"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth
not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. -- Paul to
Timothy." (2 Tim. 2:15.)
"Give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Neglect
not the gift that is in thee. Meditate upon these things; give
thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all." (1
Tim. 4:13,15.)
No man or woman need hope to be a permanently successful soul-winner
who is not a diligent student of the truth, of the will and ways of
God, of men and of methods. A man cannot successfully build a house,
or write a poem, or govern a city, or manage a store, or even shoe a
horse or make a mousetrap without thoughtful study.
A doctor must think and study, and that diligently and continuously,
if he would understand the delicate human organism and the subtle
diseases to which it is subject and the various remedies by which
these diseases are to be antagonized.
A lawyer must be a diligent student if he would win cases before
judges and juries in the face of self-interest and skillful
How much more then should the soul-winner study in order that he may
understand the diseases of the soul, the ramifications of evil, the
deceitfulness of the human heart and the application of the great
remedy God has provided to meet all the needs of the soul; or, to
change the figure, how must he study to win his case at the bar of
man's conscience, when the man's own deceitful heart is the opposing
counsel, assisted by that old adversary, the devil, who for six
thousand years has been deceiving the children of men and leading
them down to hell!
Oh, that every man who sets himself to be a soul-winner might fully
recognize the tremendous odds against which he fights and set
himself by much believing prayer and joyous diligent study to show
himself a man "approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be
ashamed!" Thank God no one called of Him need be discouraged or
dismayed. Only let him not bury his talent in a napkin, nor spend
his time in idle dreaming, but let him stir up the gift that is in
him and faithfully give a little time each day to those studies that
will enlighten the mind and fit him for the work God has called him
to, and he shall surely be blessed of God and find himself
"furnished unto every good work."
1.The first thing and the last to be studied is the Bible. The
doctor may know all about law and art, history and theology, but if
he is unacquainted with his medical books he is a failure as a
doctor. The lawyer may have devoured libraries, traveled the wide
world over and become a walking encyclopedia and dictionary, but if
he is unacquainted with his law books, as a lawyer he is a failure.
So the worker for souls may read ten thousand books, may be able to
quote poetry by the mile, may be acquainted with all the facts of
science and history, and may even be a profound theologian, but
unless he is a diligent student of the Bible, he will not
permanently succeed as a soul-winner. He must become full of the
thoughts of God. He must eat the Word and digest it and turn it into
spiritual blood and bone and muscle and nerve and sinew, until he
becomes, as someone has said, "A living Bible, eighteen inches wide
by six feet long, bound in human skin"
Finney used to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning and read his Bible
until 8. During one of his revival services in Boston he said: "I
gave myself to a great deal of prayer. After my evening services I
would retire as early as I could, but rose at 4 o'clock in the
morning because I could sleep no longer, and immediately went to the
study and engaged in prayer. And so deeply was my mind exercised,
and so absorbed in prayer, that I frequently continued from the time
I arose at 4 o'clock, till called to breakfast at 8 o'clock My days
were spent as far as I could get time, in searching the Scriptures I
read nothing else all that winter but my Bible, and a great deal of
it seemed new to me. Again the Lord took me, as it were, from
Genesis to Revelation. He let me see the connection of things, the
promises, the threatenings, the prophecies and the fulfillment; and
indeed the whole Scripture seemed to me all ablaze with light. and
not only light, but it seemed as if God's Word was instinct with the
very life of God."
This diligent attention to the Word of God is a command He said to
Joshua, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but
thou shalt meditate therein day and night" The object of this
earnest study was, "That thou mayest observe to do according to all
that is written therein," and the result, "for then thou shalt make
thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success." David's
"blessed man" is not one who simply refuses to keep company with the
ungodly and abstains from their ways, "but his delight is in the law
of the Lord and in His law doth he meditate day and night." (Ps.
1:2.) And the difference between him and the ungodly is the
difference between a fruitful tree planted by the river and "the
chaff which the wind driveth away."
Jesus declared the importance of the Word when He told the devil
that "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word which
proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
Mrs. General Booth read her Bible through a number of times before
she was twelve years old. No wonder God made her a "mother of
nations." She was full of truth, and she could never open her mouth
without saying something that was calculated to expose shams and
falsehoods, overthrow the devil's kingdom of lies and build up God's
kingdom of righteousness and truth in the hearts of men.
Whitefield read the Bible through many times on his knees with
Henry's notes. Again and again the writer has read his Bible through
on his knees, and it is ever new and as David said, "sweeter also
than honey or the honeycomb." And like Job he can say "I have
esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food"
Wesley in his old age called himself "A man of one book." It is from
this armory that the soul-winner is to draw his weapons with which
he fights all hell. It is here that he is to study the mind and
heart of God, the truth about Jesus Christ, sin and the way of
escape from it, and the facts about heaven and hell, a Judgment Day
and eternity. Here he is to find a law for the lawless, warnings for
the careless, promises for the penitent, encouragement for the
distressed, balm for the wounded, healing for the sick, life for the
dead. He is to "preach the Word," for it is "profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly
furnished unto every good work" And in preaching it, if he preaches
as they did of old, "with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven," he
will find it living and active and "sharper than any two-edged
sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of the
joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of
the heart." I have sometimes read or quoted the Word of God to
people, and it fitted their case so pat that it smote them like a
lightning bolt.
"Is not My Word like a fire? saith the Lord, and like a hammer that
breaketh the rock in pieces?"
But the soul-winner must not study it simply that he may preach it,
but that he may himself live by it, be furnished, strengthened,
enlightened, corrected and made wise by it. It must pass through his
own soul and become a part of his own spiritual life before he can
preach it with power and apply it effectually to the saving of men.
And in order to do this he must be filled with the Holy Ghost. In
fact, it is only as he is filled with the Spirit that he will be
able to get much benefit from the Word of God or have much love for
The Bible is a sealed book to unspiritual people, but when the
Comforter comes it is unsealed and its wondrous meaning made clear.
I read recently of a lad, who could not read, receiving the baptism
of the Holy Ghost. Then he got his unsaved sister to read the Bible
to him and he explained it to her. Hallelujah! The Holy Ghost in him
enabled him to understand what the Holy Ghost in holy men of old
enabled them to write. Only the Holy Ghost can help men to
understand His Book.
An old colored lady loved her Bible very much. A friend who found
her reading it frequently, gave her a commentary to assist her in
getting at its meaning. A few days later seeing her, he asked,
"Well, Auntie, how do you like that book I gave you?" She replied,
"Oh, dat be a very good book, but de Bible do throw a lot o' light
on dat 'er book."
The Bereans show us the way to read the Bible (Acts 17:11). 1. They
received the Word with all readiness. 2. They searched the
Scriptures. It was not with them just a hasty, careless, thoughtless
reading; they searched as men would search for hidden treasure. 3.
They did this daily.
Personally for years I have given the best hour of the day to the
Bible, until I want it more than I want my food.
It should be read early in the day, before other things crowd in
What is read should be remembered. In eating it is not the amount we
eat, but the amount we digest that does us good, and just so is it
in reading and studying. It is not the amount we read, but what we
remember and make our own that does us good.
2. Besides the Bible, the soul-winner ought to lay out a course of
reading for himself, and stick to it, reading a few pages each day.
Ten pages a day will mean from ten to fifteen books a year.
Every Salvation Army officer ought to read the General's "Letters,"
"Holiness Readings," the "F. O.," and Mrs. Booth's works. "Books
that Bless," by the Chief, will prove invaluable.
"Holy Living and Dying," by Taylor; Law's "Call," "Saint's Rest," by
Baxter; Edwards' "Life of Brainerd," Wesley's works, "Life of
Fletcher," "Life of Bramwell," "Pilgrim's Progress," "Half Hours
with St. Paul," by Daniel Steele; "Holiness and Power," by Rev. A M.
Hills, and Finney's and Caughey's works will make a library that can
be read again and again with untold profit by soul-winners.
Not too much time should be spent over newspapers. It would probably
not be wise to discard them altogether, but better do that than let
them rob you of the time that should be spent in deep study and
earnest prayer. I once heard the General say, "I have not read a
newspaper for ten days." All useful knowledge may prove valuable to
the soul-winner, and he should seek information everywhere. It is
well to carry a notebook and constantly make notes. Gladstone made
notes on the margins of books he read.
The soul-winner should study not only books, but men and methods.
John Wesley became a supreme master in practical and experimental
theology and a matchless soul-winner largely through his study of
men. He examined thousands of people -- men, women and children,
with reference to their religious experience, and especially their
experiences of sanctification, until he became acquainted with the
human heart and the workings of the Holy Spirit as few men have ever
done. I know of no better and surer method of acquainting one's self
with the human heart and the way the Holy Spirit works with men to
save than by this close, personal, private conversation and inquiry
about the religious experiences of the Christians around us. This is
the scientific method applied to the study of the human heart, the
Christian life and religious experience, and it can be carried on
wherever you can find a human being to talk with you. "He that
winneth souls is wise."