By Arno Clement Gaebelein
The Modern Origin and Development of the Forces of LawlessnessWe have traced the great conflict between darkness and light, between truth and error, between righteousness and unrighteousness in a general way. To understand the more modern source of the serpent-controlled powers which now aim at world revolution, the dethronement of righteousness and truth, the establishment of what is called "a new world order," we must go for a starting point to the eighteenth century. It was during the last half of that century of disaster that a secret order, known by the name "Illumi-nati," came into existence. A similar movement, known also as "Satanism" had existed before. Already in 1185 a secret order had functioned under the name "Confrerie de la Paix" the brotherhood of peace. It was a pacifist attempt to make an end of all wars. They had the communistic idea of bringing about ownership of all lands by the people. Besides attacking all rulers they hated the Church and attempted the destruction of castles, monasteries and churches. It was one of the earlier attempts of a godless Communism. Early in the eighteenth century a set of French infidel and immoral philosophers began to spread their anti-christian and anti-civilization teachings. A notable one was the notorious J. J. Rosseau. Most of his theories contain the pernicious germs of socialism and communism. He expressed hatred of all civilization, which, in his opinion, was all wrong. He went so far as to say that civilization is the; curse of humanity, that under restraint man had been robbed of his liberty and that the prevailing laws of property were responsible for the misery of the people. He advocated a return to primitive conditions. In his writings may be traced the shouts of the French Revolutionists— "Liberty—Equality— Fraternity." Certain secret lodges of France, through which later the revolution was supported, used the same words. But it remained for a German to exploit the suggestions of Rousseau and to become the inventor of a system which is now fully carried out by Sovietism. It marks the beginning of the final great battle of the conflict of the ages. Adam Weishaupt, one of the most prominent "seeds of the serpent" was born in 1748 in Bavaria. As a young man he turned to the works of these French Philosophers and also dabbled in occultism, through which he probably yielded himself to the powers of darkness. Certain forms of a vicious occultism, a veritable Satanism, devil worship and the black mass, were then practised. He re-stated Rousseau's delusion. "Man is fallen," he said, "from the condition of liberty and equality, the state of pure nature. He is under subordination and civil bondage arising from the vices of man." Then, serpent-like, he struck at religion. "Man is not bad except as he is made so by arbitrary morality. He is bad because religion, the state, and bad example pervert him." And so he said, that from the mind of man there must be rooted out the belief in a life after death and the fear of any future judgment. Reason must become the religion of man and when that happens the problem will be solved. He attacked the family and national life; he hated patriotism. All social ties must be dissolved. He followed closely in the steps of the immoral Rousseau. "It was not, however, in his diatribes against civilization that Weishaupt surpassed Rousseau, but in the plan he devised for overthrowing it. Rousseau had merely paved the way for revolution, Weishaupt constructed the actual machinery of revolution itself."1 On the first day of May, 1776, the year in which our beloved country, the American Republic, was born, Weishaupt founded with a number of adherents a secret society, patterned after French freemasonry, which he called "Illumi-nati." All members were required to adopt other names. We shall see later how the Jewish leaders of the Russian revolution also changed their names, following the example of the original Illuminati. The members of he Illuminati lodges were instructed to maintain the strictest secrecy as to the proposed world-revolution and to hide their antagonism to religion. They claimed that Christ Himself was the author of Illuminism. New candidates were told: "That no one paved so sure a way for liberty as our grand master Jesus of Nazareth, and as Christ exhorted his disciples to despise riches, it was in order to prepare the world for that community of goods that should do away with property." So subtle were their methods that many Protestant preachers, misguided as they were, fell in with the Illuminati, and accepted the belief that Illuminism was a practical expression of Christianity. It is not different today, for in the ranks of socialism and communism we find many clergymen of different denominations, who blindly, and blinded by the god of this age, think that these subversive movements will help the advancement of the "kingdom" among men, a term which in its Biblical meaning is wholly misunderstood by them. In 1777 Weishaupt joined the freemasons and a closer alliance of Illuminism with Freemasonry was brought about. After that a congress at Wilhelmsbad was held and there a great conspiracy against monarchy and the church was hatched out. At the same time Jews came into prominence who were no longer excluded from the illuminized lodges. Fortunately there arose dissensions among the leaders of Illuminism, on account of the increasing tyranny of Weishaupt. The dissatisfied members, among them four college professors, appeared before a court of inquiry. The evidences they furnished left no further room for doubt as to the devilish nature of Illuminism. It was shown that the plan aimed at the destruction of all governments and all religions. They had adjured Christianity and advocated sensual pleasures, having brought into their membership prostitutes. Death they declared was nothing but "eternal sleep." The best information of all this may be gained by a volume, now quiet rare, by a contemporary writer, Mr. Robison.2 According to his investigation the Illuminati "accounted princes and all rulers usurpers and tyrants; patriotism was denounced; they would endeavor to abolish all laws which protected property. They intended to establish universal liberty and equality, to root out all religion and ordinary morality and to destroy the bonds of domestic life by doing away with marriage and by taking the education of children out of the hands of the parents." The aims of the Illuminati were grouped around six points: (1) The Abolition of Monarchy and all other governments; (2) The Abolition of private property; (3) The Abolition of Inheritance; (4) The Abolition of Patriotism; (5) The Abolition of the family life, of marriage and the communal education of the children; (6) The Abolition of all religion. This six-pointed program of abolition is now functioning in Russia through Communism and its ever-spreading propaganda. Behind it stands the unseen power of darkness. Finally the authorities acted in 1786. The secret papers of the Illuminati were seized and revealed beyond the shadow of a doubt the damnable and diabolical conspiracy of world-revolution. Weishaupt with a price set upon his head, became a fugitive. Then the Illuminati spread the lying report that they had disbanded. It was not the truth; they continued their agitations with greater secrecy. Illuminism became the most powerful leaven in all the European countries; it is working in the twentieth century towards its fatal goal as never before. There is no question at all in the minds of historians that Illuminism was responsible for the French revolution. Much of the reign of terror emanated from the Jacobin Club, which originated in 1789 and was organized by certain disciples of Weishaupt, among them Robespierre and Mirabeau. The Jew Cagliostro, who played an important part, was also an Illuminatus. We cannot follow the terrible story of the French revolution in detail. All the Satanic plans of the Illuminati, even to the enlisting of immoral women, were literally carried out. The watchword of the lodges of the Illuminati became the slogan of the revolution—"Liberty; Equality; Fraternity." Then a proclamation was issued summoning the proletariat of all Europe to rise in revolt against all ordered governments, but it proved a failure. In 1793 the abolition of religion was carried out. Some time before all over France the priests were murdered. The feasts of reason were established and prostitutes were enthroned as goddesses. The entire abolition doctrine of Illuminism permeated the revolution. The phrase "sovereignty of the people" was coined and from that time on history records the "rising of the people," the so-called proletariat. The reign of terror was the partial harvest of Illuminism. One of the most awful attempts, only partly carried out, was the depopulation of France on a large scale. Kill them off by the millions— the bourgeoisie! But according to the best statistics the many millions of victims, as boasted, did not fall in the French revolution. How insignificant it is in comparison with the millions which were murdered by the Bolsheviki in the second Russian revolution! When it was all over in France, France was demoralized, impoverished, exhausted and wretched beyond description. Then came the conspiracy of another Frenchman, Babeuf, in 1796. He formed a secret Directorate fashioned after the Illuminati order. As Weishaupt had surrounded himself with twelve disciples so Babeuf selected twelve confidants. A great manifesto was prepared by him. It began with the announcement—"For fifteen hundred years you have lived in slavery and consequently in unhap-piness." He promised, as Weishaupt had done, "The community of goods" and repeated the Illuminati statement: "The goods of the earth belong to every one." The manifesto also contained a very significant statement. "The French revolution is only the forerunner of another revolution, very much greater, very much more solemn, which will be the last." He spoke as a Satan-inspired prophet. Over a hundred years later the very much greater revolution passed into history in Russia. A contemporary writer, Edouard Fleury, has given in his work an analysis of his doctrines. It is most astonishing to find them perfectly reproduced in the present day Communism. His aim was the establishment of the "Republic of the Equals." Community of goods and labor was to be enforced. Children were to be given over at their birth to the state and trained in institutions. Family relations and family life were to be abolished entirely. How the greater revolution has followed this pernicious path we shall find later. Finally Babeuf announced a "great day of the people" when all should be carried out with the wholesale slaughter of the wealthy, the bourgeoisie and all in authority. All France was to run with rivers of blood. One man by name of Grisel had been drawn against his will into the conspiracy. Providence in a most remarkable way used him to uncover the hellish plot. The police raided the headquarters of the conspirators and found Babeuf and his right hand man Buonarotti working on the posters calling the people to revolt. All the leaders were cast into prison and dealt with by the law; Babeuf and others with him were executed. But his system was far from being dead. The Russian revolution accomplished what Babeuf had planned. Vicious Illuminism was spreading in every direction and appeared in all countries of Europe. Amongst those won over we find Thomas Paine. In his book, "The Age of Reason," he betrays his Illuminati fellowship. In 1786 Illuminism made its appearance in Virginia and an attempt was made to circulate in a secret way the Illuminati doctrines. The exposure given in the work of Robison and others opened the eyes of statesmen and preachers. They raised a warning cry. Reverend Jedediah Morse of Charles-town preached his great sermon on May 9, 1798 on Illuminism, in which he said:
His text was "This is a day of trouble and of rebuke and blasphemy." Needless to say the warnings by godly, Bible-believing and Gospel-preaching preachers were heeded. And today—what a change! We have in American pulpits hundreds of men who have cast the messages of the Bible to the winds, who preach Socialism and call themselves "The Friends of the Soviets." They are the sickly looking "Pinks" and with their boasted friendship for Russia they endorse the program of destruction. Let us listen to the President of Yale in New Haven in 1798, 'Dr. Timothy Dwight. He preached a sermon the same year in which he spoke of the Illuminati French revolution:
And today—what a change! Many of our colleges and universities have for professors, Atheistic evolutionists, who exhibit a malignant hostility to Christ and everything supernatural, who have trodden underfoot all divine truth, who are the outspoken advocates of Socialism, Communism and world revolution. What a change! After the collapse of the French revolution the development of the mystery of lawlessness continued with its antagonism to God and Christ and all law and order. When Napoleon came into power, during the fifteen years of his regime Illuminism was cowed and its vicious propaganda was arrested. But like a smothered fire breaking out afresh when winds fan the smouldering embers, so Illuminism flared up with new energy. The revival took place in Germany. One of the leaders of the French revolution was a German, Baron Anarchasis Clootz. This Prussian was an Illuminatus, a follower of Weishaupt and a rabid enemy of Christianity. He was the coiner of the word "Septemberize," because in September, 1792, a large number of French priests and religious leaders had been murdered. Clootz regretted that all religious leaders had not been "Septemberized." He declared many times that he is "the personal enemy of Jesus Christ." When in 1812 the "Tugendbund" (a misleading name—the bond of virtue) was organized, the Illuminati doctrines and the perversions of Clootz were found to be underneath it, as well as underneath the many secret societies, which continued the slogan of the Illuminati and the Revolution: "Liberty; Equality; Fraternity." The anti-Christian movements pread to Italy and to other countries and increasingly the Jews took a leading role in the program of revolution. In England, Socialism made its first appearance through a wealthy mill owner, Robert Owen. For a time he was the benefactor of the people. He established the industrial system on a new basis and attempted a cooperative movement. He had a model shop in which all goods were sold to the people at cost price. His experiment became very popular and successful, but unfortunately the good which his philanthropic schemes were doing was finally completely destroyed by Owen becoming an out and out Illuminatus. He echoed all the vicious abolitions of Weishaupt and branded the then existing society all wrong, advocating vigorously the annihilation of all civilization. As to his character he was a riddle. For years he was a professing Christian, bent on doing good to his fellowmen, but when he adopted Illuminism he became anti-Christian. This erratic Socialist finally attempted colonization on Communistic lines in America. He bought a large tract of land called "Harmony" from the followers of one Pastor Rapp. He named it "New Harmony Colony of Equality." It proved a great failure in the end. Another leader on continental Europe was Saint Simon, who followed the theories of Babeuf and therefore advocated strongly the destruction of civilization. But he went at it in a most subtle way. He claimed he was but following the teachings of Christ, just as the American religious modernists do, the friends of the Soviets. He asserted that his system was simply aiming at the fulfilment of the teachings of Christ as to the brotherhood of man. A few years later he exemplified his teachings by trying to blow out his brains. After Saint Simonism had collapsed, Fournier, Buchez, Louis Blanc, Cabet and others took up the serpent's work. Cabet attempted colonization in America. He had colonies in 1847 in Texas, later in the old Mormon town of Nauvoo, Illinois. But as he himself developed into a Communistic autocrat, a revolt took place and his schemes ended in complete failure. Then followed a veritable horde of theorists advocating different forms of socialism and communism. One of the new theories invented in 1836 dealt with the socialization of industries, banks, mines, and the newly invented means of transportation. A hundred years later in the Spring of 1933 a certain Methodist Conference under the leadership of a socialistic Bishop received a resolution advocating "that the people of the United States be made owners of the natural resources, such as coal, iron, oil and water-generated electricity, and of our banking institutions, railroads, steel, cotton and woolen mills. Inflation, the lowering of trade barriers, the adjustment of war debts now being set forth as possible solutions of the depression are not genuine cures for the sickness of our capitalistic society." Another religious body suggested as a cure of conditions "the equal distribution of wealth."5 Next appeared Anarchy as a system. It was brought about through Prudhon, who declared that no government had any right to exist. It is somewhat different from communism. Communism wants all lands, wealth and property taken out of the hands of private owners and be given over to the State, as it has been done in Russia. Anarchy aims at the destruction of the State and advocates the seizure of everything by the people. Prudhon, the father of Anarchism, was a terrible blasphemer, following the vicious Illuminati, Weishaupt, Babeuf, Clootz and the others. He said—"God is cowardice, folly, tyranny, evil and misery. For me then, Lucifer, Satan." He became associated with a Russian, Bakunin, who took a leading part in the development of the mystery of lawlessness through the power of Satan. Born in 1814 he belonged to the Russian nobility. He was an incorrigible youth, living on other people's money and finally took up a career, which like many others, including Karl Marx, he found both easy and remunerative, the career of a revolutionist. He became the tool of the shrewd German Jew, Marx, who used him for a certain time. He took a leading part in the revolutions of 1848 in Russia, Prague and in Saxony, where he was arrested. He was turned over to Russia and kept in prison for a number of years and finally sent to Siberia. He escaped and reached London via Japan and America. He then continued his vicious propaganda. His favorite toast was "To the destruction of all law and order and the unchaining of all evil passions." As a disciple of Weishaupt he found a man of kindred mind in Netchaieff. They organized the "International Alliance of Social Democracy," which followed closely the Illuminati doctrine. Here is Bakunin's declaration:
His associate Netchaieff was a ferocious fellow. Night and day he had but one thought—relentless destruction. He despised any kind of reform movements and said: "Every effort is to be made to heighten and increase the evil and the sorrows which will at length wear out the patience of the people and encourage mass insurrection. A series of monstrous acts will drive the people to revolt." It is next to impossible to trace historically the ever-increasing growth of the revolutionary movements, the intrigues and viciousness of their leaders and how the two groups represented by Marx, the Jew and the Russian Bakunin, clashed. Both had prominent parts in the different revolutions. It came finally to a break in the Spring of 1871. Marx and his fellow Jews, Nicholas Outine, Hess, Liebknecht, Bebel and other German Jews tried to expel Bakunin from the Internationale held in 1864. A long struggle followed, Netchaieff was exposed as a fraud and Marx as a liar. Some of the deceptions practised are almost unbelievable. Finally the Bakuninists were expelled and Marx terminated the first Internationale. Karl Marx had appeared as one of the most prominent Jewish leaders of the revolutionary activity. He was the son of a Jewish lawyer, by name of Mordecai. He was born in 1818 and went in his youth to Paris to study, but was soon expelled from France on account of his revolutionary propaganda. Marx had found a suitable associate in Friedrich Engels with whom he organized the Communist League. A year before the revolution of 1848 he issued his "Communist Manifesto," the celebrated document which Socialism and Communism have spread throughout the world. Here is the final paragraph:
The Manifesto of this Jewish-Atheist, an impostor, as it has been proved, is the basis of the attempted world revolution of our times. During the revolution of 1848 he headed the Communistic Society in Berlin, which was responsible for many murders. He was arrested, found guilty and condemned to death but escaped to England. There he wrote the book, which Communists call their "Bible," that is "Das Kapital" (Capital). It is a very poorly written and obscure work. His Manifesto was heralded as the charter of freedom of the workers of the world. Even a superficial reading shows that it is Illuminism pure and simple—the same abolitions are urged and the community of women is advocated. If Marx did not study the writings and theories of Weishaupt, Babeuf, Blanc, Clootz, Cabet and many others, and as a plagiarist reproduced them in a work he palmed off as his own, then an evil power must have guided his hand when he wrote his Manifesto. But it is a proven fact that he spent many months in the British Museum where he had access to the revolutionary literature from which he constructed his theories, fraudulently claiming they were his own. We quote from "World Revolution":
He raved like a madman against Capital and Capitalistic systems, and now the harvest of the seed sown by this demonized man is ripening throughout the world. The terrible aspect of it is that hundreds of religious leaders and educators of Gentile Christendom have become so blinded that they have abandoned the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, the power of God unto salvation, and, after giving up the faith supernaturally given to man in the Bible, turn to Socialism, as Dr. Sherwood Eddy has done and a horde of others, raising an outcry against Capitalism. Thus these men, who still use the word "Christian" are siding with the Marxian reproduction of the satanic Illuminism, and in this way become associated with the evil forces which constitute the mystery of lawlessness. And Marx, with all his denunciation of capitalism and his frantic appeals to the workers of the world to arise, was a miserable hypocrite who lived on the capital made in the exploitation of the workers. He lived in luxuries through the wealth which his associate had accumulated, grinding it out of the poor workingmen. Friedrich Engels, his associate, who lacked in the brains and cunning of Marx, had made a large fortune in a Lancashire cotton spinning mill. Marx never worked, but lived on Engel's money. We quote once more "World Revolution":
This is true of other Socialistic, Communistic leaders. They are the greatest exploiters of the proletariat, the workers, whom they enslave with a worse slavery than the supposed slavery of capitalism. The author read recently a volume written by one of the former associates of Lenin, Krassin, Litvinow and others.8 He repented of his association and in his volume uncovers the selfishness and the frauds of these Soviet leaders. Such are your leaders, ye modernistic Socialists, ye Communistic Pinks! French Socialism had been weakened and as it passed away with the revolution of 1848 the German Social Democracy took its place under an atheistic leadership, the leadership of Lassale, Marx, Engels and others. As we are writing not a history of Socialism, but are tracing briefly the development of the different forms of the mystery of lawlessness from its inception in the previous century we must pass over the events of the great revolutionary year 1848 which, for a time, held all Europe in its grasp. The stolen theories of Marx, a revival of Illumin-ism in a new garb, took hold everywhere. "Let the ruling class tremble at the prospect of a Communist World Revolution," Marx had said and such a world revolution against governments, patriotism, private ownership, the family, all law and order and especially against God and against Christ looms up larger and larger on the political horizon of the second half of the nineteenth century. In 1864 the first Internationale was held. It was held in London and was based entirely upon the Communist Manifesto of Marx. Outwardly he had little to do with it, yet he was the unseen power behind this first attempt to carry out his call: "Workers of the World Unite!" The great demand made was "the abolition of every kind of class domination." In this Internationale anti-Christianity became very prominent. It was supported by certain lodges which merged into "The International Association of Working Men." The subsequent congresses held in affiliation with the Internationale, especially the Student Conventions, demonstrated the hatred of the unseen backer of the movement, Satan. In Liege, France, such a congress declared:
And a similar Congress held in Brussels ended with the cry—"War on God! Hatred towards God! That is our Progress!" As already stated, the first Internationale terminated on account of the clash between the Socialistic-Communistic views of Marx and the Anarchism of Bakunin. The "International Association of Working Men" held a number of conventions in which the program of destruction, of murder and all that goes with it was upheld. So horrible were the intrigues, the frauds connected with it, besides the attempts at world revolution, that honest Socialists turned away with disgust from these demon-possessed leaders. A prominent socialist, Fribourg, wrote: "I insist that it should be known, that no upright mind could have conceived the idea of giving birth to a society of war and hatred." Then came the revolution of 1871. Germany had won her great victory over France. Bismarck in power had accomplished a program of Pan- Germanism. In connection with it all the perfidy of Marx came to light. He became a faithful servant, for his own selfish end, of German Imperialism. He was denounced as a secret agent of Bismarck and accused of having accepted a large sum of money from him. All these facts are substantiated by the private correspondence of the impostor. Both Marx and Engels, as German patriots, applauded the victories of the German armies and revealed their treacheries towards the Internationale by trying to persuade the French Proletariat not to fight the German invaders. It was the defeat of the French which gave birth to the revolution in France. Bakunin, now the opponent of Marx, was prominent in it. When the Prussians entered Paris the revolution broke out in all its fury. The revolutionaries, carrying the red flag became masters of Paris; it was anarchistic and as a result the commune was formed. Horrible scenes were enacted again in this revolution, charged mostly to foreigners who had been brought to France for that purpose. Hatred against God and Christianity broke out afresh. Churches were desecrated. Illuminism, this Satan-begotten system, was evident throughout this revolution. But again the forces of law and order were victorious, after nearly fifty thousand people had been killed. We have to go next to Russia to find an expression of the working of the mystery of lawlessness under the name of Nihilism. A French writer in the beginning of the nineteenth century, Joseph de Maistre, had termed the Illuminati "Rienistes."9 The nihilists were the same anarchistic revolutionists. The leader was a Russian, Prince Koropotkine, born in 1842. Nihilism, besides advocating the overthrow of governments, demanded the equality of sexes, aiming at the destruction of the family and the sanction of free love. Above all, all religions must be abolished; they were the sworn enemies of the Church. That there were serious causes for revolution in Russia under the autocracy of the Czars is most true. Alexander II had begun a splendid era of reform. The emancipation of the serfs had taken place in 1861, but no reform, no promise of better things in any way curtailed the nihilistic agitation. They were out for a demolition of civilization, the abolition of government and religion. When the Russian government fought the nihilist, they began a series of assassinations. The most prominent was the assassination of the Emperor. In 1879 a woman and one Leo Hartmann concocted a plot to blow up the imperial train; they made a mistake and wrecked the wrong train, which cost a number of innocent lives. A second attempt was to dynamite the dining room at the Winter Palace. They did it at the wrong time and thirty lives of soldiers and servants were lost. The third attempt succeeded. Alexander II had progressed well with his great reforms and had attached his signature to a Constitution to be adopted by Russia. The next day a bomb was thrown at his carriage which killed and wounded a number of Cossacks, who accompanied the carriage. The Emperor in deep sympathy left the carriage to look at the dying men, when a second bomb blew him to pieces. Among other assassinations traceable to nihilism and anarchism were the attempts to kill King Humbert of Italy, and Emperor William I of Germany. Later bomb outrages increased. President Carnot of France was stabbed at Lyons; the Empress of Austria and the King of Italy were murdered, also King Carlos and the Crown Prince of Portugal. In Germany, Johann Most became the leader of the revolutionaries. He was expelled from Germany and went to London in 1879, where he shouted out the Marxian appeal: "Workers of the World Unite." He organized another secret society through which he aimed at a general revolution. He received no encouragement whatever in Great Britain at that time. It is far different today, thanks to the teachers of the Modernistic- Evolution theories. In 1880 the Society of the Illuminati was re-organized in Dresden, Saxony. It was done in such a secret manner that its existence only became known nineteen years later. Most and others were identified with it. In the same year a revolutionary congress was staged by Most in Switzerland. They worked in harmony with the Russian nihilistic assassination program, advocating world revolution in order to plunge the world into chaos. The Social Democrats in Germany, coming more and more into power, differed but little from the Nihilistic-Anarchism ; it was more subtle than the outspoken anarchy. Social Democracy shared with Anarchy the hatred of religion. The leading organ of Social Democracy the "Socialdemokrat" on May 25, 1880 said: "It must be candidly avowed Christianity is the bitterest enemy of Social Democracy. When God is driven out of the brains of men, the whole system of privilege by the grace of God comes to the ground, and when heaven hereafter is recognized as a big lie, men will attempt to establish heaven here. Therefore, whoever assails Christianity assails, at the same time, monarchy and capitalism." Most's headquarters remained in England. But when he organized there a revolutionary congress advocating a revolution after the order of the Illuminati, proposing the annihilation of all rulers and powers in authority, the clergy and all capitalists, it was too much for patient England. After his arrest and imprisonment for eighteen months he came to America. There he attempted to develop his anarchy. The terrible outrage in Chicago in 1886, the Haymarket tragedy, was the fruitage of his agitations. Fenianism appeared in Ireland with the same abolition program, and England saw the inauguration of a number of socialistic movements. A saving feature of Socialism was the frequent quarrels amongst themselves, which divided them in a number of factions. Then syndicalism came to the front as well as the General Strike. According to Ramsay Macdonald, the English Laborite, syndicalism is largely a revolt against Socialism. But if we go deep enough we find beneath the surface of syndicalism the developed creed of anarchy, inasmuch as it rests upon the same basis— negation of the State. The government by trades unions will lead to the same goal as anarchy. The workers are to run not only industries, but eventually the whole country. The great method of syndicalism is the general strike. Here is the plan as described in "World Revolution" and so often disastrously carried out.
In connection with the general strike, sabotage is advocated, the destruction of all kinds of machinery. To follow the history of the general strike, its successes, and more than that, its great failures, would take hundreds of pages. Syndicalism is just another plan of world revolution. It is positively antipatriotic, anti-democratic and anti-religious. In other words it is a propagation of the program out of the pit, the Satan-conceived Uluminism. The second Internationale originated in 1889 in Paris. This was six years after Marx had died. May first was now constituted the day for revolutionary demonstration. Let us remember that Weishaupt organized his Illuminism on that day in 1776. It was altogether based upon his stolen theories, the revival of Weishaupt's and his followers' theories. Its leading feature was international Socialism. The World War arrested it temporarily, as most socialists still adhered to patriotism. As far as we have learned it is still in existence, but it was repudiated by the extreme, radical element, on account of being too friendly with the bourgeoisie. In 1903 a split took place. The left, or radical, wing of the Russian party obtained control and two groups were formed: The Bolsheviki, meaning "majority" and the Mensheviki, meaning "minority." From 1903 to 1918 there existed this Bolsheviki group, many of whom later became the leaders of the Soviet Red Republic. In the Zimmerwald Conference, held in 1915, a worshiper of Marx appeared, who became the awful leader of the Russian Revolution, in whom all the satanic efforts, the God and Christ opposition, since the eighteenth century were frightfully personified— Nicolai Lenin. On account of a younger brother, who was caught in a plot to kill the Czar and who was hanged for his crime, Lenin vowed eternal vengeance against all governments, society and civilization. Expelled from college on account of his revolutionary activities, exiled to Siberia, he lived obsessed by his great ambition of world revolution. We have traced the workings of the mystery of lawlessness up to the Russian Revolution. The author believes, as stated before, that what is called "the end of the age" in Scripture had its first beginning in the revolutionary program of Weishaupt. Behind it are the powers of darkness, working towards the complete end of the age which is revealed in the Bible. Still God has kept back the full development of this mystery. We shall see in the chapters which follow how everything is now ready for the full, the most awful, manifestation of the powers of darkness.
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1 "World Revolution," by Mrs. Nesta Webster, page 8. Mrs. Webster's book is a most reliable historical work. It is unfortunate that this valuable work is out of print. 2 Robison, "Conspiracy of World Revolution," 1793. 3 Quoted in "World Revolution," page 79. 4 Ibid., page 79-80. 5 "Our Hope." July, 1933. 6 "World Revolution," page 170. 7 "World Revolution," page 172. 8 G. Solomon "Unter den Roten Machtkabern"—Under the Red Autocrats. 9 Nihil is Latin; Rien, French; both mean the same, "Nothing." 10 "World Revolution," page 258. |