Verse 1-2
Micah 7:1-2. Wo is me, &c. —
Judea, or rather the prophet
himself, is here introduced as
complaining, that though good
men once abounded in the land,
there were now few or none to be
found. I am as when they have
gathered the summer fruits, &c.
— I am like one who gathers up
the ears of corn after the
harvest, or grapes after the
vintage: who meets with very
few. There is no cluster, &c. —
Good men, that used to be found
in clusters, are now as the
grape-gleanings of the vintage,
here and there a berry. No
societies of pious men are to be
found, assembling together for
the purposes of devotion and
mutual edification: those that
are such, are individuals,
unconnected with, and standing
aloof from each other. And these
are but very imperfectly pious,
like the small withered grapes,
the refuse, left behind, not
only by the gatherer, but by the
gleaner. My soul desired the
first ripe fruit — I wish to see
such worthy good men as lived in
the former ages, were the
ornaments of the primitive
times, and as far excelled the
best of the present age, as the
first and full ripe fruits do
those of the later growth, that
never come to maturity. To meet
with such as these would be a
refreshment, to me like that
which a thirsty traveller
receives when he finds the early
fruits in the summer season. The
good man — Hebrew, חסיד, the
pious, kind, merciful, and
beneficent; is perished out of
the earth — Rather, out of the
land, namely, Judea. There are
few or none that are so truly
and consistently pious as to
delight in doing good to others,
or making them as happy as lies
in their power. And there is
none upright — “As the early
fig, of excellent flavour,
cannot be found in the advanced
season of summer, or the choice
cluster of grapes after vintage,
so neither can the good and
upright man be discovered by
diligent searching in Israel.” —
Newcome. They hunt every man his
brother, &c. — They make a prey,
each one of his neighbour, or
those they have to do with, and
use all arts to deceive and
injure them.
Verse 3-4
Micah 7:3-4. That they may do
evil with both hands, &c. — With
all diligence; earnestly —
Hebrew, להישׂיב, to good it;
that is, to do it thoroughly and
effectually. “Their hands are
bent on iniquity, to execute it
fully.” So Dr. Wheeler. The
prince asketh — Namely, a gift;
to do any one a favour, or good.
And the judge asketh for a
reward — And the judge will not
pass a decision till he has had
a bribe to engage him to do it.
And the great man uttereth his
mischievous desire — The great
man at court, who can do what he
will there, is bold to declare
plainly his unjust, oppressive
design; or, the mischief of his
soul, as הות נפשׁוproperly
signifies. So they wrap it up —
The prince, the judge, and the
great man, agreeing in their ill
designs, make a threefold cord
of iniquity: or, they twist one
sin upon another, the latter to
maintain or cover the former,
and all jointly promote
injustice, violence, and
cruelty. The best of them is a
brier — Or, like a brier. They
catch fast hold on, and retain,
whatever they can lay their
hands on. The most upright is
sharper than a thorn — Even the
best among them would wound and
injure on every side all that
come near them. The day of thy
watchmen — The day in which they
shall sound the alarm; and thy
visitation cometh — Namely,
surely and speedily. The time of
vengeance is coming, which hath
been foretold by the prophets of
former times, as well as the
present, called here watchmen,
as they are by Ezekiel 3:7, and
by Hosea 9:8; then God will
visit for all the sins thou hast
committed against him. Watchmen
may signify magistrates as well
as prophets, (see note on Isaiah
56:10,) and then the words
import the time when God will
call both princes and prophets
to account for their
unfaithfulness in the discharge
of their several offices. Now —
When that day is come; shall be
their perplexity — They shall be
so entangled and insnared, as
not to know what way to take.
Verses 5-7
Micah 7:5-7. Trust ye not in a
friend — This and the next verse
are descriptive of a general
corruption of manners; so that
all ties and duties of
consanguinity were trampled
upon, or paid no regard to. The
friend proved treacherous to his
friend, the wife to her husband:
children set at naught their
parents, and a man’s own family,
or domestics, plotted his
injury, or destruction, or acted
as enemies toward him. Therefore
will I look unto the Lord — The
church here expresses her
confidence in God alone, since
no trust could be placed in man.
Or, they may be considered as
the words of the prophet, and of
those who feared God in Israel.
Verse 8-9
Micah 7:8-9. Rejoice not against
me, O mine enemy — Here begins a
new subject; the Jewish nation
in general being here introduced
speaking in their captivity, and
addressing themselves to the
Chaldeans. When I fall I shall
rise — Or, because I am fallen;
for I shall rise. When I sit in
darkness, the Lord shall be a
light unto me — Neither rejoice
nor triumph over me, because I
at present sit in darkness, or
misery, for Jehovah will again
make me prosperous. I will bear
the indignation of the Lord — I
will patiently, or without
repining, bear the affliction,
or punishment, Jehovah has
inflicted upon me. Because I
have sinned against him —
Because I am sensible I have
highly offended him by my
idolatry, injustice, and
unmercifulness. Until he plead
my cause, and execute judgment
for me — Until he shall be
pleased to acknowledge my cause,
in consequence of my repentance
and perseverance in the worship
of him, and avenge my injuries
on my enemies. It may well be
supposed that the Chaldeans made
a mock of the Jews for
persevering in the worship of
Jehovah, or that God who (as
they supposed) had not been able
to deliver them, his
worshippers, out of their hands,
the worshippers of Bel and Nebo;
whom therefore they esteemed
more powerful. He will bring me
forth to the light — He will
again bring me into a prosperous
condition. And I shall behold
his righteousness — Or rather,
his goodness. What we render
righteousness, often signifies,
according to the Hebrew,
beneficence, or goodness.
Verses 10-13
Micah 7:10-13. Then she that is
mine enemy — Namely, the
Chaldean nation. Which said unto
me, (namely, when she held me
captive,) Where is the Lord thy
God? — Where is now Jehovah,
whom thou worshippest, and
sayest is the only God? Why does
he not now deliver thee? Why
does he not free thee from my
hands, who am not his
worshipper? Mine eyes shall
behold her: now shall she be
trodden down, &c. — As the
heathen beheld the desolations
of God’s church and temple with
delight, (see Micah 4:11,) so it
shall come to my turn to see
God’s judgments executed upon
the Babylonish empire, which
shall be brought down to as low
a condition as ever they had
reduced God’s people. In the day
that thy walls shall be built,
&c. — When God shall visit his
people, and repair their decayed
estate, (compare Amos 9:11,)
then the tyrannical edicts of
their persecutors shall be
utterly abolished. This may
partly relate to the recalling
those edicts, which put a stop
to the rebuilding of the city
and temple of Jerusalem: see
Ezra 4:23-24; Ezra 6:14;
Nehemiah 2:8; Nehemiah 2:17. In
that day — At that time also; he
shall come even to thee from
Assyria, &c. — This may be
rendered, They shall come, &c.;
that is, thy restored
inhabitants; and from the
fortress — Or rather, from
Egypt, even unto the river —
That is, the Euphrates; for the
word מצור, which we translate
fortress, likewise means Egypt.
All this signifies the return of
the Jews from the various parts
to which they had been
scattered. Notwithstanding, the
land shall be desolate, &c. —
Nevertheless the land shall,
before this, be reduced to a
state of desolation, on account
of the heinous wickedness of
those who at present inhabit it.
Verse 14
Micah 7:14. Feed thy people with
thy rod, &c. — This seems to be
a prayer which the prophet broke
out into on this occasion,
beseeching God to take his
people again under his peculiar
protection and care; which is
the meaning of feeding them with
his rod, or pastoral crook: the
flock of thy heritage, which
dwell solitarily — That is, that
peculiar people, which thou hast
separated from the rest of the
world, or caused to live apart
by themselves, that they might
maintain among them, and
preserve uncorrupted, thy pure
worship. In the wood, in the
midst of Carmel — Called the
forest of Carmel, Isaiah 37:24,
and spoken of as a place
remarkable for its fruitfulness.
Therefore, to feed in the midst
of Carmel, implied giving them
great plenty. Let them feed in
Bashan and Gilead, &c. — These
parts of Canaan were noted for
their rich pastures, and
therefore this implies the same
as the foregoing sentence,
namely, Bless them with plenty
of every thing, as was the case
Verse 15-16
Micah 7:15-16. According to the
days of thy coming — These words
are an answer to the prophet’s
prayer in the foregoing verse;
wherein God tells him that the
wonders he will perform in
bringing back his people into
their own country shall be as
conspicuous as those which he
showed in their deliverance out
of Egypt, and giving them the
first possession of it. The
sense is equivalent to that of
Psalms 68:22, The Lord hath
said, I will bring my people
again, as I did from Bashan, &c.
The nations shall see, and be
confounded at all their might —
The heathen shall feel the same
confusion as men do under a
great disappointment. Or, the
meaning may be, They shall be
ashamed of their might; namely,
to see all the might of the
Chaldean empire so soon laid
low. This seems to be spoken of
the nations in alliance with, or
who were friends to, the
Chaldeans. Others, by their
might, understand the might and
power of God’s people, whom no
force will be able to withstand:
see Micah 5:8. They shall lay
their hand upon their mouth —
The evident tokens of God’s
presence with his people shall
strike their adversaries with
astonishment. Their ears shall
be deaf — They shall be so
struck with surprise, as not to
hear what is said to them: or,
they shall hardly believe their
own ears, when they hear of
those wonderful works which God
will work for his servants.
Verse 17
Micah 7:17. They shall lick the
dust like a serpent — They shall
fall to the earth through fear,
and carry themselves very humbly
and submissively toward God’s
people. They shall move out of
their holes like worms — They
shall be afraid to stir out of
their lurking-holes; and if they
creep out like worms, they shall
presently hide their heads
again. They shall be afraid of
the Lord our God — Overthrowing
the Babylonish empire by Cyrus.
This is expressed Isaiah 45:1,
by loosing the loins of kings.
And fear because of thee — When
they shall see Almighty God
appear so conspicuously in thy
favour. The text is parallel to
that of Jeremiah 33:9, They
shall fear and tremble for all
the goodness and the prosperity
that I procure unto it; that is,
unto Jerusalem. Or, if the
prophet be considered as
addressing God, the meaning is,
When they understand that it was
long before denounced by the
prophets that destruction should
come upon them, and thy people
be delivered, and they see all
things tending to bring this to
pass, then shall they begin to
be afraid of thy power.
Verse 18-19
Micah 7:18-19. Who is a God like
unto thee — That is, there is no
God like unto thee; that passeth
by the transgression of the
remnant, &c. — That pardons the
offences of the remainder of his
people, namely, of those that
shall survive the various
punishments and destructions
brought upon their forefathers
for their sins. He retaineth not
his anger for ever — Though in
his just displeasure he suffered
their enemies to destroy their
city, and lay their country
desolate, and sent them into
captivity; yet will he restore
them again, and raise them to a
state of great prosperity. He
will chastise, but not consume
his remnant. Because he
delighteth in mercy — Because it
is his nature to delight in
pardoning the penitent, and
communicating blessings; whereas
to punish, or inflict evil, is
contrary to it. He will turn
again, he will have compassion —
Or, he will again have
compassion upon us. He will
subdue our iniquities — He will
deliver us not only from the
guilt, but also from the power
of them, so that they shall not
have dominion over us. Thou wilt
utterly destroy them, as thou
didst destroy Pharaoh and his
army in the Red sea: a victory
this, which can only be obtained
by the merits of Christ, and the
grace of the gospel. And
therefore the remnant, here
spoken of, to which God will
show such mercy, seems to be
chiefly those Jews which should
be reserved to be made partakers
of the benefits which should be
conferred on that nation, upon
their conversion to
Christianity. Then especially
shall God make manifest his
mercy toward them, in pardoning
all their former stubbornness
and disobedience, and receiving
them into his favour as
formerly; and that in a degree
greater than was ever
experienced in the preceding
ages of their church.
Verse 20
Micah 7:20. Thou wilt perform
the truth to Jacob — Thou wilt
perform to his posterity what
thou didst promise to Jacob. And
the mercy to Abraham — As the
promises given to Abraham were
made to him and to his seed
after him, so the Scriptures
speak of the blessings bestowed
upon his children, as if they
were actually made good to him
their progenitor. Among the
promises made to Abraham and the
other patriarchs, one important
one was, that their seed should
possess the land of Canaan. This
promise, with those of a
spiritual nature, will receive
its final accomplishment in the
conversion and restoration of
the Jewish nation in the latter
times. That people are said to
be beloved for their fathers’
sakes, Romans 11:28; and
therefore we have reason to
expect, that the mercies
promised to their fathers will
be made good to them, in God’s
due time; for the gifts and
callings of God are without
repentance, Romans 11:29. |