By E. S. (Emanuel Sprankel) Young
The Bible is intended as the Book for every home. It is the book that brings real success into every home when properly followed. It is the guide book through which man is introduced into higher service when he is through with service here on earth. If this is the Book that will do all this for us, then surely we should give it much of our time in careful and prayerful study, so as not to miss the blessing prepared for each one through this source by God its author. "The Bible Outline" and "Bible Geography," the first two books in this series of Bible study, if thoroughly mastered, make this volume of greater interest to every student. This book is prepared with a view to lead the student farther into this great Book. The last book in this series, namely, the "New Testament History," will be of equal interest when followed in this order. As the interest in Bible study grows, the Old Testament becomes of greater interest to all who are desiring to know the whole Bible. If we could understand the New without the Old, we would have only the New in the Eternal Book that is to save us. Those who will study the Old Testament with the object of preparing to understand the New better will find it of far greater interest than to think of it as a book for the Jews only, whose usefulness has passed away as the New has come. The Jews did not understand the teachings of Jesus when he came, because they were not familiar with the teaching of the Scriptures that revealed Christ's first coming. Jesus said, "Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they that testify of me." John 5:39. Here he referred to the Old Testament, as the New was not written. The Old Testament must be carefully studied in order to be able to take the advanced lessons prepared in the New. It is not possible to understand the advanced studies in mathematics without a knowledge of the books that prepare you for such studies. The same thing is true of the Book of eternal interests. The Old Testament, as well as the New, is the book of the Messiah. As the student becomes familiar with it he will find in every book and chapter something of interest about the Savior. How can a student follow the chapters and books containing such lofty aspirations and not receive the hidden manna for the soul? It is of the utmost importance to every minister and Sunday-school teacher and parent to have these lessons thoroughly learned, in order to be able to unfold them to those who come under their instruction. In the preparation of this volume all available help has been freely used. The subject has been studied and taught by the author for more than fifteen years. After these years of work, realizing the need more keenly each year of Home Bible Study, the author has prepared this series of books. We express our thanks to the authors whose works we have freely used in our teaching and study in the past, and feel especially indebted to Miss Alice King, who sails for India, September 18, as a missionary, for her services rendered during the last six years in teaching Bible classes, and for her help in the preparation of the manuscript of this book. We now offer this book to the family circle, Bible institutes, college classes and individuals as a help to the unfolding of the Book that is to save the soul. If in any way this volume shall add new inspiration to the study of the Book from heaven, the author's purpose, to which he has devoted his time for many years, shall have been accomplished. May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit become more real to each student as he prayerfully follows the unfolding of the heavenly messages that are intended to touch and redeem every soul. E. S. YOUNG Fostoria, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1900
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