By Rev. B. T. Roberts
At a Convention held at Pekin, in August, 1860, the Free Methodist Discipline was adopted, and B. T. Roberts elected General Superintendent. The Genesee Conference of the Free Methodist Church was organized at Rushford, Allegany County, N. Y., under the Discipline, in October, 1860. Five preachers were received into full connection, all of whom had been preachers in the M. E. Church. Seven preachers were received on probation. The total number of members reported we' do not find recorded. The Western Conference of the Free Methodist Church was organized under the Discipline, at Wayne, DuPage County, Ills., June. 14, 1861. Three preachers were received into full connection, one of whom had been recently pastor of a Congregational church, and one, years before, had been a traveling preacher in the M. E. Church. Twenty preachers were admitted on probation. The total number' of members reported was 511. The first General Conference was held in October, 1862. We give statistics for that year, and for each subsequent four years:
Of the preachers now belonging to the Free Methodist Conferences, only nineteen, we believe, ever be-longed to any Conference in the M. E. Church. So there does not seem to be any propriety in calling this movement a secession. They have twelve Annual Conferences, extending from New York to Kansas. They have founded two schools, of the rank of academies, which are in successful operation one at North Chili, Monroe Co., N. Y., the other at Spring. Arbor, Jackson Co., Mich. There is, under the patronage of the denomination,. a monthly magazine, THE EARNEST CHRISTIAN, de-voted to experimental and practical piety. It was. started in 1860 by its present editor and publisher,. Rev. B. T. Roberts: also a weekly paper, The Free Methodist, published by Messrs. Baker & Arnold, at Sycamore, Ills. They also publish two Sabbath-school papers, The Pearl and The Lily. As far as we can judge, the denomination is on the whole, in a flourishing condition.
This book gives an authentic account of the origin of the Free Methodist Church, giving facts never before collected or published. It covers new ground, and is the only full account of the events which led to the formation of the Free Methodist Church. The author writes from personal knowledge of the events, and, as the first General Superintendent of the Free Methodist Church, his statements must have weight, and the book become at once authority. JUST ISSUED. PRICE, $1.15. 12mo, 321 pp. Bound in Cloth."THE EARNEST CHRISTIAN" PUBLICATIONS. Fishers of Men OR, PRACTICAL HINTS TO THOSE WHO WOULD WIN SOULS.BY REV. B. T. ROBERTS, A.M., Editor of " The Earnest Christian and Golden Rule." TABLE OF CONTENTS. What is Success?--Success a Duty—How to Succeed—Call to Preach—Religious Experience—Baptism of the Spirit—The Standard—Preaching—How to Preach—Love—Faith — Feeling — Prayer—Personal Effort—Cooperation—Study—Discipline. Price, $ 1.25 (post paid). 12mo., pp. 289, bound in cloth. WHAT IS SAID ABOUT IT. " I have been stirred up by it. It has convicted, instructed and encouraged me. "—REV. M. N. DOWNING. " The book is very readable, and its reading doubtless will benefit any one who is engaged in the Lord's work."—Banner of Holiness. " This book is no ordinary production. The ideas and teachings of Mr. Roberts are clear, forcible and just. "—REV. J.. P. BLANCHARD, D. D., Editor of The Christian Cynosure. " We believe that we speak consistently when we say, that this is the best production of its kind the country has furnished; and feel confident that, when once introduced, the Christian world will value it highly."--The Free Methodist. " I have read ` Fishers of Men' with greater interest than I can express. It is full of the Gospel, and must be a help to those who would win souls."—DR. CULLIS of Boston, Editor of Times of Refreshing. 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It opposes sin in all forms, and advocates Free Churches, Spirituality, Simplicity, Plainness, Entire Consecration to God—in short, TRUE HOLINESS OF HEART AND LIFE. It is not sectarian in its character. Each number contains 32 pages octavo. It is printed in a neat style, and makes a valuable book bound. The 39th volume commences in January, 1880. Terms $1.25 a year in advance. Five copies sent to one address for one dollar each. F" Any one sending us four subscribers, with the money, will be entitled to one number free. Send money order on Rochester P. O., or in a registered letter. ANNIHILATIONISM. BY REV. THOS. S. LADUE. THIS is a neat pamphlet of seventy-two pages, and should be carefully by every one as affording a complete refutation to the material ism of the day. Send on your orders. Price by mail, by the dozen, $1.50; single copy, 20 cents. Eternal Punishment: OR, HELL AND DAMNATION.The Theories of Annihilation, Purgatory and Universalism disproved, and the Orthodox Doctrines demonstrated. BY REV. G. H. HUMPHREY, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Birmingham, Pittsburgh, Pa. This book should be carefully studied by all. Its statements are clear its arguments conclusive. Price, 50 cents, 132 pages. F Any of the EARNEST CHRISTIAN publications will be sent post-paid on receipt of price. Send money in Registered Letter, or P. O. Money Order on Rochester, N. Y. Address all orders, B. T: ROBERTS, Rochester, N. Y.
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