By R. A. Torrey
SIMPLE METHODS BY WHICH ANY ONE CAN WIN OTHERS TO CHRIST" Then the Spirit said unto Philip, ' Go near, and join thyself to this chariot.' And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the Prophet Esaias, and said, ' Understandeth thou what thou readest?'" — Acts viii. 29, 30. One of the greatest joys on earth is the joy of bringing others to a saving knowledge of Christ. I have heard people tell, that when they were converted the whole world seemed different; the sun seemed to shine with a new light, there was new music in the song of the birds, all nature seemed clothed with new beauty and glory. I had no such experience when I was converted. In fact, I was converted in the middle of the night, and the sun was not shining at all. But I did have such an experience the first time that I led another to a definite acceptance of Jesus Christ as their definite Saviour. I had been dealing with this person for two solid hours, and seemed to be making but little headway, then at the very close they yielded and accepted Christ. When I left the building where this decision had been made, it was nearly sunset in the spring-time, the whole world seemed to have a beauty that I had never seen in it before. It seemed as if I were walking on air; my heart was filled with joy such as I had never known. There is no other joy like the joy of saving men, and it is possible for every child of God, no matter how humble and ungifted, to have this joy. God's most approved method of winning others to Christ is indicated in the text, the method of personal hand-to-hand dealing with the lost. The high estimate that God places upon this form of work is seen in the context. Philip was in the midst of a great revival in Samaria, great crowds were assembling daily to listen, and an apparently strange command comes to arise and leave this great work that had stirred the whole city, and to go down into the way that leadeth from Jerusalem into Gaza, " which is desert." Wise man as he was, strange as the order must have seemed, Philip, without a moment's questioning or hesitation, " arose and went." An inquiring soul passes by in his chariot. The Spirit of God whispers to Philip, " Go near, and join thyself to this chariot," "and Philip ran." Would that we were as prompt to obey the first whisper of the Spirit when He bids us go and speak to others. Our Master did not consider it beneath Him to speak to one at a time. We have more frequent records of His dealing with individuals than we have of His preaching sermons to vast audiences. The one by one method of soul-winning is the method that God delights to honour. But how shall we do it? I. Select Your Man to Win. In personal work, as in all forms of work definiteness is of tremendous importance. There are hosts of people who have a longing to win some one to Christ, but they do not pick out any definite individual to win, and so they fail. A definite purpose to lead some definite individual to a definite acceptance of a definite Saviour will accomplish vastly more than an indefinite longing to lead an indefinite number of indefinite persons with some definite experiences. But how shall we select the individuals whom we are to win to Christ? 1. First of all, by prayer. — There are some who are the peculiar property of each of us. We can lead them to Christ, and no one else can. Who these persons are God alone knows, but He is willing to tell us if we will only ask Him. We should go to Him and ask Him to show us who the persons are whom He would have us to lead to Christ. Then we should wait upon Him, listen for His voice — it is a still, small voice — as it speaks in our hearts. When He mentions that one, we should write that one's name down, and determine that we will lead that one to Christ. 2. Select those who are accessible. — The most accessible of all are those in our own family, and that is the place to begin, in your own home. Jesus said to the demoniac whom He had healed, and who wished to accompany Him on His missionary journeys, " Return to thine own house, and show how great things God has done for thee." When Andrew found Christ, he went first of all to his own brother Simon and " brought him to Jesus." No one of us should rest as long as any member of our own household is unsaved. I do not mean that we should confine our efforts to them, but we should begin with them, and keep after them. There are those who say that the hardest persons to lead to Christ are those in our own households. This is not true. If your life is right with God no one will know it so well as those who live with you, and no one else can influence them as well as you can. The holiest and sweetest privilege that a father or mother has is the privilege of bringing their own children to Christ. This we are commanded in the Word of God to do (Eph. vi. 4): " And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." And this we can do, for God does not command the impossible. I should feel that my wife and I had been robbed of one of the sweetest privileges of life if any one else than we should lead one of our children to Christ. Of course, I would infinitely rather they would be led by some one else to Christ than not to be led at all, but it is our sacred privilege to do it ourselves. Next to those in your own family are those with whom you are; associated in business or in work. If you are a shop assistant, go to work with your own shopmates; if you are a labouring man. go to work with your fellow-labourers; if you are a business men, go to work with your partners and your employees; if you are a student, go to work with your fellow-students. Try first for the man next to you. I meet many people who wish to win men to Christ in China, but are not willing to make any strong effort to win to Christ the unsaved members in their own homes or their next-door neighbours. It is a suicidal policy to send any one out as a foreign missionary who has not first demonstrated their love for souls and their capacity to win them to Christ by winning others to Christ at home. 3. Select those who are approachable. — Those of the same age are, as a rule, more approachable than those of a widely differing age. Young men are best to deal with young men; middle-aged men with middle-aged men, and old men with old men. Children often have more influence with children than adults do. Select those of the same sex, as a rule; that rule has a few exceptions, but not many; it is best for men to deal with men, and women to deal with women. Immense mischief has come through the disregard of this rule of practical wisdom. I always take it as a bad sign when I see young men who are constantly dealing with young women, or young women who are constantly dealing with young men. I have never known a case of this kind that did not turn out badly. Some of the saddest tragedies I have ever known have come through mistakes of this sort. Of course, an elderly, motherly woman can deal wisely with young men and boys, and occasionally elderly men can deal wisely with little girls and young women, but a long experience with Christian workers has strengthened in me the conviction of the wisdom of the rule, men with men, and women with women. Select people of the same station in life. This rule also has exceptions. There are notable instances on record where servants have led their masters to Christ (the great Earl of Shaftesbury was led to Christ by a nurse in the home), but, as a rule, people can be most readily approached by others in the same class of society. No one can deal so well with a lawyer as another lawyer; no one can deal so well with a physician as another physician; no one, as a rule, can deal so well with an artisan as a fellow-artisan; no one can deal so effectively with a student as a fellow-student. Select those who are congenial. To all of us some people are congenial and others are not. Just why they are congenial we cannot always tell, but we know it is a fact. There are those who take to Alexander that do not take to me, and there are those who take to me who do not take to Alexander. Now those who take to me are the ones for me to deal with, and those who take to Alexander are the people for Alexander to deal with. Alexander can reach people that I could not touch, but I can reach people that Alexander cannot touch. However we may account for these things, they are facts, and a wise soulwinner always takes account of facts. He concerns himself more with facts than with the philosophy of the facts; he acts upon the facts, and lets the philosophy of them take care of itself. There is not a person here in this audience to-day who has not some acquaintance that he can touch, and nobody else in the world can touch him. You are responsible before God for that one. You need not confine yourself absolutely to those whom you select to win, be always ready at the slightest opening of opportunity to win any one to Christ that comes your way. But make a speciality of the one you do select. Never lose sight of the fact that you are to win that man for Christ, and never rest until he is won. II. Lay Siege for Him. When you have selected your man to win, the next thing is to lay siege for him. Do you know what it is to lay siege for a soul? Did you ever select a certain individual and lay siege for that individual to win him to Christ, cost what it might, and take as long as it might? You know how an insurance agent conducts his business. He goes into a town and selects those who seem to him to be likely risks, then he lays siege for them. He writes them letters, he sends them literature, he calls upon them, he persistently follows them up, he studies them. He learns their tastes and how they can be best approached, and never rests until he has insured these persons that he has selected to insure. I have had some experience with the persistent attentions of these insurance agents. I have nothing to say against their pertinacity, I simply want to recommend their methods to soul-winners. Ought we not to be as businesslike and as much in earnest in insuring people for eternity as an insurance agent is about insuring them for time. He does it for the money that he can make out of it; we do it for a higher object, the glory of God and the salvation of those whom we are pursuing. But how shall we lay siege for them? 1. First of all, by prayer. — When you have selected a man to win for Christ, you should pursue him by prayer day and night, day after day, week after week, and if need be, year after year. In order to be definite make a prayer list Write on a sheet of paper, " God helping me, I promise to pray earnestly and work persistently for the salvation of the following persons," then kneel down and ask God to tell you whom to put on that list. Do not make it too long. When you have made it keep your promise. One by one as they accept Christ you can take their names off the list and add others. Everywhere we have gone around the world we have had people make such prayer lists as this, and people are constantly coming to us and telling us, " Another one gone off my prayer list." One of the leading business men of Belfast, an active Christian worker, made such a prayer list when we were in that city. He came to me toward the close of the mission and said, " The last one has gone off my prayer list to-day. They have all been saved." 2. Lay siege to them by personal effort. — It is well to pray, but it is not enough to pray. Praying for the salvation of others is an act of insincerity, unless we are willing to go to those for whom we pray, and talk with them, and beseech them to be reconciled to God. Sometimes you will not go at the conquest of the soul directly; you will first prepare the way. Last season while I was going round the country holding missions, my family resided in Southport. I would go there to spend my holidays. The first time I went there I met a man whom God laid upon my heart, and whom I determined to win for Christ. He was a most unlikely case. He had once been in a good position, but had gone down through drink. I began to cultivate his acquaintance, gaining his friendship, and watching for my opportunity to win him for Christ. Every time I met him on the street I would speak with him. When he became disposed to show me little acts of kindness, I accepted them in order to win him. Time after time I met him, and the opportunity to speak about the great question did not come. When I was in Manchester I referred to him, and about my waiting for an opportunity, and a man in the audience said to another, " Well, he will die before he speaks to him." But he was mistaken. I was watching and praying, and God was listening, and the opportunity came. I returned from a mission, and heard that this man had caught cold and was quite ill. I met his daughter, and asked if I could see her father. She said, "Yes; he heard that you were coming home, and wondered if you would not come to see him." I went to the room where he was lying in bed, and found him very ill and very approachable. In fact, his wife was trying to read the Bible to him. I took the Bible and read passages that point out our need of a Saviour, God's love to us though we are sinners, and God's way of salvation. I then explained the way of salvation, and prayed with him. The next evening I met his daughter again, and asked her if I could see her father again. " Yes; he was hoping that you would come again, and wondered if you would not." I heard that he had been talking about me and about my son, whose acquaintance he had also made. A part of the time he had been in delirium, and in his delirium he had been talking about my son. I went to see him, and found him perfectly clear in mind, but I felt that he could not pull through the night. I was more definite than the night before, explained the way of life simply and fully, and he professed to accept Christ. I then knelt by his bed and prayed, and afterwards asked him to follow me in prayer. Word by word he followed me in the confession of his sin, in the expression of his belief in God's testimony about Jesus Christ, that Jesus had borne his sin in His own body on the tree; he asked God to forgive his sins, because Jesus had borne them in His own body on the cross; He told his heavenly Father that he trusted He had forgiven his sins, because of the atoning death of Christ, and then he told his Father that if it was His will he wished to be raised from this bed of sickness in order to serve Christ, but that if it was not His will to raise Him up, that he was willing to be taken from this world, and to depart and be with Christ. When I arose he seemed to be resting in the Lord Jesus. Two hours later there was a rap on my door, and a lady came in and told me that he had passed away trusting in Christ about an hour after I left. 3. Lay siege to them by letters. — There are many whom we cannot reach by a conversation whom we can reach by letters. A letter is sometimes more effective than direct personal conversation. A letter can be read at leisure and apart by one's self, and it can be read again and again. Eternity alone will reveal how many thousands have been won to Christ by the medium of letters from earnest Christians. There is tremendous power in the pen. Have you consecrated your pen to Christ? You may not be able to write books, but you can write letters, and letters are oftentimes more effective than books. I know a woman in America, in humble circumstances, who makes a practice of writing letters to criminals in prison all over the United States. She has to do extra work to make the money to pay the postage on these letters, but her efforts have been greatly blessed of God. I have personally known a number of criminals in different States who have been won to Christ by the letters of this godly woman. In one of our missions one of the most prominent men in the town was just leaving the town as we entered it. In the good providence of God the steamer upon which he was sailing ran aground, and he had to return to the town. The next day being the Sabbath, this man attended the meeting and was somewhat impressed. A leading lady of the town hearing that he had been unable to get away, and had been at the meeting, wrote him a letter urging him to accept Christ. This letter was accompanied by much prayer, and did its work, and this man came forward publicly, and stood up and told the great throng that he had accepted Christ. His conversion made a great impression upon the whole community. 4. Lay siege to them by tracts and booklets and books. — There is great power in well-chosen tracts and books. The writer of one tract, before his death, had letters from sixteen hundred people, saying they had been brought to Christ by that tract. Sometimes you can hand a tract directly to those you wish to lead out, but oftentimes you can reach people more effectively by indirection. They would be offended if you handed them a tract, but if you leave it around they will pick it up out of curiosity and read it. If there is an especially difficult case, it is well to invite him to your home. On the first night of his arrival retire early; have some well-chosen book that you wish him to read; see that every other book is taken out of his room, and see to it that there is a good light to read by. When he has been shown to his room at this unusually early hour, he will not wish to retire for the night. He will say, " Why do these people go to bed so early? I wonder if there is not something to read." He will look around and find there is just one book in the room to read. He will say, " It is a religious book," and very likely will add, " I don't care for religious books, but there is nothing else to read." He will sit down and begin to read that. All this time you are in another room praying for him. Sometimes it is well to put a tract under a person's pillow. When they are restless in the night they feel the touch of that tract as they put their hand under their pillow. All men are naturally curious; they will light a light and read the tract, and may be saved by it. A young man in London was urged again and again by his godly mother to accept Christ. He was determined that he would not, and at last, to escape the unceasing pleadings of his mother, he left home and went to a town in the north of England. He obtained lodgings in this town. The woman with whom he obtained them was a godly woman. Seeing this young man away from home, her heart went out towards him, and she put a tract under his pillow. When he went to bed that first night, away from home, he was restless; putting his hand under his pillow he felt the tract and wondered what it was. He struck a light, and found it was a religious tract. He said to himself, " Here I have ran away from home to get rid of my mother's constant pleadings with me to become a Christian, and here, the first night away from home, I find a tract under my pillow; I might as well give in," and he did, and accepted Christ. A friend of mine was once calling in a godless home. When he left the home he left his Bible behind him, with a tract in the Bible. After he had gone the lady of the house opened his Bible from curiosity, and it opened to where the tract lay. She read the tract, was converted by it, and when he came back several days after for his Bible he found that several members of the household had been led to Christ by the tract. By such methods as this, and by all methods, by every kind of sanctified ingenuity, lay siege for those whom you have selected to win for Christ. III. General Suggestions. A few general suggestions as to the spirit in which the work is to be done. 1. Be persistent. — It is at this point that many would-be soul-winners fail. They make one or two attempts to lead others to Christ, and these attempts appear to be unsuccessful, and they give it up. No one can win souls to Christ in this way. The way to succeed in any kind of business is by persistence. One can do pretty much anything in this world that he makes up his mind that he will do if he will only stick to it. Stick-to-itiveness is a priceless grace, especially in soul-winning. If one effort does not succeed, make another; if the second does not succeed, make another; if the hundredth effort does not succeed, make the hundred-and-first. Don't give up until you win, if it takes fifty years. I prayed and worked for the salvation of one man for fifteen years. I seemed to make absolutely no headway. He wandered farther and farther from God, but I did not give up. There could hardly be a more unlikely case than he, utterly sunken in worldliness and sin; but I won, and I had the joy of seeing that man a preacher of the Gospel, and to-day he is in heaven. When he was converted his old friends could hardly believe it; it seemed to them utterly preposterous that such a person had been converted; but he had. You can win any one to Christ if you are willing to keep at it. 2. Be courteous. — There is nothing that costs less, and there are few things that pay better in this world, than courtesy. It pays in business. But there is no place where it pays better than in soul-winning work. You may be poor, but you can be well bred. Treat every man with whom you deal as a gentleman, and every woman with whom you deal as a lady. I have seen people go at others in a most overbearing, discourteous, and irritating way. They assume an air of superiority. They treat the one with whom they are dealing as if he had no sense; they act as if they were determined to pound their ideas into another man's head. Now, every person of sense and character resents this kind of treatment. The person with whom you deal may be utterly wrong, yet you can treat his opinions and his feelings with consideration and kindness. You are far more likely to win him in that way. Never have heated arguments with those you would lead to Christ. Listen to what they have to say. Treat them with deference. It is quite possible to expose the hatefulness of another's sin, and yet to do it in a courteous and considerate way. You will produce far deeper conviction in that way. Avoid all familiarities with those with whom you are dealing. A gentleman or a lady always resents undue familiarity. I have seen a man sit down in our after-meetings beside a young woman and put his arm along the seat-back of the woman. Any lady resents such conduct, and is likely to get up and leave the meeting. It is all right when a man is dealing with a drunkard that has not had a kindly action shown him in years, to put his arm around him as you kneel in prayer. It is all right for a lady when dealing with a fallen sister who has had nothing but curses and abuse for years, to put her arm around her. It is the first touch of a loving hand that she has had for many a long year, and may soften her heart. But every worker must be careful to treat every one with whom they deal with all due deference and courtesy. 3. Be earnest. — Many would-be soul-winners are utterly professional. Those with whom they deal cannot but see that they have no real interest in their spiritual welfare, no deep concern for their souls. Such a worker may have a large technical knowledge of the Bible, and of just the right passages to use in dealing with certain classes of men and women, but his knowledge counts for nothing unless there is deep reality and earnestness back of it. Other workers may have a comparatively small knowledge of the Word, and yet such an earnest love for the perishing that their little knowledge is used vastly beyond the superior knowledge of the other. In a certain town there was an infidel blacksmith. He was well read in infidel literature, and rejoiced in his power to defeat in argument any opponent. A deacon in the town had a great longing for this man's salvation. He read up infidel literature, and the arguments in reply to it. When he thought he had mastered the subject he called upon this blacksmith to persuade him that he was wrong in his infidel opinions, but he proved no match for the blacksmith. In a few moments the blacksmith had shattered his arguments and defeated him utterly. The deacon knew that he was right, but he could not prove it to the blacksmith, but in his deep yearning for the salvation of the blacksmith he burst into tears, and said, "All I can say is, I have a great spiritual concern for your soul." He then left, went to his home, burst, in upon his wife, and said, " Wife, I am a botch on God's work. God knows, I really love that blacksmith's soul, and I went down to prove to him that he was wrong, and in a few minutes he beat me utterly in argument. I am only a botch on God's work." He then retired to his room and knelt down to pray. He said, " O God, I am only a botch on Thy work. Thou knowest that I have a real desire for that man's salvation, but I have failed utterly in my attempt. I am only a botch on Thy work." But soon after he had left the blacksmith's shop the blacksmith went into his house and said to his wife, who was a godly woman, " Wife, Deacon was just over talking to me. He used one argument I did not understand. He said he had a great spiritual concern for my soul. What did he mean? " His wife, who was a canny woman, said, " You had better go and ask him." The blacksmith hung up his apron and went across the fields to the deacon's house. Just as he ascended the piazza and was at the door, he heard the deacon in prayer saying that he was a botch on God's work. He pushed open the door and cried, " Deacon, you are no botch on God's work. I thought I knew all the arguments for Christianity, and that I could answer them all, but you used an argument this morning I never heard before, and I cannot answer. You said you had a great spiritual concern for my soul." The deacon had the joy then and there of leading that man to Christ. Have you a great spiritual concern for the souls of the perishing? If not, the sooner you get it the better for you and for the lost. 4. Be winsome. — A winsome manner goes a great way in soul-winning. It is just as easy to smile as it is to scowl. It is just as easy to be genial and winning as it is to be rude and repellant. Some people seem to take pride in their brusque, overbearing manner; but brusqueness is not a fruit of the Spirit. " The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness," etc. A winning manner, the outcome of a life controlled by the Holy Spirit, is of more importance in soul-winning than a theological education. Acts of kindness go a long way toward paving the way to the gate to a man's heart. A young missionary in Chicago in her visitation found an infidel dying with consumption. Day after day she visited him with little gifts to make his last days on earth pleasanter. One day it would be a glass of jelly, another day something else. After about thirty days of such kindly ministrations she became fearful that his time was short. She came to me at the close of my Bible class one Sunday afternoon and said, " Won't you come with me to see a dying man? I am afraid he will not live through the night." I hurried down with her to the poor room where the infidel lay dying. His wife was a Roman Catholic. I sat down by his bed and read the Scriptures to him, the Scriptures that make plain the love of God to sinners, the death of Christ in our stead, and the way of salvation through our crucified Saviour. I then asked him if I might pray with him, and he consented. I prayed God to open his eyes to show him that he was a lost sinner, But that Jesus had borne all his sins in His own body upon the cross. Then I began to sing in a low tone by his bed —
I sang it through, verse after verse, until I reached the last verse, and then I heard the dying infidel in a feeble voice join with me in the verse —
I looked up and asked him if he really had come. He said that he had. He passed into eternity that night. I was asked to conduct the funeral services. Standing by his casket with his infidel friends standing on the other side, I told how utterly insufficient his infidel views had proven in the time of crisis and of death, and how in those last hours he had accepted Christ. Then I said, " Who of you to-day will take the same step?" One stalwart infidel reached his hand across the casket, and said, " I will. I have sympathised with this man in his infidel views, but I give it up now and take Christ." His wife also accepted Christ, and is to-day a devoted member of our church in Chicago. But it was not my brief visit that won him to Christ. It was the kindly Christ-like conduct of the young woman missionary. 5. Last of all, be full of love. — Love is the first fruit of the Spirit, and it is the all-conquering power in soul-winning work. I doubt if there is a heart on earth that cannot be conquered by love. We have in America a devoted Christian woman of culture, refinement, and position, with a heart full of love to the most outcast and abandoned. She has devoted much of her life and strength to getting matrons appointed in jails and lock-ups for the reception and charge of female prisoners. Oftentimes she has found it hard work to induce the authorities to put a woman in charge of the female prisoners. In one city they said to her, " Mrs. Barney, no woman can manage the class of women with whom we have to do." Mrs. Barney replied, " You never had a prisoner that I could not manage." "We would like to have you try your hand on ' Old Sal,' " was the laughing reply. " I would like to," replied the gentle lady. "Well, the next time we have her under arrest we will send for you." Not long after, early one morning, Mrs. Barney received word that " Old Sal " was under arrest, and she hurried down to the lock-up. She asked to be shown to " Old Sal's " cell. The sergeant at the desk protested that it was not safe. " Look there," he said to Mrs. Barney, pointing to four policemen with torn clotches and faces, " there is a specimen of ' Old Sal's ' handiwork. It took these four men to arrest her." " Never mind," said Mrs. Barney, " show me to her cell." " Well, if you must go, an officer must go with you. " No, I will go alone. Just let the turnkey open the door, and I will go to her cell alone." Before going down Mrs. Barney had asked the sergeant at the desk for " Old Sal's " right name. "Why," he said, "we always call her 'Old Sal.'" " Yes," said Mrs. Barney, " but I wish her right name. What is her right name? " " It is a long time since we first booked her, and we always book her now as ' Old Sal.' " " Look up her right name," said Mrs. Barney. The sergeant went back through the books and found " Old Sal's " proper name. The turnkey opened the door and pointed to her cell down the corridor. When Mrs. Barney reached the door she saw a wild creature with gray, torn hair, dishevelled garments, and glaring eyes crouching in the corner of the cell waiting to spring upon the first policeman that should enter. " Good-morning, Mrs.," said Mrs. Barney, calling her by her true name. " Where did you get that name? " said the poor creature. Without answering her question Mrs. Barney said, " Sarah, do you remember the first time you were committed here? " " My God," she cried, " don't I? I spent the whole night crying on the floor of my cell." " Suppose," said Mrs. Barney, " there had been some kind Christian woman here to have received you that night, and to have treated you gently, do you think your life would have been different? " "Altogether different," she replied. " Well," said Mrs. Barney, " I am trying to get them to appoint a woman in this lock-up to receive young girls when they are brought here for the first time, as you were when you were brought here that first night. Will you help me? " " I will do all that I can," she said. All the time Mrs. Barney had been drawing nearer, and was now kneeling by her side upon the cell floor, gathering up her torn and grizzled hair, fastening it up with pins taken out of her own hair, pulling together the torn shreds of her garments, and fastening them with pins taken from her own garments. The work was now done, and Mrs. Barney, rising to her feet, said, " Sally, we are going into the court-room. If you will be good they will appoint a woman in this lock-up. Shall I go in on your arm, or will you go in on mine? " The strong woman looked at Mrs. Barney, and said, " I think I am stronger than you are. You had better go in on my arm." And in they went into the court, the gentle lady leaning on the arm of the hardened old criminal. Sally restrained herself through the whole trial, answered the judge's questions pleasantly. She forgot herself once, and swore at the judge, but immediately begged his pardon. Everybody was amazed at the transformation. A woman was appointed as matron of the jail, but, best of all, Sally got her feet upon the Rock of Ages, and to-day " Old Sal " is in the glory. Love had conquered. It always will. Oh, men and women, young and old, go out to do this work, seek the filling of the Spirit that God is so ready to give to us all, and in the power of that Spirit day after day, and month after month, and year after year, labour on for the definite salvation of the definite souls that God shall bring your way. The time is getting short, let us make the most of it. THE END
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