By Arno Clement Gaebelein
"Current Events," as given in this volume, cover a period of about eight years. This must be kept in mind for it makes these events of startling interest. The tremendous armament of the nations, their preparations on sea, land and the air is repeatedly pointed out. In our comment on the European situation we showed that peace cannot be expected in the present age, but that all these preparations mean a coming great European conflict. This awful conflict has now passed into history. Of especial interest are the items on Russia, Turkey and the Balkan States. These and others will be helpful in the study of Prophecy. The chapters on "Religious Apostasy" and "Modern Day Delusions" show the drift of things religiously. As every reader of the New Testament knows this age does not end with a universal acceptance of the faith delivered unto the Saints, but in a universal apostasy from that faith. Before the day of the Lord comes, before our Lord appears the second time there will be the falling away (2 Thess. ii:3). "Nevertheless, when the Son of Man cometh, shall He find the faith on the earth."" (Luke xviii:8). This predicted falling away has set in and is literally rushing forward to the great apostasy which comes after the true church has been caught up to meet the Lord. Doctrines of demons and of seducing spirits are therefore multiplying and attracting thousands who never received the love of the Truth. All this is pointed out in "Current Events." Of equal importance are the paragraphs found under "Social Conditions." Rejection of the revealed truths of the Bible lead always to moral declension and corruption. Unrighteousness is increasing. The age is not advancing in righteousness. Of special interest is the chapter on the Jews. They are the coming people. Their future is revealed in the Prophetic Word. The awakened national spirit, reaching out for the old home-land, their efforts to regain Palestine are of great significance at the present world-crisis. At the end the reader will find a good Index by which he can locate the different items. We hope and pray that the volume may prove very helpful to preachers. Christian workers, teachers and all Christians who love His appearing. Surely the time of His Coming must be at hand. The study of the signs of the times will strengthen this conviction. A. C. Gaebelein.
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