By Barnard C. Taylor
1. AUTHOR. — James, “the Lord's brother, ”called “the just.” He was a leader in the church at Jerusalem, and prominent in the council held there. (Acts 15.) According to Josephus, he was killed by the Sanhedrin, 62 A. D. 2. DATE. — Uncertain. Some think abut 44 A. D., and some about 60 A. D. 3. TO WHOM WRITTEN. — To the Hebrew Christians generally. 4. HISTORICAL OCCASION. — At a time when the Jewish Christians were becoming in different to the spiritual character of Christianity, worldly in their tendencies, and were relying upon their creed rather than the manifestations of a Christ — like spirit. 5. LEADING TOPICS. — Exhortation to resist temptation; obedience to the truth; warning against relying upon faith without works; worldliness and covetousness; and the incitement to Christian virtues. 6. CHIEF PURPOSE. — To show that the Christian life should be manifested in the out ward conduct; that it is not mere belief, but faith that produces works. 7. GENERAL ANALYSIS.
8. SPECIAL TEACHING OF THE BOOK. — God tempts no one; every good gift comes from him; the Christian should do as well as hear God's word; breaking one commandment incurs guilt of all; faith with out works is dead; true prayer is effective. 9. RELATION TO OTHER N. T. BOOKS. — In the order of time it belongs before the Epistle to the Hebrews. It is pre-eminently ethical in character. 10. TOPICS FOR SPECIAL STUDY. — The history of the author, and his possible identity with one of the twelve apostles; the relation of the doctrines of this book and those taught by Paul.
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