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Alphabetical List of Authors' by Last Names







T U V W X Y Z Multiple Authors
The Short Course Series The Expositor's Bible
(Old Testament)
The Expositor's Bible
(New Testament)
An American Commentary on the New Testament By-Paths of Bible Knowledge  

Series only in PDFs
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review, 1825-1871 The Biblical World 1882-1920  


Rev. John Adams, B.D.

  The Lenten Psalms.

  The Man Among the Myrtles.

Walter F. Adeney

Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther

Rev. Charles F. Aked, D.D.

  The Divine Drama of Job.

William Alexander, D. D., D. C. L.

The Book of Leviticus

The Epistles of St. John

 Sir Robert Anderson (Plymouth Brethren / Presbyterian)

Daniel in the Critic's Den

The Coming Prince

The Gospel and It's Ministry

The Lord From Heaven

Misunderstood Texts of the Bible

The Silence of God

The Way

Unfulfilled Prophecy

Redemption Truths

Human Destiny  

A Doubter's Doubts about Science and Religion  

Forgotten Truths

The Honour of His Name

The Bible or the Church

Entail of the Covenant or "The Saviour's little Ones”

Types in Hebrews

Ellsworth Archer

  A Brief Study of the Tabernacle - With Spiritual Applications


Samuel Bagster

The Interlinear Translation of the Greek New Testament

E. P. Barrows

Revelation and Inspiration

Companion to the Bible

Sir Risdon Bennett, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.

By-Paths of Bible Knowledge - Book # 9 - The Diseases of the Bible By Sir Risdon Bennett, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.

W. H. Bennett,

1 & 2 Chronicles

Edward Henry Bickersteth

The Rock of Ages - Scripture Testimony to the One Eternal Godhead, the Father, and of the Son, And of the Holy Ghost

Rev. William G. Blaikie

Book of Joshua

First Book of Samuel

Second Book of Samuel

Rev. James Petigru Boyce

  Abstract of Systematic Theology

James Oscar Boyd

A Brief Bible History: A Survey of the Old and New Testaments

James H. Brookes

Is the Bible Inspired

Did Jesus Rise

Life Through the Living One

Present Truth

Is the Bible True

Maranatha - The Lord Cometh

“I Am Coming

“God Spake all these Words”

“Till He Comes”

The Way Made Plain

An Outline of the Books of the Bible

Chaff and Wheat - A Defense of Verbal Inspiration (Pamphlet)

Keith Leroy Brooks

Ransacking the Scriptures - Bible Rules for Bible Study

The Summarized Bible - New Testament

The Summarized Bible - Old Testament

Prophecy Text Book

David Brown (Free Church of Scotland)

The Epistle to the Romans

F. F. Bruce (Plymouth Brethren)

The  New Testament Documents - Are they reliable?

The Hittites and the Old Testament

Colossian Problems

Galatian Problems

Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea

The Christian Approach to the Old Testament 

What Do We Mean By Biblical Inspiration?

The Canon of Scripture

Archaeological Confirmation of the New Testament

The Humanity of Jesus Christ

Archaeology and the New Testament

The Period Between The Testaments Volume I

The Period Between The Testaments Volume II

Rev. D. J. Burrill, D.D., LL.D.

  In the Upper Room.

Rev. Henry Burton, D. D.

Gospel of Luke

Horace Bushnell

The Character of Jesus - Forbidding His Possible Classification With Men

Christ and His Salvation

Sermons for the New Life

The Vicarious Sacrifice

Christian Nurture


  Rev. G. A. Chadwick

The Book of Exodus

Gospel of Mark

William Day Crockett

A Harmony of the Books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles


J. L. Dagg, D. D.

Manual of Theology

James Denney

The Second Epistle to the Corinthians 

The Epistles to the Thessalonians

Edward Dennett (Plymouth Brethren)

Ezra or Restoration from Babylon

Nehemiah, Or Labour And Conflict

The Name Above Every Name

Exposition of 2 Timothy

Daniel the Prophet and the Times of the Gentiles

Typical Teachings of Exodus

Fundamental Truths of Salvation

Unsearchable Riches - Some of the Relationships of Christ to His People

Zechariah the Prophet



The Apocalypse

Marcus Dods, D. D., D. C. L.,

The Book of Genesis

Gospel of John Part 1

Gospel of John Part 2

The First Epistles to the Corinthians


M. G. Easton M. A., D. D.

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Alfred Edersheim (Free Church of Scotland)

Sketches of Jewish Social Life

The Temple: Its Ministry and Services

The Bible History - Old Testament Volume I

The Bible History - Old Testament Volume II

The Bible History - Old Testament Volume III

The Bible History - Old Testament Volume IV

The Bible History - Old Testament Volume V

The Bible History - Old Testament Volume VI

The Bible History - Old Testament Volume VII

Thomas Charles Edwards, D. D.

The Epistle to the Hebrews

Charles R. Erdman

The General Epistles

The Pastoral Epistles of Paul

The Epistle to the Romans

Remember Jesus Christ  

The Spirit of Christ

Rev. William Evans, Ph.D., D. D.

The Great Doctrines of the Bible


Adam Fahling

Harmony of the Gospels - The Fourfold Gospel with Brief Explanatory Notes 

Andrew Martin Fairbairn

Studies in the Life of Christ

Talbot Fanning

The True Method of Searching the Scriptures

F. W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S.

1 Kings

2 Kings

The Book of Daniel

Rev. Prof. G. G. Findlay, B. A.

Epistle to the Galatians

The Epistle to the Ephesians  


Rev. Robert H. Fisher, D.D.

  The Beatitudes.

John Fox

Fox's Book of Martyrs


Rev. Alfred E. Garvie.

  The Joy of Finding.

François Samuel Robert Louis Gaussen

  "It is Written" - Every Word and Expression Contained in the Scriptures Proved to be from God

  Theopneusty - Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures

  The Holy Scriptures - From the Double Point of View of Science and of Faith

Rev. J. M. Gibson D. D.

Gospel of Matthew  

John Gill

The Prophecies of the Old Testament Respecting Messiah

Frédéric Louis Godet (Free Evangelical Church)

Studies on the Old Testament

James M. Gray (Reformed Episcopal Church) (Moody Bible Institute)

Synthetic Bible Studies of the Books of the Old Testament

Synthetic Bible Studies of the Books of the New Testament

How to Master the English Bible

Christian Workers' Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

Spiritism and the Fallen Angels in the Light of the Old and New Testaments

Great Epochs of Sacred History and the Shadows they Cast


Rev. Andrew Harper, D.D.

The Book of Deuteronomy

Charles R. Hemphill (Presbyterian)

Christ's Testimony to the Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch

Daniel Harvey Hill

The Crucifixion of Christ

Alexander Hislop

The Two Babylons

Alvah Hovey

See An American Commentary on the New Testament below

The State of the Impenitent Dead




Prof. W. G. Jordan, D.D.

  The Song and the Soil.

Adolf Jülicher

  An Introduction to the New Testament


William Kelly (Plymouth Brethren)

Lectures Introductory Old Testament

Lectures Introductory New Testament

Lectures Introductory to the Study of the Gospels

Lectures Introductory to the Study of the Epistles of Paul the Apostle

Lectures Introductory to the Study of the Acts, the Catholic Epistles, and the Revelation

Other Works

The Great Prophecies of Daniel

Lectures on the Gospel of Matthew

Notes on the Epistle of Paul, the Apostle, to the Romans

Lectures on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians

Lectures on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians

Notes on the Epistle of Paul, the Apostle, to the Philippians

Notes on the Epistle of Paul, the Apostle, to the Colossians

An Exposition of the Two Epistles to Timothy

An Exposition of the Epistle of Paul, the Apostle, to Titus and Philemon

Notes on the First Epistle of Peter

Notes on the Second Epistle of Peter

Lectures on the Epistle of Jude

Lectures on the Book of Revelation

Thomas à Kempis

The Imitation of Christ


Prof. Robert Law, D.D.

  The Emotions of Jesus.

Austen Henry Layard, ESQ. D.C.L.

  Nineveh and Its Remains - Volume 1

  Nineveh and Its Remains - Volume 2

M. M. Lémann

Jesus Before the Sanhedrim 

Gordon Lindsay

Amazing Discoveries in the Words of Jesus

J. Rawson Lumby

The Epistles of St Peter 

J. P. Lange

The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - Volume 01

The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - Volume 02

The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - Volume 03

The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - Volume 04


D. Macdill

The Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch

John Gresham Machen

A Brief Bible History: A Survey of the Old and New Testaments

Rev. Alexander Maclaren, D. D.

Colossians and Philemon

The Book of Psalms, Volume 1

The Book of Psalms, Volume 2

Julius Magath

Jesus Before the Sanhedrim 

Basil Manly (Baptist)

The Bible Doctrine of Inspiration Explained and Vindicated

Rev. Thomas Marjoribanks, D.D.

  The Sevenfold I Am

Prof. John E. McFadyen, D.D.

  A Cry for Justice: A Study in Amos.

J. W. McGarvey (Restoration Movement)

A Commentary on Acts of Apostles

A Guide to Bible Study

Jesus and Jonah

A Commentary on Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians and Romans By J. W. McGarvey and Philip Y. Pendleton

Preacher's Methods

Evidences of Christianity Volume I

Evidences of Christianity Volume II

Sacred Didactics

Authorship of the Book of Deuteronomy

Dr. J. Vernon McGee

The Appearances of Jesus After the Resurrection

J. A. M'Clymont

The New Testament & Its Writers

Rev. Selah Merrill, D.D. (American Congregationalist)

By-Paths of Bible Knowledge - Book # 5 - Galilee in the Time of Christ

Rev. George M'hardy, D.D.

  The Higher Powers of the Soul.

George Milligan, D.D.

  The Expository Value of the Revised Version.

William Milligan D.D.

The Book of Revelation

Arthur Ponsonby Moore-Anderson

Sir Robert Anderson and Lady Agnes Anderson

Leon Morris (Anglican Church)

Biblical Authority and the Concept of Inerrancy

The Authority of the Bible Today

Handley C. G. Moule M. A.

The Epistle of ST Paul to the Romans

N - O

J. J. Van Oosterzee

Moses, A Biblical Study


Eusebius Pamphilus

Eusebius Ecclesiastical History

Alfred Plummer, M. A., D. D.

The Pastoral Epistles

The Epistles of St. James & St. Jude




William Reid (Church of Scotland)

The Blood of Jesus

Rev. Robert Rainy, D. D.

The Epistle to the Philippians

W. M. Ramsay

The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia

St. Paul the Traveler and the Roman Citizen

Was Christ Born in Bethlehem?

A Historical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians

Samuel Ridout (Plymouth Brethren)

From Genesis to Revelation

Gleanings from the Book of Ruth

How to Study the Bible

King Saul the man after the flesh — 1 Samuel

Lectures on the Book of the Judges

Lectures on the Epistle to the Hebrews

Lectures on the Tabernacle

The Book of Job

The Church and Its Order According to Scripture

The Four Gospels

The Pentateuch

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit


George Salmon

A Historical Introduction to the Study of the Books of the New Testament.

Some Thoughts on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament.

Henry A. Sawtelle

The Epistles of John from An American Commentary on the New Testament

A. H. Sayce (Archibald Henry) (Anglican Church)

Early Israel and Surrounding Nations

By-Paths of Bible Knowledge - Book # 2b - Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments

By-Paths of Bible Knowledge - Book # 7 Assyria - Its Princes, Priests, and People

By-Paths of Bible Knowledge - Book # 12 - The Hittites: The Story of a Forgotten Empire

Joseph A. Seiss (Lutheran - Dispensationalist)

The Apocalypse Lectures on the Book of Revelation

W. B. Selbie, Ma., D.D.

  Belief and Life.

George Adam Smith, M. A., LL. D.

The Twelve Prophets Volume I

The Twelve Prophets Volume II

Prof. James Stalker, D.D.

  The Psalm of Psalms.

G. T. Stokes, D. D.

The Acts of the Apostles Volume 1

The Acts of the Apostles Volume 2

James Strong

The Genealogies of Christ - A paper taken from The Methodist Quarterly Review, October 1852

William Stroud M.D.

Treatise on the Physical Cause of the Death of Christ


Rev. Arthur J. Tait, D.D.

  The Prophecy of Micah.

Barnard C. Taylor

The Historical Books of the Old Testament

Prophecy and the Prophets

Outline Analysis of the Books of the Bible

W. H. Griffith Thomas (Anglican Church)

How We Got Our Bible

Methods of Bible Study

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Holy Spirit

The Prayers of St. Paul

Christianity Is Christ

The Christian Life and How to Live it

Genesis: A Devotional Commentary (Volumes 1, 2 & 3 in one book)

The Apostle John: Studies in his Life and Writings

Grace and Power: Some Aspects of the Spiritual Life

Josiah Blake Tidwell (Baptist)

The Bible Book by Book

The Bible Period by Period

R. A. Torrey (Plymouth Brethren)

The Baptism with the Holy Spirit

Torrey's New Topical Textbook

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

How to Study the Bible for Greatest Profit

How to Obtain Fullness of Power in Christian Life and Service

How To Pray

Real Salvation and Whole-hearted Service

Is the Bible the Inerrant Word of God


Rev. James Ussher

The Annals of The World


Rev. Canon Vaughan, M.A.

  A Mirror of the Soul: Studies in the Psalter.


Rev. R. A. Watson

The Book of Numbers

Judges & Ruth

The Book of Job

Rev. Adam C. Welch, D.D., Th.D.

  The Story of Joseph.

Rev. Thomas Whitelaw, D.D.


Fred H. Wight

Manners and Customs of Bible Lands

Satan--His Past, Present, Future written with Karl G. Sabiers.

Devotional Studies of Old Testament Types

Nathaniel Marshman Williams

The Epistle of Jude from An American Commentary on the New Testament.

X - Y

E. S. (Emanuel Sprankel) Young

Acts of the Apostles

Ephesians - Sanctification by Faith in Christ

Thessalonians - Glorification by Faith in Christ

The Bible Outline

The Old Testament History

The New Testament History


Andrew C. Zenos, D.D., LL.D.

  The Son of Man.

Multiple Authors

  Studies In The Deity Of Christ

Sets & Series

THE SHORT COURSE SERIES Edited by Rev. John Adams, B.D.

  A Cry for Justice: A Study in Amos. By Prof. John E. McFadyen, D.D.

  The Beatitudes. By Rev. Robert H. Fisher, D.D.

  The Lenten Psalms. By Rev. John Adams, B.D.

  The Psalm of Psalms. By Prof. James Stalker, D.D.

  The Song and the Soil. By Prof. W. G. Jordan, D.D.

  The Higher Powers of the Soul. By Rev. George M'hardy, D.D.

  Jehovah-Jesus. By Rev. Thomas Whitelaw, D.D.

  The Sevenfold I Am By Rev. Thomas Marjoribanks, D.D.

  The Man Among the Myrtles. By Rev. John Adams, D.D.

  The Story of Joseph. By Rev. Adam C. Welch, D.D., Th.D.

  The Divine Drama of Job. By Rev. Charles F. Aked, D.D.

  A Mirror of the Soul: Studies in the Psalter. By Rev. Canon Vaughan, M.A.

  In the Upper Room. By Rev. D. J. Burrill, D.D., LL.D.

  The Son of Man. By Andrew C. Zenos, D.D., LL.D.

  The Joy of Finding. By Rev. Alfred E. Garvie.

  The Prayers of St. Paul. By Rev. W. H. Griffith Thomas, D.D.

  The Emotions of Jesus. By Prof. Robert Law, D.D.

  Belief and Life. By W. B. Selbie, Ma., D.D.

  The Prophecy of Micah. By Rev. Arthur J. Tait, D.D.

  The Expository Value of the Revised Version. By George Milligan, D.D.

The Expositor's Bible (Old Testament)

The Book of Genesis By Marcus Dods, D. D., D. C. L.,

The Book of Exodus By Rev. G. A. Chadwick

The Book of Leviticus By William Alexander, D. D., D. C. L.,

The Book of Numbers By Rev. R. A. Watson

The Book of Deuteronomy By Rev. Andrew Harper, D.D.

Book of Joshua By Rev. William G. Blaikie

Judges & Ruth By Rev. R.A. Watson

First Book of Samuel By Rev. Professor W. G. Blaikie, D. D., LL. D.

Second Book of Samuel By Rev. Professor W. G. Blaikie, D. D., LL. D.

1 Kings By F. W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S. (Complete)

2 Kings By F. W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S. (Complete)

1 & 2 Chronicles By W. H. Bennett, D. D.

Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther By Walter F. Adeney, M.A. (Complete)

The Book of Job By Robert A. Watson (Complete)

The Book of Psalms, Volume 1 By Alexander MacLaren D.D. (Complete)

The Book of Psalms, Volume 2 By Alexander MacLaren D.D. (Complete)

The Book of Daniel By Rev. F. W. Farrar, D. D. (Complete)

The Twelve Prophets Volume I By George Adam Smith, M. A., LL. D.

The Twelve Prophets Volume II By George Adam Smith, M. A., LL. D.

The Expositor's Bible (New Testament)

Gospel of Matthew By Rev. J. M. Gibson D. D.(Complete)  

Gospel of Mark By Rev. G. A. Chadwick, D. D. (Complete)

Gospel of Luke By Rev. Henry Burton, D. D. (Complete)

Gospel of John Part 1 By Marcus Dods, D. D. (Complete)

Gospel of John Part 2 By Marcus Dods, D. D. (Complete)

The Acts of the Apostles Volume 1 By G. T. Stokes, D. D. (Complete)

The Acts of the Apostles Volume 2 By G. T. Stokes, D. D. (Complete)

The Epistle of ST Paul to the Romans By Handley C. G. Moule M. A. (Complete)

The First Epistles to the Corinthians By Rev. Marcus Dods, D. D.

The Second Epistle to the Corinthians  By James Denney

Epistle to the Galatians By Rev. Prof. G. G. Findlay, B. A. (Complete)

The Epistle to the Ephesians By Rev. G. G. Findlay, B. A. (Complete)    

The Epistle to the Philippians By Rev. Robert Rainy, D. D. (Complete)  

Colossians and Philemon By Rev. Alexander Maclaren, D. D. (Complete)  

The Epistles to the Thessalonians By Rev. James Denney, B.D. (Complete)

The Pastoral Epistles By Alfred Plummer, M. A., D. D.

The Epistle to the Hebrews By Thomas Charles Edwards, D. D.

The Epistles of St Peter  By J. Rawson Lumby

The Epistles of St. James & St. Jude By Rev. Alfred Plummer, M. A., D. D.

The Epistles of St. John By William Alexander, D. D., D. C. L.

The Book of Revelation By William Milligan D. D.

An American Commentary on the New Testament - Edited By Alvah Hovey

The Epistles of John By Henry A. Sawtelle

The Epistle of Jude By Nathaniel Marshman Williams

By-Paths of Bible Knowledge - By The Religious Tract Society

 Book # 2b - Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments By A. H. Sayce

 Book # 5 - Galilee in the Time of Christ By Rev. Selah Merrill, D.D.

 Book # 7 - Assyria - Its Princes, Priests, and People By A. H. Sayce

  Book # 9 - The Diseases of the Bible By Sir Risdon Bennett, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.

  Book # 10 - The Trees and Plants Mentioned in the Bible By Henry Chichester Hart, B.A. (T.C.D.), F.L.S.

  Book # 12 - The Hittites: The Story of a Forgotten Empire By A. H. Sayce

  Book # 14 - Modern Discoveries on the Site of Ancient Ephesus By J. T. Wood