By Arno Clement Gaebelein
Political Events.Peace, Peace; When There is No Peace. In the days of the weeping prophet, Jeremiah, the optimistic cry of priests and people was "Peace -- Peace!" Yet there was no peace and as this awful self-deception of the people increased the clouds of divine judgment and wrath gathered over Jerusalem. In the midst of the backsliding and secure professing people of God stood Jeremiah with his God given message, that there was no peace. What he preached was the very opposite from the optimistic imaginations of an outwardly prosperous people. And how he had to suffer for his faithful witness. In our days likewise the popular preaching is peace; peace, progress and prosperity; all is well. What God has to say in His infallible Word concerning coming judgments is ignored and in spite of the most ominous signs and warnings of impending troubles, the greater part of Christendom believes that the world is getting better, universal peace is in sight and great reform movements will bring in a greater righteousness. But some great Statesmen take a very gloomy view of conditions. Ex-Premier Balfour of England made recently a prophecy in the presence of the assembled editors of the British Empire. He said that the nations would have to fight soon a great battle, most likely in the German Ocean. At the same time Lord Rosebery addressing this Imperial Press Congress also sounded a note of warning. Lord Rosebery was particularly serious in his reference to the European situation, pointing out that whereas all the talk is of peace all the action is in preparation for war. He said he regarded the outlook as ominous, almost appalling. He had never seen the condition of things in Europe so remarkable and so menacing as at this moment. There were features of this general preparation for war, he declared, which must cause special anxiety to the friends of the British Empire. One was forced to wonder where it was going to stop, whether it would merely bring Europe back into a state of barbarism or whether it would cause a catastrophe in which the workingmen of the world would say: "We will have no more of this madness and this foolery which is grinding us to powder." This does not sound very optimistic. The Word of God predicts this very programme. A little while longer and the misguided Christian masses, misguided by their teachers, many of whom are alas! blind leaders of the blind, will have to lament and face trouble, disaster and judgment. "We look for peace, but no good came; and for a time of health, and behold trouble!" (Jerem. viii:15). "For when they shall say. Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape" (1 Thess. v:3). Russia's Threatening Attitude Toward Turkey. The leading Russian papers have of late assumed a very hostile attitude. The government organ, Novoye Vremya, made recently the significant statement "that Turkey must be wiped off the map of Europe." For nearly a year past the belief has been held among usually well-informed statesmen that Russia and England have come to an understanding hostile to Turkey. They have adopted the policy which they agreed on in the summer of 1908 when King Edward met the Czar at Reval, a policy that was the immediate cause of the Turkish revolution in that its interference in the internal affairs of the Ottoman Empire offended enough politico-military sentiment in Turkey to enable the committee to overthrow Abdul Hamid. That policy was left in abeyance until time should show whether the Young Turks and their constitutional parliamentary system could produce a decent administration. The verdict of the Russian and apparently of the British Government is hostile. England has completely reversed her old time policy toward the Turkish Empire. Toward the end of his career the late Lord Salisbury said that in the Russo-Turkish problem England had put her money on the wrong horse. Now she has stopped even hedging on her stake and gone over to the Russian and the original Gladstonian policy that a Turk as a political administrator must get out of Europe bag and baggage. How soon, how easily and by what steps can this end be reached? Presented graphically, the process now being applied resembles the upper and nether millstone at work and Constantinople being ground between them. Russia in the Macedonian north and England in the Arabian south are regarded as engaged deliberately in destroying the authority of the Turkish central Government at Constantinople. The motive for the present inflexible hostility of the two Governments to the new Turkish regime is by no means based on altruistic sympathy with oppressed Christian nationalities nor even on treaty rights. It springs from the conviction held by Russia and England that Turkey is not to be trusted. Moreover they think that she is not to be feared. Her sole strength in the way of prestige is the German organization of her army, and since the present year began this newly modelled army has been subjected north and south to continuous humiliation. Many Russians go so far as to hold that the present movement will finish the Ottoman Empire and the Sublime Porte, that the Turkish administrative system as it exists at present will be relegated to Asia Minor with its capital at Bagdad, and that it will rank approximately with Persia among the political powers. The student of Prophecy concerning the time of the end will discover in these political manoeuverings and the soon coming collapse of the Turkish power in Europe a possible preparation for that end. Russia must ere long assume the leadership in the Eastern question. War Preparations. Universal peace and the abolishment of war in this present age is a dream, which will never be realized. There is not a single verse in the Bible which promises a state of peace for this poor world in this age. On the other hand there are numerous predictions of wars to continue during this present age and at the close nation is to lift up sword against nation and kingdom against kingdom (Matthew xxiv:7). Peace on earth will some day be a reality. A great disarmament is bound to come. Such a glorious time will come. But the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ, must come back first as the victorious King. He will speak peace to the nations and they shall learn war no more. This age is almost ended and one of the signs of the end are the great war preparations going on now. The Japanese Government is beginning to erect a gigantic steel plant at Tokio. The plant will be fully equipped to manufacture guns of all sizes and will make armor plate of every description. They are learning the art of war in an astonishing way from "the Christian nations" Our friend Mr. Frank S. Weston, Pastor of the Emanuel Baptist Church in Toronto, sent us recently an interesting communication on this matter, which we print herewith-.
Russia's Preparation. Russia is making very definite headway with the building of a powerful navy for the Black Sea. In this she is rapidly preparing for the final part she will have to take in the closing days of this present age. The conquest of Turkey and her provinces, Syria and Palestine, is Russia's ambition. Even so God's Word predicts.
Peace Confidence is Shaken. The universal peace confidence received a bad setback during the past weeks. The German Emperor in a speech at a banquet in Hamburg said recently that it isn't astonishing that the upward movement of German trade has inconvenienced many parties. He continued: "World competition in commerce is wholesome for peoples and for States and is necessary to stimulate them to new achievements. But that competition is capable of being fought out peaceably. "Protection to our trade and navigation has been provided by our navy, which is developing powerfully and distinguishing itself everywhere by its good behavior and discipline. It represents the German people's desire for salt water. "I think that I can assume that Hamburgers desire that the navy be further strengthened so as to insure that nobody will dispute that place in the world which is our due." At the same time France made strong declarations against universal peace. All France endorses the policy of resistance to Germany. A leading French official said, "France may sometimes have yielded to the illusion of universal peace, but she has now ceased to consider a European conflict as an impossibility." Even the most sanguine peace promoters realize that the dreams of peace millennium is far off". The War in the East. The war in the Balkan Peninsula has been the leading event. In a very short time the armies moving against Turkey were successful. City after city, fortress after fortress fell, till in less than four weeks Constantinople heard the booming guns, and the victorious warriors encircled the city. The accounts read like some of the wars recorded in the Word, when God moved His hosts against the enemies of Israel. But who can describe the horrors of this present-day warfare! The newest inventions, powerful, rapid-firing machine guns are being now put to test to show how many hundreds of lives they can cut down in a few minutes. How many thousands and tens of thousands have fallen, no one can tell. And then the thousands of wounded and maimed men! Oh! the horrors of war! One shudders in thinking of the young men and even boys, drafted to go to the front, and the heartaches, tears, pain and sorrow, connected with it all. Then there is that which always follows, famine and pestilence. As we write this the outcome of all is still in the balances. One thing seems to have become certain. Great changes will result and new kingdoms and alliances will be formed. The crescent is going down; Turkey is being stripped of its power. All this, all enlightened believers, who know the Word, watch with the intensest interest, for it is exactly that, which may be expected. The War in the East is the most solemn sign of the times, the Lord has given to His people. But what about the other nations?^ What about the universal war, a conflagration of Europe?^ We give an account, which was cabled from London by a well informed correspondent and which describes the situation.
What may take place no one knows. The situation seems desperate. What would result if the great nations would go to war is beyond description. The Balkan Situation. Significant developments have taken place in the Balkan States. Montenegro, Servia, Bulgaria and Greece are arising against Turkey and these States seem to be determined to make an end of the wicked empire and drive the Turk out of Europe. Every student of modern history dating back fifty years knows the horrible record of Turkey. It is a record, a crime, cold-blooded butcheries of thousands of innocent human beings. These atrocities are of such a nature, especially those committed upon women, young girls and children, that they cannot be mentioned in print. Within our lifetime these satanic outrages have taken place and the so-called ''Concert of Europe," the "Christian" (!) nations have stood by and not alone refused to interfere, but even helped that hell-born empire to continue in them. With Italy's attack upon Turkey the death-knell of Turkey seems to have been sounded. Thousands of Greeks, Bulgars and others are returning from our shores to their home lands to engage in the coming warfare, which they term a holy war. The enthusiasm and self-sacrifice reminds one of the crusades. On account of this ominous situation all Europe stands aghast. The great nations fear now a universal conflagration, and the question with them seems to be chiefly who is to come out ahead of the game. Germany's friendship with Turkey is well known. In the highest European diplomatic circles the opinion prevails that Germany plays a tremendous game and has for her chief object the absolute control of Europe. One of the most clever students of the situation writes from Berlin that all Europe has been plunged into the darkest pessimism bordering on despair. Is this going to be the first step towards a changed map of Europe? Will Turkey at last fall? What is Russia going to do? What will be the result of all these upheavals? Will the predicted revival of the Roman Empire with its ruling little horn (Daniel vii) be the outcome? All these are interesting questions. But we are not called upon to prophesy. Only God knows what the near future will bring. But surely this much we can say: "It will be foul weather for the sky is red and lowering" (Matthew xvi:1-3). A friend writes us: "The news has come of the proposed ultimatum by the Balkan States to Turkey. If so the match is about to be applied to the powder magazine. It seems inevitable that one at least of the great powers will be drawn into the conflict; and if one, then all. On the other hand, the Lord's hour may not have arrived as yet. It may be in His plan to restrain the violence of man for yet a little season. However that may be, it becomes increasingly apparent that the end is near and hastens greatly. "Even so, come. Lord Jesus." With this we agree fully. May all that wait for His coming turn more than ever to the Word of Prophecy, especially to Daniel and Revelation. "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written herein; for the time is at hand" (Rev. i:3). Russia's Attitude. The Russian Empire has been very much in the foreground of late. The treaty of 1832 was abolished by the U. S. Senate. This was mostly brought about by Jewish influences. In connection with this incident the Russian bear has shown its teeth. The hatred against the Jewish race is not on the wane in the great northern empire. Antisemitism is as strong as ever and it is only a question of time when other fierce outbreaks against the Jews will occur. The Word of God speaks repeatedly of a great Northern power, of the time of the end, the enemy of Israel. That power is Russia. Still more significant is Russia's abominable behavior against Persia. During the past three or four years Russia's aim has been to extend her dominion southward and find an outlet into the Indian Ocean. Steadily she has laid her plans to annex Persia. The success of this movement is only a question of time as Russia's troops are already in possession of Persian territory. Recently they massacred hundreds of innocent women and children. In Ezekiel xxxviii is found an unfulfilled prophecy. All students of the prophetic Word are agreed that Gog and Magog, the chief prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal (xxxixil) is Russia. Russia during the end of the age will head a great confederacy of nations to invade Israel's land once more. In the list of nations which are joined to Gog and Magog, Persia is mentioned (verse 5). Russia by her fierce hatred of the Jews and forward movement in Central Asia is preparing for her destiny and final complete overthrow. Germany's National Debt. In thirty-three years Germany's national debt has swelled from twenty million dollars to one billion, one hundred million dollars -- from twenty million dollars to eleven hundred million. In 1871, Germany had forty-one million inhabitants and in 1910 sixty-four million, an increase not quite sixty-four per cent. The expenditure for armament, responsible for the enormous debt, has more than doubled. If this continues, as it evidently must, a terrible condition will soon be reached. It spells revolution and lawlessness. The Horrors of the Eastern War. The details of the wholesale massacres of the Christian population in parts of the Balkan peninsula, are just coming to light. Wicked Turkey is keeping up her bloody record, and the end is not yet. We quote from a report sent lately by an army officer stationed at Adrianople. The report was made to the President of the Alliance Universelle,
This is horrible reading. How little we, who are living in a land of peace and plenty, think of these unfortunate thousands! Most of us give it just a passing thought. We should pray daily for these suffering ones, no doubt many of them true children of God. And oh! Lord, how long! how long! It seems as if the end with its final struggles, its judgments and troubles, cannot be far off. Is the War to be Ended? The representatives of Turkey with those of Bulgaria, Montenegro, Servia, and Greece are engaged in London with peace negotiations. Several times it seemed as if the conference would suddenly end and hostilities begin again. One would almost wish that the victorious allies would make a clean sweep and settle the Turkish question once for all, by driving the Turk out of Europe. The peace demands are severe and so far the victors have yielded but little. Turkey itself knows that the complete dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, the once powerful domain of the Sultan, is at hand. The Turkish press has been optimistic. One of the leading papers in Constantinople made the following remarks:
What the immediate outcome of all will be only our God knows. But as far as human vision goes the end of Turkey is in sight. The blow which the so-called "sick man of Europe" has received will finish him. It is interesting to see how the "Christian nations" stand by and watch jealously all that is being done by the victorious Balkan States. Constantinople is the coveted goal by all of them. This war in the East, the complete breakdown of the Turkish Empire, remains the most significant sign of the times. We should not at all be surprised if the "Jewish Question" and Zionism will soon loom up on the horizon of these present day events. The Chaos in the Balkans. The upheavals in the Balkan States have been followed by all our readers in the newspaper reports. The allies have gone to war with each other. Bloody battles have been fought amongst themselves. Greece and Servia are evidently successful and Bulgaria has suffered severe reverses. Roumania has also gone into the game and invaded Bulgaria. Austria and Russia stand behind it all, while the other great Powers look on. The outcome of all must now be awaited. A forecast of possible events is impossible. Greed for possession is responsible for it all. Uneasy Europe. Old Europe feels uneasy. Every Kingdom and Empire is filled with fear and trembling. How will it end? That is the question which statesmen ask and the uncertainty is depressing every industry. Some nations, like Germany, are facing bankruptcy. The people continue to hoard their silver and their gold. Politicians and the masses of the people feel instinctively that an awful crisis is coming upon the whole world. The tension in the United States is even more marked. Distrust prevails. A silent panic is on. Even clever men seem to be at their wit's end. Is not all this a foretaste of that which is coming? "Upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken" (Luke xxi:25-26). The Human Slaughter-House. Such is the title of a small volume which appeared recently in Germany by a hitherto unknown writer. In three months over 100,000 copies were sold. It has created a great sensation in Europe. The volume contains a horrible description of the battlefields of the future. Mechanical invention has changed "the field of honor" into a "human slaughterhouse." According to this realistic description of the next war, machine guns will mow dow^n whole regiments and dynamite dropped from aeroplanes during the night will wipe out human lives by the thousands. We quote a paragraph: "Another thing we know is, that forty years ago, in spite of inferior guns and rifles, over a hundred and twenty thousand dead stayed behind on the field of honor (The Franco-Prussian war). What percentage of the living will modern warfare claim. ^ Armies are being marshalled vaster than the world has ever seen. Germany alone can put six million soldiers in the field; France as many. Then the war of 1870-71 was nothing more than a long-drawn affair of outposts! My brain reels when I try to visualize these masses -- starting to march against one another; I seem to choke for breath." We do not know if the author knows anything of what the Bible predicts concerning the end of the age. Such terrible scenes as he describes will some day be witnessed on this earth. A little prelude was the awful butcheries of the Balkan war. The coming rider of judgment upon the red horse (Rev. vi:4) will take peace from the earth "that they should kill one another." The Balkan War. A peace treaty between Bulgaria and her former allies was signed during August, after which a big religious ceremony took place in the Cathedral of Bucharest. But will this peace last? Before we can publish these notes on current events, new complications may have arisen and another war may be going on. We hope not. The Balkan war has been one of the most disastrous in the history of this blood-trenched earth. A correspondent of the Corriere delta Sera, now in Macedonia, who has visited all the chief centers of the Balkan war, has given an approximate table of the losses in men and money up to the present of the combatant nations. For the first war his estimate is as follows:
When the number of persons massacred and the victims of the cholera epidemics are added to the totals it is reckoned that nearly 400,000 must have perished. The monetary loss all told is said to be $1,360,000,000. The Boer war cost England 20,000 dead and $1,000,000,000. It remains now to be seen what will develop out of all this chaos. Balkan Diplomacy. The following paragraph is taken from the New Statesman (London, Eng.) and gives a little insight into the diplomatic manoeuvers of the Balkan situation. Russia, as we have often predicted, is coming out ahead of the game. She also requested Germany to join Russia to force Turkey to abandon her invasion of the conquered territory. Germany refused. The New Statesman says: And though Servia and Greece have succeeded in joining their frontiers, let no one imagine that this will necessarily make them permanent friends. Servia will continue to desire a direct outlet to the sea under her own control. If she becomes as strong as she hopes in the Vardar valley, she will begin to think more and more of getting Salonica for herself in the end.
Little Holland Falling in Line. The Netherlands Defence Commission, now sitting at The Hague, has recommended that Holland should build nine dreadnoughts of 21,000 tons each, as well as several cruisers, destroyers and submarines, for service in the waters of the Dutch East Indies. The full scheme is not to be completed for thirty-five years. The plan is due to the rise of Japan and the possibility that Java, Sumatra and Dutch Borneo may be objects of Japanese ambition. The Dutch, like all far-seeing people here or in the Dominion and the United States, realize that every Power which has possessions in the Pacific will need increased naval armaments in the future. Thus little Holland falls in line with the other great nations to prepare for war. The Hague is the place where the "Peace Court" holds forth and the Peace palace is situated, of which so much has been expected. And now they recommend from that very place the building of warships. What mockery! The Austrian Tragedy. The assassination of the heir to the Austrian throne and his wife adds two more names to the list of murdered rulers. Servia seems to have been the instigator of this terrible crime and behind Servia is seen the hand of Russia. This is the prevailing opinion among statesmen in Europe. Russia aims at a great PanSlavic confederacy. She will succeed and form yet a still vaster empire, amalgamating the slavic races. The Slavs are nearly half the population of the Austrian empire, numbering 24,388,413, by the latest estimate, out of a total population of 51,356,465. The annexation by Austria of Bosnia-Herzegovina has greatly stirred the Slavic world. With the Albanian disorders, the reorganization of the Turkish army, Turkey aiming at war with Greece, Russia and Servia conspiring against Austria, the unsettled Eastern question is bound to come into prominence again. The Pope's Peace Message. Efforts to secure universal peace, and to produce a millennium, apart from the Return of our Lord to this earth, continue in many directions. Of late the Roman Catholic Church has taken hold. The Pope has issued an allocution which has been sent to 23,000 priests in the United States. Rome is falling in line with "Protestants" in the different reform movements, like Prohibition, the abolishment of the social evil and universal peace.
This sounds very nice. There is no doubt Rome joins hands vi^ith Protestants for a specific purpose and unprotesting Protestantism dreaming of a "united Christendom" sees in all this a hopeful sign of a glorious future and follows willingly her, whom God's holy Word brands ''the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the eai;th" (Rev. xvii:5). The sugar-coated pill is easily swallowed. Rome is double-faced. She advocates peace and prosecutes those who dare to speak out against her abominations. She joins reform-movements to gain her sinister end and permits certain evils in her midst. Universal peace? Yes, a mock-peace, a counterfeit peace may come, but it will not last long. It is coming to blind still more the eyes of them who believe not. The next paragraph is even more significant. The Trend Toward a Single World Government. Different propositions have been made to establish somewhere a great world-center and to have the nations governed through a central government. Many statesmen advocate such a plan. Different monarchs of Europe have declared that their rule *as kings may terminate soon. The King of Italy made recently such a statement. Surely thrones are tottering and the rule by the people is rising. The latest plan advocated for bringing all the world under one government is the "world-navy." The suggested scheme is as follows:
The document from which we quote these paragraphs declares also that this world-government, the world-army and world-navy would look after and guarantee the peace of the world, to fight all its battles ''if any should remain to be fought." Then follow other suggestions.
To the Intelligent Christian, who has a clear insight in the revealed purposes of God, who "thinks God's thoughts" concerning the end of this age, this trend towards a great world-government is of intense interest. The Word of God predicts a final Babylon, the concentration of a Godless civilization in one great world alliance. It also predicts the coming battle of Armageddon. When the Lord Jesus comes out of heaven to take possession of this earth and to become its king, the kings of the earth and of the whole world are together, they form a world-army and world-navy; they are gathered to the battle of the great day. The gathering place will be Armageddon (Rev. xvi: 14-16). The kings of the earth and their armies make actually war against the Lord (Rev. xix:19). We are witnessing the planning for this predicted end. Plans are on foot to produce the final Babylon. What a solemn indication that the Lord is on His way for His people! Russians strength and Forward Movement. Ever since the Russo-Japanese war, the great northern empire has been gaining in strength. Persia is gradually coming under Russian control, while throughout Central Asia from the Caspian Sea to the Gulf of Persia the influence and expansion of Russia becomes more pronounced. But in all probability the next war which Russia will undertake will be in the Far East. Asia and Russia are arming, and according to a leading military authority of Germany, General von der Boeck, a conflict between Japan and Russia is unavoidable. The general gives in a German magazine the following information: The troops which Russia possessed in the Far East at the close of the war, he says, have been largely strengthened, so that at the present time they cannot be short of a peace footing of 200,000 men, a force which if war should break out could easily and speedily be raised to 300,000 without drawing a single soldier from European Russia.
Russia will no doubt be well prepared in a few years to undertake the awful struggle. She may come out of it victoriously for another destiny is marked out for a great northern power in the end of this age. According to the Word of God, when the Jews have been partially restored to Palestine, that land will be invaded by a powerful army coming from the north. No doubt that northern power must be Russia. The Death of the King and the Unrest of the World. King Edward VII passed away after a brief illness. He was greatly beloved throughout the British Empire. Other nations esteemed him for his great tact and wisdom. His death came at a time when England is in the midst of a great crisis. Great Britain is facing great perplexities. How the desperate struggle between democracy and aristocracy, between socialism and imperialism will end is hard to tell. Humanly speaking a man like the suddenly cut off King was greatly needed. And elsewhere throughout the world there is a great and significant unrest. The Missionary Review makes mention of this:
The unrest in this country Is becoming even greater than that of the European nations. A leading University President in addressing a convention said recently that the present age is the most decadent in history, with the possible exception of the days just before the fall of the Roman Republic and before the French Revolution. The world waits for a great leader, a great master mind, who will head up in his person the affairs of the world and lead onward in the consummation of this age. This person is clearly described in the Word of God. A great political leader will appear first and he will be followed closely by a religious leader, the personal Anti-christ and man of sin. All is now ripe for the welcome of the two beasts. For all we know the persons who are destined to act in these capacities may be on earth already. The Lord only knows that. Nations Armed Camps. In addressing employers of labor on behalf of the new territorial army, War Secretary Haldane said the condition of international affairs was such that only a spark was needed to make a great war possible. Nations nowadays resembled armed camps rather than peoples contemplating peace. Great Britain's best security for peace, he said, was preparedness for war. In addition to the possibility of invasion there was the more probable contingency that if Britain did not attend to the matter of national defence a gust of panic would sweep over the markets. And yet how much we hear of "universal peace" and the coming together of the "Christian" nations. The world knows no peace, nor will there be peace till He comes. General Bemhardi, an Eminent German Military Authority, has written a book entitled Germany and the Next War, in which he maintains the right to make war and the duty to make war, and openly advocates the policy of aggression and invasion, and tells his countrymen that they must fight their way to pre-eminence among the nations regardless of the rights and interests of other people, and that agitation in favor of peace is poisonous. This does not look like universal peace at hand. Germany's fleet in the air. The great nations are making many preparations for battles in the air. Germany is the leader in this respect. She has not only the finest army on land and building up the most forceful navy on the sea, but has the finest collection of dirigibles and aeroplanes. Recently great aerial manoeuvers were held and new improvements tested. Machine guns were fired from the air and experiments made with wireless telegraphy. The Berlin correspondent of the Daily Mail (London) gave of late interesting information on Germany's flying fleet.
Why then all this astonishing activity?^ Why such schemes and preparations." Are these the harbingers of universal peace or universal war." One must be blind to say that universal peace is in sight. The age is getting ready for the final conflict and the coming crash. Aeroplanes for the Coming Wars. It seems the great nations of Europe are not only building their Dreadnoughts and continually improving their armies, but they also are building an aerial navy. Dirigibles and aeroplanes are ready to enter the coming warfare. The German Press recently published statistics of the dirigible balloons and aeroplanes. Germany possesses fourteen dirigibles of six different models, namely Gross, Zeppelin, Parseval, Schutte, Slemens-Shuckert and the Rhine- Westphalian airship, and five aeroplanes. France has seven dirigibles and twenty-nine aeroplanes. Italy, three dirigibles and seven aeroplanes. Russia, three dirigibles and six aeroplanes. Austria has two dirigibles and four aeroplanes. England, two dirigibles and two aeroplanes. Spain, one dirigible and three aeroplanes. Altogether European nations have thirty-two dirigibles and fifty-six aeroplanes that are presumed to be available for service. What days of horror will come when the storm at last breaks and nation will lift up sword against nation and kingdom against kingdom; then these modern inventions, more or less inspired and controlled by the god of this age, will be used to execute their awful work. When the Lord comes out of heaven with His armies the apostate nations of Christendom will face Him. Read Revel. xvi:16; xvii:14; xix:19. The thought comes. May not the airship as it is being rapidly improved and perfected play an important part when the nations defy Him who comes as Lord of lords out of heaven? In their blindness under the satanic leadership of the Beast, the kings of the earth will gather themselves together to make war against Him, who comes at last to claim His inheritance. When they behold up in the air the fiery rays of His Glory they may, in their utter blindness, send up their aeroplanes with high explosives to discharge their guns at Him, who comes to deal with them in judgment, while the armies on earth are ready to oppose Him. The use of the airship and the fiercest haste to perfect it and use it in warfare is very significant. Russia's Advance upon Persia. While the eyes of the world have been centered upon Turkey and its revolution, resulting in a great victory for constitutionalism, the revolution in Persia has been but little noticed. A great struggle for liberty has been going on in the land of the Shah. That despot has been trembling for his throne and his life. Thousands have been killed and the whole Empire seems to be in a fearful chaotic condition. Russia, the "friendly" neighbor of Persia, however, has upheld the government in Persia, both by money and soldiers. The Shah appealed to Russia for help to restore order and Russia has answered But this will be the pretext, no doubt, of a permanent occupation of parts of Persia by the Russian army and government. Russian political papers have agitated of late the seizure of points in Persia which would enable Russia to control the Mediterranean coasts of Asia Minor and make the Persian Gulf her highway to India. The Nashn, Gazeta published in St. Petersburg, boldly suggests the occupation of Azerbaijan, the military key of Armenia, and the Mesopotamian outlet to Bagdad, as well as to the waters of the Persian Gulf. Russia will succeed in extending her territory into Persia and Armenia. Thus she will surround the holy land, Palestine. For years Russia has aimed to possess Palestine. All this is of deep interest to the student of the Bible. Russia is Israel's last enemy. Russia's coming invasion of Palestine and the awful end Russia will have, Is prophetically described In Ezeklel, chapter xxxviii. With Russia are seen "many people." "Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee" (verse 9). Persia is mentioned as belonging to Russia In that day of Invasion. The Russian advance Into Persia is therefore of great significance. Wars and Rumors of Wars. The complete defeat of the Turkish Empire is in sight. The allied armies gain victory upon victory and we should not be at all surprised If Constantinople will fall in their hands. History is being made fast In these days. Then there are the rumors of a great coming European war. The nations are preparing for war. Instead of turning their swords Into plowshares, they turn the plowshares into swords. Disarmament is an idle dream. The revolution in Mexico goes on with all its horrors and no one knows how It all will end. The days our Lord predicted are upon us. Wars and rumors of wars, soon to be followed by nation lifting up sword against nation (Matthew xxiv). The United States and Mexico. There is no need to rehearse all the details of recent events In connection with the Mexican situation. Our country at last acted upon a trifling Incident in comparison with the many outrages and murders committed against Americans in that land of bloodshed and crime -- Mexico. Warships were rushed South, the thousands of men encamped in Southern Texas were rushed to the borders and then Mexico itself was invaded. Vera Cruz was taken. About four hundred Mexicans were killed in battle and seventeen American marines lost also their lives, while many more were wounded. The flag of this country now floats over Vera Cruz. And yet our government declares that there is on war with Mexico. If the above capture of Vera Cruz is not warfare, then we do not know what is war. At the same time the rebels threatened also the U. S. and, strange to say, the authorities became rather friendly with the villainous Villa to get his good will. This man, according to reports, is, perhaps, a greater criminal than Huerta. And now mediation is attempted. Assurances are given that no war will come, but all will be peaceably settled. Yet at the same time great preparations are made for war. Thousands of men are ready to go to battle. Train-loads of supplies and ammunitions are rushed South. The Constitutionalists threaten to continue their bloody work. One leader declared that he would set up a guillotine in one of the public parks when Mexico is taken and 10,000 of the better class would be killed. Lists of names are prepared already to help in these executions. Thus the French revolution is repeated. Can this government stand by and look on? How will it end? It remains to be seen, and we hope and pray that the awful events which threaten may be averted. Let us not forget that in all these events and upheavals God's Word is vindicated once more, for it predicts these very scenes down to the end of the age. The United States of Europe. Sir Max Waechter, of London, has been spending enormous sums of late advertising his European Unity League. He is financing personally the scheme in bringing all Europe under one central government. Here is the plan, which he is advocating:
Peace by Force. One thousand million dollars is the amount spent by the world annually on armaments in order to maintain peace, according to the estimate of Senator Gervais, a leading authority on military matters, who has just published a striking article dealing with the stupendous growth of armies and navies in Europe. "At the very moment when all nations profess the strongest aspirations toward universal peace," he says, "Europe is in a perfect frenzy over military preparations." He points out that aside from the Balkan trouble and the new French and German army laws, which summon 1,500,000 men to the flag yearly, all Parliaments are confronted with projects for military reorganization and reinforcement. England has its campaign in favor of compulsory service and a stronger territorial force. Spain's Parliament is discussing a bill to settle the problem of naval recruitment. Belgium is occupied with problems of militia and the best means to insure the country's neutrality in the event of a Franco-German conflict Italy's Senate is engaged on a bill for army recruiting, which has already passed the Chamber of Deputies, with the object of increasing the peace standing by 25,000. Austria's War Minister is preparing a bill for raising the number of recruits from 197,000 to 220,000 in 1918, and the total peace standing from 464,000 to 600,000, while radical reforms are contemplated in army organization. Of the world's expenditure of $1,000,000,000 for the upkeep of armaments France's share last year was one-fifth. M. Gervais points out that the French army budget this year amounts to $240,000,000. But does the Word of God promise such a peace by force? The true peace will be brought to this restless age by the Coming of of the Prince of Peace. The Balkan Chaos. Although it was early in August, 1913, that a treaty of peace was signed at Bucharest between the warring Balkan States, an outbreak is again probable as grave trouble is reported on the northern frontier of Albania whither Servia is sending 20,000 troops. The agreement between Turkey and Bulgaria and the delay in an agreement between the Ottoman and Greek governments is worrying the Greeks, who are afraid that the unexpectedly rapid agreement between Turkey and Bulgaria covers an aggressive convention. On the other hand, pending the signature of the Turco-Bulgarian agreement, there are rumors of a hitch between these two countries and a possible reawakening of trouble. It seems now only the question of time when the third Balkan War will break out. The Fears of a Small Country. Belgium is one of the smallest countries in Europe. Situated as it is in case of a universal war it would be very much exposed to the invasion of different armies. Belgium is therefore preparing for the worst.
It is a striking sign of the times, these fears of all the nations of the civilized world. Our Lord announced that at the close of this age there should be "upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity." Both "distress of nations" and "perplexity" are here. During 1914 this distress will become more intense and widespread. No relief can come till He comes who will speak peace to the nations and who maketh wars to cease (Ps. xlvi:9). For the Peace of Christendom. In 1895 there existed in England a nation-wide demand for the overthrow of the Turkish empire. This demand was occasioned by the Armenian massacres in which many thousands of Christians lost their lives. Lord Salisbury on November 9th in that year delivered a significant address on the situation, from which we quote:
This was a political prophecy. The Ottman empire is going to pieces and for months Europe has hovered on the verge of the most awful conflict known in human history. The danger is not passed. The crisis is still on. The Peace Treaty. An Alliance against War. On August 3,1912 treaties of unlimited arbitration between the United States and France and the United States and England were signed. That this is an event of great importance as well as of deep significance no one doubts. A New York daily states "the event marks the dawn of a new and auspicious era in the affairs of the nations; it means that the two greatest republics, together with the greatest of empires, have in these compacts dedicated themselves to the cause of international peace and to that end have given a pledge that all controversies arising among them, even those involving questions of national honor, shall be settled in high courts of law and reason." Similar treaties with the German Empire, the Netherlands, Sweden and Japan are passing preliminary stages. The press, especially the religious and semi-religious, is enthusiastic about this great step towards "their millennium." Universal peace is now almost in sight, they declare. President Taft comes in for the greatest share of praise for this great achievement. "Man's Day" seems now to have reached its height. Could this present evil age, as it is termed by God's Spirit, bring forth a greater achievement than a universal peace, without Him, who is the Prince of Peace? The god of this age, Satan, is a being of wonderful wisdom and intelligence. He anticipates the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to establish His glorious rule of righteousness and peace over this earth. He knows that the kingdoms of this earth which he still controls must soon become the kingdoms of God and His Christ. He knows that God has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all, in that He hath raised Him from the dead. Satan knows that when the rightful King appears the second time, even this same Jesus, He will teach the nations to learn war no more. And now to blind the eyes of them that believe not, he brings about a movement which looks like a coming universal peace. Peace treaties, signing of papers, etc., do not mean the abolishment of war, that horrible, fearful thing of which a great general said, "War is hell." War is not a skin disease which can be cured by a few strokes of the pen and a few resolutions. Peace will come. It must come. All the earth will find rest. Nations will have to turn their swords into pruning hooks and their spears into plowshares. Universal peace is bound to come and in its wake blessings untold for all the inhabitants of the earth. How do we know? Certainly not from the literature of heathen nations, nor from the writings of poets or philosophers. The Bible, the revelation of God, tells us about this great coming peace and blessing for the earth. But how will it be brought about? The Bible is not silent on that. It gives us God's purpose and method. Man's efforts cannot secure it. The present age called "Man's Day" (1 Cor. iv:3, marg. reading), does not wind up with a universal peace the result of legislation, nor with universal righteousness. The same Word which predicts a coming peace also predicts an apostasy, increasing unrighteousness and fearful judgments. Universal peace, universal blessings and universal righteousness is in God's holy Word closely linked with the second personal coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The result of His glorious manifestation will be "peace on earth." His coming, however, is preceded by the greatest upheavals the world has ever seen. With His coming judgments are bound to be executed, "for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness" (Isaiah xxvi:9). Peace without the Prince of Peace is a delusion. The student of the prophetic Word will find in these peace endeavors a striking confirmation of the predicted coming events. First a seeming peace established by political schemes and then that false peace will be taken from the earth (Rev. vi:1-4). How Will It All End? The military conditions in Europe are staggering to say the least. Germany, France and England are running a race, each outdoing the other in military expenditures. They say it is needed to keep peace, an armed peace. It has been figured out that this "armed peace" is about as expensive as war itself. We print the latest statistics: Cost of Armies and Navies.
The following table tells still another tale: A World Center Proposed. Hendrik Christian Anderson, the Norwegian-American sculptor of Newport, R. I., presented to King Victor Emmanuel of Italy, during a private audience to-day, the results of his nine years' labor on the project for the establishment of a world center for international interests. The king displayed much interest in the scheme, as one of the sites proposed for the new international city, which it is suggested shall be capable of housing 1,000,000 inhabitants, is in Tripoli. It has been suggested here that this project might be developed in co-operation with Secretary of State Bryan's peace propaganda, in which it is proposed that the differences between any two nations shall be submitted to a commission appointed by both, which shall investigate the controversy and make findings of fact, without attempting to pass on the merits of the case. It is pointed out that, besides Italy, nine other nations have responded favorably to Secretary Bryan's suggestion. Thus man plans during "man's day." "Let us make us a name" is the key note of all those big schemes. They are used by the god of this age, Satan, to lull a secure world to sleep. "Peace and safety" is what the world and apostate Christendom wants to hear. Sudden judgment will bring some day the terrible awakening. The Balkan Situation. While peace has been arranged between Turkey and the Balkan Allies, the alliance of the States has ended in a deplorable failure. The Turks were forced to surrender all their European territory, with the exception of Constantinople. Other questions relating to Albania and a cash indemnity were left unsettled. Then the Allies began to fight among themselves. "Without waiting, however, to conclude peace with Turkey, the Allies began to quarrel among themselves, and the. press dispatches have reported actual armed conflicts. The tone of the press in all the Balkan capitals is defiant, and reports say the military preparations are more thorough than those preceding the war. Other dispatches represent the Balkan premiers as trying to smooth out the difficulties by a conference. Servia and Montenegro both claim northern Albania, while Greece and Bulgaria have come to blows over the territory of Salonika, the most precious conquest of the war. The London, Paris, and Berlin correspondents at Sofia say the Greeks provoked the battle which took place to the north of Salonika in which 300 Bulgarians were slain." And now Servia and Bulgaria are fighting each other. A fierce war between the two seems threatening. Russia looks on as if awaiting the proper moment to swoop down upon these States. Even a possible outcome cannot be predicted. Turkey, as far as Europe is concerned, is ended. We shall follow the developments with much interest. We Stand at Armageddon and we Battle for the Lord. With this sentence Mr. Theodore Roosevelt closed his famous speech in Chicago, where he was nominated candidate for the Presidency by a new party. This statement has since then been heralded all over the country with other quotations from the Word of God. It takes with the superficial masses ignorant of the meaning of the word "Armageddon." We fear even Mr. Roosevelt does not know the truth about Armageddon. That battle cannot be fought now. When this age closes the wicked forces will be gathered together to battle against the Lord, who is about to come out of Heaven to deliver the remnant of His people. The battle of Armageddon will therefore take place at the very close of this age and will be fought in Palestine and not in the United States When the day arrives the Lord does not need human help to overthrow the forces of evil, Antichrist and the apostate nations. The Lord will battle and win the victory. "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He does judge and make war" (Rev. xix:11). "And I saw the beast and the Kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make war against Him that sat on the horse and against His army" (Rev. xix:19). He that comes out of the Heaven is the Lord Jesus Christ and His armies are composed of the Saints of God and His holy angels. Then, when His blessed feet stand once more upon the Mount of Olives, He will fight against those nations and overthrow their power (Zech. xiv:1-5). The battle of Armageddon will mark the beginning of "The Day of the Lord." The statement "We stand at Armageddon and we battle for the Lord" is a catchword; these politicians do not stand at Armageddon nor can they battle for the Lord. All, however, is significant. Matters are hastening on rapidly towards the appointed end. Political, commercial, moral corruption and every other form of evil will increase till He comes, who will smite the earth with His righteous judgment and deal with Satan and his deluded victims. We quote in connection with this Armageddon saying a poem, which appeared in the N, Y. Sun:
The Peace Palace Dedicated. The Peace Palace in the Hague has at last been dedicated. It is a magnificent structure, beautiful to look at. If universal peace could be brought about by Peace conferences, Peace delegations, by resolutions or the dedication of a magnificent palace, it surely would be in sight. We have heard much of the soon-coming peace. But as we have repeatedly pointed out in these columns, the nations who have a hand in the Peace proclamations continue to arm. In fact such immense preparations for war as are being made now outdo anything and everything in past history. Even the Netherlands, where the Peace palace is situated, prepare for war. Time will tell what will become of the Peace palace and what will happen in it. We know from Scripture how Peace will come at last (Ps. xlvi:9; Zech. ix:10). A New Invention for Modem Warfare. A new machine has been invented which will murder hundreds of men in the twinkling of an eye:
This also belongs to the boasted triumphs of the twentieth century civilization. How terrible it will be should these new explosives, new inventions, high-power machine guns be put in practice! It will surely come during that time of great tribulation with which the present age, according to divine prediction, will end. |
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