Seven Biblical Signs of the Times

By Lewis Sperry Chafer

Chapter 7 - Sign 4


At the close of Daniel’s prophecy we read that the heavenly messenger said to him: “Go thy way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end” (Dan. 12:9). This phrase, “the time of the end,” as used in the Old Testament, refers to “The day of the Lord,” and the days of tribulation which immediately precede that day (Matt. 24:29).

We may not understand all prophecy as it will yet be understood, but we are aware that prophecy is now being unveiled as it has never been before. The study of prophecy has been much neglected. These great themes were not preached or discussed a few years ago. It is different today. Witness the large conventions and conferences for the study of prophecy. Note the flood of expositional literature unfolding these themes. Let no one here be so foolish as to suppose that these people are fanatics, or that these teachers and writer! do not know the meaning of the truth they utter. Some older ministers and laymen, whose training goes back to the days when men were indifferent to prophecy, are unable to adjust themselves to this new manifestation of the Spirit in unvoting the prophetic Scriptures. They often confess that they do not understand or preach these Scriptures; but this is no evidence that other men do not know them or that other men are not called of God to preach them.

Our theme is the most fitting introduction to the consideration of missions. The great missionary passion is born of an intelligent understanding of the plan and program of God. I challenge you to awake to the unveiling of prophecy. It is a sign of the times.