshadowing of the Christ 4 of 6
bullet The Foreshadowing of the Christ 5 of 6
bullet The Foreshadowing of the Christ 6 of 6
         Foreshadowings of the Christ in the Old Testament By William R. Harper
         Types and Prophecies of the Resurrection By H. A. Wilson
         Jesus and the Old Testament by R. D. Wilson Taken from The Princeton Theological Review Vol. 24 No. 4 (1926)
         Abstract of Systematic Theology - Christ in the Old Testament. By Rev. James Petigru Boyce
         Trinity - Jesus Christ the Jehovah of the Old Testament. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
       The Humanity & Deity of Jesus
         The Incarnation
         The Incarnation of the Son of God - By John F. Walvoord
         The Person of the Incarnate Christ 1 - By John F. Walvoord
         The Person of the Incarnate Christ 2 - By John F. Walvoord
         The Earthly Life of the Incarnate Christ - By John F. Walvoord
         The Virgin Birth Incarnation of Jesus Christ - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
         The Genealogies of Christ
         The Incarnation Prof. Part 1 By John A. Reubelt
         The Incarnation Prof. Part 2 By John A. Reubelt
         The Incarnation of the Son of God By Leander S. Keyser
         The Incarnation By Mileham L. O'harra
         Does It Make Any Difference - The Question of the Virgin Birth By Dr. I. M. Haldeman
         The Name of Jesus By Geo. C. Needham - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1912
         Series in Christology By John F. Walvoord
                The Incarnation of the Son of God - Chapter 5
                The Incarnation of the Son of God - Chapter 6
                The Incarnation of the Son of God - Chapter 7
                The Incarnation of the Son of God - Chapter 8
                The Incarnation of the Son of God - Chapter 9
         The Two Natures of Jesus
         The Two Natures of Jesus
         The Union of Deity and Humanity in the Person of Jesus
         The Union of the Divine and Human in Jesus Christ By Rev. President Robins
         100% God 100% Man
         The Kenosis (divine emptying) of Jesus Christ - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
         The Twofold Life of Jesus Christ By J. T. Tucker
         Abstract of Systematic Theology - The Person of Christ. By Rev. James Petigru Boyce
         The Human Nature of Jesus
         The Relation of David's Family to the Messiah By E. P. Barrows
         The Genealogy of Christ By George M. Clelland
         The Genealogies of Jesus Christ By W. W. Everts
         A Study in the Genealogy of Jesus By William H. Bates
         The Two Genealogies of Jesus By H. W. Magoun
         The True Date of Christ's Birth Part 1 By George E. Day
         The True Date of Christ's Birth Part 2 By George E. Day
         The Brethren of Our Lord By Calvin Cutler
         The Humanity of Jesus Christ By F. F. Bruce
         How Christ Became a Man By Elmer Towns
         The Humanity of Jesus Christ - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
         The Perfection of Christ By Elmer Towns
         The Quietness of Christ - Part 1 By the late Dr. F. L. Chapell - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1913
         Humanity of Christ - Hypostatic Union - Errors as to the Person of Christ. From Theological Institutes By Richard Watson
         The Divine and Sinless Nature of Jesus
         Scriptural Evidence of the Deity of Christ By David B. Ford
         Jehovah-Jesus-Messiah By Anonymous
         The Deity of Christ By Benjamin B. Warfield
         Scripture Testimony  to the Deity of Christ By Samuel Green
         The Deity of Jesus Christ - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
         The Sinlessness of Jesus By James Harper
         The Sinlessness of Jesus By Rev. John Leard Dawson
         Our Lord’s Divinity By J. M. Hantz
       The Work of Jesus
         The Person and Work of Jesus Christ - By John L. Nuelsen
         The Atonement - By Elmer Towns
         Atonement - From International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
         The Present Ministry of Christ - By Elmer Towns
         The Character of Jesus Christ - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
         The Ministry of Christ in His Life on Earth - By John F. Walvoord
         The Humiliation of the Son of God - By John F. Walvoord
         The Work of Christ By John T. Ward
         Abstract of Systematic Theology - The Atonement of Christ. By Rev. James Petigru Boyce
         Major Bible Themes - God the Son: His Priestly Ministry By Lewis Sperry Chafer
         The Person and Work of Christ By John F. Walvoord
         The Present Work of Christ By John F. Walvoord
       The Teaching of Jesus
         The Teaching of Jesus By Rev. Professor George B. Stevens
bullet I. The Religious Ideas of the Jews in the Time of Jesus.
bullet II. The Methods of His Teaching
bullet III. His Teaching Concerning God
bullet IV. His Teaching Concerning Himself
bullet V. His Attitude Toward the Old Testament
bullet VI. The Kingdom of God
         Christ's Method of Teaching By E. P. M. - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1912
       The Temptation of Jesus
         Temptation of Christ - From International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
         The Impeccability (Sinlessness) of Jesus Christ - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
         The Impeccability of Christ - By John F. Walvoord
         The Temptations In The Wilderness By Albert Weston Moore
         The Temptation of Jesus By S. T. M.
       The Offices & Names of Jesus
         The Offices of Christ - By Elmer Towns
         The Biblical Names and Titles of Jesus Christ - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
         The Office of Jesus Christ - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
         The King By Clifton L. Fowler, Editor - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine
         The Kingdom By Clifton L. Fowler, Editor - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1910-11
bullet Part 1
bullet Part 2
bullet Part 3
          The Kingdom Part 1 By Clifton L. Fowler, Editor - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine
          The Kingdom Part 1 By Clifton L. Fowler, Editor - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine
         Abstract of Systematic Theology - The Offices of Christ. By Rev. James Petigru Boyce
         The Titles of Christ. From Theological Institutes By By Richard Watson
         Why Jesus was Called the Son of God and the Only Begotten Son By Christopher G. Hazard
       The Trial, Death, Resurrection & Ascension of Jesus
         The Last Week
           The Bloody Sweat of Our Lord By W. W. Keen
           Further Studies on the Bloody Sweat of Our Lord By W. W. Keen
           The Gethsemane Agony By Archibald Eugene Thomson
         The Trial of Jesus
           The Trial of Christ: A Diatessaron with Dissertations By Henry C. Vedder
           The Trial of Jesus: Its Value in the Foundation of Faith By F. J. Lamb
           The Legal Aspects of the Trial of Christ By Henry M. Cheever
         The Death of Jesus
            The Death of Jesus Christ - By Elmer Towns
            The Death of Jesus Christ - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
            Christ in His Suffering and Death- By John F. Walvoord
            The Date of the Passion of Our Lord By Anonymous
            The Sufferings of Christ By Enoch Pond
            Gethsemane: The Fulfillment of a Prophecy By G. Baldwin
            The Seven Utterances of Jesus on the Cross By Unknown
            The Sufferings of Christ from The Bible Treasury
bullet The Sufferings of Christ 01
bullet The Sufferings of Christ 02
bullet The Sufferings of Christ 03
bullet The Sufferings of Christ 04
bullet The Sufferings of Christ 05
bullet The Sufferings of Christ 06
            Why Did Christ Die? By H. A. Wilson
           The Supernatural Darkness at the Time of Christ's Death. By Maurice G. Dametz - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine
            Major Bible Themes - God the Son: His Substitutionary Death By Lewis Sperry Chafer
         The Resurrection of Jesus
            The Resurrection - By Elmer Towns
            The Certainty and Importance of the Physical Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Dead - By  R. A. Torrey
            The Resurrection of Jesus Christ - From International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
            The Resurrection of Jesus Christ - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
            Christ in His Resurrection 1- By John F. Walvoord
            Christ in His Resurrection 2- By John F. Walvoord
            Christ in His Resurrection 3- By John F. Walvoord
            The Resurrection and Ascension of Our Lord By E. Robinson
            The Nature of Our Lord's Resurrection Body By E. Robinson
            The Nature of the Resurrection Body of Christ By Samuel Hutchings
            On the Descent of Christ Into Hell By Joseph Muenscher
            Jesus and the Resurrection By L. P. Hickok
            The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus the Central Fact in Christianity By Henry G. Weston
           The Testimony of Paul the Apostle to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ By William Houliston
           The Resurrection of Jesus By Francis B. Palmer
           Paul on the Resurrection of Christ By Charles Marsh Mead
           The Resurrection By Cecil T. Gaknett
           Types and Prophecies of the Resurrection By H. A. Wilson
           The Reality of the Resurrection By L. J. Fowler
           The Resurrection Life in Christ Jesus By Clifton L. Fowler
           Did Jesus Rise? By Wm. Avery McClure
           Resurrection By James H. Brookes
           Resurrection in the Book of Acts By Maurice G. Dametz
           The Scriptural Doctrine of the Resurrection By the Late Rev. H. M. Parsons
           Proofs of the Resurrection. Part 1 & 2
            Major Bible Themes - God the Son: His Resurrection and Ascension By Lewis Sperry Chafer
         The Ascension of Jesus
            The Ascension - By Elmer Towns
            Ascension - From International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
            The Ascension and Present Ministry of Jesus Christ - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
            The Resurrection and Ascension of Our Lord By E. Robinson
            Historical and Critical Inquiry Respecting the Ascension of Christ By Gottfried Kinkel
            Major Bible Themes - God the Son: His Resurrection and Ascension By Lewis Sperry Chafer
         Christ's Present Ministry
           The Preaching to the Spirits in Prison By S. C. Bartlett
           Christ’s Descent in to Hades By L. S. Potwin
           The Priesthood of Christ. Taken from: THE BIBLE TREASURY
bullet The Priesthood of Christ. Part 1 of 5
bullet The Priesthood of Christ. Part 2 of 5
bullet The Priesthood of Christ. Part 3 of 5
bullet The Priesthood of Christ. Part 4 of 5
bullet The Priesthood of Christ. Part 5 of 5
       The Second Coming of Jesus
         The Twofold Future Coming of Jesus Christ - From Willmington's Guide to the Bible
         The Coming of Christ for His Church By John F. Walvoord
         Christ’s Coming to Reign By John F. Walvoord
         Twenty Prominent Facts Taught in the New Testament on the Return of the Lord By Arno Clement Gaebelein
         The Coming and the Appearing of our Lord by H. H. Snell
         The Second Coming of Christ By H. A. Wilson
         The Coming of Christ By I. M. Haldeman
         The Practical Results of Second Coming Teaching By H. A. Wilson
         Major Events Preceding the Second Coming of Christ  By John F. Walvoord
         Armageddon And The Second Coming Of Christ By John F. Walvoord
         The Second Coming of Christ By H. A. Wilson
         The Coming and the Appearing of our Lord by H. H. Snell
         The Unity of Bible Testimony to the Coming of Christ By Mr. William Carr
         The Second Coming of Christ - Part 1 By L. R. Elliott - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1913
         The Second Coming of Christ - Part 2 By L. R. Elliott - Taken from Grace and Truth Magazine 1913
         The Return of the Lord By John F. Walvoord
bullet Trends of Our Day Toward Fulfillment of Prophecy
bullet A Premillennial Calendar of Future Events
bullet Is The Return of Christ Premillennial?
bullet The Imminent Translation of the Church
bullet The Seventieth Week of Daniel
bullet Will The Church Go Through The Tribulation?
bullet Is Israel Cast Off Forever?
bullet The Future Restoration of Israel
bullet Predicted Divine Judgments
bullet The Future of Communism According to The Bible
bullet Can We Have Peace in Our Time?
         Major Bible Themes - God the Son: His Coming for His Saints By Lewis Sperry Chafer
         Major Bible Themes - God the Son: His Coming with His Saints By Lewis Sperry Chafer
         The Return of the Lord - By John F. Walvoord
         The Future Work of Christ By John F. Walvoord
        Christ in Types - Truth of Types - By Aaron Schlessman - Taken from Grace and truth Magazine
         Truth of Types
         Adam, a Type of Christ
         Abel's Lamb a Type of Christ
         Noah's Ark as a Type of Christ
         Joseph the Righteous a Type of Christ
         Joseph the Righteous Setting Forth the Work of Christ during the Tribulation Period
         Joseph Setting Forth Christ in the Work of His Second Coming.
         The Ladder, a Type of Christ
         Moses Setting Forth the Judgment Activity of Christ during the Tribulation Period
         The Blood of the Lamb Typical of the Blood of Christ
         The Manna a Type of Christ
         The Brazen Serpent as a Type of Christ
         The Cities of Refuge Typical of Christ
         Joshua. A Type of Christ
         Samson, A Type of Christ
         David as a Type of Christ
         David Setting Forth Christ in the Work of His First Coming
         David Setting Forth Christ in the Work of His Second Coming
         David Setting Forth Christ in Death and Resurrection
         David Setting Forth Christ The Good Shepherd
         Elijah, A Type of Christ
         Elisha, A Type of Christ
       The Wrong Teachings About Jesus
         Christological Heresies
         False Views of the Person of Jesus
         Isaac, A Type of Christ