By E. S. (Emanuel Sprankel) Young
From the Baptism of Jesus, December, A. D. 26, to the Healing of the Nobleman s Son, February, A. D. 28; 15 Months. I. THE TEMPTATIONS OF JESUS (Mark 1:12. 13). Immediately after his baptism the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. He remained there forty days without food and in solitude, save for the wild beasts that were there. This threefold temptation fitted the Savior for his work among the tempted children of men.
II. JOHN'S TESTIMONY BEFORE PRIESTS AND LEVITES (John 1:19-28). While Jesus was in- the wilderness John continued his preaching and baptizing at the Jordan, and in answer to the delegates sent from Jerusalem testified that he was not the Christ, but that he was making straight the path for the One coming after him. III. JESUS DECLARED THE LAMB OF GOD
(John 1:29-34). The next day after testifying to the priests and Levites, John
IV. THE FIRST DISCIPLES (John 1:35-42). Again the next day, when standing with two of his own disciples, he pointed out Jesus as the Lamb of God, and these two disciples, Andrew and John, followed Jesus, and at the Savior's bidding abode with him the rest of the day. Andrew then brought his brother Simon to Jesus, and Jesus named him Peter, the Rock. V. PHILIP AND NATHANAEL (John 1:43-51). The next day Jesus with his three disciples started towards Galilee and finding Philip bade him join them. Philip d; d so, and afterwards brought Nathanael, the Israelite without guile unto Jesus, and he too became one of his followers. VI. THE FIRST MIRACLE (John 2:1-12). Jesus and his five disciples were invited to a wedding in Cana and the mother of Jesus was also there. At this marriage feast Jesus performed his first miracle. The wine was exhausted and the mother of Jesus called his attention to the fact. He then bade the servants to fill the waterpots with water, and when they drew out, the wine was the best they had tasted. This miracle confirmed the faith of his disciples and manifested his glory that had been hidden. At the close of the feast Jesus with his mother, brethren and disciples withdrew to Capernaum, where they stayed a few days. VII. THE FIRST CLEANSING OF THE TEMPLE (John 2:13-22). When Passover time drew near Jesus and his disciples went to Jerusalem. They found the Temple a desecrated place for merchants with animals for sacrifice, incense and holy oil had set up a market in the precincts of the temple. Money changers had their tables also in the court of the Temple and the sanctuary of God had been converted into a place of merchandise. When Jesus beheld this desecration he made a scourge of small cords and drove out the sheep and oxen. Then overturning the tables of the money changers he dismissed all the desecrators, and in answer to the demand of the Jews for a sign, he said, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it again;" but the Jews did not understand his meaning. VIII. THE INTERVIEW WITH NICODEMUS (John 2:23-25; 3:I, 21). Jesus during the Passover wrought many miracles, and many believed on him. Among these was Nicodemus, a Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrim, who came to Jesus by night to learn who he was that he could perform such wonders. Jesus graciously received him and taught him the mystery of the new birth, which is necessary before entering the kingdom of God and inheriting everlasting life. IX. CHRIST BAPTIZING IN JUDEA (John 3:22). After the Passover feast Jesus with his disciples tarried eight months in Judea, where he soon drew many followers, and where his disciples baptized. X. JOHN'S TESTIMONY OF CHRIST (John 3:23-36). John the Baptist still continued his preaching and baptizing along the Jordan, not far from where Christ was working in Judea. John's disciples began to notice the decrease in the multitudes that used to flock about their master and they reminded John of the fact. But John, with true greatness, declared that "he must decrease and Christ must increase." XI. THE DEPARTURE FROM JUDEA (John 4:1-3). But when Jesus learned of the envy of John's disciples he immediately ceased his work in Judea and set out for Galilee. XII. THE CONVERSATION WITH THE SAMARITAN WOMAN (John 4:4-26). Jesus passed through Samaria on his return to Galilee and when he drew near the city of Sychar he found Jacob's well, and weary with his long journey he sat on the curbstone to rest while his disciples went into the city to buy bread. While he sat there alone a woman of Samaria came to draw water and Jesus asked a drink of her. Surprised that he, a Jew, should ask a drink of her, a Samaritan, she asked how it was that he should make such a request of her, since the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus then offered her the living water, but she did not understand what this living water meant. Jesus then revealed her sins, and she was convinced that he must be some great prophet and she instantly appealed to him to settle the question in regard to the place of worship whether in Mt. Gerizim where stood the Samaritan temple or in Jerusalem where the Jews worshiped. Jesus told her that acceptable worship was not at any particular place, but wherever true worshipers worshiped in spirit and in truth, and declared himself the Messiah. XIII. THE SAMARITAN CONVERTS (John 4:27-42). When the disciples returned they were surprised to find their Master XIV. THE IMPRISONMENT OF JOHN THE BAPTIST (Matt. 4:12; Mark i:14, 15; Luke 3:19, 20; John 4:43-45). At this time Herod Antipas reigned over Galilee and Perea. He cast John the Baptist into prison, because he had reproved him for his alleged marriage with his brother's wife, and for other evils. The prison was in the Castle Macherus near the head of. the Dead Sea, where Herod lived part of the time. When Jesus learned of this imprisonment he immediately departed into Galilee. XV, HEALING THE NOBLEMAN'S SON (John 4:4654). When Jesus came to Cana a nobleman of Capernaum besought him to come to Capernaum to heal his son who lay at the point of death. Jesus sent him away, assuring him that his son was healed, and when the nobleman returned he found the fever had left him in the very hour that Jesus had spoken the words of healing. QUESTIONS.
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