By John Wesley
On the Isle of Man; City Road Chapel; Wesley Visits Lorg George Gordon
In Bethnal Green Hamlet 1777. Wednesday, January 1.--We met, as usual, to renew our covenant with God. It was a solemn season wherein many found His power present to heal and were enabled to urge their way with strength renewed. Thursday, 2.--I began expounding, in order, the Book of Ecclesiastes. I never before had so clear a sight either of the meaning or the beauties of it. Neither did I imagine that the several parts of it were in so exquisite a manner connected together; all tending to prove that grand truth--that there is no happiness out of God. Wednesday, 15.--I began visiting those of our society who lived in Bethnal Green hamlet. Many of them I found in such poverty as few can conceive without seeing it. Oh, why do not all the rich that fear God constantly visit the poor! Can they spend part of their spare time better? Certainly not. So they will find in that day when "every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor." Such another scene I saw the next day in visiting another part of the society. I have not found any such distress, no, not in the prison of Newgate. One poor man was just creeping out of his sickbed to his ragged wife and three little children, who were more than half naked and the very picture of famine. When one brought in a loaf of bread, they all ran, seized upon it, and tore it in pieces in an instant. Who would not rejoice that there is another world? City Road Chapel Begun Monday, April 21, was the day appointed for laying the foundation of the new chapel. The rain befriended us much, by keeping away thousands who purposed to be there. But there were still such multitudes that it was with great difficulty I got through them to lay the first stone. Upon this was a plate of brass (covered with another stone) on which was engraved, "This was laid by Mr. John Wesley, on April 1, 1777." Probably this will be seen no more by any human eye, but will remain there till the earth and the works thereof are burned up. Sunday, 27.--The sun breaking out, I snatched the opportunity of preaching to many thousands in Moorfields. All were still as night while I showed how "the Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the devil" [see I John 3:8]. Wednesday, May 24.--At eleven I preached at Pocklington, with an eye to the death of that lovely woman, Mrs. Cross. A gay young gentleman, with a young lady, stepped in, stayed five minutes, and went out again with as easy an unconcern as if they had been listening to a ballad singer. I mentioned to the congregation the deep folly and ignorance implied in such behavior. These pretty fools never thought that for this very opportunity they are to give an account before men and angels! In the evening I preached at York. I would gladly have rested the next day, feeling my breast much out of order. But notice having been given of my preaching at Tadcaster, I set out at nine in the morning. About ten the chaise broke down. I borrowed a horse; but as he was none of the easiest, in riding three miles I was so thoroughly electrified that the pain in my breast was quite cured. I preached in the evening at York; on Friday took the diligence; and on Saturday afternoon came to London. Wesley in the Isle of Man Friday, 30.--I went on to Whitchaven, where I found a little vessel waiting for me. After preaching in the evening, I went on board about eight o'clock and before eight in the morning landed at Douglas, in the Isle of Man. Douglas exceedingly resembles Newlyn in Cornwall both in its situation, form, and buildings; only it is much larger and has a few houses equal to most in Penzance. As soon as we landed, I was challenged by Mr. Booth, who had seen me in Ireland and whose brother has been for many years a member of the society in Coolylough. A chaise was provided to carry me to Castletown. I was greatly surprised at the country. All the way from Douglas to Castletown it is as pleasant and as well cultivated as most parts of England, with many gentlemen's seats. Castletown a good deal resembles Galway, only it is not so large. At six I preached near the castle, I believe, to all the inhabitants of the town. Two or three gay young women showed they knew nothing about religion; all the rest were deeply serious. Sunday, June 1.--At six I preached in our own room; and, my surprise, saw all the gentlewoman there. Young as well as old were now deeply affected and would fain have had me stay were it but for an hour or two; but I was forced to hasten away in order to be at Peeltown before the service began. Mr. Corbett said he would gladly have asked me to preach but that the Bishop had forbidden him and had also forbidden all his clergy to admit any Methodist preacher to the Lord's supper. But is any clergyman obliged, either in law or conscience, to obey such a prohibition? By no means. The will even of the King does not bind any English subject, unless it be seconded by an express law. How much less the will of a bishop? "But did not you take an oath to obey him?" No, nor any clergyman in the three kingdoms. This is a mere vulgar error. Shame that it should prevail almost universally. As it rained, I retired after service into a large malthouse. Most of the congregation followed and devoured the Word. It being fair in the afternoon, the whole congregation stopped in the churchyard, and the Word of God was with power. It was a happy opportunity. The Manx Men Monday, 2.--The greater part of them were present at five in the morning. A more loving, simple-hearted people than this I never saw. And no wonder, for they have but six Papists and no Dissenters in the island. It is supposed to contain nearly thirty thousand people, remarkably courteous and humane. Ever since smuggling was suppressed, they diligently cultivate their land; and they have a large herring fishery, so that the country improves daily. The old castle at Peel (as well as the cathedral built within it) is only a heap of ruins. It was very large and exceedingly strong, with many brass guns; but they are now removed to England. I set out for Douglas in the one-horse chaise, Mrs. Smyth riding with me. In about an hour, in spite of all I could do, the headstrong horse ran the wheel against a large stone and the chaise overset in a moment. But we fell so gently on smooth grass that neither of us was hurt at all. In the evening I preached at Douglas to nearly as large a congregation as that at Peel, but not nearly so serious. Before ten we went on board and about twelve on Tuesday, 3, landed at Whitehaven. I preached at five in the afternoon; hastening to Cockermouth, I found a large congregation waiting in the castle yard. Between nine and ten o'clock I took chaise, and about ten on Wednesday, 4, reached Settle. In the evening I preached near the market place, and all but two or three gentlefolks were seriously attentive. Thursday, 5. About noon I came to Otley. "Taught by a Chaise Boy" Monday, July 21.--Having been much pressed to preach at Jatterson, a colliery six or seven miles from Pembroke, I began soon after seven. The house was presently filled and all the space about the doors and windows; the poor people drank in every word. I had finished my sermon when a gentleman, violently pressing in, bade the people get home and mind their business. As he used some bad words, my driver spoke to him. He fiercely said, "Do you think I need to be taught by a chaise-boy?" The lad replying, "Really, sir, I do think so," the conversation ended. Tuesday, August 5.--Our yearly Conference began. I now particularly inquired (as that report had been spread far and wide) of every assistant, "Have you reason to believe, from your own observation, that the Methodists are a fallen people? Is there a decay or an increase in the work of God where you have been? Are the societies in general more dead, or more alive to God, than they were some years ago?" The almost universal answer was, "If we must `know them by their fruits,' there is no decay in the work of God among the people in general. The societies are not dead to God: they are as much alive as they have been for many years. And we look on this report as a mere device of Satan to make our hands hang down." Are the Methodists a Fallen People? "But how can this question be decided?" You, and you, style="#_ftn48" name="_ftnref48">[1] can judge no farther than you see. You cannot judge of one part by another; of the people of London, suppose, by those of Bristol. And none but myself has an opportunity of seeing them throughout the three kingdoms. But to come to a short issue. In most places, the Methodists are still a poor despised people, laboring under reproach and many inconveniences; therefore, wherever the power of God is not, they decrease. By this, then you may form a sure judgment. Do the Methodists in general decrease in number? Then they decrease in grace; they are a fallen, or, at least, a falling people. But they do not decrease in number; they continually increase. Therefore, they are not a fallen people. The Conference concluded on Friday, as it began, in much love. Wesley Starts a Magazine Monday, November 14.--Having been many times desired, for nearly forty years, to publish a magazine, I at length complied; and I now began to collect materials for it. If it once begin, I incline to think it will not end but with my life. Wednesday, December 17.--Just at this time there was a combination among many of the post-chaise drivers on the Bath road, especially those that drove in the night, to deliver their passengers into each other's hands. One driver stopped at the spot they had appointed, where another waited to attack the chaise. In consequence of this many were robbed; but I had a good Protector, still. I have traveled all roads, by day and by night, for these forty years and never was interrupted yet. 1778. Friday, January 27, was the day appointed for the national fast; and it was observed with due solemnity. All shops were shut up; all was quiet in the streets; all places of public worship were crowded; no food was served up in the King's house till five o'clock in the evening. Thus far, at least, we acknowledge God may direct our paths. Sunday, June 28.--I am this day seventy-five years old; and I do not find myself, blessed be God, any weaker than I was at five-and-twenty. This also hath God wrought! Wesley Discusses Old Sermons Tuesday, September 1.--I went to Tiverton. I was musing here on what I heard a good man say long since--"Once in seven years I burn all my sermons; for it is a shame if I cannot write better sermons now than I could seven years ago." Whatever others can do, I really cannot. I cannot write a better sermon on the Good Steward than I did seven years ago; I cannot write a better on the Great Assize than I did twenty years ago; I cannot write a better on the Use of Money, than I did nearly thirty years ago; nay, I know not that I can write a better on the Circumcision of the Heart than I did five-and-forty years ago. Perhaps, indeed, I may have read five or six hundred books more than I had then, and may know a little more history, or natural philosophy, than I did; but I am not sensible that this has made any essential addition to my knowledge in divinity. Forty years ago I knew and preached every Christian doctrine which I preach now. Among the Ruins Thursday, 3.--About noon I preached at Cathanger, about eight miles from Taunton. It was an exceedingly large house, built (as the inscription over the gate testifies) in the year 1555 by Sergeant Walsh, who had then eight thousand pounds a year; perhaps more than equal to twenty thousand now. But the once famous family is now forgotten; the estate is moldered almost into nothing, and three quarters of the magnificent buildings lie level with the dust. I preached in the great hall, like that of Lincoln College, to a very serious congregation. In the evening I preached at South Petherton, once a place of renown and the capital of a Saxon kingdom, as is vouched by a palace of King Ina still remaining and a very large and ancient church. I suppose the last blow given to it was by Judge Jefferies who, after Monmouth's rebellion, hanged so many of the inhabitants and drove so many away that it is never likely to lift up its head again. City Road Chapel Opened Sunday, November 1, was the day appointed for opening the new chapel in the City Road. It is perfectly neat, but not fine, and contains far more people than the Foundry. I believe, together with the morning chapel, as many as the Tabernacle. Many were afraid that the multitudes, crowding from all parts, would have occasioned much disturbance. But they were happily disappointed; there was none at all; all was quietness, decency, and order. I preached on part of Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the Temple; and both in the morning and afternoon (when I preached on the hundred forty and four thousand standing with the Lamb on Mount Zion), God was eminently present in the midst of the congregation. Monday, 2.--I went to Chatham and preached in the evening to a lively, loving congregation. Tuesday, 3. I went by water to Sheerness. Our room being far too small for the people that attended, I sent to the Governor to desire (what had been allowed me before) the use of the chapel. He refused me (uncivilly enough), affecting to doubt whether I was in orders! style="#_ftn49" name="_ftnref49">[1] So I preached to as many as it would contain in our own room. Wednesday, 4.--I took a view of the old church at Minster, once a spacious and elegant building. It stands pleasantly on the top of a hill and commands all the country round. We went from thence to Queensborough, which contains above fifty houses and sends two members to Parliament. Surely the whole Isle of Sheppey is now but a shadow of what it was once. Thursday, 5.--l returned to Chatham and the following morning set out on the stagecoach for London. At the end of Stroud, I chose to walk up the hill, leaving the coach to follow me. But it was in no great haste: it did not overtake me till I had walked above five miles. I cared not if it had been ten: the more I walk, the sounder I sleep. Sunday, 15.--Having promised to preach in the evening at St. Antholine's Church, I had desired one to have a coach ready at the door when the service at the new chapel was ended. But he had forgotten; so that, after preaching and meeting the society, I was obliged to walk as fast as I could to the church. The people were so wedged together that it was with difficulty I got in. The church was extremely hot. But this I soon forgot, for it pleased God to send a gracious rain upon His inheritance. Sunday, 29.--I was desired to preach a charity sermon in St. Luke's church, Old Street. I doubt whether it was ever so crowded before; the fear of God seemed to possess the whole audience. In the afternoon I preached at the new chapel; and at seven, in St. Margaret's, Rood Lane, fully as much crowded as St. Luke's. Is then the scandal of the cross ceased? Wesley Goes North 1779. Monday, March 15.--I began my tour through England and Scotland; the lovely weather continuing, such as the oldest man alive has not seen before, for January, February, and half of March. In the evening I preached at Stroud; the next morning at Cloucester, designing to preach in Stanley at two, and at Tewkesbury in the evening. But the minister of Gratton (near Stanley) sending me word that I was welcome to the use of his church, I ordered notice to be given that the service would begin there at six o'clock. Stanley Chapel was thoroughly filled at two. It is eighteen years since I was there before; many of those whom I saw here then were now grey-headed, and many were gone to Abraham's bosom. May we follow them as they did Christ! Thursday, 25.--I preached in the new house which Mr. Fletcher has built in Madeley Wood. The people here exactly resemble those at Kingswood, only they are more simple and teachable. But for want of discipline, the immense pains which he has taken with them has not done the good which might have been expected. I preached at Shrewsbury in the evening and on Friday, 26, about noon, in the assembly room at Broseley. It was well we were in the shade, for the sun shone as hot as it usually does at midsummer. We walked from thence to Coalbrook Dale and took a view of the bridge which is shortly to be thrown over the Severn. It is one arch, a hundred feet broad, fifty-two high, and eighteen wide; all of cast-iron, weighing many hundred tons. I doubt whether the Colossus at Rhodes weighed much more. Thursday, April 15.--l went to Halifax, where a little thing had lately occasioned great disturbance. An angel blowing a trumpet was placed on the sounding-board over the pulpit. Many were vehemently against this, others as vehemently for it; but a total end was soon put to the contest, for the angel vanished away. The congregations, morning and evening, were very large; and the work of God seems to increase in depth as well as extent. Sunday, May 2.--Dr. Kershaw, the vicar of Leeds, desired me to assist him at the sacrament. It was a solemn season. We were ten clergymen and seven or eight hundred communicants. Mr. Atkinson desired me to preach in the afternoon. Such a congregation had been seldom seen there, but I preached to a much larger in our own house at five; and I found no want of strength. Monday, June 28.--I preached in the new preaching-house, at Robin Hood's Bay and then went on to Scarborough. Tuesday, 29, I spent agreeably and profitably with my old friends; and on my way to Bridlington, Wednesday, 30, took a view of Flamborough Head. It is a huge rock, rising perpendicularly from the sea to an immense height and giving shelter to an innumerable multitude of sea fowl of various kinds. I preached in the evening at Bridlington, and afterward heard a very uncommon instance of paternal affection: A gentleman of the town had a favorite daughter, whom he set up in a milliner's shop. Sometime after she had a concern for her soul and believed it her duty to enter into the society. Upon this her good father forbade her his house, demanding all the money he had laid out; and requiring her instantly to sell all her goods in order to make the payment! Wesley Attended by Felons Wednesday, July 21.--When I came to Coventry, I found notice had been given for my preaching in the park; but the heavy rain prevented. I sent to the Mayor, desiring the use of the town hall. He refused, but the same day gave the use of it to a dancing-master. I then went to the women's market. Many soon gathered together and listened with all seriousness. I preached there again the next morning, Thursday, 22, and again in the evening. Then I took coach for London. I was nobly attended: behind the coach were ten convicted felons, loudly blaspheming and rattling their chains; by my side sat a man with a loaded blunderbuss, and another upon the coach. Sunday, 25.--Both the chapels were full enough. On Monday, I retired to Lewisham to write. Tuesday, August 3.--Our Conference began; it continued and ended in peace and love. Sunday, 8. I was at West Street in the morning and at the new chapel in the evening, when I took a solemn leave of the affectionate congregation. This was the last night which I spent at the Foundry. What hath God wrought there in one-and-forty years! Friday, August 13 (Monmouth).--As I was going down a steep pair of stairs, my foot slipped and I fell down several steps. Falling on the edge of one of them, it broke the case of an almanack, which was in my pocket, all to pieces. The edge of another stair met my right buckle and snapped the steel chape of it in two; but I was not hurt. So doth our good Master give His angels charge over us! In the evening I preached at Brecknock. "Make Your Will before You Sleep" Thursday, September 23.--In the evening one sat behind me in the pulpit at Bristol who was one of our first masters at Kingswood. A little after he left the school he likewise left the society. Riches then flowed in upon him, with which, having no relations, Mr. Spencer designed to do much good--after his death. "But God said unto him, Thou fool!" Two hours after he died intestate, and left all his money to be scrambled for! Reader, if you have not done it already, make your will before you sleep! Wednesday, October 6.--At eleven I preached in Winchester where there are four thousand five hundred French prisoners. I was glad to find they have plenty of wholesome food and are treated, in all respects, with great humanity. In the evening I preached at Portsmouth Common. Thursday, 7. I took a view of the camp adjoining the town and wondered to find it as clean and as neat as a gentleman's garden. But there was no chaplain. The English soldiers of this age have nothing to do with God! Friday, 8.--We took chaise, as usual, at two, and about eleven came to Cobham. Having a little leisure, I thought I could not employ it better than in taking a walk through the gardens. They are said to take up four hundred acres and are admirably well laid out. They far exceed the celebrated gardens at Stow. This night I lodged in the new house at London. How many more nights have I to spend there? 1780. Sunday, January 23.--In the evening I retired to Lewisham, to prepare matter (who would believe it) for a monthly magazine. Friday, February 4, being the national fast, I preached first at the new chapel and then at St. Peter's Cornhill. What a difference in the congregation! Yet out of these stones God can raise up children to Abraham. Wesley at the German Settlement Monday, April 17.--l left Leeds in one of the roughest mornings I have ever seen. We had rain, hail, snow, and wind in abundance. About nine I preached at Bramley; between one and two at Pudsey. Afterwards I walked to Fulneck, the German settlement. Mr. Moore showed us the house, chapel, hall, lodging-rooms, the apartments of the widows, the single men, and single women. He showed us likewise the workshops of various kinds, with the shops for grocery, drapery, mercery, [35] hardware, and so on, with which, as well as with bread from their bakehouse, they furnish the adjacent country. I see not what but the mighty power of God can hinder them from acquiring millions as they 1) buy all materials with ready money at the best hand; 2) have above a hundred young men, above fifty young women, many widows, and above a hundred married persons all of whom are employed from morning to night, without any intermission, in various kinds of manufactures, not for journeymen's wages, but for no wages at all, save a little very plain food and raiment; as they have 3) a quick sale for all their goods and sell them all for ready money. But can they lay up treasure on earth and at the same time lay up treasure in heaven? Saturday, May 20.--I took one more walk through Holyrood House, the mansion of ancient kings. But how melancholy an appearance does it make now! The stately rooms are dirty as stables; the colors of the tapestry are quite faded; several of the pictures are cut and defaced. The roof of the royal chapel has fallen in; and the bones of James the Fifth and the once beautiful Lord Darnley are scattered about like those of sheep or oxen. Such is human greatness! Is not "a living dog better than a dead lion?" Sunday, 21.--The rain hindered me from preaching at noon upon the Castle Hill. In the evening the house was well filled, and I was enabled to speak strong words. But I am not a preacher for the people of Edinburgh. Tuesday, 23.--A gentleman took me to see Roslyn Castle, eight miles from Edinburgh. It is now all in ruins, only a small dwelling house is built on one part of it. The situation of it is exceedingly fine, on the side of a steep mountain, hanging over a river, from which another mountain rises, equally steep and clothed with wood. At a little distance is the chapel, which is in perfect preservation, both within and without. I should never have thought it had belonged to anyone less than a sovereign prince! The inside is far more elegantly wrought with variety of Scripture histories in stonework, than I believe can be found again in Scotland; perhaps not in all England. The Bishop of Durham's Tapestry Wednesday, 31.--I went to Mr. Parker's, at Shincliff, near Durham. The congregation being far too large to get into the house, I stood near his door. It seemed as if the whole village were ready to receive the truth in the love thereof. Perhaps their earnestness may provoke the people of Durham to jealousy. In the afternoon we took a view of the castle at Durham, the residence of the bishop. The situation is wonderfully fine, surrounded by the river and commanding all the country. Many of the apartments are large and stately, but the furniture is mean beyond imagination. I know not where I have seen such in a gentleman's house or a man of five hundred a year, except that of the Lord Lieutenant in Dublin. In the largest chambers the tapestry is quite faded; beside that, it is coarse and ill-judged. Take but one instance: In Jacob's vision you see, on the one side, a little paltry ladder and an angel climbing it in the attitude of a chimney sweeper; and on the other side, Jacob staring at him, from under a large silver-laced hat. Monday, June 5 (York).--An arch newswriter published a paragraph today, probably designed for wit, concerning the large pension which the famous Wesley received for defending the king. This so increased the congregation in the evening that scores were obliged to go away. And God applied that word to many hearts, "I will not destroy the city for ten's sake" [Gen. 18:32]. Monday, 12.--About eleven I preached at Newton-upon-Trent, to a large and very genteel congregation. Thence we went to Newark, but our friends were divided as to the place where I should preach. At length they found a convenient place, covered on three sides and on the fourth open to the street. It contained two or three thousand people well, who appeared to hear as for life. Only one big man, exceedingly drunk, was very noisy and turbulent till his wife seized him by the collar, gave him two or three hearty boxes on the ear, and dragged him away like a calf. But, at length, he got out of her hands, crept in among the people, and stood as quiet as a lamb. Wesley on "Boston Stump" Friday, 16.--We went on to Boston, the largest town in the county, except Lincoln. From the top of the steeple (which I suppose is by far the highest tower in the kingdom) we had a view not only of all the town, but of all the adjacent country. Formerly this town was in the fens; but the fens are vanished away: a great part of them is turned into pasture, and part into arable land. At six the house contained the congregation, all of whom behaved in the most decent manner. Wednesday, 28.--I went to Sheffield; but the house was not ready, so I preached in the square. I can hardly think I am entered this day into the seventy-eight year of my age. By the blessing of God, I am just the same as when I entered the twenty-eighth. This hath God wrought, chiefly by my constant exercise, my rising early, and preaching morning and evening. Monday, September 11.--As I drew near Bath, I wondered what had drawn such a multitude of people together, till I learned that one of the members for the city had given an ox to be roasted whole. But their sport was sadly interrupted by heavy rain, which sent them home faster than they came; many of whom dropped in at our chapel, where I suppose they never had been before. Wesley at Sevenoaks Monday, October 16.--I went to Tunbridge Wells and preached to a serious congregation on Revelation 22:12. Tuesday, 17. I came back to Sevenoaks and in the afternoon walked over to the Duke of Dorset's seat. The park is the pleasantest I ever saw; the trees are so elegantly disposed. The house, which is at least two hundred years old, is immensely large. It consists of two squares, considerably bigger than the two quadrangles in Lincoln College. I believe we were shown above thirty rooms, beside the hall, the chapels, and three galleries. The pictures are innumerable; I think, four times as many as in the castle of Blenheim. Into one of the galleries opens the king's bedchamber, ornamented above all the rest. The bed-curtains are cloth-of-gold and so richly wrought that it requires some strength to draw them. The tables, the chairs, the frames of the looking-glasses, are all plated over with silver. The tapestry, representing the whole history of Nebuchadnezzar, is as fresh as if newly woven. But the bed-curtains are exceedingly dirty, and look more like copper than gold. The silver on the tables, chairs, and glass, looks as dull as lead. And, to complete all, King Nebuchadnezzar among the beasts, together with his eagle's claws, has a large crown upon his head and is clothed in scarlet and gold. Wesley Visits Lord George in the Tower Saturday, December 16 (London).--Having a second message from Lord George Gordon, earnestly desiring to see me, I wrote a line to Lord Stormont who, on Monday, 18, sent me a warrant to see him. On Tuesday, 19, I spent an hour with him at his apartment in the Tower. Our conversation turned upon popery and religion. He seemed to be well acquainted with the Bible and had abundance of other books, enough to furnish a study. I was agreeably surprised to find he did not complain of any person or thing; I cannot but hope his confinement will take a right turn and prove a lasting blessing to him. Friday, 22.--At the desire of some of my friends, I accompanied them to the British Museum. What an immense field is here for curiosity to range in! One large room is filled from top to bottom with things brought from Otaheite; two or three more with things dug out of the ruins of Herculaneum! Seven huge apartments are filled with curious books; five with manuscripts; two with fossils of all sorts, and the rest with various animals. But what account will a man give to the judge of quick and dead for a life spent in collecting all these? Sunday, 24.--Desiring to make the most of this solemn day, I preached early in the morning at the new chapel; at ten and four I preached at West Street; and in the evening met the society at each end of the town. Friday, 29.--I saw the indictment of the Grand jury against Lord George Gordon. I stood aghast! What a shocking insult upon truth and common sense! But it is the usual form. The more is the shame. Why will not the Parliament remove this scandal from our nation? Saturday, 30.--Waking between one and two in the morning, I observed a bright light shine upon the chapel. I easily concluded there was a fire near, probably in the adjoining timber-yard. If so, I knew it would soon lay us in ashes. I first called all the family to prayer; then going out, we found the fire about a hundred yards off, and had broken out while the wind was south. But a sailor cried out, "Avastl Avast! the wind is turned in a moment!" So it did, to the west, while we were at prayer, and so drove the flame from us. We then thankfully returned, and I rested well the residue of the night. |
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