By Arno Clement Gaebelein
New Discoveries.New Records Found. Recently the British Museum received a new cylinder of baked clay containing the achievements of Sennacherib in cuneiform inscriptions. It has been translated and has been found to contain the record what Sennacherib did for the city of Nineveh. The Old Testament tells us what a great and beautiful city Nineveh was. The newly discovered record says, among other things, this:
In the eyes of many people this will be another confirmation of the Old Testament and its trustworthiness. But why not turn it around and say instead of "These records prove certain parts of the Bible true," say which is more according to truth, "These records are trustworthy because the Bible says so"? Without the Bible these records would have no meaning at all. But Sennacherib's beautiful residence is a heap of ruins. God's Word predicted this and it has come to pass of Nineveh. Nahum said in Jehovah's name, "Woe to the bloody city, it is full of lies and robbery, the prey departeth not. . . . And it shall come to pass that all they that look upon thee shall flee from thee, and say, Nineveh is laid waste; who will bemoan her? Whence shall I seek comforters for thee?" (Nah. iii:1, 7). And this present age likewise, with its great cities and magnificent palaces, awaits a predicted judgment, when the works of man will crumble into dust and Jehovah will be exalted. An Interesting Recovery. Most interesting and important excavations are being made in ancient Ethiopia, showing a high state of civilization and an empire of great wealth, which existed there several thousand years ago. Meroe is the name of the ancient capital. Queen Candace reigned there (Acts viii:27); but even then Meroe was hundreds of years old. We quote from the report of the excavations:
Another Evidence for Daniel. In our exposition of Daniel we have made the statement that this magnificent book has been completely vindicated and has proven an anvil upon which the critics' hammers have been broken to pieces. This vindication still goes on. We quote the following from an Exchange:
The Limit of Earth's Resources will Soon be Reached. A leading English Scientist made a few weeks ago before the British Association for the Advancement of Science some interesting statements. Within a century, he estimates, the resources of the world will be taxed to their full capacity. Civilized man is, or ought to be, beginning to realize that in reducing more and more of the surface of the earth to what he considers a habitable condition he is making so much progress and making it so rapidly that the problem of finding suitable accommodation for his increasing numbers must become urgent within a few generations. He also referred to the wheat acreage as not keeping pace with the increase in population, and added: "If prophecies based on population statistics are trustworthy the crisis will be upon us before the end of the century. "We must either depend upon some substitute to reduce our consumption per head, or we must take to intensive farming of the most strenuous sort." We doubt not these fears are fully justified. Problems arise on all sides and man is helpless to solve them. The world is rapidly approaching what may be called a great bankruptcy. Tremendous upheavals of a physical and social nature will surely come. God's hand will be felt in mighty judgments. But we know more than that. The Word of God holds out the blessed hope of better things for this earth with its ever increasing groans. That hope can only be realized in the Coming of the Lord, who is both Creation's Lord and Creation's Redeemer. He did not wear the thorns, the emblems of the course, in vain upon His blessed brow. With His Coming a new era, a new age, will begin for this earth. The nearness of this age introduced by His manifestation seems indicated by the fact that the limit of the resources of this earth will soon be reached. Beth-Shemesh has been Found. There have recently been discovered in Palestine by Dr. D. Mackenzie and F. G. Newton the remains of Beth-Shemesh, which had been lying forgotten for 2,614 years. Beth-Shemesh was possibly one of the high places that King Hezekiah overturned, as described in 2 Kings xviii:4.
Well may we all be thankful for these continued confirmations of sacred history. Infidelity and its cousin, "Higher Criticism," may laugh for a time; the last laugh belongs to faith. Let them dig on. The spade will turn up other things. Happy are we, that we believe in the Bible apart from any of these archaeological finds. The Claims and Twaddle of Science. The so-called "scientific world" was recently startled by the claims of a Mexican professor, Mr. Herrera, of having succeeded in forming a human embryo by chemical combination. Science has for a long time wrestled with the problem of life and has more than once attempted to produce life artificially. That the claim of this Mexican scientist is another fake needs hardly to be stated. In connection with this alleged discovery a scientific paper says:
This sounds all very learned and plausible, but is it truth? Certainly not. It is simply the speculation of man, who rejects God's revelation concerning the origin of this earth. No, life cannot be manufactured. In the above article the first beginning of life is given as 100,000,000 years -- more or less. That is how exact science is in its miserable guesswork. One only needs to put together the different estimates of well-known scientists to find out how much at sea they are in regard to the age of our planet. Here are a few guesses about the age of the earth: Lord Kelvin, 1862, 20,000,000 to 400,000,000 years, probably 98,000,000. Clarence King and Carl Barus, 1893, 24,000,000. Lord Kelvin, 1897, 20,000,000 to 40,000,000. De Lapparent, 1890, 67,000,000 to 90,000,000. Charles D. Walcott, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1893, maximum, 70,000,000. J. Joly, 1899, age of the ocean, 80,000,000 to 90,000,000. W. J. Sollas, 1909, age of the ocean, 80,000,000 to 150,000,000. Messrs. Becker and Clarke of the U. S. Geol. Survey, not above 70,000,000 and not below 55,000,000 years. A few million years apart, that is all. What a sure foundation and perfect knowledge we possess by direct revelation in Genesis i. That blessed opening chapter after centuries of scientific investigation, discoveries and theories stands still unimpeached. It can never be shaken. The earth itself and the heavens may pass away, but His Word never. The Guess Work of Science. The age of the earth has been over and over again estimated by the men who call themselves Scientists. Not two of them agree, but they differ a few million years and more. Recently a geological publication of the University of Chicago made the statement that the age of the earth is about 400,000,000 years. Others are equally sure, say that the age is 100,000,000,000 years. What folly! But turning from the Scriptures these "great" men professing themselves to be wise become fools. Some years ago a skull was found at Gibraltar and was termed a prehistoric skull. After spending months of study on the skull Prof. Keith of London has come to the conclusion that it belongs to a woman who lived 600,000 years ago. This great Professor has discovered that nuts and roots were the chief diet of that woman and that her palate was one-third larger than that of the woman today. Oh, how smart! But -- some other scientist will be certain that the skull is not more than 2,000 years old. And this flimsy thing called science is used in colleges and institutions to ridicule the Word of God, that sublime revelation, which tells us of the beginning of all things. Yet with all these attacks the solid rock foundation of God's Word stands and ever will stand: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Still Another Theory. A professor in one of the New York Colleges gave recently his explanation of how life came to be upon this planet. "The theory of spontaneous generation, having been proved impossible, we are reduced to believing that all life comes from preceding life, and since our earth was originally in a condition absolutely inimicable to life, it must have come from other worlds. "One theory maintains that meteors falling upon our earth brought germs of life. This idea, however, is not plausible. Meteors become white hot on passing through our atmosphere, which would destroy any life which might have existed upon them. "About the only other thing which arrives on this earth from far away globes is light. This form of energy, rushing through space at 186,000 miles per second, became the carrier of the first life which took root on the earth. In the form of tiny spores, life germs, they were planted upon fertile soil, and through the process of evolution eventually became even man himself." How the tiny spores and life germs came into existence originally he does not tell us nor can he answer other questions about his "explanation," which explains nothing. Yet boys and girls have to listen to such nonsense and their poor hearts are a good soil for this seed of infidelity. The rejection of the light given by revelation and moral declension go hand in hand. What dark days are ahead for this poor world! Artificial Creation Once More. During the last ten years different scientists have claimed that life can be produced in an artificial way. Prof. Edward Albert Schaefer, of Edinburgh University, president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, in his annual address to that body at Dundee recently asserted again that life can be produced artificially. This is mere guesswork. Life can never be produced by a chemical process. It is amusing to read what some of the leading men of science have to say on this question: Sir Edwin Ray Lankester, a former president of the British Association, remarks: ''Professor Schaefer cast no bombshell into the ranks of men of science. Those who arc engaged in research are in complete agreement with him. Opposition can only come from metaphysical Philosophers. The public should refrain from excitement as to Professor Schaefer's vision of the ultimate production of a life-compound by the chemist. The evolution of a synthetic human is probably a hundred million years in front of us. Professor D'Arcy W. Thompson observes: "'Though we push such explanations to the uttermost, and learn much in so doing, they will not touch the heart of the great problems that lie deeper than the physical plane. Over the ultimate problem and causes of natality we shall be left wondering still." Professor Elie Metchnikoff, Director of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, declares that the artificial production of life is not within the present range of practical chemistry. He says: ''I do not think such a step will be made in cur epoch, certainly not in my lifetime. Chemists have applied themselves to the task of synthesizing living matter for many years, but there are great difficulties which must still be overcome. The composition of living matter is not yet sufficiently known, and chemists have yet to complete their analysis of the albuminoids which form the living cell before they can hope to build up life. That task is certainly one of the greatest difficulty." Alfred Russel Wallace is prone to ridicule the proposals of Professor Schaefer, whose arguments, he says, "are the same as those of Haeckel and all the great agnostics, but he does not really get over the difficulties one iota more than they did. So there is nothing in what he says that one can call new. He begins by stating, as if it were his point of view, that the problems of life are essentially problems of matter, and that we cannot conceive of life in a scientific sense as existing apart from matter. He puts down what he could conceive and could not conceive as a datum, without any attempt to prove it. A little further on he tries to show the similarity of the process of reproduction in living and non-living matter, and the only thing he brings forward is crystals. He says that crystals grow and multiply and reproduce their life, and therefore he appears to be utterly ignorant that a crystal is simply added to on the outside, whereas life is a thing of wonderful and complex structure and is added to on the inside. That, I consider, is a wonderful case of bad reasoning, of begging the question." A believer in the Word of God can read all such statements in calmness of soul, knowing that all these efforts will prove a complete failure in the end. An Interesting Discovery. Dr. Vilhjalmar Stefansson, of the American Museum of Natural History, has returned after the discovery of a tribe of 2,000 white persons lost for more than 400 years in the arctic regions. He travelled 10,000 miles on foot during four years, and found the longlost descendants of the Norsemen who 800 years ago went to Newfoundland with "Lief the Lucky" from the shores of Norway. The discovery is ranked by ethnologists as the most important of the kind that could be made, with the single exception of the discovery of the history of the lost tribes of Israel. This tribe, living yet in stone age style, has its habitat about Coronation gulf and Victoria Land, regions the doctor was warned to avoid before he started on his expedition. All maps which he had showed the country as uninhabited. But he found a white race of fair complexion, half of whom have red hair and white eyebrows. They bear no trace of Asiatic or the Eskimo, but resemble in many respects the Scandinavians from whom they descended. Prof. Stefansson accounts for their existence by the fact that in the year 982 Greenland was discovered and settled by 3,000 Icelanders. One thousand of these people sailed from Norway and missed Greenland, but landed on the coast of Newfoundland. The Norsemen settled in two colonies, one on the north and one on the south side of Newfoundland. How remarkable that this race should have been hidden so long and now be brought to the attention of the civilized world! But God knew them and knew their abode. The so-called "lost tribes" are equally known to God. May the Gospel now be speedily carried to this white race of the far North. The Missing Link Still Missing. During an animal show in Chicago, a dark skinned being, which had no articulate speech was exhibited. The poor creature was advertised as the "ape man," a "cannibal" and as the "missing link" of the evolution theory. The being, a mere boy, was called "Congo" and his exhibitors told a graphic story how he was captured in Central Africa and what dangers were connected with his capture. Many thousands looked at the boy and not a few believed that he must be the long looked for missing link. But it has now been discovered and legally decided by Judge Windes, that the poor fellow is not the missing link, but an imbecile Louisiana negro boy, who never saw Africa. The Judge has awarded his custody to the mother. The scientists, professors and preachers, whose creed is the Darwinian evolution theory, must keep on looking for the missing link. It is still missing and will never be found. |
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