I. THE FIRST ALTAR (Gen. 8:20, 21)
1. Origin.— Cain and Abel had offered sacrifices to the Lord, but Noah's altar is the first altar mentioned in the Bible.
2. Purpose.— The altar provided a place for meeting for man and God. To the altar man brought his gifts as thank offerings for God's goodness toward them.
II. GOD'S COVENANT WITH NOAH. (Gen. 8:21 -9:17).
1. Man's Part.— To replenish the earth.
2. God's Part.
(1) To protect human life. Gen. 9:2.
(2) To provide animal food.
(3) To bring no more flood.

3. Seal of Covenant.— The rainbow was placed in the heaven as a token that the earth should never again be destroyed by water.
(Gen 10:1-32).
1. The Sons of Japheth Settled Chiefly in Europe.— They are now known as the Aryan race, and have been always distinguished for intellectual activity.
2. The Sons of Ham Settled Chiefly in Africa.— This race is marked by physical strength.
3. The Sons of Shem Settled in Asia.— They are distinguished for their religious fervor. From Shem sprang the Jewish people.
1. Their Purpose.— God meant that the purified races after the flood should be fruitful and replenish the earth. But men in their selfish ambition determined to thwart God's purpose, and so in the plains of Shinar they built the tower of Babel, to make themselves a name and to prevent the race from being scattered.
2. Their Failure.— Men cannot thwart the purpose of God. When the tower-builders attempted to do so God came down, inspected their work, confused their tongues and dispersed their ranks. The tower of Babel stood unfinished as a memorial of their folly and vain ambitions.
Who built the first altar?
What was the purpose of the altar?
What was God's covenant with Noah?
What was the seal of the covenant?
Where did the sons of Japheth locate?
Where did the sons of Ham locate?
Where did the sons of Shem locate?
For what is each race distinguished?
What was God's purpose concerning the race?
How did men attempt to thwart God's purpose?
What was their purpose in building the tower of Babel?
Why and how did God interrupt the builders?
I. The First Altar.
1. Origin: Cain's and Abel's Sacrifices— Noah's Altar.
2. Purpose:
(1) Meeting Place for God and Man,
(2) To Make Offerings.
II. God's Covenant with Noah.
1. Man's Part: Replenish the Earth.
2. God's Part:
(1) Protect Life,
(2) Provide Animal Food,
(3) Bring no Flood.
III. Seal of the Covenant.— Rainbow.
IV. Threefold Distribution of the Race.
1. Japheth— Europe.
2. Ham— Africa.
3. Shem— Asia.
V. The Tower =
Builders of Babel.
1. Their Purpose:
(1) Make Themselves a Name,
(2) Keep the Race from being Scattered.
2. Their Failure:
(1) Tongues
(2) Ranks Dispersed,
(3) Tower a Monument of Folly.