The Hittites and the Old Testament
Frederick Fyvie Bruce
Chapter 8
The literature of Hittitology is quite extensive; the works mentioned here are simply a few which the British student is likely to find not too difficult of access. Some of them (e.g. Hrozný’s article in the
Encyclopædia Britannica and Delaporte’s Les Hittites) contain fuller bibliographies. Several periodicals regularly contain Hittitological features; outstanding among these are the
Revue Hittite et Asianique (Paris and Ankara) and Archiv Orientální
- BARTON, G. A., Hittite Studies
(Paris, 1928).
- BLEICHSTEINER, R., “Kaukasische Völker: Sprachen und Stämme,” in M. Ebert’s
Reallexikon der Vorgeschichte vi. (Berlin, 1926), pp. 249 ff.*
- BÖHL, F. M. TH., Das Zeitalter Abrahams
(Leipzig, 1930).
- COOK, S. A., “Syria and Palestine in the Light of External Evidence,” in
Cambridge Ancient History ii. (1924), ch. xiii., pp. 296 ff.
- COWLEY, A. E., The Hittites [Schweich Lectures for 1918] (London, 1920).
- DELAPORTE, L., Éléments de la Grammaire Hittite
(Paris, 1929).——
Manuel de la Langue Hittite (Paris, 1929-33).——
Pour lire le Hittite Cunéiforme
(Paris, 1934).——
Les Hittites (Paris, 1936).
- FRIEDRICH, J., “Altkleinasiatische Sprachen,” in M. Ebert’s
Reallexikon der Vorgeschichte —— i. (Berlin, 1924), pp. I26ff. ——
Hethitisch und “Kleinasiatische” Sprachen
[Geschichte der Indogermanischen Sprachwissenschaft II, v., 1] (Berlin, 1931).
- GARSTANG, J., The Land of the Hittites
(London, 1910). —— The Hittite Empire
(London, 1925).
- GELB, I. J., Hittite Hieroglyphs
i., ii., iii. (Chicago, 1932, -35, -42). ——
Hittite Hieroglyphic Monuments (Chicago, 1939).
- GILES, P., “The Peoples of Asia Minor,” in
Cambridge Ancient History
ii. (1924), ch. i., pp. 1 ff.
- GOETZE, A., Das Hethiter-reich
(Leipzig, 1928).—— Kleinasien
(Munich, 1933).—— Hethiter, Churriter und Assyrer
(Oslo, 1936).
- HOGARTH, D. G., “The Hittites of Asia Minor,” in
Cambridge Ancient History
ii. (1924),—— ch. xi., pp. 252 ff. —— “The Hittites of Syria,” in
iii. (1925), ch. vi., pp. 132 ff. —— “Hittite Civilization,” in
C.A.H. iii., ch. vii., pp. 148 ff. ——
Kings of the Hittites
[Schweich Lectures for 1924] (London, 1926).
- HROZNÝ, FR., “Hittites,” in
Encyclopedia Britannica, ed. 14, vol. xi. (1929), pp. 598ff.
- SAYCE, A. H., The Hittites: The Story of a Forgotten Empire
(London, 1888; ed. 4, 1925).
- SMITH, S., Alalakh and Chronology
(London, 1940).
- SPEISER, E. A., Mesopotamian Origins
(Philadelphia, 1930).——
Ethnic Movements in the Near East in the Second Millennium
B.C. (New Haven, 1933).——
Introduction to Hurrian (New Haven, 1941).
- STURTEVANT, E. H., Comparative Grammar of the Hittite Language
(Philadelphia, 1933).——
Hittite Glossary (ed. 2, Philadelphia, 1936).——
Supplement to Hittite Glossary (Philadelphia, 1937).
Hittite Chrestomathy (Philadelphia, 1935).
- WRIGHT, W., The Empire of the Hittites
(London, 1884).
* It is with grateful thoughts that I record the name of Dr. Robert Bleichsteiner under whom I made my first acquaintance with Hittitology and related subjects in the University of Vienna,1934-35.
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