Gregory, C. R., The Canon and Text of the New Testament. Edinburgh, 1908.
Harnack, Adolph, Chronologie der Altchristlischen Literatur. Leipzig, 1897.
Leitpoldt, J., Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons. Leipzig, 1907-08.
Lightfoot, J. B., Essays on Supernatural Religion. London, 1889.
Salmon, George, Historical Introduction to the New Testament. Eighth edition. London, 1897.
Sanday, William, Inspiration, Bampton Lectures. London, 1893.
Souter, Alexander, The Text and Canon of the New Testament. New York, 1913.
Westcott, B. F., A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament. Seventh edition. London, 1896.
Zahn, Theo., Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons. Leipzig, 1888-92.
Zahn, Theo., Grundriss der Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons. Leipzig, 1904.