Jesus spake to the sick man whom He had healed at the pool of Bethesda.
Thus He spake also to the woman whom He liberated from the hand of her
persecutors. Thus He speaks to every soul to which He has shown mercy,
whose sickness He has healed, and whose life He has redeemed from
destruction. Thus He speaks to everyone who goes forth from the blessed
feast of the Supper: "Go hence: sin no more."
It was in order to save from sin that God sent His Son, that Jesus gave
His life and His blood, that the Spirit came down from heaven. The
Redeemer cannot suffer a, ransomed soul to go from the table of the
covenant, without hearing anew this glorious word: "Henceforth- let there
be no more sin." In the presence of the Cross and what thy sin cost Him,
in view of His love and all the blessings which He has bestowed upon you,
this word comes with divine power: "Go hence: sin no more."
"But, Lord, must I not always sin? In me dwelleth no good thing. I thought
that the Christian continues to sin to the end."
"And have I not redeemed thee from the power of sin? Does not My Spirit
dwell in you? Am not I Myself your sanctification?"
"But, Lord, can anyone, then, in this life be entirely holy?"
"The sinful nature you shall continue to have, but its workings can be
overcome. You may become more holy every day. I am prepared to do for you
above all that you dare ask or think."
"O my beloved Lord, I would so very fain be holy. Thou knowest how sin
grieves me, how I pant after holiness. O, pray, teach me how I can be
"Soul, I am thy sanctification. Abide in Me and thou shalt be holy.
Entrust thyself to Me: I shall keep you holy. Believe in Me, that I shall
fulfill My word. Let My word, My will, My mind, keep thy thoughts, thy
heart occupied. Let Me dwell in thine heart–thy heart be full of Me: that
will keep sin outside."
"O Lord, may it only be so in my case."
"Soul, fall down before Me, bring thyself to Me in sacrifice. Be not
faithless, but believing. Look not upon thy weakness, or upon all that
which is dead. Give Me the honor of being strong in faith, and confident
that what I have promised, I am mighty and faithful to do, and it shall be
to thee according to thy faith."
"Lord, I come. I fall down before Thee to dedicate myself now as a
sacrifice to Thee." |
(of a soul that surrenders itself to the Lord to be
purified from every sin)
Blessed Lord, Thou art my sanctification. From Thee I have not only the
command, but in Thee the power to go hence and to sin no more. Lord, now I
give myself anew to Thee, and declare myself ready to be purified from
every sin.
Of every known sin, of which I am already convinced, I do this very moment
make renunciation. However deeply it may be rooted, however little I feel
power to overcome it, in Thy name, my blessed Redeemer, I Hereby renounce
it. I surrender myself to Thee to combat and overcome it in Thy strength.
Lord, here am I, in order that Thou mayest cleanse me from all
unrighteousness. Lord, this is my prayer: whatever it may cost me, through
whatever pain or humiliation it may be achieved, take my sin from me.
Lord, spare no single sin: make me holy.
And no less for the sin in me that is still unknown to myself,–sin which
Thy people or the world or Thou Thyself mayest see in me, but which my own
self-love has not yet been willing to acknowledge, I place myself in Thy
hands. Lord, make it known to me: use friend or foe to discover it, but,
pray, let not my sin continue longer hid from me. I would fain know it, in
order that I may bring it to Thee, and that Thou mayest cleanse me from
And strengthen my faith, precious Saviour, that I may very joyfully reckon
on Thee to show Thyself to me as my sanctification. Thou art my Surety,
who has not only atoned for the old guilt, but art also in a position to
secure that every day and every moment the requirements of God's law may
be fulfilled by me. Lord, cause me to believe this, and by a life of
unceasing trust to experience how constantly Thou wilt keep and cleanse
the soul. Then shall I go away from every observance of the Supper, to
show anew that thou art my daily bread, and my daily strength: that Thy
life is the life of my life and that Thou hearest my prayer:
"Jesus, come and live in me.
That I may ever, holy be.
Lord, here am I now, surrendered to Thee,
to be kept and sanctified in Thee.
On Thy word, I confidently cast myself. Amen." |