believer is not only dead to sin, but dead to the law. This is a deeper
truth, giving us deliverance from the thought of a life of effort and
failure, and opening the way to the life in the power of the Holy Spirit.
"Thou shalt" is done away with; the power of the Spirit takes its place.
In the remainder of this chapter (7:7-24) we have a description of the
Christian as he still tries to obey the law, but utterly fails. He
experiences that "in him, that in his flesh, dwelleth no good thing." He
finds that the law of sin, notwithstanding his utmost efforts, continually
brings him into captivity, and compels the cry: "O wretched man that I am,
who shall deliver me from the body of this death?" In the whole passage,
it is everywhere "I," without any thought of the Spirit's help. It is only
when he has given utterance to his cry of despair that he is brought to
see that he is no longer under the law, but under the rule of the Holy
Spirit (8:1,2). "There is therefore now no condemnation," such as he had
experienced in his attempt to obey the law, "to them that are in Christ
Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free
from the law of sin and death." As chapter_7 gives us the experience that
leads to being a captive under the power of sin, chapter_8 reveals the
experience of the life of a man in Christ Jesus, who has now been made
free from the law of sin and death. In the former we have the life of the
ordinary Christian doing his utmost to keep the commandments of the law,
and to walk in His ways, but ever finding how much there is of failure and
shortcoming. In the latter we have the man who knows that he is in Christ
Jesus, dead to sin and alive to God, and by the Spirit has been made free
and is kept free from the bondage of sin and of death.
Oh that men understood what the deep meaning is
of Romans 7, where a man learns that in him, that is in his flesh, there
is no good thing, and that there is no deliverance from this state but by
yielding to the power of the Spirit making free from the power and bondage
of the flesh, and so fulfilling the righteousness of the law in the power
of the life of Christ!