By Andrew Murray
First Day - The Redemption of the Cross Second Day - The Fellowship of the Cross Third Day - Crucified with Christ Fourth Day - Crucified to the World Fifth Day - The Flesh Crucified Sixth Day - Bearing the Cross Seventh Day - Self-Denial Eighth Day - He cannot be My Disciple Ninth Day - Follow Me Tenth Day - A Grain of Wheat Eleventh Day - Thy Will be Done Twelfth Day - The Love of the Cross Thirteenth Day - The Sacrifice of the Cross Fourteenth Day - The Death of the Cross Fifteenth Day - It is Finished Sixteenth Day - Dead to Sin Seventeenth Day - The Righteousness of God Eighteenth Day - Dead with Christ Nineteenth Day - Dead to the Law Twentieth Day - The Flesh Condemned on the Cross Twenty-First Day - Jesus Christ and Him Crucified Twenty-Second Day - Temperate in all Things Twenty-Third Day - The Dying of the Lord Jesus Twenty-Fourth Day - The Cross and the Spirit Twenty-Fifth Day - The Veil of the Flesh Twenty-Sixth Day - Looking unto Jesus Twenty-Seventh Day - Outside the Gate Twenty-Eighth Day - Alive unto Righteousness Twenty-Ninth Day - Followers of the Cross Thirtieth Day - Following the Lamb Thirty-First Day - To Him be the Glory
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