Studies in Zechariah
By Arno Clement Gaebelein
Table of Contents
Title Page |
Forward |
Introduction |
Chapter I |
The Opening Address of the Prophet to His
Nation. The Night Visions and Their Meaning. The First Night
Chapter II |
The second night vision. The four horns and the
four smiths. The third vision. The man measuring Jerusalem.
Restoration and glory of Jerusalem foretold.
Chapter III |
The fourth vision.—Joshua the high priest
accused by Satan, but cleansed by the angel of the Lord—The
branch.—The stone and the sewn eyes upon it.—The coming
Chapter IV |
The fifth vision.—The candlestick and the two
olive trees.—The great mountain becoming a plain.—Zerubbabel the
prince finishing the house of the Lord.
Chapter V |
The vision of the flying roll—The vision of the
woman in the Ephah.
Chapter VI |
The Last Night Vision of the Prophet.—The
Vision of the Four Chariots Coming from Between the Mountains of
Brass.—The Crowning of Joshua with Crowns.
Chapter VII |
The question put to the Prophet concerning the
Fast.—The Rebuke given and their Failure shown.
Chapter VIII |
The Gracious Answer to their Question.—Promises
of Blessing, Restoration, Prosperity and Salvation.—No more Fast
Days.—Nations to be added to Jerusalem.
Chapter IX |
The Second Part of the Prophecies—The First
Burden—Judgment upon Hadrach, Hamath, Tyre and Sidon—His People
Kept—The King of Peace and Righteousness Announced—Victory over
the Enemies.
Chapter X |
More Blessings promised to Judah and
Israel.—The Nation Victorious.—Judah and Ephraim blessed,
gathered and restored, and their enemies overcome.
Chapter XI |
Scenes of overthrow and slaughter.—The Shepherd
with the two staves, Beauty and Bands.—He is rejected.—The thirty
pieces of silver.—The foolish shepherd and his
Chapter XII |
The second burden, from Chapter
xii–xiv.—Jerusalem and the nations.—The conflict of the end.—The
chiefs of Judah and the strength promised to the feeble.—Nations
destroyed.—Outpouring of the Spirit and looking upon Jehovah, the
pierced One.—The great national mourning.
Chapter XIII |
The fountain against sin and uncleanness
opened—Idols and false prophets destroyed—The smitten Shepherd
and the sheep scattered—The Remnant saved—Two-thirds cut off and
a third part refined by fire.
Chapter XIV |
The last conflict—Jerusalem surrounded by
armies and besieged and taken—Jehovah’s intervention—The escape
of the remnant—Living waters flowing out of Jerusalem—The enemies
punished—The remnant of nations live as worshipers in
Jerusalem—Jerusalem the holy city.