By W. J. Erdman D.D.
I. The Seven ChurchesIntroductory Vision CHRIST AMONG THE CHURCHES. Chapter. 1:9-20.
The candlestick, more accurately the “lamp stand" was a familiar Old Testament Symbol for the People of God. The sacred oil which was supplied to the lamps typified the Holy Spirit, through whose operation God's people became the light of the world. Here Christ is pictured as standing among “the seven golden candlesticks,” or lamp stands, which are designed to represent the Universal Church of Christ. He holds in his hand seven stars; and John explains: “The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven candlesticks are seven churches.” The Lord Jesus is seen among the Churches as the Son of Man, in a priestly and yet searching judicial attitude, meting out praise, and uttering warning and promise, and holding out to the overcomers various blessings and especially conjoint sovereignty and rule with him and on his own throne. 3:21. He is the Living One, the First and the Last; and in relation to his Church and in confirmation of his word that the gates of Hades should not prevail against it, he is heard saying, “I have the keys of Hades and of Death.” And he has now, and until the Kingdom comes, a peculiar priestly relation to “the Church which is his body.” 1:17-18; Heb. 1:13; Eph. 1:22. The question has been raised as to whether verse 19 suggests a threefold or a twofold division of the book. Probably the latter is the case. The Vision and the Seven Letters together constitute “the things that are,” and “the things which shall be hereafter”, refer to the visions beginning with chapter 4. In this connection it is interesting to note the use in the Revelation of the phrase “And I saw.” This phrase is used not only for the introduction of a vision, but it suggests a principle of interpretation; it is a formal word leading to new matter, like the Old Testament phrase “And the Lord spake unto Moses” It indicates when prefatory to even only one brief vision that its subject is of great import demanding a pause of due contemplation. But especially remarkable is the fact that when only one “And I saw” covers an extended range of objects, it indicates that all such objects are in a unitous relation to each other either as to time or theme or both. For instance, one such formal phrase introduces the vision of the Son of Man and the Seven Churches, and there is no repetition of it throughout the entire section concerning them. 1:9-3:22. This fact suggests that what things John saw and was commanded to write in a book and send to the churches should not be separated into three but only into two parts, “Write therefore, the things which thou sawest; Both what things are, and what things are about to come to pass hereafter.” The same conclusion is reached by comparing the two commands to write. 1:2, 19; 1:11; 22:7, 9, 16, 18; 1:19. The first “And I saw” accordingly belongs to the things of the period of the churches timeless and present, and then the second begins the series of visions to follow. 1:12; 4:1. THE LETTERS TO THE CHURCHES. Chapter. 2:1-3:22.The fact that the whole Book is given to the Seven Churches, indicates that they represent the Universal Church in its various phases during the present age. There were seven Christian churches in the cities of Asia which John names. They embodied the characteristics which are described and to them the living Christ sends a message appropriate to each. They may also represent in general the course and character of the historic church in certain phases from the days of the apostles until the coming of Christ. The' messages ad dressed to them are pertinent to all churches in similar conditions now; they are also full of encouragement and warning to individual members of any and every church. The letters are written in accordance with a careful and exact literary scheme. The structure of each letter is as follows: (a) An inscription, in the words “To the angel of the Church” in the city named, (b) A description of the Author of the letter given in language borrowed from the Introductory Vision of Christ in the midst of the Churches, (c) The message of praise or censure, (d) The words of encouragement or warning, (e) The promise “to him that overcometh.” The group of seven letters is subdivided into a division of three and four. Among other distinctions, in the first three, the promise to the “overcomers” is introduced by the phrase “He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” In the last four, this phrase follows the promise. In every case the promise is specially pertinent to the form of temptation indicated in the letter. 1. TO THE CHURCH IN EPHESUS, Chapter. 2:1-7.
The “angel” or “messenger” to which the letter is addressed, is commonly understood to mean the “minister” or “pastor” of the church. Some suppose the word indicates a literal “angel,” and some “the characteristic spirit” of the particular church. The message is surely intended for the church, whatever may be meant by the representative “angel.” Ephesus was a city of great wealth and beauty and culture. It was called “The Light of Asia.” It was celebrated for its temple of Diana, one of the “nine wonders of the world,” and was a great commercial and political and religious centre. Furthermore it was of great importance in the history of the Christian Church. Here Paul laboured for three years, and here John carried on and finished the work of his declining years. It is not unnatural that John sent the first message to the church in the largest city, and to the church nearest his own heart. The description of the author, “he that holdeth the seven stars,” etc., links the letter at once with the vision of “Christ in the midst of the churches” (ch. 1), and indicates the presence of Christ and his power to control. The church is praised for its toil and patience, and its hatred of' evil men. It is blamed for losing its “first love” for Christ. It is called to repent lest its “candle stick” be moved out of its place. To him who overcomes the temptation to lose spiritual fervour is promised the privilege of eating of “the tree of life,” that is of life in its fulness, of sharing in a Paradise regained. 2. TO THE CHURCH IN SMYRNA. Chapter. 2:8-11.
It is natural that this city should have been next in mind, for it stood next to Ephesus in position and importance. The city was known as “The Beauty of Asia.” Even in modern days the city has been known for its great importance, and has likewise been associated with suffering, for “the Church in Smyrna” was the suffering church. Whoever “the angel of the Church in Smyrna” may have been, none can forget that, possibly at this time, Polycarp, the famous Christian martyr, was the head of this church. In any case the name of Polycarp helps one to remember the church of Smyrna, and to under stand this letter of encouragement, which has ever brought cheer to those who were persecuted and tormented for the sake of Christ. The description of the author is significant, “The first and the last, who was dead, and lived again.” The Christ who tasted the bitterness of death, and rose in triumph, can comfort those who suffer for his sake. He assures them that he knows all their tribulation and poverty, and the blasphemy of their enemies. He encourages them to be brave even in the face of greater trials: “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” The overcomers are promised exemption, not from the death of the body, but from the death of the soul. One who is loyal to Christ never knows real death, “the second death.” 3. TO THE CHURCH IN PERGAMUM. Chapter. 2:12-17.
Like Ephesus and Smyrna in beauty and wealth, it was more exclusively a religious centre. It was a perfect Pantheon of pagan deities. Paganism and impurity are almost synonymous. Pergamum is well described as the place “where Satan’s throne is.” However, even in Pergamum, a Christian church can be established. It is not easy, however, to be a Christian there. The followers of Christ need encouragement. They are reminded that their Lord can and will punish sin. "It is he that hath the sharp two-edged sword.” He sees the faithfulness of his followers, who like the unknown hero Antipas, are willing to lay down their lives for his Name. He sees, however, others in the church. They are like Balaam. They make loud protestations of loyalty to God, but their influence is corrupting. They would lead men into idolatry and impurity. To them comes a call to repentance, lest they suffer the judgment of the Lord. To those who withstand all these solicitations to evil, to the "overcomers,” is the promise of fuller communion with Christ and of more perfect knowledge of God. They will be admitted to his Holy Place, will eat " the hidden manna” like the priests in the tabernacle; like them too who saw the jewels on the breast-plate of the High Priest, they will receive, each one, “a white stone, and on the stone a new name written.” 4. TO THE CHURCH IN THYATIRA. Chapter. 2:18-29.
The author describes himself as the “Son of God” who has power to discern and to punish sin, “who hath his eyes like a flame of fire and his feet like unto burnished brass.” The church is praised not only for its love and faith and service and patience, but for its increase in these virtues. The church is rebuked, however, for its voluntary submission to evil influences. A woman, a professed prophetess, a veritable Jezebel, was allowed to remain in its fellowship, while teaching that Christians were free to practice immorality and idolatry. Then follows the call to repentance. Punishment, long graciously withheld, is sure to fall, both upon this corrupt teacher and her followers. The fault has been in a false charity, which allowed such doctrines to continue in the church unrebuked. However, the whole church was not corrupt. To those who had not been misled comes a message of gracious encouragement and promise. They had not accepted the false teachings, had not fathomed the depths of the Satanic mysteries. Upon them “no other burden” was to be placed than continued opposition to these evil influences. They must, however, hold fast the truth and purity which they have, until Christ returns. To the overcomer is promised a share in the victorious reign of Christ. They are even promised Christ himself; his virtues, his holiness, his brightness are to be imparted to them: “I will give him the morning star.” 5. TO THE CHURCH IN SARDIS. Chapter. 3:1-6.
Sardis, the capital of ancient Lydia, was as well known for its wickedness as for its wealth. It lay a short distance southwest of Thyatira. In addressing the church in this city, the Author de scribes himself as “He that hath the seven Spirits of God,” that is, the Christ, the Anointed one who was filled with the Spirit, upon whom rested the Spirit, “without measure.” He also held “the seven stars,” the “angels” of the seven churches, for all ministers are the “gifts” of the risen and ascended Lord. In spite of its reputed life and activity, the church is rebuked for its spiritual deadness. It is exhorted to be watchful in its present position and peril, and to strengthen the things that remain; for the coming of Christ may be near, and Christians should be ready for his return. Some in Sardis had not defiled their garments with sin. They had walked in white robes, by the grace of God; they would yet walk in the white robes of glory. Their names would be in the Book of Life; they would be confessed before the Father and his angels, 6. TO THE CHURCH IN PHILADELPHIA. Chapter. 3:7—13.
Philadelphia is the church of privilege, the church of the “open door.” The message of this letter is an encouragement to faithful use of opportunities, in order to secure eternal satisfaction and freedom from regret. The church was not large in numbers. The city suffered greatly from earthquakes. However, this was the last of the churches of Asia to survive. The Author describes himself as “Holy none other could. He is “true,” none other fulfills every ideal, none other embodies reality. Pie “hath the key of David,” he only can unlock the gates of the Kingdom of heaven. So those who are holy and true and belong to Christ will find open before them opportunities for patience, for sympathy and for service. They must hold fast the word of Christ, they must be true to the name of Christ; then they will be kept in every hour of testing and trial, and no man will be able to deprive them of their crown. Their influence will abide, in years to come or in the life eternal. They will be pillars in God’s temple, citizens of the New Jerusalem, possessors of a deep and deepening knowledge of Christ. 7. TO THE CHURCH IN LAODICEA. Chapter. 3:14-22.
The letter to the Laodiceans gives us the picture of an apostate church. Christ has been excluded. “Luke warm” describes a body of professed Christians who lack spiritual life and yet are unconscious of the fact that they are spiritually dead. The cause for this lukewarmness is their self-satisfaction. They have “need of nothing.” In reality, they are “wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.” They are counselled to secure those spiritual necessities which Christ alone can supply. The call to repentance is followed by the blessed invitation, “Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with me.” No matter how dead and cold and lifeless a church may be, Christ is willing to enter into the most intimate and blessed relationship with any individual believer who admits him into the life and heart. Nor is this fellowship for the present alone. To the overcomer belongs the blessed promise “I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne.” To the church in the most desperate condition is this most tender and beautiful of all promises. The rebuke administered has been most severe; the encouragement is most full of heavenly hope.
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