Verse 1
Exodus 34:1. Hew thee two tables
of stone like the first —
Before, God himself both
provided the tables and wrote on
them; now, Moses must prepare
the tables, and God would only
write upon them. This might be
intended partly to signify God’s
displeasure on account of their
sin; for though he had pardoned
them, the wound was not, healed
without a scar; and partly to
show, that although the covenant
of grace was first made without
man’s care and counsel, yet it
should not be renewed without
man’s repentance. And as the
tables of stone were
emblematical of the hardness of
their heart, so the hewing of
them by Moses, and writing on
them by the Lord, might denote
that circumcision and renovation
of their hearts by the ministry
of God’s word, and the influence
of his Spirit, which were
necessary to prepare them for
receiving God’s mercies and the
performance of their duties. We
may observe also, that although
the first tables were broken, to
show that there was no hope for
mankind to be saved by their
innocence, yet God would have
the law to be in force still as
a rule of obedience, and
therefore, as soon as he was
reconciled to them, ordered the
tables to be renewed, and wrote
his law on them. This plainly
intimates, that even under the
gospel (of which the
intercession of Moses was
typical) the moral law continues
to oblige believers. For though
Christ hath redeemed us from the
curse of the law, yet not from
the command of it, but still we
are under the law to Christ.
When our Saviour, in his sermon
on the mount, expounded the
moral law, and vindicated it
from the corrupt glosses with
which the scribes and Pharisees
had obliterated and broken it,
he did, in effect, renew the
tables, and make them like the
first, that is, reduce the law
to its primitive sense and
intention. And by his writing it
on our hearts by his Spirit, as
he wrote it on the tables by his
finger or power, we may be
enabled to conform our lives to
Verse 5
Exodus 34:5. The Lord descended
— By some sensible token of his
presence, and manifestation of
his glory. He descended in the
cloud — Probably that pillar of
cloud which had hitherto gone
before Israel, and had the day
before met Moses at the door of
the tabernacle.
Verse 6-7
Exodus 34:6-7. And the Lord
passed by before him — Fixed
views of God are reserved for
the future state; the best we
have in this world are
transient. And proclaimed the
name of the Lord — By which he
would make himself known. He had
made himself known to Moses, in
the glory of his self- existence
and self-sufficiency, when he
proclaimed that name, I am that
I am; now he makes himself known
in the glory of his grace and
goodness, and all-sufficiency to
us. The proclaiming of it
denotes the universal extent of
God’s mercy; he is not only good
to Israel, but good to all. The
God with whom we have to do is a
great God. He is Jehovah, the
Lord, that hath his being of
himself, and is the fountain of
all being; Jehovah-El, the Lord,
the strong God, a God of
almighty power himself, and the
original of all power. This is
prefixed before the display of
his mercy, to teach us to think
and to speak even of God’s
goodness with a holy awe, and to
encourage us to depend upon
these mercies. He is a good God.
His greatness and goodness
illustrate each other. That his
greatness may not make us
afraid, we are told how good he
is; and that we may not presume
upon his goodness, we are told
how great he is. Many words are
here heaped up to acquaint us
with, and convince us of, God’s
goodness. 1st, He is merciful —
This speaks his pity and tender
compassion, like that of a
father to his children. This is
put first, because it is the
first wheel in all the instances
of God’s good-will to fallen
Prayer of Manasseh 1:2 d, He is
gracious — This signifies both
freeness and kindness: it speaks
him not only to have compassion
for his creatures, but a
complacency in them, and in
doing good to them; and this of
his own good-will, not for the
sake of any thing in them. 3d,
He is long-suffering — This is a
branch of God’s goodness which
our wickedness gives occasion
for. He is long-suffering, that
is, he is slow to anger, and
delays the executions of his
justice; he waits to be
gracious, and lengthens out the
offers of his mercy. 4th, He is
abundant in goodness and truth —
This imports plentiful goodness;
it abounds above our deserts,
above our conceptions. The
springs of mercy are always
full, the streams of mercy
always flowing; there is mercy
enough in God, enough for all,
enough for each, enough for
ever. It speaks promised
goodness, goodness and truth put
together, goodness engaged by
promise. 5th. He keepeth mercy
for thousands — This speaks,
(1,) Mercy extended to thousands
of persons. When he gives to
some, still he keeps for others,
and is never exhausted: (2,)
Mercy entailed upon thousands of
generations, even to those upon
whom the ends of the world are
come: nay, the line of it is
drawn parallel with that of
eternity itself. 6th, He
forgiveth iniquity,
transgression, and sin —
Pardoning mercy is instanced in,
because in that divine grace is
most magnified, and because it
is that which opens the door to
all other gifts of grace. He
forgives offences of all sorts,
iniquity, transgression, and
sin, multiplies his pardons, and
with him is plenteous
redemption. Nevertheless, 7th,
He is just and holy, for he will
by no means clear the guilty —
The word guilty, indeed, is not
in the original; but the sense
requires this, or some such
word, to be supplied, as it is
in the Septuagint. The
expression intimates, that
however merciful and forgiving
God is toward the penitent, yet
he will not suffer his honour
and authority to be trampled
upon by those who wantonly abuse
his lenity and forbearance.
Therefore the passage is thus
rendered by the Chaldee: Sparing
those who are converted to his
laws, and not justifying those
who are not converted. It is
true, Maimonides, and others
after him, take these words to
be a further amplification of
the goodness of God, signifying,
that in punishing offenders he
will not utterly destroy them.
For he translates, נקה לא ינקה,
nakkeh lo jenakkeh, extirpating
he will not extirpate, in
visiting the iniquities of the
fathers upon the children: that
is, Though he chastise the
guilty, yet he will not destroy
them. But there appears to be no
authority for translating the
passage thus, unless Isaiah 3:26
be an instance in which the word
נקה nakkeh requires to have such
a sense affixed to it. Certainly
the other is the common meaning
of it, and is perfectly
consistent with the account of
God’s other perfections and the
delineation of his character
here given. For his justice is
in perfect harmony with his
mercy, and is equally a branch
of his love and goodness, to
curb and restrain sin, being as
much an act of divine goodness
as to pardon the penitent and
reward the obedient. (1,) He
will by no means clear the
impenitently guilty, those that
go on still in their trespasses.
For none are pardoned but those
that repent and forsake all
known sin. (2,) He will not
clear even the penitent without
satisfaction to his justice, His
pardoning mercy is never
exercised but through the
atonement of Christ, and by
faith in him. For “without
shedding of blood there is no
remission.” (3,) The sin which
is even pardoned is generally
chastised, and the people of God
themselves are corrected for the
failures and imperfections of
their obedience. Nay, in many
cases, the children suffer for
the follies and vices of their
parents, and the parents may
read their own sins in the
disorders and miseries of their
offspring. Thus, at least, does
God “visit the iniquity of the
fathers upon the children:” yet
he “keepeth not his anger for
ever,” but visits to the third
and fourth generation only,
while he “keeps mercy for
thousands.” This is God’s name
for ever, and this is his
memorial to all generations.
Verse 8
Exodus 34:8. And Moses made
haste and bowed his head — Thus
he expressed his humble
reverence and adoration of God’s
glory, together with his joy in
this discovery God had made of
himself, and his thankfulness
for it. Then likewise he
expressed his holy submission to
the will of God, made known in
this declaration, subscribing to
his justice as well as mercy,
and putting himself and his
people Israel under the
government of such a God as
Jehovah had now proclaimed
himself to be. Let this God be
our God for ever and ever!
Verse 9
Exodus 34:9. And he said, I pray
thee go among us — Thus Moses
prays for the things God had
already promised, not as
doubting the sincerity of God’s
grants, but as one solicitous
for the ratification of them.
But it is a strange plea he
urges; for it is a stiff-necked
people — God had given this as a
reason why he would not go along
with them, Exodus 33:3. Yea,
saith Moses, the rather go along
with us; for the worse they are,
the more need they have of thy
presence. Moses sees them so
stiff-necked, that he has
neither patience nor power
enough to deal with them;
therefore, Lord, do thou go
among us; else they will never
be kept in awe; thou wilt spare,
and bear with them, for thou art
God and not man.
Verse 10
Exodus 34:10. Behold I make a
covenant — When the covenant was
broken, it was Israel that broke
it; now it comes to be renewed,
it is God that makes it; if
there be quarrels, we must bear
all the blame; if there be
peace, God must have all the
glory. Before all thy people I
will do marvels — Such as the
drying up of Jordan, the causing
of the sun to stand still.
Marvels indeed, for they were
without precedent; and they were
the terror of their enemies: it
is a terrible thing that I will
Verse 11
Exodus 34:11. Observe that which
I command thee — We cannot
expect the benefit of the
promises unless we make
conscience of the precepts. The
two great precepts are, 1st,
Thou shalt worship no other gods
— A good reason is annexed; for
the Lord, whose name is Jealous,
is a jealous God — As tender in
the matters of his worship as
the husband is of the honour of
the marriage bed. 2d, Thou shalt
make thee no molten gods — Thou
shalt not worship the true God
by images. This was the sin they
had lately fallen into, which
therefore they are particularly
cautioned against. That they
might not be tempted to worship
other gods, they must not join
in affinity or friendship with
those that did.
Verse 12
Exodus 34:12. Take heed to
thyself — It is a sin thou art
prone to, and that will easily
beset thee; carefully abstain
from all advances toward it;
make no covenant with the
inhabitants of the land — If
God, in kindness to them, drove
out the Canaanites, they ought,
in duty to God, not to harbour
them: If they espoused their
children, they would be in
danger of espousing their gods.
That they might not be tempted
to make molten gods, they must
utterly destroy those they
found, and all that belonged to
them, the altars and groves,
lest, if they were left
standing, they should be brought
in process of time either to use
them, or to take pattern by
Verse 21
Exodus 34:21. Here is a
repetition of several
appointments made before,
especially relating to their
solemn feasts: when they had
made the calf, they proclaimed a
feast in honour of it; now, that
they might never do so again,
they are here charged with the
observance of the feasts which
God had instituted. Thou shalt
rest, even in earing-time and in
harvest — The most busy times of
the year. All worldly business
must give way to that holy rest:
harvest-work will prosper the
better for the religious
observation of the sabbath day
in harvest-time. Hereby we must
show that we prefer our
communion with God, before
either the business or the joy
of harvest.
Verse 23-24
Exodus 34:23-24. Thrice in the
year shall all the men-children
appear — But it might be
suggested, when all the males
from every part were gone up to
worship in the place that God
should choose, the country would
be left exposed to the insults
of their neighbours; and what
would become of the poor women
and children? Trust God with
them. Neither shall any man
desire thy land — Not only they
shall not invade it, but they
shall not so much as think of
invading it. What a standing
miracle was this, for so many
Verse 28
Exodus 34:28. He, God, wrote.
Verse 29
Exodus 34:29. The skin of his
face shone — At this time of his
being in the mount, he heard
only the same he had heard
before. But he saw more of the
glory of God, which having with
open face beheld, he was, in
some measure, changed into the
same image. This was a great
honour done to Moses, that the
people might never again
question his mission, or think
or speak slightly of him. He
carried his credentials in his
very countenance; some think, as
long as he lived he retained
some remainders of this glory,
which perhaps contributed to the
vigour of his old age; that eye
could not wax dim which had seen
God, nor that face wrinkle which
had shone with his glory.
Verse 30
Exodus 34:30. And Aaron and the
children of Israel saw it, and
were afraid — It not only
dazzled their eyes, but struck
such an awe upon them as obliged
them to retire. Probably they
doubted whether it was a token
of God’s favour, or of his
Verse 33
Exodus 34:33. And Moses put a
veil on his face — This veil
signified the darkness of that
dispensation; the ceremonial
institutions had in them much of
Christ and the gospel, but a
veil was drawn over it, so that
the children of Israel could not
distinctly and steadfastly see
those good things to come which
the law had a shadow of. It was
beauty veiled, gold in the mine,
a pearl in the shell; but thanks
be to God, by the gospel, the
veil is taken away from off the
Old Testament; yet still it
remains upon the hearts of those
who shut their eyes against the
Verse 34
Exodus 34:34. When he went
before the Lord, he put off the
veil — Every veil must be thrown
aside when we go to present
ourselves unto the Lord. This
signified also, as it is
explained, 2 Corinthians 3:16,
that when a soul turns to the
Lord, the veil shall be taken
away, that with open face it may
behold his glory. |