The author, born in Youngsville,
Pennsylvania, is the son of Ralph A. Zahniser, one of the five Zahniser
brother preachers known to Free Methodism. He has served as pastor and
superintendent in Oklahoma and the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, area. For the
past six years he has been Area Secretary for Africa of his denomination. He
has been five times a member of the General Conference of his church, and
has served four years on the Board of Administration. He has written
frequently for his denominational organ, The Free Methodist, and was
for two years editor of The Pittsburgh Conference Herald.
He is a graduate of the Indiana State Teachers'
College, and Greenville College in Illinois. He has received the Th.B.
degree from Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary, and the degrees M. Ed.,
and Ph. D. were conferred by the University of Pittsburgh. He is currently
listed in Who's Who in Methodism.