The Holy Spirit

By W. H. Griffith Thomas


In addition to the authorities mentioned in each chapter the following may be consulted:

Bibliography and valuable Notes in Denio, The Supreme Leader, pp. 239-255.

Bibliography in Hastings' Bible Dictionary, vol. ii., Article ' Holy Spirit.'

Bibliography in Dictionary of Christian Biography, vol. ii.. Article ' Holy Ghost.'

Bibliography in Elder Gumming, After the Spirit, p. 243.

Bibliography in Biederwolf, A Help to the Study of the Holy Spirit, p. 218.

Bibliography in Leaflet 38b, Central Society of Sacred Study, May, 1909.

St. Basil, On the Holy Spirit (English translation with important notes by the Rev. George Lewis).

Tasker, Spiritual Religion. (A fresh and suggestive presentation.)

Kuyper. The Work of the Holy Spirit. (Very full and elaborate; important introduction by Professor Warfield.)

Buchanan, The Office and Work of the Holy Spirit. (Notable for illustrative cases.)

J. S. Candlish, The Work of the Holy Spirit. (A valuable handbook.)

Clemance, The Scripture Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. (A brief but suggestive treatment.)

Cardinal Manning, The Temporal Mission of the Holy Ghost; The Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost. (Apart from Roman Catholic views, these contain some useful contributions.)

Selby, The Holy Spirit and Christian Privilege. (Fourteen suggestive, scholarly, and spiritual sermons.)

Morgan, The Ministry of the Holy Ghost. (Spiritual expositions.)

McConkey, The Three-fold Secret of the Holy Spirit. (One of the best spiritual expositions.)

Bishop Webb, The Presence and Office of the Holy Spirit. (Devout spiritual addresses from the standpoint of extreme Anglicanism.)

Kelly, Lectures on the New Testament Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. (Spiritual expositions from a well-known scholar among the Brethren.)

Arthur, The Tongue of Fire. (An able and forceful Methodist presentation.)

A. B. Simpson, The Holy Spirit. Two Volumes. (Devotional expositions, unfolding the doctrine in the Old and New Testaments.)

Ridout, The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. Seven Lectures. (Expository and spiritual, from the standpoint of the Brethren.)

G. Campbell Morgan, The Spirit of God. (An outline of Biblical study.)

J. B. Walker, The Philosophy of the Divine Operation in the Redemption of Man. (An able discussion of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.)

Daunt, The Presence and Offices of the Holy Spirit. (Donnellan Lectures in Trinity College, Dublin.)

Edited by A. C. Dixon, The Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit. (A series of expository papers on various aspects.)

Andrew Murray, The Spirit of Christ. (Exegetical and devotional.)

W. J. Erdman, The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience. (Papers on the Gift of the Spirit in relation to the sonship of believers.)

G. Soltau, The Person and Mission of the Holy Spirit. (Expository and practical papers.)

Hare, The Mission of the Comforter. (Including valuable notes.)

John Owen, Pneumatologia, or Discourse concerning the Holy Spirit. (The great Puritan work.)

John Goodwin, Pleroma to Pneumatikon, or A Being filled with the Spirit. (Another Puritan work.)

J. M. Campbell, After Pentecost, What.? (A discussion of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in relation to modern Christological thought.)

Marshall, The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification. (An old and very valuable treatise.)

Beet, Holiness: Symbolic and Real. (A useful handbook.)

Hopkins, The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life. (A clear and cogent presentation.)

Wolston, Another Comforter. (Spiritual expositions by a leader of the Brethren.)

A. J. Gordon, The Holy Spirit in Missions. (A suggestive missionary study.)

Pierson, The Acts of the Holy Spirit. (Meditations on the Acts.)

Bruce, St. Paul's Conception of Christianity, chs. xiii.-xv.

H. W. Robinson, The Christian Doctrine of Man, Index, s.v. ' Spirit.'

G. B. Stevens, The Theology of the New Testament, Index, s.v. ' Spirit '; and pp. 213, 338, 431.

J. M. Campbell, Paul the Mystic.

Lowrie, The Doctrinal System of St. John.

Somerville, St. Paul's Conception of Christ.

Wilder, Studies on the Holy Spirit.

Recent French and German Works.

Amol, La Notion de I' Esprit, (1st Volume, la doctrine Paulinienne.)

Lombard, De la Glossolalie chez les premiers Chretiens.

Tixeront, Histoire des dogmes.

Bovon, Dogmatique.

Goguel, La notion johannique de l' Esprit.

Lietgert, Gottes Sohn und Gottes Geist. Titius, Lehre der Seligkeit.

Franck, Das Wesen des Christenthums.

Wernle, Die Anfänge, etc.

A. Ritschl, Altkatolische Kirche.

J. Weiss, Schriften des N.T.

Lietzmann, Handbuch zum N.T.

Feine, N.T. Theologie.

Weinel, N.T. Theologie.

Mosiman, Das Zungenreden.

Gunkel, Die Wirkungen des Geistes, etc.

Weinel, Die Wirkungen des Geistes, etc.

Rolling, Pneumatologie.

Nosgen, Das Wesen und Wirken des Heiligen Geistes. 2 Vols.

Gloel, Der Heilige Geist in der Heilsverkundigung d. Paiihts.

Sokolowski, Die Bcgriffe Geist und Lehen bei Paulus.