By Gordon Lindsay
The Chapter Arrangement of the Words of Jesus
Concerning the order in which we have arranged the words of Jesus, we have been governed by the following considerations: The First Chapter contains THE PROMISES OF JESUS. These are His words with which people are the most familiar, as for example John 3:16, or Matt 11:28-30. Many of the PROMISES OF JESUS are found in familiar promise-boxes which many Christians keep on their tables. It is these PROMISES OF JESUS which provide the incentive by which men are inspired to obey all the words of Jesus. In the Second Chapter, we record THE COMMANDMENTS OF' JESUS. These must logically follow the promises, for the latter are valid only to those who obey THE COMMANDMENTS OF JESUS. Three is the number of completeness and a symbol of the Godhead. Therefore the words of Jesus pertaining to God, are included in Chapter III. Four is the world number. (The river in Eden divided into four heads as it flowed out into the earth.) So the words of Jesus on HEAVEN AND EARTH—THE WORLD AND TIME, have been placed in Chapter IV. Five is the number of redemption. (The Israelites were redeemed with five pieces of silver.) We therefore include the words of Jesus on SALVATION in the Fifth Chapter. Six is the number of man. The words of Jesus on SIN—the disobedience of man to God—would seem appropriate to this number. They therefore follow in Chapter VI. Seven is the number of completeness, the perfect number, and properly symbolizes RIGHTEOUSNESS. Therefore, the words of Jesus on RIGHTEOUSNESS—THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT follow in Chapter VII. Eight is the number of Resurrection, and of a new order. (Christ arose from the dead on the first day of the new week. but the eighth day of the Passion Week ) Christ's words on His Second Coming, at which event the resurrection of the righteous dead, and the inauguration of the new order of the kingdom take place, are found in Chapter VIII. Nine is the last of the digits and is a number fitly symbolizing, fulness, or ending. In the Scriptures it signifies judgment. (Abraham was ninety and nine, when Sodom was condemned to judgment.) Therefore Chapter Nine includes the JUDGMENTS OF JESUS. (As the reader probably is aware, nine is also the number of the Gifts and Graces of the Spirit, and denotes fulness of Divine power and righteousness.) Ten is the ordinal number of completion. The words of Jesus on PRAYER, FAITH AND HEALING, which if obeyed, bring completeness and perfect satisfaction to the believer, are included in Chapter X. Chapter Eleven records the WORDS OF JESUS ON SUBJECTS. These subjects cover a wide field and are varied in significance. Twelve is the number of government. (Twelve tribes constitute the kingdom of Israel.) Hence we have placed the words of Jesus concerning THE KINGDOM OF GOD, THE CHURCH, AND ISRAEL in Chapter XII. Thirteen is the number of rebellion. The Jews rebelled against Christ and would not have Him to rule over them. THE WORDS OF JESUS TO THE JEWS, are therefore placed in Chapter XIII. Fourteen (being 2 x 7) is the number of completeness. THE SCRIPTURES, which are complete in meeting the needs of every man, would logically follow in Chapter XIV. Fifteen is also a number of resurrection, and the words of Jesus spoken during the performing of the MIRACLES appear in Chapter XV. Sixteen which is twice eight, too speaks of the resurrection. We have therefore placed Christ's words concerning instruction for the PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL OF THE RESURRECTION in Chapter XVI. Seventeen is the number of election, and since Christ is the Chief of all the Elect, we place the words of Jesus concerning His Ministry, and His Atonement in Chapter XVII. The numbers eighteen and nineteen are not especially significant. Twenty speaks of a time of trouble, and the PROPHECIES OF JESUS, which foreshadow the great judgments which are to come upon the earth, comprise Chapter XX. THE LAST WORDS OF JESUS, which complete His sayings, follow in our final chapter XXI. The number twenty-one (being three times seven) denotes completeness. |
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