By Fred H. Wight
Care of VineyardsTHE DESCRIPTION OF A VINEYARD BY ISAIAH AND BY JESUS IN ISAIAH'S PARABLE of the Vineyard, and in CHRIST's Parable of the Wicked Husbandman, taken together, we get an accurate picture of an Oriental vineyard. Isaiah wrote: "My well beloved had a vineyard in a very fruitful hill: and he fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a winepress therein" ( Isa 5:1-2). JESUS spoke thus: "There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen" (Mat 21:33). These two accounts list eight interesting facts that are true of many vineyards in Bible lands. They are often located on a hillside, they usually have a hedge or fence around them, the soil is cultivated by hoeing or spading, large stones are gathered out of the ground, choice vines are planted, a watch-tower is built, a winepress is constructed, and sometimes vineyards are rented. These points suggest the main features that need to be noticed in a study of the Oriental vineyard.
LOCATION OF VINEYARDS Hillsides often used.
Although vineyards are to be
found in various locations in
Palestine, it has been customary
during past years for the
hillsides to be utilized for the
purpose, or the ground at the
foot of a hill that slopes
gently. Grapevines like a sandy
or loose soil. They need plenty
of sunshine and air by day, and
dew by night, and their roots
will penetrate deep crevices of
rock to get nourishment.1 It was "in a very fruitful
hill" that Isaiah's vineyard
grew ( Sections where most of the
grapes grow. The favorite
places for vineyards in Bible
lands are Southern Palestine,
especially in the vicinity of
Hebron where there are many
hillsides; and in Syria and the
foothills of the Lebanon
Mountains in the north. It has
been reported that one variety
of grape grown in the vicinity
of Hebron sometimes develops
fruit so that one bunch may
weigh as much as twenty-four
pounds. Two natives will carry
such a bunch on a pole, which
reminds us of the spies sent by
Moses into Canaan.2 "And they came unto the brook
Eshcol, and cut down from thence
a branch with one cluster of
grapes, and they bare it between
two upon a staff" ( PREPARATION FOR A VINEYARD Terraces necessary for many
vineyards. This has to do
with those located on the
hillsides. A series of low stone
walls above each other, are
constructed along the side of
the hill, to keep the soil in
place, and at the right level
for growing grapes. Remains of
old terraces in various places
indicate that this custom has
been practiced for many
centuries3 A hedge or wall usually built
around a vineyard. An
Eastern vineyard is usually
surrounded with a ditch, and the
earth from the digging of it is
thrown along the inner side of
the ditch, and upon this a fence
of posts, branches, and twigs is
built with thorn-branches on
top. Oftentimes a wall of either
stones or sun-dried mud takes
the place of the fence. This
serves as protection from foxes,
jackals, or other animals, as
well as from any thieves.4 In the parable of JESUS, the
owner of the vineyard "hedged
it round about" ( Large stones gathered out of
the land. After putting a
hedge or wall around the
vineyard, the next task is to
gather out stones. Isaiah's
parable says: "And he fenced
it, and gathered out the stones
thereof" ( The soil prepared for
planting. The ground for
hillside vineyards is not
usually ploughed on account of
its rocky character. Rather is
the more arduous method of
hoeing or spading by hand used.
Isaiah pictures the process of
cultivation the soil in the
words, "and he fenced [digged]
it" ( The construction of a booth
or tower. For centuries
Palestinian vineyards have had
watchmen, whose duty it has been
to be on the lookout for
marauders of any kind. Sometimes
a simple booth is constructed
for him, on a high spot where he
can view the entire vineyard.
This is made of branches and
boughs of trees, and provides a
shelter from the rays of the
sun. This place becomes the home
for the watchman for the summer
months of the year. In the
winter months this booth is
deserted. Isaiah said: "The
daughter of Zion is left as a
cottage [booth] in a
vineyard" (
Also when CHRIST told of the man
who did not count the cost of
building a tower, it was
doubtless a vineyard-tower to
which he was referring ( PLANTING OF THE GRAPEVINES The vineyard of Isaiah's song
was planted, "with the
choicest vine" ( Solomon's Song says: "The
vines with the tender grape give
a good smell" ( CARE OF A VINEYARD Parable of the sluggard.
A good indication of the care
required in growing a vineyard
may be derived by looking at
this parable as given in the
book of Proverbs. "I went by
the field of the slothful, and
by the vineyard of the man void
of understanding; and, lo, it
was all grown over with thorns,
and nettles had covered the face
thereof, and the stone wall
thereof was broken down" ( As in the case of raising a crop
of grain, the native farmer does
not usually fertilize the ground
of his vineyard. Liming of the
ground is dependent upon the
many small and soft limestones
so often present in Palestine.
Some of the lime in the stones
is dissolved with each
rainstorm, and mixing with the
soil helps it in the growth of
the grapes. Pruning of the grapevines.
Before the arrival of
springtime, the keeper of the
vineyard prunes off every
superficial branch, every branch
that is sickly or feeble, so
that the sap may flow into the
healthy ones that will bear
fruit. The branch that is
located nearest the trunk or
root usually bears the most
grapes.8 JESUS indicates his familiarity
with the pruning of the
grapevines, in his famous
allegory of the vine and the
branches: "I am the true
vine, and my Father is the
husbandman [cultivator]
Every branch in me that beareth
not fruit he taketh away; and
every branch that beareth fruit,
he purgeth [prunes] it,
that it may bring forth more
fruit. Now ye are clean through
the word which I have spoken
unto you" ( HARVESTING OF GRAPES The vintage begins in the month
of September in the Holy Land,
and at this period, from ancient
times, the inhabitants of many a
village move out to the
vineyards, where they live in
tents or in lodges. Concerning
the men of Shechem, the Book of
Judges says: "They went out
into the fields, and gathered
their vineyards" ( Jeremiah tells us about the
gathering of the grapes by means
of baskets: "Turn back thine
hand as a grape-gatherer into
GRAPE PRODUCTS Fresh grapes and raisins.
During the months of September
and October; the fresh ripe
grapes are eaten along with
bread as one of the principal
foods, in Bible lands. Then
the grapes are dried in a level
corner of the vineyard. While
being dried they are turned over
and sprinkled with olive oil to
keep the skin moist. Then they
are stored for winter use.9 The Mosaic Law allowed the
eating of grapes from a
neighbor's vineyard, but none
could be taken away in a vessel
( Raisins were widely used in the
days when the ancient Hebrews
lived in Palestine. Abigail gave
David one hundred clusters of
raisins ( Grapesyrup or "dibs." The
Arabs take the juice of grapes,
and boil it until it is as thick
as molasses. They call this "dibs,"
and they are very fond of eating
it with bread, or they thin it
with water and drink it. This
grapehoney was in use in
Bible times. It was probably
this that Jacob sent to Joseph
in Egypt ( The Oriental winepress.
The winepress of Isaiah's
parable was constructed by
hewing it out of rock ( This work of treading the grapes
was customarily accompanied by
shouts and songs of happiness.
Jeremiah speaks of judgment in
terms of the absence of this
happiness. "And joy and
gladness is taken from the
plentiful field, and from the
land of Moab; and I have caused
wine to fail from the
winepresses: none shall tread
with shouting; their shouting
shall be no shouting" ( The winepress as a figure of
divine judgment. Isaiah
describes the nations as being
put in GOD's winepress where He
treads upon them until His
garments are sprinkled with
their lifeblood ( THE
RENTING OF A VINEYARD Vineyards that are large are
often rented out to one or more
families. When this is done, the
peasant who rents the vineyard
agrees to give half or more of
the products of the grapes. When
harvest-time comes, the owner
will send his servant to secure
his share of the grapes,
raisins, wine, or dibs.13
This illustrates CHRIST's
Parable of the Wicked
Husbandmen, for JESUS in telling
his parables was making use of
familiar practices among the
people. "There was a certain
householder, which planted a
vineyard . . . and let it out to
husbandmen, and went into a far
country: and when the time of
the fruit drew near, he sent his
servants to the husbandmen, that
they might receive the fruits of
it" ( |
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George M. Mackie. Bible
Manners and Customs, p. 43.
2. Edwin W. Rice,
Orientalisms in Bible Lands,
p. 152.
3. E. P. Barrows, Sacred
Geography and Antiquities,
p. 340.
4. Edwin C. Bissell, Biblical
Antiquities, p. 126.
5. "Vineyard." The People's
Bible Encyclopedia, Charles
R. Barnes. ed., p. 1166.
6. For discussion of
vineyard-booths and towers see:
Bissell. Op. cit., pp. 12-13;
Rice, op. cit., pp. 152. 153.
7. Mackie. op. cit., p. 44.
8. Rice, op. cit., pp. 151, 152.
9. Mackie. op. cit., pp. 45-47.
10. G. Robinson Lees. Village
Life in Palestine. p. 147.
11. See Rice, op. cit., p. 154;
also "grape-honey." The
People's Bible Encyclopedia,
p. 500.
12. Mackie, op. cit., pp. 45,
13. Rice. op. cit., p. 152. |