By Aaron Hills
It is a source of great pleasure to the publisher of this book that the blessed Bible truth of "Holiness and Power" is piercing the steel armour of prejudice and leaping triumphantly over sectarian walls and barriers and uniting believers of every name and clime into one great family of kindred Spirits, diverse indeed from each other as the stars above, yet all reflecting the image of the Heavenly Father and our Elder Brother. This pleasure is increased by the privilege of issuing a book of this character from a minister of the Congregational Church, and especially by the devout and gifted writer of this volume who, like S. A. Keen, B. Carradine, W. B. Godbey, C. H. Fowler, Joseph Smith, Asa Mahan, C. G. Finney, and other kindred spirits, graduated from a fruitful soul-winning pastorate into a still broader field of itinerant Scriptural Evangelism, and in this field with mighty faith and fruits is utilizing both voice and pen. As some of our readers may never have made his acquaintance as a minister and author, and would enjoy the book the better for an introduction, we are glad to call attention to the following commendatory words from those who are well known and who know him well. They are selected from many similar notices: I am happy to bear testimony to the gifts and to the unusual success of Rev. A. M. Hills in evangelistic work. He has done more successful and substantial work than any other man whom we have ever employed as State Evangelist. -- Rev. LeRoy Warren, D. D., Superintendent of Michigan Home Missionary Society. It has never been my good fortune to listen to more thorough, logical and spiritually uplifting gospel sermons than from him. Bro. Hills possesses special gifts in evangelistic work, and I can most cordially recommend him to the churches as a brother beloved, whom God hath greatly blessed in bringing souls into His kingdom. -- Rev. Joseph Estabrook, D. D., Professor of Logic and Literature in Olivet College. I have never heard those primary truths of the gospel more plainly or cogently set forth by any one. -- Rev. Wm. F. Blackman, now Professor in Yale University, after a series of meetings in Steubenville, O. We, the undersigned, desire to state that Mr. Hills has preached for nearly three weeks in connection with the Congregational churches of Oberlin with marked success. His power as a preacher compares favourably with any evangelist we have heard. His sermons are direct, simple, Biblical, and presented with great power of persuasion. He is thoroughly educated, is a man of good judgment and unobjectionable methods, is entirely evangelical, thoroughly consecrated to his work and profoundly in earnest. -- Hon. James Monroe, Professor of Political Economy, Oberlin College; Rev. E. I. Bosworth, Professor in Oberlin Theological Seminary; Rev. A. N. Currier, D. D., Professor in Oberlin Theological Seminary; Rev. Henry M. Tenney, D. D., Pastor Second Congregational Church; Rev. James Brand, D. D., Pastor First Congregational Church. The two weeks' meetings of Rev. A. M. Hills in the First Presbyterian Church closed last evening. He is thoroughly furnished intellectually, and preached a full-orbed gospel with a combined fearlessness and discretion which commands at once the respect and confidence of his audience. His discourses are logical, pungent, spiritual and convincing, and the blessing of God attends them. -- From Cleveland Leader, March 23, 1895. I have great satisfaction in bearing my testimony to the unusual qualifications of Mr. Hills for the work of an evangelist, and in stating my convictions that God has sent him forth to accomplish a very important service among the churches. It affords us pleasure to state that the Rev. A. M. Hills, of Oberlin, O., conducted a revival service in our town in which there were one hundred and fifty conversions. He has shown himself to be possessed of unusual pulpit ability, and we heartily commend him to the churches. -- Rev. J. Edward Reilly, Pastor Congregational Church; Rev. Geo. A. Walker, Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church; James H. Gillespie, Secretary Y. M. C. A. For two weeks our church at New Hudson enjoyed the labours of Rev. A. M. Hills, of Oberlin, O. For the powerful presentation of the great truths of the gospel, logical construction of sermons, pertinent illustration, absence of sensationalism and sweetness of spirit, he has few equals. To those wishing to employ an evangelist, I can most heartily commend him. -- Rev. L. N. Moon, Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church, South Lyon, Mich. As a minister, I have engaged several evangelists of repute, but by none have I seen such thoroughness in work, nor heard so clear, logical and forcible presentations of the gospel as from Bro. Hills. -- Rev. H. J. Johnson, Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church, East Tawas, Mich. We believe that this book, like its author's oral discourses, will be used of God to lead many into the rich experiences which it so effectively magnifies, and that an especial blessing awaits all who read, heed and help circulate it. M.
W. Knapp. |
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