By Frank Grenville Beardsley
MULTITUDES, today, are looking with eager expectation and ardent hope for a new era in evangelism. Methods are changing. The day of the professional evangelist, at least for the present, is past. The "preaching mission" is taking the place of the old-fashioned revival meetings. That America and the world need a great spiritual awakening goes without saying. A widespread indifference to the claims of religion is all too prevalent, church attendance is sadly neglected, the enrolment in our Sunday Schools has suffered a serious decline, and great numbers, religiously speaking, are without compass or rudder or sail. Nothing will serve to promote an interest in evangelism more than a study of the lives and measures of the men who were successful in winning souls in the past, not that we may attempt to reproduce their methods, but that we may catch something of their spirit and discover those principles which underlie all true evangelism. No man in his day and generation was more signally blessed of God in winning souls than Charles G. Finney. Thousands and tens of thousands in this and other lands were brought to Christ through his instrumentality. It is hoped that this brief study of his life and labors may stimulate others to renewed effort in seeking to bring men to a saving knowledge of Him who is our Redeemer and Lord. FRANK G. BEARDSLEY. |
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