By W. J. Erdman D.D.
III. The Seven TrumpetsIntroductory Vision THE ANGEL AND THE INCENSE. Chapter. 8:2-5.
This vision depicts the. prayers of the saints, as they are crying out to God to vindicate his cause. The answer to their prayers is found in the judgments depicted at the sounding of the seven Trumpets. The vision is an encouragement to the people of God to pray continually for deliverance from evil and from evils. It is to assure them of the ultimate overthrow of wrong and the triumph of right. Progression THE SIX TRUMPETS. Chapters. 8:6-9:21.
As to the plagues which are depicted in connection with the sounding of the first four Trumpets the following interpretation is suggested. The first may signify the destruction of what was identified with the common people who are, in the figurative language of psalmist and prophet “grass” “trees” “earth.” The second may correspond to the great Empire of the “beast,” a mountain in the “sea” of nations; the “beast” as the predicted “little horn” controlling the “ten horns” which before he appeared were “kingdoms” created by and for the people, seeing it is said of them later when all are upholding apostate “Babylon the Great,” “they receive authority” as kings, with the beast their imperial head, “for one hour.” The third trumpet suggests that the “great star” fallen from heaven is the “false prophet” who, poisoning the “waters” with antichristian doctrine, upholds the blasphemous claims of the “little horn.” The fourth trumpet would then signify the dense apostasy and obscuration of heavenly “lights”; men are now judicially blinded to believe “the lie.” II Th. 2:11-12. In regard to the fifth Trumpet there' is suggested an intimate association between the Beast and the Dragon, in that all have to do with the Abyss or the particular compartment peculiar to them; for the “star” is the angel of the Abyss, and the Beast which kills the Two Witnesses comes up out of the Abyss. 9:1; 11:7; 20:1-3. In regard to the latter, or sixth Trumpet, it is plainly said that the once fettered four angels, supernatural beings themselves, kill the third part of men; and that in spite of all the plagues, “The rest of mankind repented not of the works of their hands that they should not worship demons.” As to the great Tribulation, the fifth Trumpet is sounded at its beginning, the Beast has his own way through its “times,” and the Devil gives his authority to the Beast to make war with the saints. And as Satan is “the prince of the demons,” the unnatural locusts of the fifth Trumpet may symbolize the demons who un seen are permitted to inflict plagues on men who “have not the seal of God on their foreheads.” All this suggests, since angels are representative beings, and the unseen agents good or evil, behind human rulers good or evil, that “the man of sin,” “the lawless one,” who is called “the beast out of the abyss,” has for his support “the star fallen from heaven” “the angel of the abyss.” The one is human, the other angelic, but what the one does the other does. “The world rulers of this darkness” control the Neros, the Cęsars, the “Beasts” of flesh and blood, but both are under Satan, of whom it is said in a later Vision, “his tail draweth the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth.” II Th. 2:1-10; Eph. 6:11-12; 2:2; 12:4; Dan. 10:13. On the other hand, in such symbolic phrase and identifying names like Abaddon or Apollyon, this “star fallen from heaven to earth,” may be the Devil himself who for a time holds the key of the Abyss until a mightier than he takes it and casts him into the Abyss for the Thou sand Years. 20:1. These two Trumpets belong to the period of the Tribulation, after the conflict with Michael and his angels, when the devil and his angels are cast out from heaven into the earth and instigate the “beasts” and their adherents to persecute the saints. The demonic powers of the Abyss are then at work for “the time, times and half a time.” Episode THE ANGEL WITH THE LITTLE BOOK; THE TWO WITNESSES. Chapters. 10:1-11:14.1 And I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, arrayed with a cloud; and the rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire; 2 and he had in his hand a little hook open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left upon the earth; 3 and he cried with a great voice, as a lion roareth: and when he cried, the seven thunders uttered their voices. 4 And when the seven thunders uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying, Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. 5 And the angel that I saw standing upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up Ms right hand to heaven, 6 and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created the heaven and the things that are therein, and the earth and the things that are therein, and the sea and the things that are therein, that there shall be delay no longer: 7 but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, then is finished the mystery of God, according to the good tidings which he declared to his servants the prophets. 8 And the voice which I heard from heaven, I heard it again speaking with me, and saying, Go, take the book which is open in the hand of the angel that standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. 9 And I went unto the angel, saying unto him that he should give me the little book. And he saith unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but in thy mouth it shall be sweet as honey. TO And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and when I had eaten it, my belly was made bitter. 11 And they say unto me, Thou must prophesy again over many peoples and nations and tongues and kings.
The progress of the events which follow the opening of the six Trumpets is here interrupted, as between the sixth and seventh Seals, by two visions, one of the Little Book (Ch. 10), and the other of the Two Witnesses (Ch. 11:1-13). Like the previous Episode of chapter seven, these parenthetic visions are intended to comfort the people of God. They speak of their great and final suffering but also of their deliverance. The vision of the cloud-clad, iris-crowned Angel descending from heaven with the little “opened” book in his hand is but the repetition of the Vision of Daniel centuries before (Dan. 12:5-7). (See also Ezekiel 2:9-3:14.) The book' or roll “sealed” by Daniel is given “opened” to John. This is very significant. Where Daniel ends John begins. It was to be sealed “until the time of the end,” until the “time times and a half” foretold to Daniel. It indicates that the events pictured by these visions belong to the period of the Great Tribulation under the Beast. The measuring of the Temple (as Zech. 2:1, 2; Ezek. 40:2-5) expresses the thought of preservation. In the midst of great persecution, “Israel/’ or the true people of God, would be secure (Ch. 11:1-2). So too the two witnesses, representing the people of God, finally ascend up to heaven, even though first suffering death at the hands of the Beast. The mission of these Two Witnesses like that of all prophets sent to Israel in days of apostasy is to call the people to repent and to turn to Jehovah their God. Thus the faithful are encouraged by this Episode to testify even unto death, being assured of a better resurrection. While these two visions are parenthetic, like those of chapter seven, they are more directly related to the dramatic movement of the book; they close with the words “the second woe is past.” The “first” and “second” “woes,” however, were coincident with the first and second “trumpets.” Therefore the Episode (10:1-11:14) corresponds with the second trumpet and its events be long to the time of that trumpet (9:13-21), namely the second “Woe-Trumpet.” These words “the second woe is past” also connect these events with those which immediately follow, i.e., with those of the seventh Trumpet, which is identified with the Third Woe. So the additional words, “behold the third woe cometh quickly,” mark the transition from the Episode (10:1-11:14) to the Consummation, under the Seventh Trumpet (11:15 19), when “the mystery of God is finished.” Consummation THE SEVENTH TRUMPET. Chapter. 11:15-19.
The Seventh Trumpet sounds, and great respondent voices in heaven proclaim at once' (passing over all intermediate events of resurrection and wrath for which the Elders render thanks), that the once far off goal of all the great movements in heaven and on earth has been attained, the universal and everlasting Kingdom of Jehovah and his Anointed; “the mystery of God is finished.” But all this involves the removal of the Church, before the Vials of wrath are emptied. While this announcement of the Sovereignty is here at the close of the Tribulation, in the recurrent Vision of “the rest of her seed” it is heard at the beginning of the Tribulation, and again finally, just before the “Word of God” goes forth to war and the final Wrath is poured out. 10:7; 11:15; 12:10-12; 19:6-7. The Seventh Trumpet sounds, therefore, through all the Vial time or Third Woe and beyond to the Inauguration of the Kingdom. On the other hand, in such symbolic phrase and identifying names like Abaddon or Apollyon, this “star fallen from heaven to earth” may be the Devil himself who for a time holds the key of the Abyss until a Mightier than he takes it and casts him into the Abyss for the Thousand Years. 20:1. These two Trumpets belong to the period of the Tribulation, after the conflict with Michael and his angels, when the devil and his angels are cast out from heaven into the earth and instigate the “beasts” and their adherents to persecute the saints. The demonic powers of the Abyss ' are then at work for the “time, times and half a time.” Thus the Seventh Trumpet, or “Third Woe,” closes the array of appalling plagues when the wrath falls upon beasts and their armies and kings and cities and nations. It had been before said of this trumpet that when it would begin to sound “then is finished the mystery of God” and “the kingdom of the world becomes the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever.” 10:7; 11:15; 19:1-21. It is also made known that when the Seventh Trumpet sounds the saints have been raised from the dead and the Lord has come for them. From this again it is inferred that it sounds after the great tribulation in which these saints were, and that it is equivalent to or includes the seven vials of wrath; and likewise its events come under the Seventh Seal. Of it is said “And when he opened the seventh seal there followed a silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.” 8:1. This too would correspond to the other and latest statement before the Seven Vials are poured out, that then “none was able to enter into the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels should be finished.” 15:5-8. It should be observed that the Seventh Seal does not contain the Trumpets which follow; its equivalent is in the Seventh Trumpet and the Seven Vials. It should be noted further that there are Seven Final events leading to the establishment of the Kingdom of the Messiah; viz.:1, Peace; 2, War; 3, Famine; 4, Pestilence; 5, Tribulation; 6, Signs; 7, Wrath. This order is a clue to and the test of every interpretation of the Visions of the Apocalypse. It is the order of the Seals opened by the Lamb once slain; but while the contents of the Six Seals are revealed, all that is said of the Seventh Seal is, “And when he opened seventh seal there followed a silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.” 8:1. The query at once arises as to its contents. Adhering to the order mentioned, the Seventh Seal should be the time of the Wrath, and as inciding with the wrath of the Seventh Trumpet; and so it is declared. A number of particulars are announced as to this Trumpet; viz. the vindication and rewards of the resurrected saints and servants of God; which implies that the Return of the Lord has taken place and this Return as after the Tribulation of the Fifth Seal and during the Signs of the Sixth. Matt. 24:29-31. And all these lead on to the Seventh Trumpet at which the Messianic Kingdom is announced. 11:15-18. The very “silence in heaven” of the Seventh Seal is in contrast with the “great voices in heaven” of the Seventh Trumpet announcing that the Kingdom had come and that the Wrath had come. But in further confirmation of the view that the last of the Seals corresponds to the last of the Trumpets as the time of the Wrath, note that “the silence in heaven” always in ancient prophecy is ominous of impending judgments of Jehovah. Before the great theophany described by Habakkuk, it is said, “But the Lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth keep silence before him. 1:20. And the prophet Zechariah exclaims in view of all Jehovah will yet do for Israel and Jerusalem, “Be silent all flesh before the Lord, for he is waked up out of his holy habitation.” 2:13. The account of the Seventh Seal closes with the mention of certain great portents “lightnings, thunderings, and an earthquake and great hail.” Such portents occur in the Revelation when great crises are predicted. The first mention of them is in the Vision of the Great Throne (4:5) as indicating that from the throne of God all the judgments proceed. At the next mention, when the Seven Trumpets are given to the seven angels at the altar of intercession, an “earthquake” is added to the other portents, and this appears at the ascension of the Two Witnesses. 8:5; 11:13. At this third time both an earthquake and great hail are mentioned (11:19). These portents mark the close of the prophecies recorded in what, may be regarded as the first half of the Rook. Similar portents under the seventh Vial may indicate its relation to this seventh Trumpet. It may be added by way of anticipation that in the first half of the Revelation (Chs. 1-11), the Kingdom is announced in association with the resurrection of the saints and servants of God, and this is followed by the Wrath on the ungodly; 11:15-18; and in the Second Part (Chs. 12-22) it is announced in association with the marriage of the Lamb and the going forth of the King of Kings to tread the winepress of the Wrath of. Armageddon. 19:6-21. |
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