By J. L. Dagg
Genuine piety in the heart prompts the inquiry which burst forth from the lips
of the converted Saul of Tarsus, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" It asks
to know the will of God, for the purpose of doing it, as naturally as the
infant's appetite craves the appropriate food. The men of the world walk in
their own ways, and fulfil the desires of their own minds; but the man of
piety desires to walk in the way of the Lord, and to do that which is pleasing
to him. Hence he delights to meditate on his law. The Bible would not be a
book adapted to the state of his mind, if it did not contain precepts for the
regulation of his conduct.
The infant's appetite not only craves food, but appropriate food; and this
fact is alluded to in the words of Peter, "As new-born babes, desire the
sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby."[1] The Bible, the word of God, supplies the sincere milk
which the child of grace needs and craves. It not only gives precepts, but
precisely such precepts as are adapted to the holy affections of the new-born
soul, and tend to increase and strengthen them. Paul delighted in the law of
God, not simply because it was his law, but because it was holy, just and
good.[2] The pure morality of Christ and his
doctrine, even infidels acknowledge; and precisely the same morality appears in
the decalogue, and in the two great precepts on which hang all the law and the
prophets. The decalogue, written on the tables of stone by the finger of God,
has been thought by some to be the first specimen of alphabetical writing known
in the world. Whether this be true or not, it is certainly among the earliest
specimens of which we have any knowledge. The fact, that at so early a period
a law so pure and perfect was given to mankind, is very remarkable, and can be
satisfactorily accounted for only on the supposition that it emanated from God.
The intrinsic excellence of this law corresponds well with the solemnity and
grandeur of its promulgation from Sinai. The pious man admires its perfection
and delights in its holiness, and sees in it a proof that the Bible which
contains it is indeed the word of God.
When the desires are properly regulated within, all the out-goings of the soul
will be in accordance with the will of God; and they will be so adapted to the
circumstances of our being, as to show that the power which made the things
that are without, is the same that works within us to will and to do. All the
works of God, in heaven above, where the sun, moon and stars declare his glory,
and in the earth beneath, which is full of his goodness, are fitted to excite
our admiration and gratitude. We admire the habitation which our Creator has
provided for us, so splendid and so richly furnished, and we sit, with
overflowing gratitude, at the table which his Providence has spread before us
with such profusion and variety.
The doctrine of General Providence suffices for the exercise of gratitude in
the pious heart. The general arrangements of the world in which we are placed
show the benevolence of him who planned them; and we should have just cause of
gratitude to him for the wise and beneficial arrangements, even if we conceived
of him as leaving the world to the operation of the general laws which he has
instituted, and giving no direction to them in the minute details of our daily
experience. But genuine piety is no less displayed by resignation in the hour
of suffering, than by gratitude in the general experience of enjoyment. Yet
resignation to God under afflictions would be impossible, if they were not
viewed as coming from the hand of God. Job was resigned under his affliction,
because he considered it sent by God. "Shall we receive good at the hand of
God, and shall we not also receive evil?" To the exercise of resignation, a
belief in particular Providence is necessary. The general arrangements of
Providence, which, because of their benevolence, have called forth our
gratitude, may fail, in the particular exigency of our present condition, to
meet our necessities. We suffer in consequence of this failure, and piety
prompts us to bear the suffering with resignation to the will of God; but this
would be impossible if we did not believe that the particular event happens
according to the will of God. We must view Providence, not merely as
instituting general laws, but as directing the times and circumstances in which
the operation of these laws shall cross our path.
In order to the further exercise of piety, the providence in which we believe
must not only be particular, but it must be exercised with design. Resignation
to blind fate is not piety. We must not only feel the hand of God in our
affliction, but we must realise that it has been laid on us with design.
We have to do, not so much with our Father's hand as with our Father's heart.
It is not necessary to exercise of piety, that we should be able to penetrate
his design; but we must believe its existence. We are not required to
understand or explain all the mystery attendant on the doctrine of
predestination; but a belief of the doctrine is necessary to an intelligent
exercise of pious resignation. A wise Providence, and to such only is
intelligent piety resigned, operates with design.
Human depravity is prone to make an improper use of divine truth. The
doctrine concerning God's will of purpose is made a pretext for neglecting his
will of command, and an apology for past disobedience. The transgressor
pleads, "who hath resisted his will?" But sincere piety leaves God to execute
his will of purpose in his own way, and makes the will of precept its rule of
duty. It leaves God to his work, and delights in it as the work of God. Where
it cannot comprehend his design, it still trusts in him, and rejoices in the
assurance that he does all things well. It recognizes him as operating in all
things without; and, in viewing all these operations, finds occasion for
admiration, gratitude and resignation. But whenever a question of duty arises,
it is decided, not by the inquiry, What has God done? or, what has he purposed
to do? but, What has he commanded? The union of resignation and obedience in
the same heart, is a test of true piety. Happy is he in whom their influence
is combined. He can delight to do the will of God, and find a heaven in his
obedience; and he can rejoice even in tribulation, and feel a bed of thorns, if
God has laid him on it, to be a bed of down.
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[1] 1 Peter ii. 2. [2] Rom. vii. 12. |