By Dwight L. Moody
Had its beginning in D. L. Moody's conviction and understanding of the vital need for low-priced books carrying the gospel message to all classes. It was after he had tried in vain to secure books for inquirers, at a local book store in a Wisconsin town, that he set about to establish a Colportage Department in connection with his Chicago school for training Christian workers. Founded in 1894, in connection with the Bible Institute for Home and Foreign Missions, as the school was then called, this Association has continued to deliver, through means of the printed page, messages that convict of sin, quicken the devotional life, arouse to evangelistic effort and missionary activity. It has carried the gospel where church privileges were wanting, or not embraced, and is doing so yet. Young and old have felt its influence to counteract the opposition of Satan. Terms are cheerfully quoted to those who would seriously consider "book missionary," or colportage work in co-operation with this Association. Previous experience not essential. Full printed instructions and suggestions promptly provided. Your spare time can be employed very profitably. The more time given, the better the results. SOME REASONS FOR ENGAGING IN COLPORTAGE WORK It is God's work, preëminently so, in aim, method and blessing attendant. Not merely book selling, but a definite form of Christian work. A means is furnished for carrying the gospel, and messages of comfort, into thousands of homes where pastors or Christian workers cannot, or perhaps seldom, if ever, visit. Opportunities for doing personal work, enlisting men's lives and sympathies in the cause of Christ are ever open to the colporter. The work can be undertaken in various ways,--from home to home, in churches, in connection with a permanent book table or stand, in various societies, conferences and through the mail. The plan is workable and thoroughly tried as one of the great avenues through which the non-church goer can be reached. It is applicable in YOUR community, whether village, town or city. Employment is presented you at the smallest outlay of money and the least possible risk of failure or loss. The remuneration is in accordance with interest, time and energy expended. The eye of faith sees the rapid extension of this work, with some opposition, no doubt, but there is need for many more helpers, to co-operate in bringing things to pass. Diligent and consecrated men and women are needed and you are urged to write for further information. WHAT MAY NOT BE ACCOMPLISHED! |
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