Rev. James Ussher
3979 AM, 4689 JP, 25 BC
5849. Ten citizens of Jerusalem conspired against Herod. They hid their swords under their garments. One of them was blind and joined them to show that he was ready to suffer anything that would happen to the defenders of their country's rights. One of those whom Herod had appointed for finding out such things, discovered the plot and told Herod. When the conspirators were apprehended, they boldly drew out their swords and proclaimed that this was not for any personal gain but for the public good that they had undertaken this conspiracy. Thereupon they were led away, by the king's officers and executed by all manner of tortures. Shortly after this, the spy who exposed the plot and was hated by all, was killed by some, cut in pieces and thrown to the dogs in the presence of many men. The murderers were not caught until after long and wearisome inquisitions wre made by Herod, it was wrung out by tortures from some silly women who knew of the act. Then the authors of that murder were punished along with their whole families. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 15. c. 11. <c. 8. 1:416>} 5850. So that he would be more secure from the seditions of the tumultuous people, in the 13th year of his reign, (to be reckoned from the death of Antigonus) Herod began to fortify Samaria. It was a day's journey from Jerusalem. He called the place Sebaste. (Greek for the Latin name of Augusta) Its circumference was two and an half miles. He build a temple 300 yards long in the very middle of it which was exquisitely adorned. He arranged for many of the soldiers who had always helped him and also people of the neighbouring counties, to come and live there. {*Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 11,12 <c. 8. 1:426>} Africanus calls it in the Chronicle of Georgius Syncellus, the city of the Gabinians, (p. 308.) for when Samaria was destroyed by John Hyrcanus, and rebuilt by A. Gabinius and repopulated (See note on 3947b <<4161>>) by the name of Gabiniun or Gabineiun. This can be understood only as the colony that Gabinius brought there. I am pleased that this was also noted by that man of learning and courtesy James Goarus (to whose great industry, the recent famous edition of the Georgian Chronicle is beholding.) 5851. Herod also built another fort previously called Strato's Tower to control the country. He named it Caesarea. Also in the large plain, he built a citadel and selected men by lot from his cavalry to guard it. In Galilee he built Gaba and Hesebonitis in Perea. These citadels were strategically located in the country so as to quickly put down any rebellion of the people. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 11. <c. 8. 1:416,417>} 5852. Augustus began his ninth consulship in Tarracon (a city of the Nearer Spain,) {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 26.} in the third year of the 188th Olympiad. The Indians asked for amity with Augustus. {Eusebius, Chronicle} Ambassadors were sent from King Pandion, {Georgius Syncellus, Chronicle, p. 311.} as we have also found noted from some Roman tables. 5853. P. Orosius confirms that there came to Augustus to Tarracon, ambassadors from the Indians who were from the farthest part of the east and from the Scythians from the north with presents from both their nations. {Orosius, l. 6. c. 21.} Horace wrote these verses about this occasion: The lofty Scythian and the Indians late, 5854. Horace in {Horace, l. 4. Carminum 4.} an ode to Augustus wrote: The yet untamed Cantaber in thee, 5855. Florus wrote {*Florus, l. 4.1:349,351} ``The Scythians and Samatians sent their ambassadors and desired friendship. The Seres (Chinese) and the Indians who live beneath the sun, brought presentes which included precious stones, pearls and elephants. Nothing so much spoke for their sincerity as the length of the journey which had lasted four years. The complexion of the men seemed as if they had come from another world.'' 5856. Suetonius wrote: {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 21.} ``He induced the Scythians and Indians, (countries known only by name) to make suit of their own accord through ambassadors for amity with him and the people of Rome.'' 5857. Eutropius also wrote: {Eutropius, l. 7.} ``The Scythians and Indians, to whom the Roman name was unknown, sent presents and ambassadors to him.'' 5858. To conclude, Aurelius Victor lists other countries also: ``Indians, Scythians, Garamantis and Bactrians sent ambassadors to him to desire a league with him.'' 5859. After Amyntus died, Augustus did not turn over the kingdom to his sons but made it a Roman province. From that time on, Galatia and Lycaonia began to have a Roman governor. {*Dio, l. 53. 6:261} M. Lollius the propraetor, governed that province. {Eusebius, Chronicles} {Eutropius, l. 7.} {Sextus Rufus, Breviary.} However, the towns of Pamphylia which were formerly given to Amyntus were restored to their own district. {*Dio, l. 53. 6:261} 5860. In the 13th year of Herod's reign, very grievous calamities befell the country of the Jews. First there was a continual drought followed by a famine. The change in diet caused by the famine, caused a pestilent disease in the land. Herod had not means enough to supply the public needs. He melted everything in the palace that contained gold or silver. He spared nothing no matter how exquisitely it was made. He even melted down his own dinner plates and cups. He made money from this and sent it to Egypt when Petronius was governor there. Although he was plagued by a number who had fled to him from the famine, yet because he was privately Herod's friend and desired the preservation of his subjects, therefore he especially gave them permission to export grain. He helped them in the buying and in the shipping of the grain. So that the greatest means of the preservation of the country was attributed to Petronius. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 12. <c. 9. 1:417>} 5861. As soon as Herod had the grain, he first of all very carefully divided it to those who could not take care of themselves. Since there were many who through old age or some other disability could not prepare it for themselves, he assigned to them certain cooks so that they might have their food prepared. By his diligence, the people changed their minds toward him and he was praised as a bountiful and providential prince. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 12 <c. 9. 1:418>} 5862. From the 29th of August (that is, the third day before the beginning of the Syrian month Elul or of our September) on the 6th day of the week, the Egyptian epoch started which Albatenius in the 32nd Chapter of his astronomical work calls Al-kept (that is, of the Coptitiae or Egyptians.) He said the account and order of the motions of the stars are determined from Theon's calculations. To which from the account Dilkarnaim (or of the Seleucidae, which he begins with the Syrians, from the beginning of Elul or September) he says there have passed 287 years. This is how it reads in the manuscript, not as published, 387. For in this year, the first day of the month Thoth, both in the moveable year of the Egyptians, as in the fixed year of the Grecians and Alexandrians (as Theon speaks) was found to fall upon the same day (of August in the Julian account 29th.) This happens only after the full period of 1460 of the Alexandrian years and of the Egyptian, 1641 years which shows the renewing or constitution of either year. ``This renewing happened to be made after 1460 years from a certain beginning of time, namely, the fifth year of the reign of Augustus.'' 5863. This is according to Theon in the explanation of mt pente eth, that is being ended or five years after the beginning of the empire of Augustus. Both Theon and Ptolemy agreed that this began 294 years after the death of Alexander or the Philippic account. From this Philippic account even to this constitution are 299 years as correctly noted in the astronomical epitome of Theodorus Metochita. Panodorus, the Alexandrian monk, did not intend anything else in discussing this period and constitution of 1460 years which happened on August 29th from the epoch of which he wrote that account. The motions of the stars and the eclipses are to ordered in the astronomical calculations. However, Georgius Syncellus who was very unskilful in these matters in his chronicle {George Syncellus, Chronicle, p. 312, 313.} in telling his opinion, clearly perverted the meaning because he did not understand it. 3980a AM, 4689 JP, 25 BC 5864. Herod provided for his subjects against the harshness of the winter so that everyone would have proper clothing since their cattle were dead and there was a shortage of wool and other things. When he had provided for his own subjects, he took care also of the neighbouring cities of the Syrians. He gave seed for sowing. All the citadels and cities and the common people who had large families came to Herod for help and he was able to help the foreigners too. He gave 10,000 cors of grain to foreigners (100,000 Athenian medimni or 600,000 bushels) and 80,000 cors (800,000 Athenian medimni or 4,800,000 bushels) to his own subjects. (1 cor = 10 Athenian medimni) (1 Athenian medimni = 6 bushels) {Josephus, Antiq. l. 15. c. 12. <c. 9. 1:418>} 5865. Since Augustus was ill, he could not attend at Rome the marriage of his daughter and Marcellus, the son of his sister Octavia. He solemnized it with the help of M. Agrippa. {*Dio, l. 53. 6:206} 3980b AM, 4690 JP, 24 BC 5866. On the first of January when Augustus entered his tenth consulship, the senate confirmed by oath that they approved of all his acts. He had promised every man in Rome 400 sesterces (100 denarii). 5867. When he approached near the city, (from which he had been a long time absent because of his illness) he said that before he would give the money, the senate must give their assent. The senate then freed him from legal constraints and that he should have absolute power and be sole emperor to do as he wished. {*Dio, l. 53. 6:265, 267} 5868. As soon as the grain was ready to harvest, Herod sent 50,000 men, whom he had fed in time of the famine to their own countries and to his neighbours, the Syrians. By his diligence, Herod restored the almost ruined estate of his own subjects and greatly helped his neighbours, who were afflicted with the same calamities. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 12. <c. 9. 1:418>} 5869. At the same time, Herod sent 500 select men to Caesar for his bodyguards. Aelius Gallus led these men to the wars with Arabia where they preformed valiantly. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 12. <c. 9. 1:418>} 5870. Aelius Gallus (incorrectly called Aelius Largus in the later editions of Dio) ``was of the equestrian order'' {*Pliny, l. 6. c. 32. 2:459} 5871. He was the third governor of Egypt under Augustus, of whom Strabo makes mention as his friend and companion. {*Strabo, l. 2. c. 12. 1:453,455} Strabo wrote that both of them saw the statue of Memnon at Thebes. {*Strabo, l. 17. 8:123} Augustus sent him with part of the Roman garrison that was in Egypt into Arabia, {*Strabo, l. 2. c. 12. 1:453,455 l. 17. c. 54. 8:137} so that he might try to subdue those countries. This was on the border of the Ethiopians and Troglodytica beside Egypt and near the Arabian Gulf. It is very narrow here and separates the Arabians from the Troglodytae. Augustus advised him to make peace with them if they would otherwise to subdue them by force. {*Strabo, l. 16. c. 32. 7:353,355} 5872. For this expedition into Arabia, Aelius built 80 ships of two and three tiers of oars on a side, and some light galleys at Cleopatris, which was near the old canal of Nile. When there was no chance of any naval battle with the Arabians, he corrected his mistake and built 130 cargo ships. He sailed with 10,000 troops of Roman foot soldiers and their allies. These included 500 Jews and 1000 Nabateans under Syllaeus. {*Strabo, l. 16. c. 23. 7:355,357} 5873. At that time, Obodes was king of the Nabateans and was a slothful and lazy man especially about military matters. This was a common vice of all the Arabian kings. He had committed the government of his affairs to Syllaeus, who was a young, crafty man. {*Strabo, l. 16. c. 24. 7:357} {Josephus, l. 16. c. 11.} Syllaeus had promised Aelius that he would be his guide and would help him with provisions and anything he should need. However, he acted treacherously in all matters. He did not lead them safely by land or sea but through byways and circuitous barren routes. He took them to shores that were unfit for harbour and had dangerous submerged rocks or miry bogs because the sea never refreshed those places. {*Strabo, l. 16. c. 23. 7:357} 5874. After many miseries, Aelius Gallus came on the fifteenth day to the territory of Album (Leuce Come e.g. White Village). This was the largest trading place of all the Nabateans. He had lost many of his ships along with some of his men who died not from war but from the difficult trip. This was caused by the villainy of Syllaeus who said no army could be brought into the territory of Album by land. However, merchants come and go there by land with a large number of camels and men and in a way that is both safe and well supplied with provisions from one part of Arabia Petraea to the other. So many come and go in caravans, they seem to be an army for number. {*Strabo, l. 16. c. 23. 7:357} 5875. When the army of Aelius came there, it was stricken with the diseases of stomacaccis (scurvy) and scelotyrbe. These are diseases which are found in that country. One is as it were a palsy of the mouth and the other a lameness in the legs. These were caused by the bad water and plants they ate. Therefore, Aelius was forced to stay there a whole summer and winter to refresh his sick men. {*Strabo, l. 16. c. 24. 7:359} 5876. Zenodorus, who hired the house of Lysanias or the territory of Trachon, Batanea and Auranitis. He was not satisfied with its profits and joined the Trachonites who lived in caves like wild beasts. They were accustomed to rob and plunder the Damascens. The people that lived in those countries, were forced to complain to Varus, their governor of Syria. They asked if he would send letters to Caesar telling of the wrongs done by Zenodorus. Caesar wrote back that he would take special care to utterly root out those thieves. Therefore, Varro with his soldiers attacked those suspected places and purged the land from the thieves and took away the country from Zenodorus. {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 15. <c. 20 1:574,575> Antiq, l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:420,421} 5877. Herod built a palace in Zion which contained two very large and stately houses with which the temple itself could in no wise compare. He called one of them by the name of Caesar and the other by the name of Agrippa. {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 16. Antiq. l. 15. c. 12.} 3981a AM, 4690 JP, 24 BC 5878. The 29th Jubilee. 3981b AM, 4691 JP, 23 BC 5879. Herod removed from the priesthood Jesus the son of Phabes and made Simon, a priest of Jerusalem. He was the son of Boethus of Alexandra, who married his daughter, Mariamme. She was the most beautiful woman of that time. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 15. c. 12. Wars, l. 18. c. 7.} 5880. After the marriage was over, Herod began to build a new palace and made a town next to it called Herodian after his own name. This place was about 7 and an half miles from Jerusalem 60 toward Arabia where he had defeated the Jews when he was thrust out by the armies of Antigonus. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 14. c. 25. l. 15. c. 12. Wars, l. 1. c. 11, 16.} Pliny mentioned Herodion and a famous town by the same name. {*Pliny, l. 5. c. 15. 2:275} 5881. Gallus left the Nabatean village of Album with his army and went through such places so that he was compelled to carry his water upon camels. This happened to him through the hostility of the guides. Therefore after many days he came into the land of Aretus who was allied with Obodus, the king of the Nabateans. This country was hard to cross because of the treachery of Syllaeus. He crossed it in 30 days travelling on unbeaten paths where his food was used up and he had few dates and used butter instead of oil. Finally, he came to the country of the nomads which was mainly a desert. It was called Ararena and was under the king of Sabos. {*Strabo, l. 16. c. 24. 7:357} 5882. Sabos was the king of Arabia Felix. No one came out to oppose Aelius. However, this journey was laborious. It was a hot sunny desert country and the waters that are naturally infected, caused the death of most of his army. That disease was not like any of ours. The head was affected and became parched thus killing many. Those who escaped death, had the disease go through their whole body into their legs and there afflicted the legs only. There was no remedy unless one drank oil mixed with wine and anointed himself with it. Very few could do this because neither was readily available, where they were, nor had they brought much with them. Among these misfortunes, the barbarians also, who at first had lost every battle with some towns also, used the disease as an opportunity to recover their losses. They attacked the Romans and recovered their lost towns and drove the rest of the Romans from the country. {*Dio, l. 53. c. 29. 6:269,271} 5883. These were the first and only Romans who carried the war so far into Arabia Felix even to the famous city of Athlula (or Athrula) {*Dio, l. 53. c. 29. 6:271} In that expedition, Gallus defeated these towns so named by previous writers: Negrana, Nestus, Nesca, Magusus, Caminacus, Labaetia, Mariba, (that was six miles in circumfirence) and Caripeta, which was the farthest he went. {*Pliny, l. 6. c. 32. 2:459} Had not Syllaeus betrayed him, he would have conquered all Arabia Felix. {*Strabo, l. 17. 8:137} We now give the account according to Strabo. 5884. Fifty days were spent in travelling over Ararena through impassable ways and he came to the city of the Agrans (or rather Negrai) in a peaceable and fruitful country. Then King Sabos fled and the city was taken at the first assault. From here on the sixth day he came to the river. There the barbarians met him in battle array of whom there fell 10,000 and only two of the Romans. They were very cowardly and used their weapons unskilfully. Some used the bow, lance, sword and the sling. For the most part, they used a double edged axe. Then he took the city Asca which was abandoned by the king. From there, he came to Athrula and he easily took it and put a garrison there. He took supplies of grain and dates for his journey and came to Marsiaba, a city of the Rhammanites who were under Ilasarus. He attacked and besieged it for six days. Later from lack of water, he abandoned the place. He understood from the captives that he was only six day's journey from that part where the spices grow. However, he spent six months getting there through the deceit of his guides. 5885. At last, when he found out the treachery, he returned another way and came in nine days to Negrana where there was a battle. Then on the eleventh day he came to the place called the Seven Wells, so named from the wells there. He travelled through places that were farmed to the village of Chaalla and later to Malotha that is located by the river side. After that he went through deserts where there was not much water to the village of Egra (or Hygra) which was under Obodas and lies by the sea. On his return journey, he spent only 60 days in all whereas before he had spent 6 months. {*Strabo, l. 16. c. 22,23 7:353} 5886. While Aelius Gallus waged war with part of the Egyptian army in Arabia, the Ethiopians which dwelt beyond Egypt, were sent by their Queen Candace (a manly woman and blind in one eye) on a sudden invasion. They surprised the garrisons of three cohorts which were at Syena, Elephantine and Philae and carried them away captives. They overthrew Caesar's statues. Against these, Petronius, the governor of Egypt marched with less than 10,000 foot soldiers and 800 cavalry against 30,000 men. At first, he forced them to flee into Pselchis, a city of Ethiopia. Then he sent to them to demand the things that they had taken away and also to know the reason why they had started this war. They said that they had been wronged by the governors and he replied that they were not lords of the country but that Caesar was. They asked for three day's time to deliberate and in the meantime did nothing to satisfy him. He marched toward them and forced them to fight and soon routed them. They were poorly ordered and badly armed. They had large shields made of raw ox hides and used weapons like hatchets, spears and some had swords. Some were forced into the city and some fled into the deserts and others to the next island. Petronicus captured Queen Candace's captains after he crossed the river in boats and ships. He sent them to Alexandria. He went to Pselchis and captured it. When he numbered the captives and those who died in battle, he concluded that very few had escaped. {*Strabo, l. 17. 8:137,139} {*Dio. l. 54. c. 5. 6:293} 5887. From Pselchis, Petronius went to Premnis which was a naturally well fortified city. To get there, he had to cross those sand dunes which overwhelmed Cambyses' army in a sand storm. He took it at the first assault then he went on to Napata (called Tanape by Dio) where Candace's palace was and her son lived. She was in a nearby citadel and sent ambassadors to treat for peace. She restored the statues and the captives who were taken from Syena. However, Petronius stormed Napata and took it and her son was forced to flee. Petronius could not go because of the sand and the heat or conveniently stay there with the whole army. He fortified Premnis with walls and put a garrison there with enough food for 400 men for two years. He returned to Alexandria and sold most of the captives. Some died of disease and he sent 1000 captives to Caesar who had recently returned from the Cantabrian war. {*Strabo, l. 17. 8:139,141} {*Dio. l. 54. c. 5. 6:295} 5888. Pliny also wrote: {Pliny, l. 6. c. 35. 2:473} ``In the time of Augustus, the Romans entered the country of the Ethiopians under P. Petronius their general who was an equestrian and governor of Egypt. He overcame their towns which he found in the same order that we list them: Pselcis, Primis, Bocchis, Cambyses' Market, Attenia, Stadissis. At the last place, the inhabitants lost their hearing because of the noise of the cataract in the Nile River. He also sacked Napata. The farthest that he went from Syene was 870 miles. It was not the Romans who destroyed the land but the constant wars Ethiopia had with Egypt.'' 5889. Phraates the 3rd was restored into his kingdom with much help from the Scythians. When Tiridates heard of their coming, he fled to Caesar with a large number of his friends. He desired that he might be restored into that kingdom and promised that Parthia would be subject to Rome if he would give him that kingdom. When Phraates knew this, he soon sent ambassadors to Caesar and asked that he would send back his servant Tiridates and his own son whom he had given as hostage to Caesar. {Justin, l. 42. c. 5.} 5890. When Tiridate's and Phraate's ambassadors were come to Rome, Augustus brought them both into the senate. When the senate appraised him of the matter, he heard the demands of each party. He then told them that he would not surrender Tiridates to the Parthians, nor would he help Tiridates against the Parthians. Lest they should seem to get nothing for their trouble, Augustus ordered a very generous allowance to be given to Phraates as long as he stayed at Rome. He sent back Phraates' son, that in lieu of him he might recover the captives and ensigns that were lost in the defeat of Crassus and Antony. {Justin, l. 42. c. 5.} {*Dio, l. 53. p. 519.) 5891. There were mutual grudges between M. Agrippa and M. Marcellus, the nephew and son-in-law of Augustus. Each one thought the other to be more respected by Augustus than themselves. Augustus feared that the contentions would get worse if they both stayed in the same place. He immediately sent away Agrippa into Asia to govern those provinces beyond the sea in his place. Agrippa left the city but sent his lieutenants into Syria while he stayed at Mitylene, on the isle of Lesbos. {*Dio, l. 53. 6:273,275} {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 93. 1:247} {Josephus, Antiq. l. 15. c. 13.} {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 66.} 5892. Augustus resigned the eleventh consulship and made Lucius Sestius, the great favourite of Brutus, consul in his place. The senate decreed these honours to Augustus. He should be the perpetual tribune of the common people. He could convene the senate as often as he wished although he was not a consul. He could make whatever laws he pleased. He would have always proconsulary power and even within the walls of the city. He would not need to renew this power. He would always have greater power in the provinces than the very governors. {*Dio, l. 53. 6:277} 3982a AM, 4691 JP, 23 BC 5893. Aelius Gallus returned from the expedition of Arabia and left the village Egra in the kingdom of the Nabateans. In eleven day's time, he marched his army across the harbour of Muris. From here, he marched by land over to Coptus and came to Alexandria with those forces that were able to bear arms. He had lost the rest, not in war, (wherein only seven were died) but by famine, labour, diseases, and the difficult way. {*Strabo, l. 16. 7:363} Some of his medicines are mentioned by Galen {Galen, de Antidotis, l. 2.} and among these was a formula which he gave to Caesar that he had used to save many of his soldiers. 5894. Marcus Marcellus died who was the son of Octavia, the sister of Augustus and the husband of Julia, the daughter of Augustus. {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 93. 1:247} {*Dio, l. 53. 6:279} 3982b AM, 4692 JP, 22 BC 5895. Augustus restored to the Roman people the control of Cyprus and Gallia Narbonensis because they did not need any troops and took control of Dalmatia. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:291, 1. 53. 6:221} 5896. The dancing of antic and stage plays, was first brought to Rome by Pylades Cilices and Bathyllus. Pylades was the first that ever had a choir to accompany him. {Eusebius Chronicles} {Scaligeri Collectan. Grac. p. 390, Animadversion. p. 155, 156.} 5897. After Herod had built Sebaste, he began to build most magnificently, another city in a place by the sea side where Strato's tower stood. He called it Caesarea and made an harbour of admirable work equal in size to the harbour of Piraetus (at Athens). He finished all this in twelve years and spared neither labour nor cost. {Josephus Wars, l. 1. c. 16. & Antiq. l. 15. c. 13. <c. 9. 1:420>} Eutropius described it to Caesar thus: {Eutropius, l. 7.} ``The name of Caesar was so beloved by the barbarians that kings that were friends of the people of Rome, built cities in honour of him. One was called Caesarea. King Juba built this city in Mauritania and in Palestine there is another most famous city by the same name.'' 5898. Herod sent his sons Alexander and Aristobulus (whom he had by Mariamme the Asmonaean) to Rome to Caesar to be raised there. They stayed at the house of Pollios who was a good friend of Herod. Caesar entertained the young men very courteously and gave Herod the power to select one of his sons for the heir to his kingdom. Caesar also gave him Trachon, Batunaea and Auranitis. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:420>} 3983a AM, 4692 JP, 22 BC 5899. After Herod had received Trachon, he took guides and went to the dens of the thieves and restrained their villainies and brought peace to the inhabitants. Zenodorus was angry from envy that he lost his possessions to Herod. He went to Rome to accuse Herod but could do nothing. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:421>} 5900. After Herod had greeted his best friend Agrippa at Mitylene, he returned into Judea. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:421>} 5901. Some citizens of Gadarea went to Agrippa to accuse Herod. He would not even hear their complains but bound them and sent them to Herod. However, Herod spared them. Although he was inexorable toward his own people yet he willingly overlooked and forgave injuries received from strangers. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:421>} 5902. Augustus went into Sicily that he might settle its affairs. He went also to other provinces even as far as Syria. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:295} 3983b AM, 4693 JP, 21 BC 5903. Augustus sent for Agrippa whom he wished had more patience. (Because of some light suspicion of harshness, under pretence that he could not become emperor, he had left all things and gone to Mitylene.) Augustus asked him to come to him from Asia to Sicily. He ordered him to divorce his wife, although she was the daughter of Octavia, Augustus' own sister and to marry his daughter Julia, the widow of Marcellus. He sent him presently to solemnize the marriage and to undertake the government of the city of Rome. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:297} {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 93. 1:247} {*Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 63, 66.} 5904. Zenodorus was desperate and had rented out Auranitis, a part of his country, to the Arabians for fifty talents yearly. Although this part was contained in the grant which Caesar gave Herod, yet the Arabians hated Herod and would in no wise allow it to be taken from them. Sometimes they laid claim to it by invasions and force and sometimes contended for the right of possession before the judges. They won over some needy soldiers, who according to the custom of wretched men, hoped for better fortunes by seditions. Although Herod knew well enough, yet he tried to settle the matter by reason than with force, lest he should give an occasion for new seditions. {*Josephus, l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. p. 421>} 5905. After Augustus had ordered things in Sicily, he passed over into Greece, when he took from the Athenians, Aegina and Eretria, because as some reported, they had favoured Antony. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:299} 5906. Petronius went with troops to prevent Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who with many thousands, had attacked the garrison of Premnis. He entered the citadel and strengthened it with many provisions and compelled the queen to accept conditions of peace. {*Strabo. l. 17. 8:141} {*Dio, l. 54. 6:295} 5907. Petronius ordered the ambassadors who were sent to him that if they would demand anything they should go to Caesar. They denied any knowledge of Caesar or where he might be. Therefore, he ordered some to escort them to Caesar. {*Strabo. l. 17. 8:141} 3984a AM, 4693 JP, 21 BC 5908. After Augustus has settled his affairs in Greece, he sailed to Samos and wintered there. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:299} 5909. The people of Armenia accused Artabazes or Artaxis, or Artaxias, (the son of Artavasdes who was taken by the treachery of Antony) and desired that his brother Tigranes who was then at Rome, might be their king. Augustus sent Tiberius to drive out Artabazes and to make Tigranes, the king in his place. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:303} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 3.} 5910. The ambassadors of Candace came to Samos and found Caesar preparing to go to Syria and to send Tiberius into Armenia. They easily obtained from him what they desired and he remitted their tribute also. {*Strabo, l. 17. 8:141} 3984b AM, 4694 JP, 20 BC 5911. In the spring, Augustus went into Asia when M. Apuleius, and P. Silius were consuls and from there into Bithynia. Although these provinces belonged to the people of Rome, he handled them with as much care as he did the provinces he was directly responsible for. He settled all things where it was convenient. He gave money to some and to others he imposed new sums over and above their regular tribute. He took away the freedom of the Cyzicenians because in a certain sedition, they had put to death some Romans after they had scourged them. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:299} 5912. Augustus went into Syria, in the tenth year after he had last been in that province. {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 15.} This was the 17th year of the reign of Herod (from the death of Antigonus.) {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. l. 15, Antiq. l. 15. c. 13.} He took away the freedom from Tyre and Sidon because of their factions. {*Dio, l. 54. p. 525.} 5913. Zenodorus had solemnly sworn to the Gadarenes that he would never stop trying to free them from the jurisdiction of Herod and of being annexed to Caesar's province. Thereupon many of them began to complain against Herod and called him cruel and tyrannical. They complained to Caesar of his violence and rapines, and for violating and rasing their temples. Herod was not frightened by this and was ready to answer for himself. However, Caesar used him courteously and was not at all alienated from him for all this tumultuous multitude. The Gadarenes perceived the inclinations of Caesar and his friends and were afraid that they might be turned over to Herod. The next night after the meeting, some of them cut their own throats. Others who feared torture, broke their own necks and some drowned themselves in the river. Thus they seemed to condemn themselves by these actions and Caesar immediately absolved Herod. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:421>} 5914. Zenodorus' bowels burst through and much blood came out of him. He died at Antioch in Syria. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:421>} 5915. Augustus gave the tetrarchy of Zenodorus to Herod. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:421>} {*Dio. l. 54. 6:303} This was a large tract of land located between Galilee and Trachon, containing Ulatha and Paneas and the neighbouring countries. He made him also one of the governors of Syria and ordered the governors of that province to do nothing without Herod's advice. {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 15., Antiq. l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:421>}) 5916. Herod asked for a tetrarchy from Caesar for his brother, Pheroras. Herod gave him 100 talents from the revenues of his own kingdom, to the intent that if he should happen to die, Pheroras' estate might be assured and not subject to Herod's children. {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 15., Antiq. l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:421>}) 5917. Claudius Tiberius Nero was sent by Augustus, his father-in-law, with an army to visit and settle the provinces which were in the east. he was an excellent well educated youth and had many natural talents. He entered Armenia with the legions and subdued it under the power to the people of Rome. He turned over the kingdom to Artavasdes. Thereupon the king of the Parthians was terrified by the reputation of so great a name and sent his sons as hostages to Caesar. Velleius Paterculus was the great flatterer of Tiberius. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 94. 1:247} 5918. All historians also mention that Tigranes, the son of Artavasdes, was at this time made king of the Armenians. Artavasdes was led captive into Egypt by Cleopatra and Antony. His oldest son Artaxius (whom Dio here calls Artabazes, by his father's name) reigned in the kingdom of Armenia. Archelaus and Nero expelled him by force from the kingdom and made his younger brother king instead. (He is called by Velleius, after his father's name, Artavasdes, but by all others Tigranes.) Thus Josephus {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 5.} related the story meaning by the name of Archelaus, the king of Cappadocia, and by the name of Nero, Claudius Tiberius although he was not yet adopted by Caesar. The narration in Horace is about Nero. {Horace, l. 1. epist. 12.}
5919. With which agrees that of Ovid. {Ovid, Tristium, 3.} The Armenians sue for peace, the Parthian bow, 5920. Yet Dio affirmed that Tiberius or this Claudius Nero did nothing worthy of the preparations he went to. Artabazes, or Arsazius was killed by the Armenians before his arrival. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:303} Although concerning this business, Tiberius boasted that he had done everything by his own power, and especially because there then were decreed sacrifices for it. Tacitus also seems to favour his account. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 3.} ``Artaxias was killed by the treachery of his closest friends. Tigranes was made the king of the Armenians and brought by Tiberius Nero into the kingdom.'' 5921. Tiberius led his army into the east and restored the kingdom of Armenia to Tigranes and put the crown on his head in the tribunal. {*Suetonius, Tiberius (Octavian??), c. 9.} 5922. Suetonius added in the same place that Tiberius recovered the ensigns that the Parthians had taken from M. Crassus. The Parthians at Augustus' demand, also restored the military ensigns that they had taken from Marcus Crassus and M. Antony. Moreover, they offered hostages also when Augustus came into Syria, for the settling of the state of affairs in the east. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 21.} Phraates, who had done nothing he agreed to, feared lest Augustus should make war on Parthia and sent back to him the Roman ensigns which Orodes had taken at the defeat of Crassus and which his son had taken when Antony was routed. He also handed over all the captives who were in all Parthia from the armies of Crassus and Antony. Only a few were not returned who either had killed themselves for shame and some that stayed privately in Parthia. These things Augustus received, as if he had conquered the Parthians in war. {Livy, l. 139} {*Florus, l. 4. 1:351} {*Strabo, l. 2. 1:37, l. 16. 7:237} {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 91. 1:241,243} {Justin, l. 42. c. ult.} {*Dio, l. 54. 6:301} {Eutropius, l. 7.} {Orosius, l. 6. c. 21.} {Casstodorus, in Chronicles} 5923. Eutropius wrote that the Persians or Parthians gave hostages to Caesar which they never did before to any and by delivering the king's children for hostages that they secured a firm league with a solemn procession. {Orosius, l. 6. c. 21} Strabo confirmed that Phraates {Strabo, l. 6. 3:147} entrusted his sons and his grandsons to Augustus Caesar and desired with all reverence to merit his friendship by delivering hostages to him. Justin also confirmed {Justin, l. 42, c. ult.} that his sons and grand children were hostages to Augustus. However, Tacitus said {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. init.} his real reasons for doing this. ``He showed all duty and reverence to Augustus and sent some of his children to him for the strengthening of their friendship. He did this not so much for fear of him as for the distrust of the loyalty of his own subjects.'' 5924. Thermusa, an Italian woman, was Phraates' concubine whom he later made his wife. She thought to get the kingdom of the Parthians for her son, Phraataces whom she had born to the king when she was still his concubine. She persuaded the king, now her husband and with whom she could do anything she wished, to send his lawfully begotten children as hostages to Rome. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:478>} Phraates called Titius to a conference who was then the governor of Syria. He turned over to him his four lawfully begotten sons for hostages. These were Seraspades, Cerospades, Phraates and Bonones along with two of their wives and four sons. He feared a sedition and lest some treachery should be plotted against him by his enemies, he sent his sons out of the way. He persuaded himself that no one would be able to do anything against him, if he would have none of the family of the Arsaces to be established in his place. The Parthians were extremely fond of that royal family. {*Strabo. l. 16. 7:237} In an old Roman inscription, there is added with Seraspadanes (for so he is there called) another son of Phraates who is not mentioned by Strabo. He was Rhodaspes, a Parthian and the son of Phraates Arsaces, the king of kings. {Gruter, Inscriptions, p. 288.} 5925. In the east, Augustus established his subjects according to the form of the Roman laws, but allowed those who were in league with him to live according to the laws of their ancestors. He did not think it desirable to take anything from his subjects or extend the empire but to be content with what they had. Hence he wrote this to the senate and at this time made no wars. He gave to Jamblichus the son of Jamblichus, his father's principality in Arabia. He also gave to Tarcondimotus, the son of Tarcondimotus, his father's principality in Cilicia except for some sea towns. These he gave to Archelaus along with the kingdom of Armenia the Less because the Mede who held the kingdom previously, had died. He gave Commagena to Mithridates who was only a child because its king had killed the father of Mithridates. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:303} 5926. After Herod had escorted Caesar to the sea side, he returned into his kingdom and there built a beautiful temple of white marble in honour of Caesar. This was near Paniun, at the foot of those hills are the springs of the Jordan River. He also remitted to his subjects some part of their tribute under the pretence that they should have some relief after the famine. However, in very deed, he did this to appease their minds because they were so offended with such vast building projects of the king which tended toward the destruction of their religion and good customs. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:422>} 3985a AM, 4694 JP, 20 BC 5927. To prevent seditions, Herod, forbade all private meetings in the city and too many feasts. He also had spies who would mingle in companies and note what the people talked about. Indeed, he himself would go in the night in the clothes of a common man and mingle in the company of the people to learn what they thought of him. As many as obstinately disagreed with his actions, he punished without mercy. He bound the rest of the multitude to him with an oath that they should be loyal to him. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:422>} 5928. Herod required this oath from many followers of the Pharisees including Pollio and Sameas. Although he could not make these two take the oath, he did not punish them as he did the others out of respect for the reverence he bore to Pollio. He did not impose this oath on the Esseans whom he much esteemed for Manahem's sake who was a prophet. When Herod was a private boy, Manahem greeted him as king of the Jews and had foretold that he would reign as king for more than 30 years. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15. c. 13. <c. 10. 1:422>} 5929. Caius was born to Agrippa by his wife Julia. There was a yearly sacrifice decreed on his birthday with some other things. {*Dio. l. 54. 6:301} 5930. Augustus returned to Samos and there wintered again. To reward their hospitality, he granted the Samians liberty. A great many embassies came to him there. The Indians then by a firm league, ratified the peace which they previously had desired by their ambassadors. (See note on 3979 AM <<5330>>) Among the presents that were sent by the Indians, were tigers, which were never before seen by either the Romans or Greeks. They also gave him a certain young man who had no arms, (like used to be displayed on the statues of Mercury or Hermes) who did everything with his feet instead of his hands. He was said to bend a bow and shoot an arrow and sound a trumpet. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:305} 5931. Nicholas Damascene reported that he saw these Indian ambassadors at Antioch by Daphnis. The letter they brought mentioned more ambassadors but he said only three were alive whom he saw and the rest died because the journey was so long. The letter was written in Greek on parchment, in which was signified that it was sent by Porus. Although he ruled 600 kings, yet he did much esteem Caesar's friendship that he was ready to meet him wherever Caesar wished and that he would help him in anything that was right. Nicholas said these things were contained in that letter. Moreover they brought presents by eight servants who were naked and had only breeches on and covered with perfumes. Among the presents was the youth, Hermes, who had no arms, huge vipers, a snake 15 feet long, a river tortoise of 4.5 feet and a partridge larger than a vulture. {*Strabo. l. 15. 7:125,127} 3985b AM, 4695 JP, 19 BC 5932. Among these was Zarmarus or Zarmanochegas, one of the wise men of the Indians. He killed himself for vain glory's sake or from old age according to the customs of his country or that he might make a display of himself to Augustus and the Athenians, (for he had come into Athens.) He was made a priest of the Greek gods, although (as they report) in an unlawful time yet it was done as a favour for Augustus. He thought that he must die and lest some adversity should happen to him if he stayed any longer. He laughed as he leaped on the funeral fire with his naked and anointed body. This inscription was written on his sepulchre. ``Here lies Zarmanochegas, an Indian, of Bargosa, who immortalised himself according to the ancestral customs of Indians.'' {*Strabo. l. 15. 7:127,129} {*Dio, l. 54. 6:305,307} 5933. When Augustus returned to Rome, he entered the city on horseback in a kind of triumph. He was honoured with a triumphal arch that carried his trophies. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:301} 5934. Augustus considered it very praise worthy that he had recovered those things which were formerly lost in war without any fighting. Therefore he ordered that it should be decreed that there should be sacrifices for this reason. A temple of Mars the revenger (in imitation of Jupiter Feretrius) in the capitol should be built where the ensigns should be hung up. This was done. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:301} 5935. This temple he had formerly vowed for Mars before the victory at Philippi. He now proclaimed that he had received another like benefit from him and he performed his vow at the twentieth year's end. He imitated Romulus who had killed Acro the king of the Coeninenses and hung up his arms in the temple that he dedicated to Jupiter Feretrius. Augustus built a temple to Mars, the twice revenger, and then placed there the military ensigns that he had recovered from the Parthians. He also instituted the Circensian plays to be solemnized every year in memory of these things. Ovid wrote: {Ovid, Fasti, 5}
5936. Horace adds: {Horace, l. 4. Ode Ult.}
5937. Many of Augustus' coins had the inscription: SIGNIS RECEPTIS, for the ensigns recovered. 5938. Herod in the 18th year of his reign (as calculated from the death of Antigonus) told the Jews of his intention to build the temple at Jerusalem. When he saw that they were troubled, lest if he demolished the old, he could not finish the new. He assured them that the old temple would remain intact until all materials that were necessary for the new building were prepared. He did not deceive them. He provided a thousand wagons to carry stones and he selected from all the number of craftsman, the most skilful 10,000 and also a thousand priests that were clothed with priest's garments at his own expense and were able masons and carpenters. He ordered them to start the work since the materials were ready. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 14. c. 14. <c. 11. 1:423>} 3986 AM, 4696 JP, 18 BC 5939. When Augustus' first ten year term had almost expired, he extended it for another 5 years and gave to M. Agrippa another 5 years also along with some powers that were almost the same, as his such as the tribunal power. He said that so many years was then sufficient although shortly after, he accepted more years of the imperial power so that his Principality might be made decennial. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:313} 5940. The books of the Sybill's were worn out through age. Augustus ordered the priests that with their own hands they should write them out so that none other should read them. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:325,337} 5941. Augustus restored Pilades, the Cilician dancer who had been exiled from Rome because of a sedition. Hence Augustus won the favour of the people by this. When Augustus reproved him because he was always quarrelling with Bathyllus, a fellow artist and also a friend of Maecenas, Pilades cleverly rejoined: ``It is to your advantage, O Caesar, that the people should devote their spare time to us.'' {*Dio, l. 54. 6:327} 3987 AM, 4697 JP, 17 BC 5942. All the necessary materials for starting the temple where assembled within two years' time. Herod began to build the temple of Jerusalem, 46 years before the first passover of the ministry of Christ. This is confirmed by the words of the Jews: Joh 2:20 ``This temple has been built forty and six years before this.'' 5943. as that aorist tense is correctly translated by our country man, Lydiat. 5944. The building of this temple under Zerubbabel was started in the first year of the reign of Cyrus and for some time the building programme was interrupted. It was finished after twenty years in the sixth year of Darius, the son of Hystaspes. The magnificent building of this temple was begun by Herod at this time and was finished in nine and an half years. When comparing the time spent in building this most magnificent structure, we must take into consideration not only the labour of these two but their successors also. When it was completed: ``many ages and all the holy treasures that were sent to God from all the parts of the world there were spent.'' {Josephus, Wars, l. 6. c. 6.} 5945. Herod did not pay for this alone. Much of his wealth was spent on generous gifts and on building so many palaces, temples, and cities. He was building the city and port of Caesarea which was his most costly building project at the same time he was building the temple. Tacitus calls it: ``a temple of immense riches'' {Tacitus, Histories, l. 5. c. 9.} 5946. The great building project of the temple that was begun by Herod was carried on even to the beginning of the war of the Jews under Gessius Florus, by generous gifts which were consecrated to God. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 20. c. 8. <c. 9. 1:539>} ``When the temple was finished, the people realised that more than 18,000 workmen would be unemployed who had made their living by building the temple. They were loath that the holy treasure should be stored their for fear it should become a prise for the Romans. They wanted to provide work for the workman because if one had worked only one hour, he was immediately paid his wages. They persuaded King Agrippa (the younger) that he should build the eastern porch which inclosed the outer most parts of the temple.'' 5947. Agrippa had Lucius by his wife Julia, whom together with his brother Caius, Augustus immediately adopted both him and his brother and appointed them as his heirs to his empire. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:327} 5948. In Cyprus, many parts of the cities were destroyed by earthquakes. {Eusebius, Chronicle} 3988 AM, 4698 JP, 16 BC 5949. After Marcus Agrippa had exhibited quinquennial plays (which were held for the fourth time after the battle of Actium,) Augustus sent him to Syria. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:331} 5950. Herod sailed for Italy to greet Caesar and to see his children at Rome. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 16. c. 1. <1:426>} He sailed and stopped in Greece. He was present and a judge at the Olympic games in the 191st Olympiad, (in which Diodorus Tyaneus got the prize.) When Herod saw that those games were too grand for the place where they were held because of the poverty of the Elidenses, he gave them annual revenues so that their sacrifices might be made the more splendid and other things that might belong to the gracing such great games. For his generosity, he was declared a perpetual judge of those games. {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 16. Antiq., l. 16. c. 9. <c. 5. 1:435>} 5951. When Caesar had courteously entertained Herod at Rome, he returned his sons who had finished their instructions in the liberal sciences. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 16. c. 1. <1:426>} Caesar went into Gaul. {Dio, l. 54. 6:333} 5952. Aemilius Macer, a poet of Veronen, died in Asia. {Jerome, in Chronicles} of whom Tibullus wrote: What shall poor Amor now do all alone, 5953. At Jerusalem, the priests completed the building of the temple, properly so called, because it contained the Holy and the Holy of Holies. This took about 18 months during which it was reported that it never rained in the day but only in the nights. In the following eight years, the porches, the ranges and the rest of the buildings around the temple were all finished. {Josephus, l. 15. c. ult. <c. 15. 1:425>} 5954. There is extant two descriptions of this temple, one was by Josephus, (who himself was a priest in it.) {Josephus, Antiq., l. 15 c. 14, Wars, l. 6. c. 6.} Another one was by R. Judas, (almost 120 years after the destruction of the temple) in a book of his Mishna, which was entitled twrym. We have a description of the former from Ludovicus Capellus at the end of his short history of the Jews. The later we have from Constantine Lempereur, as a preface in his commentary upon the book of Middoth. In the preface, he shows that the prevailing opinion of the Jews was that the temple of Zerubbabel and this one of Herod, were rightly considered the same building. Likewise he shows {Tacitus, Histories. l. 5.} that it was thought to be the same temple that was captured by Pompey that was then besieged by Titus. 3989 AM, 4699 JP, 15 BC 5955. When Alexander and Aristobulus returned to Judea, they were highly favoured by all men. Salome, the sister of Herod, and her followers, feared that they would at some time revenge their mother's death. They spread gossip among the people that the sons hated their father because he had killed their mother. However, Herod did not yet suspect anything and used them very honourably as they deserved. Since they were mature young men, he selected wives for them. For Alexander, he selected Bernice, the daughter of Salome and for Aristobulus, Glaphira, the daughter of Archelaus, the king of the Cappadocians. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 16. c. 1, 2. <c. 1. 1:426>} 5956. Augustus restored liberty to the Cycizenians and he also gave money to the Paphians (in Cyprus) who had been afflicted with an earthquake. He permitted by a decree by the senate that their city should be called Augusta. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:343} 5957. When Herod heard that M. Agrippa was again come into Asia, he went to him. He begged him that he would come into his kingdom as his friend and guest. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 16. c. 2. <1:427>} 3990a AM, 4699 JP, 15 BC 5958. Herod entertained Agrippa in all the cities that he had recently built, and showed him the buildings. He provided the best food for Agrippa and his friends as well as all kinds of other delights and magnificence. He showed him Sebaste, the port of Caesarea, and in the citadels which he had built, such as Alexandrion, Herodion, and Hircania. He brought him to the city of Jerusalem where all the people met him in their best and festival attire and with joyful acclamations. Agrippa made a large number of sacrifices to God and feasted the people. Although he would willingly have stayed longer there, yet for fear of storms since winter was now approaching, he hurried to sail into Ionia. He and his friends were honoured with generous presents. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 16. c. 2. <1:427>} 5959. When Asander who was the king of Cimmerian Bosphorus, had died, he left his kingdom to his wife Dynamis, the daughter of Pharnaces and grand daughter of Mithridates. Her own son Scribonius, pretended to be a great grandson of Mithridates and to have received the kingdom from Augustus. (??) (Dio version seems confused here. Editor) He seized the kingdom. When Agrippa heard of this, he sent Polemon, the king of that Pontus that bordered Cappadocia, to make war on him. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:345} 5960. As soon as the Bosphorans knew of this deceit, they killed Scribonius and resisted Polemon who came against them. They feared that he would be made their king. Polemon conquered them in battle but yet did not subdue them. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:345} 3990b AM, 4700 JP, 14 BC 5961. As soon as it was spring, Herod heard that Agrippa was going with an army to Bosphorus. He hurried to go to him and sailed by Rhodes and Chios. When he arrived at Lesbos, he thought that he would find him. Herod was detained by contrary north winds and stayed at Chios. Many came to greet him privately and he gave them many princely gifts. He saw the portico of the city, that was thrown down in the war against Mithridates and was still lying in ruins. It was not repaired to its former beauty and greatness because they were so poor. Herod gave them more than enough money to finish restoring the gate. He exhorted them to restore the city as soon as they could, to its former beauty and greatness. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:427>} 5962. As soon as the wind changed, Herod sailed first to Mitylene and then to Byzantium. There he found out that Agrippa had already gone past the Cyanean rocks, so he followed him with all speed and overtook him at Sinope, a city in Pontus. He arrived there with his ships, much to the surprise of Agrippa. He was very grateful for Herod's arrival and they embraced each other with singular affection because it was an evident sign of Herod's fidelity and friendship that he left his own affairs and came to him at so convenient a time. Therefore Herod still stayed by him in the army and was his companion in his labours and partaker in his counsels. He was also present with him on occasions and was the only man who was consulted in difficult matters for the love Herod had toward him and in pleasant times for honour's sake. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:427>} 5963. Agrippa defeated the Bosphorans and recovered in war the Roman ensigns which they long since had captured under Mithridates. Agrippa forced them to give them back. {Orosius, l. 6. c. 21.} 5964. Julia, the daughter of Augustus and wife of Agrippa, went to Ilium at night. It happened that Julia and her servants who waited on the coach, were in extreme danger in crossing the Scamander River. It was greatly swollen by sudden floods and the people of Ilium did not know she was coming. Agrippa was angry that they had not helped her and fined them 100,000 drachmas of silver. {Nicholas Damascen, de vita sua. in Excerptis ab Henrico. Vales. edit. p. 418.} 5965. The ambassadors of the Ilienses, did not dare to oppose Agrippa. They entreated Nicholas Damascen, (who by chance was there) that he would get King Herod to speak for them and to help them. Nicholas did this for the ancient renown of the city and told the king the whole story that Agrippa was unjustly angry with the Ilienses since she came without notice. They did not know of her coming because it was night. Herod undertook the cause of the Ilienses and had their fine removed {Nicholas Damascen, de vita sua. in Excerptis ab Henrico. Vales. edit. p. 418.} and reconciled Agrippa who was angry with them. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 3. <c. 2. 6:427>} 5966. The Bosphorans finally laid down their arms and were put under the rule of Polemon who married Dynamis with the approval of Augustus. For this there was a procession in Agrippa's name. However, he did not have a triumph although it was decreed nor did he write to the senate anything at all about his affairs. In later times, others followed his example. They did not certify by letters about their deeds nor did they accept a triumph, although it was offered to them. Instead, they were content only with the triumphal honours. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:345,347} 5967. After the trouble of Pontus was over, Agrippa and Herod came by land to Ephesus, through Paphlagonia, Cappadocia and the greater Phrygia. From there, they sailed to Samos. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 16. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:427>} 5968. The Ilienses returned into their country because they had lost all hope of obtaining a pardon. When Herod was about to go into Paphlagonia to Agrippa, he gave a letter to Nicholas Damascene concerning the remission of their fine and carried on to Chios and Rhodes where his sons waited for him. Therefore, Nicholas sailed from Amisus and came to the port of Byzantium. From there, he sailed to Troas and came to Ilium. After he had delivered his letters about the remission of their fine, both he and especially Herod, received great honours from the Ilienses. {Nicholas Damascen, de vita sua. in Excerptis ab Henrico. Vales. edit. p. 418.} 5969. Agrippa gratified Herod in many things on their whole journey through many cities. Through the intercession of Herod, the cities received many of their needs. If any one had need of an intercessor to Agrippa, he could obtain his suit by no one else more easily than through Herod. Herod also paid the money for the Chians who were indebted to Caesar's praetors and got them immunity. He also assisted others in whatever they had need of. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 3. <c. 2. 427>} 5970. When they came into Ionia, they found a large number of Jews who lived in that country. When the Jews had an opportunity, they complained of the wrongs they received from those country men who would not permit them to live after their own laws. On the Jewish festival days, they haled them before the tribunals and forbid them to send holy money to Jerusalem. They publicly compelled Jews to give them the holy money for those affairs, contrary to the privileges granted them by the Romans. Herod took all care that Agrippa should hear their complaints. He allowed their case to be pleaded by Nicholas Damascene, who was one of Herod's friends and had now returned from Troas. Nicholas pleaded their case Agrippa who was accompanied by many of the most honourable Romans and some kings and princes. The Greeks did not deny anything but only made an excuse that the Jews who dwelt among them, were troublesome to them. The Jews proved that they were free born citizens and that they lived by their own laws without injury to any. Therefore Agrippa answered that both for his friend Herod's sake he was ready to grant them their request and also because they seemed to demand what was just. He therefore ordered that the privileges that were formerly granted them should not be revoked and that no one should molest them for living after their country's laws. Then Herod rose up and thanked Agrippa in the name of them all. After they mutually embraced each other, they said goodbye to each other and Herod sailed from Lesbos to Caesarea. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 4, 5. <c. 2. 1:427-430>} 5971. A few days later, Herod arrived at Caesarea due to favourable winds. From there he went to Jerusalem. He called all the people together and gave them a report of his journey and how he had gotten an immunity for the Jews who lived in Asia. To further gratify them, he said he would remit to them the fourth part of their tribute. They were very pleased and wished all happiness to the king and departed with great joy. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 5.} 3991 AM, 4701 JP, 13 BC 5972. Augustus assumed the Roman high priesthood after the death of Lepidus who previously was a triumviri and the priest. Augustus would never take it from him while he was alive. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 31.} {*Dio, l. 54. 6:355} This was done on March 6th, (the day before the nones.) {Ovid, Fasti, l. 3.} 5973. When he was made high priest, he burned whatever books in either Greek or Latin that had no author's name or not of substance, for a total of 2000 books. He kept only the books of the Sybill's. From those, he selected some and placed them in two golden boxes at the base of the pillar where the image of Apollo stood in the Palatine hill. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 31.} 5974. A colony was sent to Berythus {Eusebius, Chronicles} which was highly honoured by the favour of Augustus {Ulpian. C. Sciendum est d. de Censibus.} and received two legions who were sent there by Agrippa. {*Strabo, l. 16. 7:263} 5975. Herod was incensed by the false accusations and machinations of his sister Salome and his brother Pheroras against his two sons whom he had by Mariamme, Alexander and Aristobulus. To bring down their haughty spirits, he began to promote his other son, Antipater, publicly as his heir to the kingdom. He was his oldest son whom he had when he was a private man and his mother also was of lowly birth. (Herod had banished him from the city, in favour of his two other sons and only gave him freedom to come there on feast days.) Herod often wrote to Caesar on his behalf and privately gave him very great commendations. Herod was overcome by the intreaties of Antipater and he brought into the court his mother Doris, who was a woman of Jerusalem whom he divorced when he married Mariamme. {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 17. Antiq. l. 16. c. 6. <c. 3. 1:430,431>} 3992a AM, 4701 JP, 13 BC 5976. Agrippa's ten years of government in Asia (to be calculated from the time when he was sent by Caesar to Asia and Syria and he stayed at Lesbos) was over and he was now ready to leave. Herod sailed to greet him and only took with him Antipater of all his sons. Herod gave Agrippa many gifts and asked him to take Antipater to Rome and to be received into Caesar's favour. {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 17. Antiq. l. 16. c. 6. <c. 3. 1:431>} 5977. When Agrippa returned from Syria, Augustus sent him to make war in Pannonia. He was granted the tribunal power for five more years. When he arrived, the Pannonians were terrified and stopped their rebellion. Agrippa died on his return journey in Campania. His body was brought in the forum at Rome and Augustus commended him in a funeral speech. {Livy, l. 139.} {*Dio, l. 54. 6:355,357} 5978. Antipater was highly honoured at Rome and was commended to all his friends by his father's letters. Although he was absent, he continued to stir up his father by letters against the sons of Mariamme. He pretended to be concerned for his father's safety but indeed by his wicked practices, he was promoting himself in hopes of getting the kingdom. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 16. c. 7. <c. 4. 1:431>} 5979. Against his will, Augustus made his son-in-law, Tiberius to be his partner in the government to replace Agrippa because his grandsons C. Caius and Lucius were still children. Therefore he betrothed his daughter Julia, the widow of Agrippa to Tiberius, and first forced him to leave his wife Agrippina, (the daughter of Agrippa the daughter of Pomponius Atticus.) Tiberius was upset by this because his wife was nursing his son Drusus and was with child again. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 63., Tiberius. c. 7.} {*Dio, l. 54. 6:363} 5980. Herod had now become an enemy to his sons, Alexander and Aristobulus. He sailed to Rome with them to accuse them before Caesar. {Josephus, Antiq, l. 16. c. 3. <c. 4. 1:431,433>} He took Nicholas Damascene with him in the same ship with whom he studied philosophy. (Nicholas Damascene in Sua vita in excerptis Henric. Vales. p. 421.} 3993 AM, 4703 JP, 11 BC 5981. Herod did not find Augustus at Rome and followed him as far as Aquilei. Herod accused them of treachery against him and the young men satisfied all who were present of their innocence. They were finally reconciled to their father after many prayers and tears. They thanked Caesar and departed together. Antipater also went pretending that he was glad that they were reconciled. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 7, 8. <c. 4. 1:431-434>} 5982. A few days later, Herod gave Caesar 300 talents who was holding shows and giving gifts to the people. In return, Caesar gave him half the revenues of the metal mines of Cyprus and the other half he committed to his oversight. Caesar honoured him with other gifts of hospitality and he gave him permission to choose which of his sons he wanted for his successor or if he would rather divide his kingdom among them. Herod was ready to divide his kingdom now. Caesar would not allow Herod to do that while Herod was alive. He would not deprive him of his kingdom or his authority over his sons. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 7, 8. <c. 4. 1:434>} 5983. In Herod's absence, a rumour was spread that he was dead. The men of Tracon revolted from him and started their old thievery. The captains whom Herod had left in the kingdom, were able to subdue them again. Forty of the leaders of these thieves were terrified by what happened to those who were captured and fled their country for Arabia Nabatea. They were welcomed by Sylleus (who was an enemy to Herod, because Herod refused to give him his sister Salome for a wife,) and he gave them a certain well fortified place. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 13. <c. 9. 1:442,443>} 5984. Herod and his sons sailed home and they came to Eleusa (its named was changed to Sebaste,) a city of Cilicia. They met Archelaus, King of Cappadocia who very courteously entertained Herod and rejoiced very much because his sons were reconciled to him. He was glad that Alexander had honestly answered the charges that were made against him. They gave royal gifts to each other and parted company. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 7, 8. <c. 4. 1:434>} 5985. When Herod returned into Judea, he called the people together and told them what he had done on his journey. He told them that his sons should reign after him, first Antipater and then Alexander and Aristobulus. The last two he had by Mariamme. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 7, 8. <c. 4. 1:434>} 3994 AM, 4704 JP, 10 BC 5986. At this about time that lame man was born who was more than forty years old when he was healed by Peter at the gate called Beautiful at the temple. {Ac 4:22)} Agrippa was born who was the first king of the Jews by that name and died when he was 54 years old when struck by an angel. {Ac 12:23} {Josephus, l. 19. c. ult. <c. 8. 1:523,524>} 5987. Augustus married his daughter Julia to Tiberius to whom he previously had betrothed her to him. {*Dio, l. 54. 6:363} 5988. Caesarea Sebaste was finished in the 28th year of Herod's reign, (beginning from the death of Antigonus,) in the 3rd year of the 192nd Olympiad. It was dedicated with great solemnity and most sumptuous preparations. Musicians were brought to see who was the best. Naked wrestlers and a great number of sword players and wild beasts and whatever was done either at Rome or in other countries were also brought there to perform. These sports were consecrated to Caesar and were to be held every fifth year. All this preparation, the king provided to be brought there at his own expense to show the greatness of his magnificence. Julia, the wife of Caesar (Josephus always calls her Livia) gave many things toward the sports. The total cost of the event was over 500 talents. A huge crowd came to see these sports. He entertained all ambassadors who were sent to him from various countries to thank Herod for the favours they had received from him. He lodged, feasted and entertained them. He spent all the days in seeing the sports and the nights in banquets. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 9. <c. 5. 1:434,435>} 3995a AM, 4704 JP, 10 BC 5989. After the dedication and feasts, Herod began to build another city in a place called Capharsala, (or Capharsuluma, {/APC 1Ma 7:31}) which he named Antipatris, after his father's name. He built a citadel which he called Cyprus after his mother's name. In honour of his dead brother, he built in the city of Jerusalem, a good tower not inferior to the Pharos and called it Phasaelus. Later he built a town by the same name, in the valley of Jericho from which the surrounding country is called Phasaelus. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 9. <c. 5. 1:435>} 3995b AM, 4705 JP, 9 BC 5990. The Jews of Asia and Cyrene complained through their ambassadors to Augustus, that the Greeks would not allow them to practice their religion and ignored the immunities which were granted to them by the Romans. The ambassadors wanted to obtain letters confirming these privileges. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 10. <c. 6. 1:436>}) 5991. Herod had wasted his wealth by his great expenses and now needed money. He followed the example of John Hireanus and went by night without the knowledge of the people and opened David's sepulchre. He found no money, but large amounts of costly attire and ornaments of gold, which he removed. To atone for this, he built a most sumptuous monument at the entrance of the sepulchre of white marble. Nicholas Damascene mentions this monument but not the king's entering the sepulchre. He wrote the acts of this King Herod in his lifetime. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 11. <c. 7. 1:437.>} 5992. Antipater continued to implicate his brothers, Alexander and Aristobulus, by false accusations made through others. He often seemed to take upon him their defence so that making a pretence of good will toward them, he might more easily oppress them. By these subtleties he so wrought with his father, that Herod thought he was his only preserver. Therefore, the king commended his steward Ptolemy to Antipater and discussed all his plans with his mother Doris. Everything was done according to their wishes and they made the king displeased with those whom it was to their advantage that he should be angry with. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 11. <c. 7. 1:437.>} 5993. Pheroras fell so madly in love with his own servant that he refused the marriage with Cypros, Herod's daughter who was offered to him by Herod. He was persuaded by Ptolemy, the king's steward, to promise to divorce his servant and to marry Cypros within thirty days which he failed to do. He also accused Herod to his son Alexander, that he had heard from Salome, his sister, (which she denied) that Herod was greatly in love with Alexander's wife, Glaphyra. This made the king highly displeased with both of them. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 11. <c. 7. 1:438,439>} 3996 AM, 4706 JP, 8 BC 5994. The man who was diseased started to lie at the pool of Bethesda. He was healed by Christ 38 years later. {Joh 5:5} 5995. Alexander by the wiles of his adversaries was driven to desperation. He was reconciled to his father by Archelaus, the king of the Cappadocians who came to Jerusalem. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 11. <c. 8. 1:442>} 5996. Archelaus was considered one of Herod's best friends. He received generous gifts from Herod and departed into Cappadocia. Herod accompanied him as far as Antioch. Herod and Titus, the president of Syria, reconciled their differences and Herod returned to Judea. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 11. <c. 8. 1:442>} 5997. Herod went the third time to Rome to Caesar. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 11. <c. 9. 1:442>} 5998. While Herod was away from his kingdom, those thieves of Trachona, who had fled to Syllaeus, the Arabian, infested all of Judea and Coelosyria with their robberies. Syllaeus granted them impunity and security for their thievery. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 13. <c. 9. 1:442,443>} 5999. When Augustus was the high priest, he restored to the previous reckoning, the year as it was ordained by Julius Caesar. Later, through negligence, it was incorrectly calculated. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 31.} In 36 years, there were intercalated 12 days where there ought to have been but 9 days intercalated. Therefore, Augustus commanded that twelve years should pass without any leap year at all so that those excess three days that had been added by the over zealous priests in thirty six years should be eliminated in the following twelve years which would not be leap years. {*Pliny. l. 2. c. 6. 1:191} {Salinus, c. 3.} {Macrob. Saturnal, l. 1. c. 14.} 6000. In the ordering of the year, Augustus called the month Sextilis after his own name August, rather than calling the month September after his name even though he was born in that month. He did this because in the month of Sextilis, he had first been consul, and also had had many great victories. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 31.} {Dio, l. 55. 6:395} Macrobius records the very words of the decree of the senate. {Macrobius, Saturnal, l. 1. c. 12.} He also mentioned the decree of the people concerning the same matter. Pacuritus the tribune of the people proposed the law. This was when C. Marcius Censorinus and G. Asinius Gallus were consuls. {Censorinus, de die. natali} {*Dio, l. 55. 6:391} 6001. In their consulship there was a second census of the citizens made at Rome. In the census, there were 4,233,000 Roman citizens, as is gathered from the fragments of Ancyran marble. {Gruter, Inscriptions, p. 230.} In Suidas in Aunousq the number is far less of those that were numbered, 4,101,017. Suidas very ridiculously states that this number was for the city and not the whole world. 6002. When Herod returned from Rome, he celebrated the dedication of the temple built again by him within nine and an half years on the very anniversary of his kingdom when he first received it from the senate. His custom was to solemnize the day with great joy. The king sacrificed 300 oxen to God and numerous others offered sacrifices according to their abilities. {Josephus, l. 15. c. ult. <c. 11. 1:423>} 3997a AM, 4706 JP, 8 BC 6003. Herod had found that in his absence, his people had been greatly harmed by those thieves of Trachona. He could not subdue them because they were under the protection of the Arabians and neither could he tolerate their attacks. Therefore, he entered Trachona and he killed all their relatives. By this they were the more incensed (especially because they had a law by which they are commanded not to allow the slaughter of their families to go unrevenged.) Therefore they ignored all dangers and molested all Herod's country with continual excursions and driving and carrying away their goods. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 13. <c. 9. 1:443>} 6004. When Augustus would resign his principality since another ten years was almost expired, he assumed it again as though against his will. He made war on the Germans. He sent Tiberius against them but he himself stayed home. {*Dio, l. 55. 6:393} He gave money to the soldiers also because they had Caius along with them for the first time taking part in their military exercises. {*Dio, l. 55. 6:395} 3997b AM, 4707 JP, 7 BC 6005. Dionysius Halicarnassus began to write the books of Roman history in the 193rd Olympiad when Claudius Tiberius Nero and Cn. Calphurnius Piso were consuls. This he stated in the preface to those books. He was considered an historian by Clement {Clement Alexandria, l. 3. c. 1.} and a rhetorician by Quintilian. {Quintilian, l. 3. c. 1.} 6006. Herod sent to the presidents of Syria who were appointed by Caesar, Saturninus and Volumnius (the agent) and demanded that he might punish those thieves of Trachona who were wasting his country by there invasions from Arabia and Nabatea. They were told that the robbers had increased to about 1000 and began to make sudden invasions and to waste both field and villages and cut the throats of all that fell into their hands. Therefore Herod demanded those thieves be turned over to him, and required the sixty talents that he had lent Obodas under Syllaeus' security. Syllaeus had kicked Obodas out of the government and now ruled all himself. He denied that those thieves were in Arabia and he deferred to pay the money concerning which it was debated before Saturninus and Volumnius. Finally, it was determined by them that within thirty days time both the money should be repayed and the runaways from both countries should be turned over to each other. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 13. <c. 9. 1:443>} Syllaeus also swore by the fortune of Caesar, in the presence of those presidents of Syria that he would pay the money within thirty days and turn over those fugitives to Herod. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 16. <c. 10. 1:447>} 6007. After the time appointed was come, Syllaeus was unwilling to live up to his agreement and went to Rome. Herod, with the permission of Saturninus and Volumnius who had given him permission to prosecute those obstinate people, entered Arabia with an army. In three days, he travelled as far as they use to do in seven. When he came to the citadel where the thieves lived, he took it at the first assault. He demolished this fortress called Raeeptu and did no harm to the inhabitants of the country. When a captain of the Arabians came to their aid, they joined battle. A few of the Herodians and about 25 Arabians were killed along with their captain. The rest of the Arabians fled. When Herod was revenged of the thieves, he brought 3000 Idumaeans into Trachona to restrain the thieves who lived there. He sent letters to the Roman captains who were then in Phoenicia, in which he told them that he had only used the power they had granted them against those obstinate Arabians and nothing else. When they inquired about this, they found that what Herod had said, was true. {Josephus, l. 16. c. 14. <c. 9. 1:443>} 3998a AM, 4707 JP, 7 BC 6008. At Rome, Syllaeus received letters about what happened but they grossly exaggerated everything. These lies so incensed Caesar against Herod that he wrote to him threatening letters because he had marched with an army from his own kingdom. At first, Caesar would not so much as admit his ambassadors who were sent to plead his cause. They again petitioned to be heard and he dismissed them without anything being done. {Josephus, Antiq. c. 16. c. 15. <c. 9. 1:443>} 6009. The Trachonites together with the Arabians seized on this occasion and attacked the garrison of the Idumaeans that Herod had sent to them. Herod was terrified by the anger of Caesar and was forced to bear it. {Josephus, Antiq. c. 16. c. 15. <c. 9. 1:443>} 6010. After Obodas, the king of the Arabians (of Nabatea) had died, Aeneas succeeded him in the kingdom, who changed his name and was called Aretas. While Syllaeus was at Rome, he tried by false accusations to have him thrust from the kingdom and to get the kingdom for himself. He gave much money to the courtiers and promised many great things to Caesar. He knew Caesar was offended with Aretas because he dared assume the kingdom without his consent. {Josephus, Antiq. c. 16. c. 15. <c. 9. 1:444>} 3998b AM, 4708 JP, 6 BC 6011. Caius and Lucius, the sons of Augustus by adoption, were raised in the imperial house. They were quite insolent even when they were very young. Lucius, the younger of the two, entered the theatre unattended where he was received with a general applause. This increased his boldness and he even dared ask that the consulship might be given to his brother Caius before he was of military age. When Augustus heard this, he wished that there might never be a time of necessity as in his own case when the consulship was given to one that was not 20 years old. When his son did earnestly desire this of him, he then said, that this office was to be undertaken by one who could both avoid making mistakes and that could resist the desires of the people. Finally, he gave the priesthood to Caius and gave him permission that he might go into the senate and to sit with the senators both at the plays and the feasts. {*Dio, l. 55. 6:401} He also granted that although they were not yet seventeen they should be called princes of youth. Augustus declined the consulship for them which they strongly wanted. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 3.} 6012. To make his sons behave more modestly like private citizens, Augustus granted to Tiberius the power of Tribune for five years. He assigned him to Armenia which had revolted after the death of Tigranes (who was made king by Tiberius.) This did not work as Augustus planned and the sons and Tiberius were offended. The sons felt ignored and Tiberius feared their anger and he went to Rhodes not to Armenia. {Xyphiline, ex Dio} {Zonaras, ex Dio} {*Dio, l. 55. 6:403} He used the pretence that he wanted to study the arts but his real reason was so the sons would be relieved of the sight of him and his actions. {Xyphiline, ex Dio} {Zonaras, ex Dio}{*Dio, l. 55. 6:403} {in Excerptis, ab Henric. Vales. edit. p. 662.} He feared lest his glory might dim the beginnings of the careers of two rising young men. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 99. 1:257} Some thought that when Augustus' sons were now young men, Tiberius left the place and the position of second highest in the empire which he held so long. He followed the example of Marcus Agrippa, who went to Mitylene. Marcus Marcellus was admitted to public offices. If Tiberius was present he might conflict with them and detract from their glory. Tiberius gave that reason a long time later. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 10.} 6013. Some think that he went away because of his wife Julia whom he dared not accuse, nor divorce and he could not endure her any longer. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 10.} {*Dio, l. 55. 6:405} {in Excerptis, ab Henric. Vales. edit. p. 662.} Others say that he was offended that he was not adopted by Caesar. Still others claim that he was sent there by Augustus, because he acted treacherously against his sons. {*Dio, l. 55. 6:405} 6014. Concealing his true reasons, Tiberius asked permission of Augustus who was his father-in-law, to go away from Rome and from his wife. {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 99. 1:403,405} {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 10.} Neither did he yield to his mother who humbly besought him or his father-in-law complaining that he also was forsaken by the senate. They resolutely detained him and he ate nothing in four days. Finally they granted him permission to go. He went down presently to Ostia and did not say a word to those who went with him. He kissed very few of them when he sailed. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 10.} At his departure, he opened his will and read it before his mother and Augustus. {in Excerptis, ab Henric. Vales. edit. p. 665.} {Dio, l. 55. 6:405} 6015. From Ostia he sailed along the coast of Campania, where he heard of the weakness of Augustus. He stayed there a little time. However, the rumour increased as if he tarried for an occasion of greater hopes. He sailed to Rhodes almost in foul weather. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 11.} He took his journey like a private man, except that he compelled the Pharians to sell him a statue of Vesta which he dedicated in the temple of Concord. {Dio, l. 55. 6:405} {in Excerptis, ab Henric. Vales. edit. p. 662.} 6016. When he came to Rhodes, he was contented with a small house there and a slightly larger one in the country. He lived a most retired life. He sometimes walked into their gymnasiums without either sergeant or guard. He gave and received courtesies from the Greeks on equal terms. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 11} Nevertheless, all the proconsuls and lieutenants who were going into foreign provinces, came there to visit him. They always submitted their fasces to him. Although as a private citizen, he confessed that his retirement was more honourable than when he was in the government. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 99. 1:257} In his retirement, he diligently listened to Theodorus the Gadarean, a rhetorician, who desired to be called the Rhodian. {Quintil. l. 3. c. 1.} 6017. There was a great conjunction of the planets which only occurs once every 800 years. 6018. Aeneas, who is called Aretas, the new king of the Arabians of Nabatea sent letters and gifts to Caesar which included a crown worth many talents. In his letters, he accused Syllaeus of many crimes and of being a most wicked servant who had poisoned Obodas. While Obodas was alive, Syllaeus had done as he pleased. Caesar would not even hear his ambassadors and also despised his presents and dismissed them without anything done. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 16. c. 15. <c. 9. 1:444>} 6019. Herod was compelled by the wrongs and insolence of the Arabians, to send Nicholas Damascene to Rome to see if he could get any justice from Caesar through his friend's mediation. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 16. c. 15. <c. 9. 1:444>} 6020. The discord of Herod with his sons that he had by Mariamme was greatly increased by the wiles of Eurichus, a Lacedemonian. He was the same person (unless I am deceived) who fled 25 years earlier with Antony from the battle of Actium. He was now being entertained by Herod and stayed at Antipater's house. He had ingratiated himself to Alexander. Herod gave him 50 talents for information against Alexander. Eurichus went to Archelaus, the king of Cappadocia and bragged how he had reconciled Alexander to his father's favour again. He received money from Archelaus also and returned to Lacedemon. There he continued his wicked ways and he was banished from Lacedemon. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 16. c. 16. <c. 10. 1:444,445>} 6021. Herod made diligent inquiry about his sons. He put to death, by extreme torture, many of his own and of his son's friends. However, he found nothing wrong except that some were too free in their complaints about these unfortunate young men. They complained of their father's immoderate cruelty and of the dishonest ease of listening to any gossip of wicked men. They noted the impiety and wicked deceits of their brother Antipater and of the faction that was combined against them. They thought to escape further harm by fleeing to Archelaus. His two sons did not deny this but Herod put them in prison, as if they were guilty of treason against their father. He said that he would punish them accordingly as his affairs went at Rome. Concerning this business, he sent letters to Caesar by Volumnius, (the general of his army) as Josephus calls him, {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 17.) and Olympius, his friend. Herod ordered that on their trip they should stop at Eleusa, a town of Cilicia and give a letter to Archelaus. They should expostulate with him because he was a partner in his sons' plans. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 16. c. 16. <c. 10. 4:446>} 6022. At Rome Nicholas Damascene allied himself with the Arabians who came to accuse Syllaeus. He claimed that he was Herod's accuser before Augustus and not Herod's defender otherwise he would not likely have been allowed to speak and turned away as others had been. When Nicholas had exposed publicly many of Syllaeus' crimes, he also added that Caesar was misled by his lies in the case of Herod. When he had so publicly shown and had confirmed by certain and authentic records, Caesar condemned Syllaeus and remanded him to the province that he might be punished after he had paid his debt. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 16. c. 16. <c. 10. 4:446,447>} 6023. From this time, Augustus was reconciled to Aretas and Herod and then received his presents which he so often had rejected. He confirmed by his authority, the kingdom of the Arabians on him. He advised Herod also by letters, that he should call a council at Berytus and meet with the presidents of Syria, Archelaus, the king of the Cappadocians, and others of his friends and noble men. Together they should settle the whole business. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 16. c. 16. <c. 11. 4:448>} 6024. In the isle of Cos, an earthquake destroyed much property. {Eusebius, Chronicles} 6025. The angel, Gabriel, (who had in time past foretold to Daniel the coming of the Messiah, by a definite number of weeks of years) appeared at the right side of the altar of incense to Zacharias, the priest of the course of Abia as he was offering incense in the temple of the Lord according to the custom of the priest's office. {Ex 30:7,8} He told him that there would be born to him who was now old and to his aged wife Elizabeth, who was barren, a son. He would be called John, a Nazarite, and be the forerunner of the Lord. He would minister in the spirit and power of Elijah. Zacharias did not believe the promise and was made dumb. {Lu 1:5-22} 3999a AM, 4708 JP, 6 BC 6026. After the days of his ministry were finished, Zacharias returned home and his wife Elizabeth conceived a son by him and hid herself five months, saying: ``Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men.'' {Lu 1:23-25} 6027. When Herod received Augustus' letters, he rejoiced exceedingly because he was restored into his favour and he was given the power to do what he wanted with his sons. He convened by messengers all those whom Caesar had appointed to meet at Berythus except for Archelaus who kept his sons not far from the city, in Plaran a city of the Sidonians. First of all Saturninus, one who had been a consul and one of great dignity spoke his opinion. He was moderate and said that indeed the sons of Herod were to be condemned but not to be put to death. After him his three sons who were their father's lieutenants, were of the same opinion. On the other side Volumnius stated that they were to be punished with death because they were so impious toward their father. Most followed his opinion. Then the king took his sons with him to Tyre where Nicolaus arrived as he came from Rome. After Herod had conferred with him concerning his sons, he ordered Nicolaus to sail with him to Caesarea. {Josephus, l. 16. c. ult. <c. 11. 1:448>} 6028. At Caesarea a certain old soldier named Tero smartly reprehended Herod for the wickedness he planned against his sons and told him that he and 300 captains were of the same opinion. Herod ordered him to be cast into prison. Trypho, the king's barber used this occasion and accused Tero. He said that he had been often solicited by Tero that he would cut the king's throat with his razor as he was trimming him. Immediately both the barber and Tero and his son were tortured. His son saw his father so cruelly handled. To free him from the tortures, he were unadvisedly merciful and accused him of intending to murder the king. Then Herod brought those 300 captains together with Tero and his son and the barber and accused them before the people. The people threw anything that came next to hand and killed everyone of them. {Josephus, l. 16. c. ult. <c. 11. 1:449>} 6029. Alexander and Aristobulus were led to Sebaste and there strangled by their father's command. Their bodies were buried in the citadel of Alexandrion where Alexander their grandfather on their mother's side, and many of their family were buried. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 16. c. ult. <c. 11. 1:450>, Wars, l. 1. c. 17.} 3999b AM, 4709 JP, 5 BC 6030. When Augustus had assumed the twelfth consulship, he brought Caius into the court who was now of age and designed him "Prince of Youth", and made him a prefect of a tribe, {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 26.} {Zonaras, ex Dio} {*Dio, l. 55. 6:405} This title of prince was given him by: ``all the Roman equestrians that gave him silver spears.'' 6031. Augustus stated this in the breviary of his deeds. Augustus also mentions the consulship that was then decreed both to Caius and Lucius. ``In respect of honouring me, the senate and people of Rome designed them consuls when they were only fifteen years old so that they might enter into that office after five years, to be calculated from that day that they were brought into the court.'' 6032. Thus the Ancyran Marble has it. {Gruter, Inscriptions, p. 231} Whereas in another Roman stone it is said that the people created Caius consul when he was only fourteen years old. (For "created" it means "designed" for at this time his fourteenth year was ended and he was entering on his fifteenth.) 6033. After his brothers were dead, Antipater, intended also to remove his father. Since Antipater knew he was hated by many in the kingdom, he endeavoured by bribes to get the good will of his friends at Rome and in Judea. He especially solicited Saturnius, the president of Syria, and Pheroras and Salome, the brother and sister of Herod. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 1. <1:451>} 6034. Herod sent home Glaphira the widow of his son Alexander to Archelaus, her father, the king of Cappadocia. He gave her also a dowry from the king's treasury lest some controversy should arise concerning it. He took good care of the young children of Alexander and Aristobulus. Antipater was grieved by this and feared that when they were come of age, that they would restrain his power. Hence, he plotted their destruction also and he so overcame Herod by his intreaties, that he would allow him to marry the daughter of Aristobulus and allow Antipater's son to marry the daughter of his uncle, Pheroras. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 1. <1:451>} 6035. Herod invited Zamaris, a Babylonian Jew, and gave him a country in Trachonis to inhabit so that he might guard that country against thieves. He came with 500 cavalry and 100 of his relatives. He built various citadels in various places around Trachonis and also at Bathyra. With these he gave safe passage to the Jews who came from Babylon to the feasts at Jerusalem from the thiefs of the Trachonites and others. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 1. <c. 2. 1:452>} 6036. Antipater plotted treason against his father and involved his uncle Pheroras with him along with some of the king's women who belong mainly to the Pharisees. Salome remained loyal to her brother Herod. The Pharisees were a crafty people, arrogant and enemies to kings. Thereupon when as the whole country was to swear loyalty to the king and Caesar, they alone would not swear. They numbered more than 6000. They were fined by the king for this reason and the wife of Pheroras paid their fine for them. Since they were thought to be able to foresee the future, in return they foretold her that it was decreed that the kingdom would be taken from Herod and his children and would be given to her and her husband and their children. Salome told Herod about this and that they had solicited and corrupted many of his courtiers with bribes. Herod killed the leading Pharisees who were involved along with the eunuch Dagoas and his catamite, Carus who was commended to him for his handsomeness. Herod also killed whomever he had found of his family that had conspired with the Pharisees. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:453,454>} 6037. After Herod had convicted the Pharisees and punished them, he called a council of his friends. Before them, he began an accusation against Pheroras' wife. When Pheroras would not forsake her in favour of his brother, Herod forbid Antipater to associate with Pheroras. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:453,454>} 6038. To remove all suspicion of his father from himself, Antipater through his friends who lived at Rome, requested that Herod should send Antipater immediately to Augustus. Herod sent along with him many expensive presents and his will. In it he stated that Antipater should be king but if he died then Herod's son, Herod Philip, whom he had by Mariamme, the daughter of Simon the high priest, would be the king. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 4. <c. 3. 1:454)} 6039. In the sixth month after John was conceived, the angel, Gabriel, was sent by God to Nazareth in Galilee, to the most blessed virgin Mary who was betrothed to Joseph. They were both of the tribe of Judah and of David's family. He greeted her and declared that she should bring forth the Son of God and should call his name, Jesus. She was more fully instructed by the angel of the admirable manner of her conception to be performed by the power of the Holy Ghost who would overshadow her. With great faith, she said that it should be to the handmaid of the Lord according to thy word. {Lu 1:26-38} 6040. Christ was thus conceived and the mother of the Lord hurried into the hill country to a city of Judah. (That is, Hebron, a city of the priests located in the mountains of Judah {Jos 21:10,11}) When she had entered into the house of Zacharias, the priest and had greeted her cousin, Elizabeth, she perceived the child to leap in her womb. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost and declared that Mary was blessed. She believed this and confirmed that those things should be performed that were told her by the Lord. Mary imitated that song of Hannah, {1Sa 2:1-10} and spoke that divine hymn, "My soul doth magnify the Lord, &c." Mary stayed with her about three months. {Lu 1:39-56} 6041. Syllaeus, the Arabian, went to Rome but had done nothing which Caesar had ordered him to do. Antipater accused him before Caesar of the same crimes that Nicolaus Damascene had previously accused him of. There was also present another accuser, Aretas (the king of the Nabateans) who accused him of the murder of many honourable men without his consent. He especially complained about the murder of Sohemus who was a man most famous for all virtue. He also complained about the murder of Fabalus, Caesar's agent. {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 18. Antiq., l. 17. c. 4. <c. 3. 1:454>} 6042. Herod banished his brother Pheroras into his tetrarchy because he so obstinately persisted in the love of his wife. He went willingly and swore that he would never return until he heard of Herod's death. Soon after that, Herod became sick and often sent for him to receive some private instructions from him as he lay on his death bed. He refused to come for his oath's sake. {Josephus, Wars. l. 1. c. 19. Antiq. l. 17. c. 5. <c. 3. 1:454>) 6043. When the time of Elizabeth was come, she gave birth to a son. When he was to be circumcised the eighth day the bystanders would have had him called Zacharias, after his father's name but his parents said that they would have him named John. Zacharias had his speech restored and was filled with the Holy Ghost and prophesied saying, "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, &c." {Lu 1:57-68} When Joseph found his betrothed wife, Mary with child, he was willing to put her away quietly. He was told by God in a dream that she had conceived by the Holy Ghost and should bring forth her son, Jesus, who would save his people from their sins. He then took her as his wife. {Mt 1:18-24} 6044. When Pheroras became sick beyond all hope of getting well, Herod, his brother, came and visited him and very kindly sought help for him. However, he died within a few days. Herod brought his body to Jerusalem and buried it there. Herod honoured him with public mourning. {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 19. Antiq. l. 17. c. 5. <c. 3. 1:454,455>} 6045. Two of Pherora's freed men who were most dear to him, (who were Taphenites) told Herod, how he had been killed with poison by Doris, the mother of Antipater. Herod inquired into this villainy and by luck he by little and little found out much greater villainies and the obvious treasons of his son, Antipater. Antipater on his journey to Rome, had given a deadly poison to Pheroras. Theudon, the brother of Doris, sent it from Egypt by Antiphilus, one of Antipator's friends, to kill his father. Theudon did this when he was away so that no one would suspect he had anything to do with his father's death. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 6. <c. 4. 1:455>} 6046. Thereupon Herod expelled Doris, the mother of Antipater, from the palace and took her jewels from her which were worth many talents. Herod divorced his wife, another Mariamme, the daughter of the high priest, who was in on this plot. He removed her son from his will, where he was appointed successor. He also deprived his father-in-law of the high priesthood and substituted Matthias, the son of Theophilus who was born at Jerusalem. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 6. <c. 4. 1:455,456>} 4000a AM, 4709 JP, 5 BC 6047. On the day of atonement, when there was a solemn fast of the Jews, the new high priest Matthias could not perform the divine service because he had suffered from nocturnal pollution. Therefore Joseph, the son of Ellemus was appointed to be his assistant and substitute, since he was his relative and the same day he entered into the Holy of Holies. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 8. <c. 6. 1:462>} 6048. Bathyllus, the freed man of Antipater came from Rome. When he was tortured, he confessed that he had brought poison which he gave to Antipater's mother for Pheroras. He said if the first poison was too weak, they could certainly kill him with this one. Antipater had his friends at Rome sent letters to the king. These accused Archelaus and Philip, Herod's sons, of complaining about the murder of Alexander and Aristobulus and pitied the misfortune of their innocent brothers. These young men were at that time at Rome to study but now their father ordered them to return. Thereupon Antipater bribed his friends with large gifts that they might make his father suspect these two men who stood in the way of Antipater's ambitions. Antipater himself, wrote to his father concerning them as if he were excusing them because they were young. {Josephus, l. 17. c. 6. <c. 4. 1:456>, Wars, l. 1. c. 20.} 6049. Augustus ordered that all the Roman world should be taxed. This taxing first happened when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. {Lu 2:1} From this a little book was made by Augustus, containing all the public riches, number of Roman citizens and armed allies. It listed the navies, kingdoms and provinces. It had what tribute and customs were required to be paid. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 11.} 6050. P. Sulpicius Quirinius is called in the Greek Kutwiou or Kurniou had been a consul at Rome for seven years previous to this. Strabo {*Strabo, l. 12. c. 6. 5:479} wrote about the Homonadensians, a people of Cilicia: ``Quirinius overcame them by famine and took 4000 men and distributed them into the neighbouring cities.'' 6051. Tacitus wrote: {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 48.} ``He was a valiant warrior and ambitious in all his duties. He had the consulship under Augustus. He was famous for he won the citadels of the Homonadensians by assault and he obtained the ensigns of triumph.'' 6052. Augustus himself had decreed that magistrates should not be sent into provinces as soon as they had left office. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 36.} They should wait five years after their term of office. {*Dio, l. 53. 6:227} 6053. Thereupon Quirinius obtained the proconsulate of Cilicia and might be sent into Syria that was close by either as censor with an extraordinary power or as Caesar's governor with ordinary power. He would still retain the proconsulship of Cilicia and Sextius Saturninus of Syria. We have often read in Josephus that Volumnius and Saturninus in like manner were called presidents of Syria, when as Volumnius, was only epitropou {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 17.} A little later, Quintillius Varus was made successor to Saturninus with the proconsular authority. So nothing is incorrect in that Quirinius may be said to have succeeded or rather to have been added to the office of administration of Caesar's affairs, as King Herod was. Josephus noted Herod was to be the governor of all Syria {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 15.} and was so constituted by Augustus that he was added to the governors and that all things should be done according to his wishes. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 15. c. 13.} Hence both would govern together as Tertulian has it: {Tertulian, contra. Marcion, l. 4. c. 9.} ``that there was a tax raised under Augustus in Judea, by Sentius Saturninus.'' 6054. The words of Luke tell us when this same taxing was made. ``when Cyrenius or Quirinius was governor of Syria.'' 6055. Luke would rather mention him than of the governor of Saturninus because he would compare this taxing with another that was made by the same Quirinius ten years later after Archelaus was sent into banishment. He stated that of the two taxings that this was the first that was the time of the birth of Christ. 6056. When this first taxing was enacted, Joseph went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth into Judea to the city of David, called Bethlehem because he was of the house and linage of David so that he might be taxed with Mary his wife who was due to deliver. {Lu 2:4,5} |
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