By Rev. B. T. Roberts
NAZARITE ORGANIZATION.Men sometimes become so impressed with hearing a matter frequently repeated that they finally believe it, not only without evidence, but in opposition to positive evidence to the contrary. This appears to be the case with Bishop Simpson, in reference to the " Nazarite Union,", or " Band." That there was such an organization among the members of the Genesee Conference of the M. E. Church, was confidently affirmed, both `in private and through the press ; though we can hardly see how it is possible that those making such affirmation did not know that it was false. But the statement is still made, as confidently as though it were a conceded fact. It was talked of at the time as fully proved;, by those who opposed the doctrine of holiness, as specially advocated by the men who were charged with being members of such an organization. Official papers of the Church helped on the delusion. Though it was emphatically denied by those members of the Genesee Conference who had knowledge of the matter, and who were supposed to belong to the "Nazarite Band," no notice whatever was taken of their denial. And from Bishop Simpson's book, it appears that the statement is still clung to with great pertinacity. Is it on the principle that a story often told is at last believed? Or is it because it is the only shadow of an excuse that can be made for an act of ecclesiastical tyranny and proscription, which, looking back upon after the lapse of twenty years, we deliberately pronounce to be without a parallel in modern times, for its injustice? We shall give proofs so conclusive that no such organization ever existed, as to forever set the question at rest with every person who lays the slightest claim to candor. And first, we call attention to the following paper, which was prepared and signed by the men who were supposed to be prominent in the " Nazarite organization." It was published at the time in the Northern Independent, and in a fly-sheet form. A copy was given to Bishop Simpson. GENESEE CONFERENCE MATTERS. READ AND THEN JUDGE. The seventeen members of the Genesee Conference who signed this emphatic denial, were prominent among those commonly designated as " Nazarites." If there was any such association, they must have known it ; for they were the men of whom this association was said to be, in the main, composed. Five of the number had been presiding elders, and four of them members of the General Conference. Out of the entire number, only three were ever members of the Free Methodist Church. One we believe, afterwards joined the Presbyterians, another, the United Brethren. The rest, so far as we know, are either in the M. E. Church, or remained in it until they died. Some of them, in process of time, became the most bitter enemies of the Free Methodist Church. Yet we have never heard that any of them ever made any statement, inconsistent with what they here say. That these men were in circumstances to know the truth of what they affirm, no one can question. Does Bishop Simpson, does any one believe that these seventeen men, and ministers of the Gospel, deliberately published what they knew to be false? Did the Bishop appoint, from year to year, to take charge of churches, and guide souls to Heaven, men who, as he believed, loved and made and published a lie, and stuck to it? Would the Bishop have the public understand that deliberate, wilful, persistent falsehood does not disqualify men from being pastors in the Methodist Episcopal Church? Is it Christian charity to lay, without evidence, seventeen ministers of the Gospel some of whom.died, to all appearance, in holy triumph under the imputation of wilful falsehood, in a matter concerning which they could not possibly be mistaken? There is a plain, an irreconcilable contradiction between the statement of the Bishop, and the statement of these men. The Bishop says of the Free Methodist movement, that it commenced "Within the bounds of the Genesee Conference, and originated in an association of ministers who thought they had not been properly treated by the leading men of the Conference. They privately adopted a platform, and in this organization were known as Nazarites." These seventeen men say : " We hereby declare that, after careful inquiry, we are fully convinced that no such society has ever existed in the bounds of this Conference." They investigated the subject under circumstances the most favorable possible for a thorough investigation. They were themselves not only suspected, but openly accused of being members of such an association. If there were any such members, apart from themselves, these men, their friends, would have found it out. They declare that they made " careful inquiry." And the result left no doubt upon their minds. They say they are FULLY CONVINCED. Their denial is not in the cautious, evasive language of those who seek to conceal the truth under a specious subterfuge. It is open, frank, and comprehensive. They do not deny merely that there is a Nazarite organization, leaving the suspicion on the mind that there was one, but it had been dissolved but they are "fully convinced that no such society has ever existed in the bounds of this Conference." They not only give the result of their inquiry as to others, but with reference to themselves they, say : " This charge of forming an association or encouraging fanaticism, if applied to us, we unhesitatingly pronounce to be unjust, iniquitous, slanderous, and FALSE." Is it possible to form a denial more specific, and more comprehensive? Either their statement is false, or the statement of the Bishop is false. There is no possible way to reconcile them. The Bishop does not profess to speak from. personal knowledge. Relying upon information., he might easily be deceived. These seventeen ministers do profess to speak from personal knowledge. They could not possibly be deceived. If their statement is untrue, it is knowingly, and from set purpose, untrue. In addition to signing the foregoing denial, the Rev. Asa Abell, in an article published in the Northern Independent, March 10th, 1859, says :.
In a matter of this kind the personal character of the witnesses is to be considered. With that of the Bishop we have nothing to do. We may concede, in this respect, all that his warmest friends may claim for him.. For he does not assert that he ever attended a meeting of the " association,' or that he is a personal witness in the matter. He gained his knowledge from others. All experience has shown that it is not difficult to impose.on one of a generous and confiding nature. Free from guile himself, he is slow to suspect. that those to whom he has given his confidence, and who stand in the relation to him of personal friends and official advisers, can practice deception upon him. So that in showing the falsity of the statements of the Bishop, we make no reflection upon him. But the character of these seventeen 'men is an important element in this investigation. They are voluntary witnesses, who come forward, in order to remove an unjust aspersion, and who speak in relation to a matter which they were generally supposed to understand ; and which they claimed to understand. Are they men to be believed? Is their general character such as to render them credible witnesses? We know of but one of the entire number whose character for veracity was ever called in question. We will leave him out. As to the rest, they are men whose testimony would be given full force in hay court of justice, in any concern, however important. Some of them were men who spent long and useful lives in the ministry. Asa Abell was one of the pioneers of Methodism in Western New York. He joined the Genesee Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1821. During his long and remarkably successful ministry,. he was presiding elder for eighteen years. He was a member of four successive General Conferences of the. Church. When the Free Methodist Church was organized, he showed. his devotion to the principles he had always advocated, by voluntarily severing his connection with the Church to which he had given the best energies of his life ; and uniting with a few proscribed and persecuted men, when, as yet, it was doubtful whether they would be able to maintain their existence, as a denomination. During his long life, even the breath of calumny never dared whisper anything against his fair name. John P. Kent was in the ministry for a longer period, and always bore a reputation above reproach. He never left the M. E. Church, but is an honored, superannuated minister. The records of the Genesee Conference of the M. E. Church say of Rev. Samuel C. Church, D. D.: ".His conscientiousness would not allow him to be a neutral. His good sense and generosity kept him from mere partisanship." Charles D. Burlingham was an able, upright, genial-hearted man, loyal to the M. E. Church, in which he died an acceptable, respected minister. The minutes of the Western New York Conference of the M. E. Church for 1875, say : " Brother Burlingham was a man of superior talents, a man of culture and sound piety, an able writer and preacher, an excellent pastor, greatly respected and loved by all who knew him. His departure was unexpected and sudden, yet he was fully prepared ; and died as he had lived, a true Christian, an honored and faithful minister of Christ." Did Bishop Simpson, in his large experience with men, ever know one more conscientious and God-fearing than Amos Hard? Who, ever questioned his honesty of purpose? Is it possible for a man to give a better proof of genuine piety than this man did, down to the sudden end of his useful, self-denying life? Of him the minutes of the Genesee Conference of the M. E. Church for 1878, say : " Brother Amos Hard, as a Christian was thorough and earnest. He tolerated nothing superficial in himself, or others. In the words of his life-long friend, Rev. Dr. Reddy, ' He abhorred all shams.' His study and prayer to find out what the Bible meant by ` holiness,' his hunger for its experience, his wrestlings and fastings, and rigorous self-testings, and the unutterable sweetness of divine love, with which his whole soul was filled, as related by himself, constitute one of the most vivid pictures of a Christian mightily in earnest. Measured by the standard of success in winning souls to Christ, few have gone from among us to a richer reward, or leaving behind a more glorious record." In making up a history of events in which such men bore a prominent part, is their testimony respecting these events to be set aside, without even assigning any cause? Is it to be assumed, without evidence, that they placed themselves on record as falsifiers of facts with which they were well acquainted? And is such assumption to pass into history unchallenged? ' Is partisan prejudice, or denominational pride to supercede the necessity of candidly, weighing evidence, and honestly endeavoring to ascertain and state the truth? notice is to be taken of the testimony of such men as these, what is the use of human testimony? History may as well be written wholly from the imagination. If these men are to be believed, then is Bishop Simpson' s statement that the Free Methodist Church had its origin in an " association of ministers" who " privately adopted a platform, and ' in this organization were known as Nazarites," utterly false.. But what is to be done with the " Documents of the Nazarite Union I"' Do they not assume that there was such an organization? We reply : Does not every work of fiction speak of the events which it relates as though they in reality took place? But who, on that account, quotes them as history? The only proof ever adduced, to our knowledge, (and we presume we have read all that has been written on the subject,),that such an organization ever existed, is drawn from the writings of one man, his letters and the pamphlet entitled, " Documents of the Nazarite Union of the Genesee Conference of the M. E. Church,' and on the vote of the Genesee Conference, based on these documents. The body of this pamphlet was read by the Rev. Joseph McCreery, to the Conference at its annual session at Olean in 1855. But he stated at the same time, that he was " the Nazarite Union," that he alone was responsible for the whole affair. Others, supposed to belong to it, corroborated his statement, that the whole matter was a fancy of his own creation. Joseph McCreery more than intimates this in.the preface of his pamphlet. He says: "
Notice that the author of this pamphlet states : " That it is only as yet a mere proposal to return to the old paths." But a proposal is not proof that the thing proposed is an accomplished fact. Other proof is needed to show that the proposal was carried out. That proof, in this case, does not exist. Before the Genesee conference at its session at Perry, in 1858, Joseph McCreery testified :
Is not this plain? In a letter to Rev. H. Hornsby, Rev. J. McCreery explains still more fully : " PARMA CENTRE, Nov. 11, 1855. REV. H. HORNSBY : At the Perry Conference the question of the existence of a " Nazarite organization" was judicially investigated. The utmost pains were taken to prove its existence. But all the proof that was brought was the " Documents" in question. But if these " Documents " are admissible as evidence, then the declaration of their author concerning them is equally admissible, and is entitled to equal weight. But this declaration, in his own' language is, that " The whole concern is a fiction prepared and.ready to become a fact, when we should see fit to make it such." 'That time never came. But it is said that the Olean Conference voted that there was such a society. Their vote relating to this matter is published in the minutes as follows :
We must confess Our inability to understand this language. It looks absurd to charge that the " Nazarites " " claimed to be peculiar " in respect to having " some forms of secrecy." That men who had for years been opposing secret societies, should be charged with making such a " claim," seems extremely marvellous. They knew that there were many societies which had " forms of secresy." It is by no means certain, supposing this to be a true copy of the record, that the record is correct. We have known instances where secretaries quite as competent as the one who made that record, have, without intending it, in copying documents upon the journal, made such mistakes as to seriously affect the meaning. But supposing the copy and the record to be correct, 'suppose the Conference voted as it is here said they did, their vote that a fact existed does not prove that it actually existed. Shall we concede infallibility to the Genesee Conference, blinded by partisan fury, when we deny it to the Pope and his General Council, acting in a dispassionate manner? The vote does not even prove that the Conference believed that what they voted was true. It simply proves that they had power to pass such a, vote, and did pass it. This same Genesee Conference at its session at LeRoy in 1857, voted as a fact what every man voting KNEW was not a fact. They did so on my trial. With my printed article before them, they voted that I said in that article, what they knew I did not say. I called their attention to it, and made it so plain that the dullest could not fail to see it. That a vote of a Conference that a fact exists is no proof of its existence, is shown by the records of a far more respectable body of the M. E. Church than the Genesee Conference. The Journal of the General Conference held at Philadelphia, May, 1864, has the following record:
The men who voted this self-congratulation were elected from the various Conferences to represent the piety and the wisdom of the Church. They were men above the average of Methodist preachers. These men must have known that there were upon the journal of the General Conference, having the force of law, resolutions passed only twenty-eight years before, which. plainly contradict the above claim to " have from the beginning been foremost among American Churches in the contest against slavery." We doubt whether any respectable body ever gave a greater insult to a reading people. We copy from the Journal of the General Conference of the M. E. Church for 1836 :
Can you, after reading the action of these two General Conferences of the M. E. Church, believe that the vote of a Methodist Episcopal Conference proves anything more than that they passed it? Are you not then convinced that the assertion of Bishop Simpson, that the Free Methodist movement " originated in an association of ministers, who privately adopted a platform, and in this organization were known as Nazarites," is utterly false? Can you possibly come to any other conclusion? Ought not the Bishop to have given these facts some candid attention, before he admitted into his book, a statement so foundationless and false? His fundamental assertion being proved false, it follows that all those dependent upon it are equally false. If there was no organization, then it could have had no name, no platform, and no publications. |
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