By William B. Rose
Topics Beginning with "I"242 -- IMPATIENCE Inability to govern the temper is an indubitable evidence of a lack of grace. A Christian should never yield to anger, "Whosoever is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment" (Matt. 5:22), The words found in our common version, "without a cause," are not in the best original manuscripts. They should be omitted. "Love is not provoked" (1 Cor. 13:5). The word "easily" is not found in the original, and has no business in our translation. Upham says: "It is important to make a distinction between sorrow and impatience. We may feel sorrow without sin, but we can never feel impatience without sin. Impatience always involves a want of submission: and he who is wanting in submission, even in the smallest degree, is not perfect before God." The Spirit of God dwelling in us makes us long-suffering. * * * * * * * 243 -- IMPORTANT QUESTION, The That you become a sincere Christian is to you a matter of the greatest concern. No other interests can compare with the interests of your soul. The question for you to settle is not one of creeds and ceremonies, but one of salvation or damnation. As sure as you are a living soul, the day of wrath will come, and then, if out of Christ, you will be left without refuge. * * * * * * * 244 -- IMPRESSIONS, How Decide character of One way by which you may tell whether an impression not in conflict with the Bible is from God or not, is this: If it is from God, as you think of obeying it you will feel encouraged; you will have clearer light, and your love will burn with increasing ardor. However difficult it may be, it will look easy to you. But, on the other hand, if it is from Satan, you will feel depressed and discouraged. It will seem to you that you must give up sometime, and you clay as well give up now as ever. They that wait on the Lord to know his will, renew their strength; they that wait on Satan grow weak and feeble. As you take up the cross of Christ it lifts you up; as you bear the burdens of Satan they crush you. * * * * * * * 245 -- INDIFFERENCE, Religious A great religious awakening is the great want of this country. Death reigns. The prevalent condition of the people is one of religious indifference. The multitude is marching on to hell unconcerned. "Give us money; give us pleasure !" is the almost universal cry. The church carries on a sharp rivalry with the world in providing entertainments for those who are "lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God." Some popular church edifices are fitted up with kitchens to furnish feasts for those "whose god is their belly." Many of the marks of the last days are upon us. Beloved, are you awake to the vast concerns of eternity? If not, awake at once. Do not let the spirit of indifference bind you fast. Throw off the deadly slumber, and go to work to awaken others. * * * * * * * 246 -- INDIFFERENCE, Spiritual, Dawning A loss of interest in the cause of Christ is one mark of a backslider. He who loves Christ loves the souls for whom Christ died. Every converted person wants to see others converted. He labors for their conversion; he contributes of his means, according to his ability, to support the ministers of Christ. The church-member who withholds his support from a man of God who ministers to him in spiritual things is backslidden. The evil spirit of covetousness has begun to take possession of him. Unless he gets rid of it this covetous spirit will drag him down to perdition. Indifference in the cause of Christ is damning. A lack of zeal is a lack of piety. He who ceases to make sacrifices for the cause of Christ is no longer a Christian, unless it be only in name. "So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:33). * * * * * * * 247 -- INFIDEL Credulity The greatest mental yield is produced by the mixture of a little science with a good deal of infidelity. We speak of the abundance only. and not of the value of the yield. Such a mixture will produce a prodigious amount of vanity, self-conceit, credulity, and contempt of all who believe in God and the Bible. Give such a person a few relics of the dwellers in caves, and he proceeds to demonstrate that the Bible account of creation is a fiction, and that man was evolved from a monkey! The fact that the earliest monuments of the human race -- that the pyramids and ruins of Egypt, and the wonderful remains of Babylon and Nineveh, prove incontestably a higher order of intellect, and a high degree of cultivation -- weighs nothing with him. He still insists that civilized man came from the lowest depths of savagery by efforts of his own, The faith of the most devout Christian bears no comparison in magnitude with the credulity of the infidel! * * * * * * * 248 -- INFIDELITY Unprofitable To reject the Bible will afford no relief to the guilty conscience. The infidel has a "certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries" (Heb. 10:27). Even Voltaire called for a priest in his dying hours. He exclaimed, "Will not this God whom I have denied, save me too? Can not infinite mercy extend to me?" To his physician he said: "Doctor, I will give you half of what I am worth, if you will give me six months' life." The doctor answered: "Sir, you can not live six weeks." Voltaire replied: "Then I shall go to hell, and you will go with me." The best that infidelity can do for a man is to take away spiritual comforts in life, and hope in death. The body does not prosper simply by not having bad food; and the mind derives no comfort or strength from mere negations. "Have faith in God." * * * * * * * 249 -- INNOCENCE to be Preserved Sin many be pardoned, but innocence, once lost, can never be regained. The thief many restore the money which he has stolen, and may find forgiveness of God and man, but he can never fully forgive himself. He many obtain the grace that will give him victory over temptation in all time to come; but he will carry a certain feeling of degradation with him to the grave. He may gain spiritual power and become useful to his fellow men, but he will never be what he might have been had he maintained his integrity from childhood. Gamblers and thieves and drunkards and libertines may, if they truly repent, become converted and, by the power of the Spirit, be transformed into saints; but they are not likely to make Martin Luther's or John Wesley's. An edge-tool with a hidden flaw many look as well as any, and work as well as any for a time; but at length, at a critical time, when most needed, it gives way. The Psalmist said, "Integrity and uprightness shall preserve me." Boys, girls, preserve your innocence at the risk of everything. Lose your life rather than lose your purity. Deliberately make up your minds that you will never lie nor steal nor drink nor do an unchaste act, under any circumstances. Stick to this determination at all hazards. * * * * * * * 250 -- INSTRUCTION Provided for All The Free Methodist church makes special provision for the salvation of the poor and the ignorant. Its houses of worship are open to all who choose to come and conduct themselves in an orderly manner. The rich and the poor may freely meet together; for all the seats in all our church edifices are required to be forever free. But we do not propose to give any encouragement to ignorance. Our periodicals are filled with instruction on practical matters connected with everyday Christian life. Whoever reads them will grow in knowledge, and should grow in grace. They are excellent educators of those who are willing to receive instruction. Our contributors, as a rule, furnish the most reliable information -- that gathered from experience. For our young people we are providing good, Christian schools, fully up to the demands. * * * * * * * 251 -- INTEGRITY, Value of Never put yourself in the power of another. Treat your enemies so they can become your friends; treat your friends so that, if they become your enemies, they will still be compelled to acknowledge your integrity. Paul directs a certain class to "first show piety at home." It is a good rule for every one to observe. Conduct your affairs so that those familiar with your daily life will have no evil thing to say of you. "He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: but he that perverteth his ways shall be known" (Prov. 10:9). So the only safe course is to do just right under all circumstances. Join heartily in the prayer, "Let integrity and uprightness preserve me: for I wait on thee" (Ps. 25:21). * * * * * * * 252 -- INTEREST in Others will be Genuine It is very difficult for one to manifest an interest that he does not truly feel. It can only be done by a gifted and skillful actor. Some of these have said that, for the time being, they really seemed to themselves to be the characters they assumed to be. To deceive others they must first deceive themselves. Generally, where a preacher does not feel a deep interest for souls, if he pretends to it is seen to be a mere affectation. But where one feels, he makes others feel. They can not help it. They may resist it; but for the time being their hardness gives way and better influences come over them. Then, brethren, when we want to awaken an interest in others, let us begin with ourselves. Let us stir up our own hearts to lay hold on God. Let us bring ourselves up to the standard to which we would have others attain. Let us feel more than we express. * * * * * * * 253 -- ISSUES Must be Advanced Judiciously Avoid, as a rule, all issues in a social, religious meeting. A person may be truly converted, and yet have some wrong notions. If he gets some of those wrong notions out, in giving his testimony, do not take them up on the spot, and, in a controversial spirit, try to correct them. The farmer keeps weeds from growing by sowing wheat or other grain. If he made it his sole business to fight weeds, he would probably starve. Yet killing weeds is a commendable work. But the method adopted by the practical farmer is the best. Keep out error by sowing the seeds of truth. Expel darkness by letting in light. Keep disease away by preserving your health and vigor. If a wrong impression has been made, and it is necessary to remove it, do not be in haste about it, but look to the Lord for direction as to the best time and manner of doing it. It requires great carefulness, our Lord teaches us, in pulling up tares, lest we pull up the wheat also.
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