A Letter
About The Blood Of Jesus
urge you," wrote an eminent
to a dying man,— "I urge
you to cast yourself at once, in
the simplest faith, upon the
Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall
be saved. All your true
preparation for death is
entirely out of yourself, and
in the Lord Jesus. Washed in His
blood, and clothed upon with His
righteousness, you may appear
before God divinely, fully,
freely, and for ever accepted.
The salvation of the chief
sinners is all prepared,
finished, and complete in
Christ, (Eph.1:6; Col. 2:10).
Again, I repeat, your eye of
faith must now be directed
entirely, out of and from
yourself, to JESUS. Beware
of looking for any preparation
to meet death in yourself.
It is all in Christ. God
does not accept you on the
ground of a broken heart-or a
clean heart-or a praying
heart-or a believing heart. He
accepts you wholly and entirely
on the ground of the ATONEMENT
Of His blessed Son. Cast
yourself, in childlike faith,
upon that atonement-' Christ
dying for the ungodly, (Rom.
5:6) - and you are saved!
Justification is a poor,
law-condemned, self-condemned,
self-destroyed sinner, wrapping
himself by faith in the
righteousness of the Lord Jesus
Christ, which is unto all, and
upon all them that believe,
(Rom. 3:22). He, then, is
justified, and is prepared to
die, and he only, who casts from
him the garment of his own
righteousness, and runs into
this blessed City of Refuge -
the Lord Jesus - and hides
himself there from the revenger
of blood, exclaiming, in
the language of triumphant
to them that are in Christ
Jesus,' (Rom. 8:1). Look to
Jesus, then, for a contrite
heart -look to Jesus for a clean
heart-look to Jesus for a
believing heart-look to Jesus
for a loving heart-and Jesus
will give you all. One
faith's touch of Christ, and one
divine touch from Christ,
will save the vilest sinner. Oh,
the dimmest, most distant glance
of faith, turning its languid
eye upon Christ, will heal and
save the soul. God is prepared
to accept you in His blessed
Son, and for His sake He will
cast all your sins behind His
back, and take you to glory when
you die. Never was Jesus known
to reject a poor sinner that
came to Him empty and, with
nothing to pay.' God will
glorify His free grace in your
salvation, and will therefore
save you, just as you are, without
money and without price,' (Isa.
65:1). I close with Paul's reply
to the anxious jailer, 'Believe
on the Lord Jesus Christ, and
thou shalt be saved,' (Acts
16:31). No matter what you have
been, or what you are, plunge
into the fountain opened for sin
and for uncleanness,' (Zech.
13:1), and you shall be clean,
'washed whiter than snow,' (Ps.
51:7). Heed no suggestion of
Satan, or of unbelief. Cast
yourself at the feet of Jesus,
and if you perish, perish there!
Oh no! perish you never will,
for He hath said, 'Him that
cometh to me I will in no wise
cast out,' (John 6:37). 'Come
unto ME,' (Matt. 11:28), is His
blessed invitation ; let your
reply be, Lord, I come! I come!
I come! I entwine my feeble,
trembling arms of faith around
Thy cross, around Thyself, and
if I die, I will die, cleaving,
clinging, looking unto Thee!' So
act and believe, and you need
not fear to die. Looking at the
Saviour in the face, you can
look at death in the face,
exclaiming with good old Simeon,
'Lord, now lettest thou thy
servant depart in peace; for
mine eyes have seen thy
salvation,' (Luke 2:29). May we,
through rich, free, and
sovereign grace, meet in heaven,
and unite together in
exclaiming, Worthy is the Lamb;
for He was slain for us!"' (Rev.
"How glorious Is THY NAME
Through all the ransom'd host,
O WORTHY LAMB, who came
To seek and save the lost!
Thou art, beyond compare,
Most precious in our sight!
Than sons of men more fair,
And infinite in might!
Thy perfect work divine
Makes us for ever blest;
Here truth and mercy shine,
And men with God do rest." |
Some time ago, the Rev. Dr
Winslow of Bath received a
letter from a youth, apparently
near death, asking him to reply
to it in the columns of our
periodical, which he did, and
the above quotation contains the
most important part of his
reply. The subjoined are Dr
Winslow's note to the author,
and the youth's interesting note
to Dr. Winslow:-
few days ago, I received the
following note. Will you allow a
brief reply to the all-important
question it contains, through
the columns of your wide. spread
and most useful journal? I write
hurriedly, and on a journey, but
I will endeavour to make the
apostle's reply to the awakened
jailor my model for point and
conciseness. And oh may the same
Divine Spirit apply the answer
with like immediate and saving
"DEAR SIR, - You
would greatly oblige a
sinner, if you would write a
piece&.for September, and tell
him what he must do to prepare
to die-what is the preparation
required by God - and when he is
fit to die. By your doing so,
you will greatly oblige a young
person person who feels
that his time is short in this
world. Now what is
justification? And when is a
sinner justified?"