By W. J. Erdman, H. M. Parsons, Misses Mudie and Geldard
Bible ReadingsONBELIEVERS,—GOD'S VESSELS.2 TIMOTHY ii. 21. Looking back to the Old Testament history of the vessels in God’s house, we find them made by the children of Israel, according to God’s command, and brought to Moses for the service of the Tabernacle.—Exodus xxxix. 33-40. When the Tabernacle was fully set up, other vessels were brought and dedicated by the princes representing the congregation.—Numbers vii. They had to be sprinkled with blood.—Hebrews ix. 21. They were also anointed with oil. Exodus xl. 9. Carefully kept throughout the wilderness journey, and in the land, during the times of the Judges and the first years of the Kings, they were then brought up with the tabernacle and placed in Solomon's temple.—1 Kings viii. 4. In the after history we learn how they were watched over by God, when carried down to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar.— Daniel i. 2. All were brought forth again, numbered, and delivered by Cyrus into the hands of the Prince of Judah.—Ezra i. 7-8. And here we have given some idea of their number and variety. Five thousand and four hundred: some gold. some silver, chargers, basons, knives, all counted by God.—Ezra i. 9-10. When, after this, others were added as an offering to the Lord, they were reckoned holy, and weighed, guarded and kept until brought to Jerusalem.—Ezra viii. 28-29. In the New Testament, believers are the vessels in the spiritual temple. God said of Saul of Tarsus, “He is a chosen vessel unto Me.”—Acts ix. 15. If a man purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified.—2 Timothy ii. 21. Like the vessels in the tabernacle, God's vessels now must be sprinkled with blood. Cleansing from sin is the first requisite for service. Forgiveness of sin and separation from sin must be experienced.— Hebrews x. 22. When the prophet’s lips were touched with the live coal from off the altar, and he had listened to the assurance, thine iniquity is taken away and thy sin purged: then he could say, “Here am I, send me.”—Isaiah vi. 7-8.. Then the anointing with oil must follow the sprinkling of blood, not only are we separated from sin but separated to God. All service for God must proceed from the Holy Spirit in the believer.—1 John ii. 20; Acts i. 8. The vessel thus sanctified is to be filled—“Filled with the Spirit.”— Ephesians v. 18. But it was not enough for the vessels to he cleansed at first, they must be kept clean. Forgetfulness or neglect of this often brings the Christian much trouble. It is not so easy rubbing off the tarnish of the world, or making bright the fine gold that has become dim. The vessels are holy; and the silver and the gold are a free-will offering unto the Lord God of your fathers. Watch ye, and keep them,” is a command that suits the spiritual vessels in God's house now, as it did the temple vessels in the days of Ezra. And so we find the same in the following passages: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessels in sanctification and honour.—1 Thessalonians iv. 4: He that is begotten of God keepeth himself.—I John v. 18. Keep yourselves in the love of God.--Jude 21, Come out and be separate, and touch not the unclean thing.— 2 Corinthians vi. 17. Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the portion of the King’s meat, and so kept himself, even in Babylon, as a temple vessel.— Daniel i. 5-8. The Holy Spirit guards us, too, with a jealous love, lest the vessel should be marred by contact with the world. “Do ye think the Scripture saith in vain, the Spirit which dwelleth in us jealously desireth us?” James iv. 5. Our own attempts at keeping the vessel would be, however, vain, had we not the secret revealed in such texts as, “They shall hang upon him all vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups even to all the vessels of flagons.”—Isaiah xxii. 24. Our dwelling place must be in the house of the Lord: and thus, near the Master's hand, we shall be ready for the Master's use.— Psalm xxvii. 4. In the shadow of His hand hath He hid me.—Isaiah xlix. 2. And “He is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.”—Jude 24. The Apostle John says he saw no temple in the New Jerusalem, yet adds, “The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it, and in that temple shall there not be place found for the vessels ʻprepared unto glory,’ (Rom. ix. 23.) for His servants shall serve Him, and His name shall be in their forehead”.— Revelation xxii. 3.
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