By Fred H. Wight and Karl G. Sabiers.
DEMON POSSESSION AND INFLUENCEIt is important for us to realize that much of the work Satan does in the world is not done actually by] himself but through demons or evil spirits and fallen angels whom he controls. The New Testament gives many cases in which people have been demon possessed. An understanding of all that is involved in this experience is very necessary for Christians to have to-day. But first, let us examine the explanation which many modern teachers and preachers give for what the Bible calls demon possession. These modern interpreters of the Scriptures argue that Jesus and the apostles were simply using the commonly accepted views of people in their day when they referred to anyone as being possessed with a demon. Actually, they say, these so-called "demoniacs" were suffering from what we would call to-day, paralysis, epilepsy, or insanity. WHY THE THEORY OF THE MODERNIST CONCERNING DEMON POSSESSION CANNOT BE ACCEPTED If we look at the matter of demon possession the way Jesus Himself looked at it, we will come to the right conclusion, and we will see that the modernist view is incorrect. Jesus treated demoniacs as real cases of possession. Mark 5:8: "Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit." These were the words of the Lord Jesus. For Jesus to lend Himself to Jewish views which would be so different from His own would be unthinkable and inexcusable. Surely the views of Jesus would not be so different as that from His own unmistakable declarations. In the New Testament demon possession is often distinguished from bodily ailments. Matthew 4:24 R.V. "They brought unto him all that were sick, holden with divers diseases and torments, possessed with demons, and epileptic, and palsied, and he healed them." Matthew 8:16: "When the even was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils (demons): and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick." In the days of Jesus the Jews themselves distinguished between being possessed with a demon and being insane. John 20:10: "And many of them said, He hath a devil (demon), and is mad." Again, in the New Testament over and over again demons are referred to as speaking. Mark 1:23-24: "And there was in their synagogue a man with an~ unclean spirit and he cried out, saying, Let us alone. What have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?" The demon who speaks is distinguished from the person in whom he dwells. Also demons had superior knowledge to the men they indwelt. Mark 1:24: "I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God." Very few among the people had such an idea of the position of Jesus as was expressed here. It was the uncanny knowledge of the evil spirit within and not the knowledge of the man. WHAT THE NEW TESTAMENT TEACHES ABOUT DEMON POSSESSION Here is a summary of the teaching of the New Testament about demon possession. Demon possession is to be distinguished from demon influence. First Timothy 4:1 R.V. "Giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons." It is one thing to be influenced by demons, but it is another thing to be completely under their control when indwelt by a demon or demons. Demons are bodiless spirits. The word "spirit" is often used in describing them. However demons prefer to enter bodies of people or beasts. Mark 5:12: "And they besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them." When Jesus was about to cast them out of the man, they besought him to allow them to enter the swine. They prefer to indwell a body. Demons are wicked, unclean, and often vicious. Matthew 8:28: "There met him two possessed with demons, coming forth out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man could pass by that way." Matthew 10:1: "And gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out." But it is also taught that demons vary in the degree of their wickedness. Matthew 12:43-45: "But the unclean spirit, when he is gone out of the man, passeth through waterless places, seeking rest, and findeth it not. Then he saith, I will return into my house whence I came out; and when he is come he findeth it empty swept and garnished. Then goeth he and taketh with himself seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first." Some demons are more wicked than others. Demons carry out the will of Satan who is their Prince. Matthew 9:34: "But the Pharisees said, By the prince of the demons casteth he out demons." These demons carry out absolutely the will of Satan in everything. And finally, Christ is the one and only salvation for a demon-possessed person. Acts 10:38: "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power; who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him." DEMON POSSESSION ON FOREIGN MISSION FIELDS All during the years of the modern missionary movement, missionaries- have reported from time to time actual cases of demon possession which resemble the cases reported in our New Testament. These facts corroborate the interpretation of the subject which we have given. H. W. White who was a missionary to China for many years has written a book dealing with this subject from the scientific point of view. In twenty years of experience he made note of 304 cases of demon possession. Then he had 64 cases reported to him by other missionaries. This first hand information caused him to make this summary of facts concerning demon possession. "In all these countries the demonism is clearly differentiated from the insanities and dissociations seen in Christian lands. It originates in superstition, it is characteristically evil; there are always one or more demons in control; the affection passes from one person to another and back again; there is intense hatred of the name 'Jesus'; they are cast out by prayer and command in the name of Jesus." Examples of demon possession on various mission fields could be multiplied. A missionary to South India told of a man becoming violent and who made a sound which resembled the hiss of a cobra snake. He attempted to do violence to the missionary during a gospel service. A missionary to Africa told about a fight going on among a group of girls and discovered that one of them was trying to make a sacrifice to the evil spirits within her. At first the missionary thought it was play on her part. But another Christian girl said to her: "Oh, but it isn't play; it is real. Ogun has evil spirits of the devil in her heart." Further things that happened bore out the truthfulness of what the girl said. Prayer in the name of Jesus brought deliverance. On another field a woman who was demon-possessed was delivered when the missionary spoke to the demon using the following words: "In Jesus' name I command thee, thou evil spirit, to leave this woman and never return." DEMON POSSESSION IN AMERICA OR OTHER CIVILIZED LANES Back in the nineteenth century cases of demon possession in so-called Christian lands were so few and so little kown that many made statements that such an experience was unknown. But as we come over into the twentieth century we find more cases reported. This is an indication that we are getting nearer to the coming of Christ as is indicated when we read First Timothy 4:1. As we draw near to the time of Christ's return, Satan's activities will increase, and he will get absolute control of as many human beings as he possibly can. Perhaps the most common occurrence of demon possession in recent years in America has been in connection with false cults and their power over the lives of men and women. There is no question but what Satan is using these cults to further his own purposes. A Spiritualist medium who later became a true Christian, tells how she was started in her Spiritualism. Her mother died, and her father became interested in Spiritualism. He brought home a planchette board and ouija board. Messages purporting to come from the deceased mother were received, and very startling answers to questions were given forth, revealing an uncanny knowldge of things pertaining to the family. All this took place in the home, and finally the girl who entertained herself and her friends became a Spiritualist medium. She herself after her conversion to Christ, made the following confession: "I was a medium until I was 16 years old, and during that time I never realized that I was actually demon-possessed until I saw the light of the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ." One woman was drawn into the "I AM" movement through the reading of subtle literature. She began to have strange sensations and supernatural manifestations. Presently she recognized that she was really demon-possessed just like many Were in Bible times. She was under the control of demon powers. She went to the church she had attended, but they did not believe in the reality of Satan and so they could not help her. Her husband took her to the pastor of a small church, who explained to her the plan of .salvation and emphasized the power of the blood of Christ to free her from the power of Satan. She repented of her sins and was delivered from demon-possession through the power of Christ's blood. DISORDERED MINDS OFTEN DUE TO SATANIC POWER When a demon gains control of a human being, it often happens that the mind becomes disordered. For this reason it can be seen that deliverance is often brought about by dealing with these people in the same way as a demon possessed person is delivered. Many people confined to an insane asylum are actually demon-possessed. A Canadian Christian physician gives this testimony: "It has been my custom for thirty years when called to a case of mental distress and affliction, to kneel down and quote Acts 10:38, which tells, 'How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power; who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed with the devil.' I would then, when dealing with a case, ask God for Christ's sake to destroy the power of the devil over that soul, and I have witnessed wonderful recoveries in cases of insanity and epilepsy." CAN A CHRISTIAN BE DEMON POSSESSED? Yes, Christians as well as unsaved may become demon-possessed. Many Christians do not realize this and so are sometimes deceived by Satanic suggestions which they do not recognize as coming from the devil. Let us be warned of Satan's methods in this regard. Evil spirits get a hold in the carnal nature of a child of God through his yielding to sins of the flesh. Satan uses our carnal nature to get control of our lives. Our one safeguard is to trust the Holy Spirit to enable us to reckon our "old man" as crucified with Christ. But there is another and more subtle way in which Satan takes advantage of us if we will let him, and demon possession may be the result. It is through "passivity". If a demon can succeed in getting anybody to the place of complete "passivity", then possession of that person by the demon is easy. By "passivity" is meant a person's loss of self-control, his ceasing to choose or act on his own volition, his "letting his mind go blank", his discontinuing of all his reasoning powers, and of even his conscience. The demon wants the person to discontinue the use of his own faculties in order that the demon might have the use of them. But it is very important for us to understand that when the Holy Spirit fills us and controls us, He does not expect us to cease to use our own faculties. He expects us to make decisions, think thoughts, make use of our ability to reason, and make use of a good conscience, but He is to guide us in the doing of all these things. Let us yield our lives completely to the power of the gracious Holy Spirit, but let us beware of allowing ourselves to become a subject for the work of Satan by being beguiled into a state of "passivity". Let us summarize some of the teachings we have been learning about demon-possession. Demons have a superior knowledge but cannot be trusted to tell you the truth unless it suits their ends. Demon possession has been very common in heathen lands for years. It is becoming more and more common in civilized lands, especially in circles under the influence of false cults which deny the blood of Christ. Christians as well as unsaved may become demon-possessed. Children as well as adults may become demon-possessed. A state of "passivity" is apt to be Satan's preliminary to demon-possession. Demon possessed people may be delivered by commanding the demon or demons to come forth in the name of Christ on the grounds of the blood of Jesus. The one safeguard against demons is to walk in the Spirit and therefore not be subject to the flesh and the desires thereof.
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