By Phoebe Palmer
A COVENANT "And because of all this we make a sure covenant, and write it ... and seal unto it." -- Neh. ix. 38. "Oh, happy day that seal'd my vows To Him who merits all my love!" In the name and in the presence of the triune Deity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I do hereby consecrate body, soul, and spirit, time, talents, influence, family, and estate -- all with which I stand connected, near or remote, to be for ever, and in the most unlimited sense, THE LORD'S. My body I lay upon Thine altar, O Lord, that it may be a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in. From henceforth I rely upon Thy promise, that Thou wilt live and walk in me; believing, as I now surrender myself for all coming time to Thee, that Thou dost condescend to enter this Thy temple, and dost from this solemn moment hallow it with Thy indwelling presence. The union is consummated! "Hallelujah to God and the Lamb for ever!" With comminglings of intense yet solemn joy, and holy fear, I do at this eventful hour resolve, in the strength of the Lord Jehovah, on minute circumspection in the sustainment and adornment of my body, to indulge in only such things as may be enjoyed in the name of the Lord, and bear the legible inscription, "HOLINESS TO THE LORD." My present and my future possessions, in family and estate, I here solemnly yield up in everlasting covenant to Thee. If sent forth as Thy servant Jacob, to commence the pilgrimage of life alone, and under discouraging circumstances; if, like him, homeless, with nought but a stone for my pillow; yet, with him, I will solemnly vow, "Of all that Thou shalt give me, surely the tenth will I give unto Thee." If Thou wilt, or hast already intrusted me with children, I hereby take upon myself the solemn obligation to train them for Thee. I resolve that my training shall be a view of fitting them for the self-sacrificing service of God, and laying up treasure in Heaven, rather than in view of fitting them to make a display in the world, and lay up treasures on earth. And I resolve, if Thou givest "power to get wealth," I will still continue to regard this vow, in relation to my family, as sacredly binding as at the present hour, and will of my greater abundance "lay by in store" proportionately for charities, and the evangelization of the world according as God hath prospered me. Believing that the Scriptures are a sufficient rule for my faith and practice, because "all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness;" I resolve that I will search the Scriptures daily on my knees (unless circumstances of health altogether prevent), as in the more immediate presence of God; and that my faith and my duties shall be regulated by the unadulterated WORD OF GOD, rather than by the opinions of men in regard to that Word; and that no impressions in relation to doctrines or duties shall be regarded as coming from God, unless the said doctrine or duty be plainly taught in the Holy Scriptures. And now, "O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love Him and to them that keep His commandments," confessing that I am utterly unable to keep one of the least of Thy commandments, unless endued with power from on high, I hereby covenant to trust in Thee for the needful aid of Thy Spirit. Thou dost now behold my entire being presented to Thee a living sacrifice. Already is the offering laid upon Thine altar. I call Heaven and earth, God the Father, Son and Spirit, the spirits of just men made perfect, and the innumerable company of angels now encamped around me, to witness this solemn act of entire, absolute, irrevocable renunciation of sin and self! Yes, my all is upon Thine altar. O God, Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, behold the offering! By the hallowing fires of burning love, let it now be consumed! Let the purifying, consuming energies of the Holy Spirit now penetrate soul and body, and cause every power of body and mind to ascend in ceaseless flames of love and praise, a living sacrifice. O Christ, Thou dost accept the sacrifice, and through Thy meritorious life and death, the infinite efficacy of the Blood of everlasting covenant, Thou dost accept me as Thine for ever, and dost present me before the throne of the Father without spot: "No more I stagger at Thy word, Thou dost condescend to espouse me to Thyself in the bonds of an everlasting covenant in all things well ordered and sure, and from henceforth all my interests in time and eternity are blended in everlasting oneness with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ, my fellowship is with the triune Deity, my citizenship in Heaven! And now, O Lord, I will hold fast the profession of this my faith before Thee, before angels, and before men. The exceeding great and precious promises upon which I have here laid hold, have been given me on condition of my complying with the terms thereunto annexed. Through the power of Thy Spirit alone I have complied with the conditions laid down in Thy Word upon which Thou dost promise to enter into these covenant engagements with me; and now, before angels and men, I will declare my faith in Thee as my covenant-keeping God. And as I solemnly purpose that I would sooner die than break my covenant engagements with Thee, so will I, in obedience to the command of God, hold fast the profession of my faith unwaveringly, in face of an accusing enemy and an accusing world. And this I will through Thy grace do, irrespective of my emotions, resolved that my faith in God shall not depend on my uncertain emotions. Now, O God, my covenant engagements are before Thee. Thou hast registered them on the pages of eternity. Already they have been ratified before the throne in the name of the Triune Deity, Father, Son, and Spirit. Trusting in Thee to keep me that I may never break from Thee by violating this my solemn covenant, I hereunto set my hand and seal, on this ______ day of _____, ___. |
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