By Barnard C. Taylor
1. AUTHOR. — Paul the Apostle. He was born in Tarsus in Cilicia. He was converted about 36 A D., and was especially commissioned as the apostle of the Gentiles. After three missionary journeys he was arrested and taken to Rome, where he was kept a prisoner at least two years. It is probable that he was released, and imprisoned a second time, being put to death about 67 or 68 A. D. 2. DATE. — 58–59 A.D., just before Paul went to Jerusalem the last time. 3. TO WHOM WRITTEN. — To the saints in Rome, members of the church which existed there before Paul arrived. They were probably Christians of Gentile rather than Jewish origin. 4. HISTORICAL OCCASION. — Paul had desired to visit Rome, but had been hindered. He was now at Corinth, where he remained three months just before going to Jerusalem for the last time. Though he anticipated trouble from the Jews, he still hoped to visit Rome on his way to Spain, and he wrote this letter partly to supply the loss arising from his absence, and partly to prepare for his visit when he should come. 5. LEADING TOPIC. — The systematic presentation of the doctrine of justification by faith, with a discussion of the relation of this doctrine to the condition of the Israelites, followed by exhortation to Christian duties. 6. CHIEF PURPOSE. — To give a systematic statement of the fundamental doctrines of the gospel, in order to show that it furnishes the only grounds of acceptance with God. It shows that man is justified by faith only, and it thus presents the radical difference between Christianity and Judaism, and gives as the reason for the rejection of the Jewish nation its unbelief in the Messiah. 7. GENERAL ANALYSIS.
8. SPECIAL TEACHING OF THE BOOK. — All are sinners; those who believe in Christ are justified in the sight of God; such are not to continue in sin; Jews shall yet turn to Christ. 9. RELATION TO OTHER N. T. BOOKS. — This book presents a systematic statement of the doctrines that are involved in the gospel narratives and applied to the Christian churches in the other Epistles. In its contents it is closely related to Galatians, but the latter has in view especially, opposition by the Jews. 10. TOPICS FOR SPECIAL STUDY. — The relation of the church at Rome to Peter and Paul; the treatment of the gospel by the Jews; the unfoldment of doctrine in the book; the influence of Roman law on the apostle's mind.
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